
Other Fleet News (01/06/10)

The Dinos

The Dinos have added some much needed ships to their fleet as production rates ramp up. 3 Dinomark PTs and 4 Dinomark XTs have joined the fleet plus 2 further XTs have been re-militarised and transferred back to the military from the weather reconnaissance service. One more Dinomark MX has also been delivered though others on order are now on hold. 


The Raegris have also received a much needed fleet boost. A PC-1 (Pentekonter-E) has joined their fleet and immediately joined the forces awaiting the Bolitic.

Bolitic Confederacy

The Dinos (with DDS help) have revised Bolitic fleet strengths following intelligence at the shipyards at Castarian. They estimate 2 new Snarls have joined the fleet and 4 more Meltinans.