
Aritans reaffirm commitment to DDS

The Aritans have laughed down suggestions by the Bolitic Emperor Borca that they should leave the DDS. The Aritan government has made a proclamation reaffirming their commitment to the alliance with the DDS. "When we became the closest ally of the DDS we know that some days would be bad. But what is the alternative?" the Aritan leader Dalanki said in a televised address.

"Only a fool would believe the Bolitic and ABBOs would allow us to be unhindered if we left the DDS. The truth is we would be easy to pick off at their leisure once the DDS had been destroyed. If they could destroy the DDS then we would be a snack in comparison to a banquet!

"Only in alliance with the DDS can we be strong and protected. We will rebuild with DDS help and our own resolve, we will be stronger than before!"

There has been a demonstration in the capital about being in the DDS however but riot police pacified the demonstrators and showed them the error of their ways.


Dinos deploy TPM-1

Around 100 TPM-1 missiles supplied by the DDS have been deployed to Dinomarks at Dino-Land and Pulsin. The Dinos have said that because supplies are still limited then firing the missiles will be restricted to conserve stocks. The DDS will supply a second batch of the 350 missiles to be supplied this year next week. They have also "thrown in" 10 Canister TPM kits to be fitted to Dino transports.

The new weapon will be hoped to allow the Dinos to regain some initiative in the war. Recent defeats have seen the Dino war effort drift alarmingly.

Borca to DDS allies : "Leave the DDS while you still can!"

Bolitic Emperor Borca has made an address, nothing too unusual there as Bolitic Barons love the sound of their own voice, but in this case his intended audience were the various allies of the DDS. He called on them to leave the DDS before it was too late.

"The Bolitic Confederacy and the ABBOs do not have an argument with the Raegris, Aritans, Remedians, Sirikwanese or other DDS and Dino allies. However they risk oblivion by remaining allied to powers whose star is falling. The DDS especially are using their weaker allies as cannon fodder to save their own precious hides!

"Take the attack on New Arit earlier. Where was the DDS then as the ABBOs were cutting through the vintage ships the DDS have unloaded on the Aritans? Where was the DDS when the ABBOs were pounding military installations on New Arit? Where were the DDS when the Raegris were fighting the Vosun whom we were assisting as allies. The Bolitic help their allies, the DDS and Dinos exploit theirs.

"Aritans, Raegris, Remedians : your blood is shed for the DDS! For hew-mons who will use your men's sacrifice for their own gain and then when you have nothing left to give they will move in and rape your lands and dishonour your women!

"So i call upon these allies or shall i say victims of the DDS. Leave them now! Let them fight their own fight! The Bolitic and ABBOs will no longer attack you if you leave the DDS and kick them off your lands. If you stay with them then you will be in the firing line and will be destroyed."

Sirikwan to send ships to help New Arit

Sirikwan are to send 3 ships to New Arit to help defend the planet until they can get their own fleet back up and running following the serious losses incurred in battle against the ABBOs (the Aritans lost 8 ships in total and several others badly damaged enough to be out of action for months). The DDS are also sending a detachment of ships.

Two Helwin patrol ships and a Relan mult-role support ship will leave Sirikwan later today and arrive at New Arit by the end of the week.

CNS Cloneworld enters service

The first new aircraft carrier for the HCS Navy, CNS Cloneworld, has officially entered service following the successful completion of extended trials and a work-up to service. It is an indication of the current scarcity of fixed wing carrier aircraft the HCSNAS suffers from though that the first deployment the carrier will make over the rest of the year will see it operate as a helcopter carrier supporting an anti-piracy sweep in islands to the north of the main Cloneworld landmass.

CNS Cloneworld has also replaced CNS Ailier as the fleet flagship. It will be joined by it's sister ship CNS Clone Empire next year. Only two of the Cloneworld class of carrier will be built for the Cloneworld fleet (a similiar ship is being built for Austini 55). The next class of carrier will be a lot bigger though will not enter service until late in the decade.

