
CNS Cloneworld enters service

The first new aircraft carrier for the HCS Navy, CNS Cloneworld, has officially entered service following the successful completion of extended trials and a work-up to service. It is an indication of the current scarcity of fixed wing carrier aircraft the HCSNAS suffers from though that the first deployment the carrier will make over the rest of the year will see it operate as a helcopter carrier supporting an anti-piracy sweep in islands to the north of the main Cloneworld landmass.

CNS Cloneworld has also replaced CNS Ailier as the fleet flagship. It will be joined by it's sister ship CNS Clone Empire next year. Only two of the Cloneworld class of carrier will be built for the Cloneworld fleet (a similiar ship is being built for Austini 55). The next class of carrier will be a lot bigger though will not enter service until late in the decade.