
Dinos suffer disaster in Bolitic/ABBO trap; ZBH killed

The Dinos have lost 13 ships including the fleet flagship DM1 (a Dinomark RS) in a trap sprung by the Bolitic and ABBOs. It is thought the Dinos were fed intelligence that the Bolitic Emperor Borca was to visit the front line and so a powerful fleet was sent under the command of ZBH to attack the Bolitic. The Dinos did not find the Emperor but they did find a powerful ABBO fleet to assist the Bolitic instead.

In the battle 13 out of 27 Dino ships were destroyed including the flagship DM1. Senator ZBH was killed during the battle. As well as the RS, an NG, 3 PTs and 9 XTs were destroyed. It is thought 8 Bolitic warships were destroyed. The Dinos report destroying 2 Snarls, 3 Helwins and 5 Meltinans. They also report destroying 37 ABBO ships.

Despite these kills there is no doubt that the Dinos have suffered a major defeat here. ZBH is the highest ranking Dino to have been killed in battle for a very long time. The loss of one of the precious few RS will also be very keenly felt. Some DDS analysts even think the Dinos may be unable to continue the war.