Aritan fleet wrecked in ABBO battle, New Arit bombarded

Earlier today a fleet assembled by the Aritans desperatly battled a powerful ABBO war fleet that had entered it's space. Although greatly outnumbered the Aritans did put up a good showing and managed to destroy 31 ABBO ships though lost 7 of their own, a big chunk of their fleet, plus a number of damaged ships. Two Intrepids, 1 Solaris, 3 Kalahati Tuuls and a Pentekonter-E have been reported as lost along with 21 Ferret-E drones.

New Arit was bombarded for an hour after the Aritan fleet had been defeated and several orbital installations destroyed. The ABBOs concentrated on military facilities on the surface which kept civilian casualties down but it is estimated over 100,000 Aritans were killed on the surface. The ABBO fleet has now withdrawn. A DDS fleet will reach New Arit within a few hours, a relief convoy is also en route.

The Aritan fleet has been wrecked although they do have undamaged ships which were elsewhere and now have been recalled to home base. One Aritan commentator has said that the Aritans have found out the reality of life as a DDS ally. "Its not all free or subsidised ships, sometimes there is a blood sacrifice too."


Aritan ship destroyed by ABBOs, fleet approaching New Arit?

The Solaris II class ship Ma lska of the New Arit fleet has been destroyed by the ABBOs near to the border of Aritan space and the Rim Worlds. It is now thought a major ABBO war fleet is approaching New Arit. The Aritans are assembling as many ships as they have available (but it will be a little less than half of their available fleet due to ships being elsewhere or in maintenance). The DDS will be unable to get reinforcements to New Arit until after the ABBOs arrive (estimated at early tomorrow).

The Aritan Army has been put on full alert and the Aritans are trying to evacuate the centre of their capital city in case the ABBOs launch an orbital attack or even an invasion.

DDS attack ABBO planet

The Windscorpion led Total Might deployment has launched an attack on an outlying ABBO planet (known to the ABBOs as 0110101011001011101010110001 - give or take a 1) causing massive damage to a couple of bases on the planet following a nuclear strike by Pulsar 12A bombers.

Sixteen ABBO warships were destroyed in the battle, the DDS suffered no losses though a couple of ships did receive damage. The ABBO planet attacked is near DDS South which indicates the talk of an attack through the Rim Worlds was a ruse to throw the ABBOs off balance.

It is not known if Windscorpion intends to push deeper into ABBO territory or not. His force is powerful but wouldn't be a match for a major ABBO war fleet.
Hidden Camera
The war hots up between the DDS and ABBOs.

Sempson replaces ZBH in the senate

Well regarded but rather low profile Tribune Sempson has been promoted to the Senate to replace ZBH and will be the new Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry. The Liberals and independents resisted Imperial Order's attempts to promote Razorback to the Senate saying it would give Ronald's party too much power. Sempson is an independent and also well regarded by both sides as being quietly competent.

Ronald will be satisfied with Sempson however, no less because the new Senator is a supporter of the war and not part of the Republic who wish to see peace with the Bolitic.

Ronald delivers broadside to "peace lovers"

Ronald has given a speech to the Dino Republic and was in full war-hawk mode as he blasted the "peace lovers" for preferring "the comfort of their sideboards" to the "soverignty of the Dino people". He delivered a blistering broadside at the Liberal Party whom he called a "nest of vipers and Quislings who seek to destroy all we hold dear in the Dino Republic!"

"What Dino-Land do we want? A land of quivering wimps where we tremble every time the Bolitic or Tarbotians fart? A land of sadness, self-loathing and despair? Or do we want a land of strength? A land of heroes? A land of glory? Woof! Woof!"

Ronald has an unlikely ally in the fightback against the Jimmy-led drift into appeasement. Senator MBH the Governor of Pulsin is also angry at how the Dino war effort is drifting.

Jimmy wants peace

Consul Jimmy has said the war with the Bolitic has become too costly and the Dinos should seek a negotiated settlement with the Bolitic. He made these remarks following the latest setback in the war and the loss of ships has entered 3 figures.

