
Bolitic ask for more Reptoli Tuuls

Intelligence sources in the Utrek Federation have said the Bolitic have asked the Utrek to sell them more Reptoli Tuul warships. The Bolitic have asked for 5 more of the ships which equip the Emperor's Chosen Men elite unit. The DDS have warned the Utrek not to sell them any ships however saying that it would harm future relations between the two powers.

Whether the Utrek will sell the ships is down more to the state of the Utrek fleet more than anything else. The Utrek's long war with the Mantae is now considered over (though the Mantae have not been defeated militarily) and the Utrek fleet is said to be in pretty poor state after the long attritional war. The Utrek may decide keeping 5 RTs for themselves will be better than any Bolitic coin.