
HCS re-organisation heads towards a "plan B"

The planned re-organisation of the HCS (which in essence would see the end of the traditional elements of the armed forces such as the army and air force to be re-organised along functional lines) looks like it is in danger of hitting the buffers. Following a couple of months of intense work by a working party a leaked memo indicates that the re-organisation would be "too costly", "throw the HCS into chaos for at least a decade" and most damningly "might not provide the improved flexibility and cost savings as originally envisaged".

A source close to the working party has told a UNP newspaper that the plan is "basically dead" and instead a plan B is being explored. This would retain the traditional arms of the armed forces but would see the creation of a new HCS Strategic Forces which would include ICBMs, CSM and special forces like Red Lizard. HCS Territorial Forces would see the hiving off of planetary garrisons and much of the army and air force. The Space Navy would also gain a dedicated Space Marines for amphibious operations, these troops coming from the army.

The HCS Army and HCS Air Force would become much smaller organisations based along rapid deployment and to provide a qualitative edge for key parts of the empire and for planetary conquest (the marines intended only to be strong enough for building a bridgehead). Although still ambitious the new plan is a lot more doable according to sources and is much more like the original HCS re-organisation plan. It is hoped to put the outline of a plan before Oojok by October and if he agrees then detailed plans will be worked on for next Summer.