His fellow Consul Cruggson has said that the Bolitic are unlikely to want to pack up and go home after their successes. "What are we going to do, cede Pulsin to them? If we don't defeat the Bolitic in this war then the Dinos will be a joke galactically."

Dinos suffer another setback as third Bolitic wave lands on Pulsin

The Dino Republic resolve in the war is in danger of collapsing after a limp battle to try and prevent a third landing of Bolitic land forces on Pulsin ended in failure and more lost ships. The Bolitic attack had been long expected  and when a force of 36 ships (including 19 troop ships) advanced towards Pulsin the Dinos sent a fleet of 26 Dinomarks.

In the battle that ensued 4 Bolitic ships (a Helwin and 3 Meltinans) and 7 Dinomarks (2 PTs, 5 XTs) were lost. It is thought one troop ship was destroyed but this has not been confirmed. The Dinos (according to DDS observers) showed little appetite for the battle and the Bolitic were able to get into orbit and land an estimated 350,000 fresh troops at the bridgehead.

Ronald has called an emergency meeting of the Senate, still reeling after the death of ZBH. Ronald knows he has to get the Dinos to regain their focus quickly or the war could be lost. Morale is said to be rock bottom across the Republic.


Dinos announce day of mourning for ZBH

Consul Jimmy has announced that tomorrow will be a day of mourning for Senator ZBH who died in battle a couple of days ago. The decision to do this in a war is a little controversial with Senator MBH saying "Thousands have died in the war so far, are we going to give each one their own day of mourning? We'll likely be here until the next century!"

Senator Spikeson, ZBH's Liberal Party colleague, has meanwhile questioned the wisdom of continuing the war. In comments, likely to have been endorsed by Jimmy, he said that the Dinos should be entering a dialogue with the Bolitic before any more senseless killing.


Jimmy laments ZBH

Consul Jimmy has lamented Senator ZBH who was killed in battle against the ABBOs and Bolitic. Jimmy said that the Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry would be very hard to replace. "ZBH was a very intelligent man, hugely popular in the Liberal Party and beyond and we will all miss him deeply."

There is no word yet as to who will replace ZBH in the Senate though the Senate Executive Officer Razorback is considered "next in line" for promotion. He is an Imperial Order member though which would give them too much of an advantage in the Senate for some people's tastes.

Dinos suffer disaster in Bolitic/ABBO trap; ZBH killed

The Dinos have lost 13 ships including the fleet flagship DM1 (a Dinomark RS) in a trap sprung by the Bolitic and ABBOs. It is thought the Dinos were fed intelligence that the Bolitic Emperor Borca was to visit the front line and so a powerful fleet was sent under the command of ZBH to attack the Bolitic. The Dinos did not find the Emperor but they did find a powerful ABBO fleet to assist the Bolitic instead.

In the battle 13 out of 27 Dino ships were destroyed including the flagship DM1. Senator ZBH was killed during the battle. As well as the RS, an NG, 3 PTs and 9 XTs were destroyed. It is thought 8 Bolitic warships were destroyed. The Dinos report destroying 2 Snarls, 3 Helwins and 5 Meltinans. They also report destroying 37 ABBO ships.

Despite these kills there is no doubt that the Dinos have suffered a major defeat here. ZBH is the highest ranking Dino to have been killed in battle for a very long time. The loss of one of the precious few RS will also be very keenly felt. Some DDS analysts even think the Dinos may be unable to continue the war.
Crimes Against Children
It is a dark day for the Republic...

DDS stop Utrek transport bound for Bolitic

The DDS have halted and boarded a civilian Utrek transport in Remedian space. The transport was officially bound for the IKA Federation though was rather off course if that was the case. It's course heading was likely Castarian in the Bolitic Confederacy. It is thought that a navigation error caused them to stray in Remedian space.

The DDS found several hundred thousand laser rifles, thousands of grenades and some small armoured vehicles aboard. The Utrek ship is being taken to Remedia Prime where it's cargo will be impounded until the end of the war.


