
Operation Raegris Relief

Operation Raegris Relief, a detachment of ships to help defend Raegris space while they are getting their own fleet back together, has left Solaris and is due to reach Raegris in 2 weeks. The deployment is notable because it is the first combat deployment of an Olympus 23A class carrier. R151 Olympus Mons will act as the deployment's flagship and is also carrying a squadron of Ferret UCVs. The deployment is raising a few eyebrows because some of the ships, like the reserve minesweeper Cleon and the training frigate Pyris are second-line ships but the DDS said all ships in the deployment are capable warships armed with TPMs.

There can be no denying though that the DDS' fleet resources are a bit strained at the moment. A second deployment is due to leave Proxima 7 soon bound (it is thought) for ABBO space and the DDS need to maintain strong forces in it's own territory for defence too.

R151 Olympus Mons (flagship)
D153 Progress
F102 Silurian
X901 Cleon
T102 Pyris
A150 Refinery