DDS to get Pelican 47Ws in a few weeks

The Dinos are to deliver all 3 Pelican 47W special forces transports to the DDS in a few weeks. All 3 are ex-Dino XT/118ws (though they are only a year or two old). It was feared the Dinos may delay delivering the Pelicans because of their war situation but it is thought the Dinos have prioritised delivery in return for future software updated for the TPM-1 missiles they have recently received from the DDS.

The Pelican 47W class are capable of operating underwater as well as in the air or space and will be operated by the Maritime Support Regiment of the DDS Army and the Marine Prowler special forces unit. The ships will require localisation and thus are not expected to be available for service for a few months afterwards.

SROPS upgrade complete, new build commences

The upgrade of the SROPS combat shuttle fleet to 76B standard has been completed. The upgrade includes further improvements to the docking system, Canister TPM support and improvements to the controls and communications system. It also has support for the forthcoming SROPS Hyperspace Array which is a "strap-on" unmanned vehicle which can give the SROPS a superluminal capability.

The DDS have placed an order for 25 new build SROPS 76Bs also for delivery from next year. New Arit have also ordered 5 for their own fleet.

DDS Army to deploy to Pulsin

The 1st Light Brigade (Arit) is to deploy to Pulsin to fight alongside the Dino Army who are battling Bolitic forces on Pulsin. The DDS want to get some combat experience for their new army and the Dinos are keen for some extra troops though only a small number of the DDS troops at any one time will be at the front line.

Most of the time the troops will be involved with rearguard action and training with Dino troops.


ZBH confirmed as Liberal Party candidate

Senator ZBH has been confirmed as the Liberal Party candidate in the forthcoming Consul election by his leader, and existing Liberal Consul Jimmy. Jimmy said that ZBH would be an outstanding candidate for the Consul election to replace Cruggson at the end of the year. Other high profile candidates are Senators El Diablo, for Imperial Order, and Zanus.

ZBH is understood to be away from Dino-Land on a mission but a pre-recorded message was shown by him where he said he would work to keep Dino-Land strong and bring about a lasting peace.


Quasar fleet to get improved sensors

The Quasar 15A fleet of cruisers will receive an upgrade to their sensors over the next month during scheduled maintenance. Their passive sensors will be replaced with an upgraded system, a new EO sensor will be added and new filtration systems will be installed.

The attack system will also be upgraded to SAS-Q2B and will have improved data linking capabilities.

War Update 22/06/10

  • Sources indicate a major Dino offensive is in the works, spearheaded by one of the Dinomark RS cruisers. It is thought the Dinos are going to try and inflict a serious defeat on the Bolitic fleet which hopefully could force the Bolitic to end the war.
  • The Raegris are planning to get their fleet back up to "60%" availability by the end of the month. They will soon announce a series of orders for new ships to rebuild their badly affected fleet, which could include an order for Velocity-N destroyers.


DDS recruit extra 150,000 troops

The New DDS Army have announced that they have recruited over 150,000 young men and women who will be formed into new brigades of the army, some even volunteered a WM officer reported. DDS Army chief Zeppelin said the first instance was to produce a solid base of troops, then the DDS would aim to form an "elite fulcrum" of a rapid reaction force out of the best units in the army.

Central and Reserve Battlegroups have been renamed the 1st and Reserve Divisions of the army respectively. A 2nd Division has also been named though as yet it's brigades only exist on paper.

The army will also form a number of "heavy brigades" which will be equipped with TRV-5 Tapir IFVs which will be bought off the HCS according to some reports. It is likely the first few hundred will be older ones bought from the HCS Reserve.

T-87 leaves service with HCS

The T-87 Cleanser internal security tank has left service with the HCS. The T-87 was an improved version of the very first HCS tank, the T-86, which was intended for secondary units and internal security operations though only a few 100 were ever built. For the last couple of years the remaining 30 have been used for training but they are now coming to the end of their lives and the HCS have decided to retire them to save money.

This leaves the HCS a three tank force (with the T-88++ on a gradual withdrawal programme), a dramatic reduction from the wide array of types operated by the HCS at the army's peak.

First 6 K-18Ds declared operational

The first 6 K-18D close support aircraft bought by the DDSAF from the Dinos have been declared operational. The first full squadron is expected to be ready before the end of the year. Until then operational planes will be mainly used in training missions but will be ready to use in action. The DDSAF have 150 on order.

In other DDSAF news the F-10S fleet has just received an upgrade to use a new air to ground attack missile, the Seeker, which the DDSAF have just added to their portfolio. The F-10A and NDAA will also be able to use this missile at a later date. The K-18D can already use it.

The Dinos like the RQ-12N Flash NBC reconnaissance drones the DDS have loaned them so much they have decided to buy 4 off the DDS who will build 4 more to replace them.


Can ZBH end the war with an audacious raid?


UV155 : Just When I Needed U Most

  • MR! - Both Gibson and The Boy face the prospect of suicide missions...
  • Prawn Sacrifice - Both SFX and El Diablo get some action...
  • Last Gasp - The Raegris and Bolitic fleets battle...
  • Engaged In Combat - The war against the Bolitic and ABBOs hots up...
  • Inappropriate Touching - Gibson makes Lakes an offer...
  • Glory Hole - TTG has a new victim

Za'Enyu cancels DDS ship order

As expected Za'Enyu have cancelled it's order for Pentekonters, Extenders and Corils worth around 2.4 billion zarks. This is a blow to the DDS exports business but was expected and is likely to be the last major cancellation for awhile unless the war rumbles on for years. Za'Enyu have been approached by the HCS and are thought likely to place an order for Type A, C and J transports.

For now Za'Enyu seems not intending to buy any combat ships which indicates their cancellation may have been budgetary related more than anything. At the time analysts thought the order would be difficult for Za'Enyu to afford.

Isometric makes first DDS worm drive jump

The trials ship SS Isometric has made it's first worm drive jump using the W1A worm drive fitted to it a few weeks ago. Isometric made the jump in unmanned mode, a Dino team assisting a joint team from DDS Engineering and DDS Research. Isometric will make a number of other unmanned jumps before the effort to man-rate the new technology begins. The worm drive will require fine tuning as the fields can have an effect on living creatures. Dino worm drives are not calibrated for humans and so the first few manned trips are expected to have plenty of projectile vomiting and nausea inflicted on the crew before it is perfected. Team Redjec are being lined up for these test trips.

Meanwhile it is thought the Dinos will begin deploying TPMs on selected Dinomarks from next week.

Missileer 2110 Update A

The Missileer 21A/B fleet are to receive a major update over the next few months to improve their combat effectiveness and also to srandardise the fleet to the 21B standard. The updates will take around 4 weeks for a 21A and 1 week for a 21B and will be carried out during scheduled maintenance. The changes include:
  • First 5 Missileer 21A ships bought up to 21B standard, re-engined with HS-740-100A engines and structures strengthened to allow a speed boost to 725c. MRM support will also be added. Cannon upgraded to Z5ti.
  • All ships to receive upgraded databus and communications architecture.
  • Internal arrangement modified to allow TPM load to be increased to 425 missiles.
  • Improved passive sensor array.
  • TPM launchers upgraded to allow for a greater rate of fire.
  • Improved 360 CIWS and secondary laser cannons
  • Various other updates including improved IWC.


War Update 18/06/10

  • A Bolitic Helwin cruiser was destroyed by the Dinos in a hit-and-run raid over the border earlier today. The Helwin was protecting 3 transports which managed to get away. One Dinomark is reported to have sustained serious damage but was able to make it home.
  • Dino artillery has pounded a section of the front-line on Pulsin, one Bolitic war zeppelin was destroyed in an exchange of fire between the two sides. An SS-D unit of 30 men is reported to have been wiped out accidentally by a mis-directed artillery barrage. Solax is punishing the artillery commander.


Raegris Relief reaches ..er.. Raegris

Operation Raegris Relief has reached Raegris to help bolster Raegris defences while they get their fleet back on it's feet following the epic battles with the Bolitic and Vosun 2 weeks ago. However the DDS fleet may not be needed that long, quite a few Raegris ships are already back in action but the DDS may decide to keep the forces in Raegris space in order to use against the Bolitic if they attack the DDS again.

The other DDS deployment, Total Might, has now moored at a position 1 light year from New Arit and has been joined by 3 Aritan ships. It's mission is a secret but it is thought it will mount an attack on the ABBOs.

Major critic of Bolitic war dies mysteriously

Baron Yenowaki, head of a middle-ranking house, has been one of the biggest critics of the Bolitic war effort since the start. Although not one of the most powerful Barons Yenowaki is respected because of his deeds in earlier wars. Recently he called the war a collosal mistake which was just going to leave the Bolitic Confederacy weak for a generation without any gain.

Last night it was reported Yenowaki was killed in what the Emperor's Office has called a tragic accident. Yenowaki was apparently inspecting some of war planes at his HQ when a missile on one of the planes accidentally fired while Yenowaki was walking in front of it. Yenowaki was impaled by the missile and then sent flying into a fuel dump at about Mach 2. A massive explosion then ensued with himself in the middle of it which also destroyed most of the HQ killing hundreds of others. The Emperor said it was a really unfortunate technical problem and said the Bolitic would miss him.

War Update 17/06/10

  • After a couple of quiet days the war on Pulsin suddenly roared back into life overnight with the Dinos making a major attack on the central HQ area of the Bolitic bridgehead. One Dinomark XT was forced to make an emergency landing after being hit by a SAM. The ship was recovered but will need heavy repair. A K-18 was also shot down.
  • The Raegris have begun mass production of space mines. They intend to lay new fields along the borders between their space and the Vosun and Bolitic.


Hoods brigade formed

The 9th Light Brigade (Hood) has been declared operational by the New DDS Army and will form part of the Reserve Battlegroup. Over 3000 Hoods and associates volunteered for the brigade (some even did not require a beating) though at the moment it is only equipped with light weapons. Action Painting is trying to secure some light armour for the brigade.

The Hoods commander said the brigade would be a "haven of professionalism" in a sea of sloth. Most analysts think the brigade is of dubious military value.

Knobhead calls for more forces

DDS South Commander Knobhead has made a call for more forces in his command. DDS South has the minimum of forces needed for patrol circuits and other commitments but he says more ships are needed for cover in case of an ABBO attack. Unfortunately his calls may fall on deaf ears as the DDS is currently stretched though if the Bolitic do concentrate solely on the Dinos as is suspected then ships from DDS North may be sent elsewhere.

To help Knobhead's situation slightly The Orchid has agreed to send more Canister TPM units to equip transports in DDS South with extra firepower.


Dinos hold strategy conference

Senior Dinos including all members of the senate, the SS Commander and senior army commanders have held a 2 day strategy conference on Dino-Land. While the precise details of the conference remain secret it has been reported the Dinos think they can break the Bolitic with one more major space victory.

"It is thought the Bolitic cannot sustain another battle where they lose over 20 ships." an anonymous source said after wards, "They have lost too many ships [over 100] and there are serious pressures at the top of the Bolitic Confederacy. Borca knows he has to deliver a victory or the major Barons will be queuing up to kill him."

"Precious" F-40N crashes

One of the HCSNAS' F-40N carrier fighters has been lost at sea during an exercise as the first new aircraft carrier of the HCS Navy CNS Cloneworld prepares to enter service. The pilot managed to eject and was recovered but the plane was lost. This is serious for the HCSNAS as although they on paper have 60 F-40Ns the vast majority of these rapidly ageing fighters are not able to perform carrier operations.

One HCS blog has now said the HCSNAS only have 6 available fighters to operate off their carrier. The HCSNAS have denied the figure is so low but privately admitted it is not that much higher! Two further aircraft to due to emerge from an overhaul in a couple of months the HCSNAS said. The definitive carrier fighter for the HCSNAS the F-45K is still a number if years away thus for the next few years the HCSN's carriers will be mostly operating with helicopters.

The HCSNAS may consider rebuilding some more F-40Ns so they can operate off carriers however.

El Diablo and Zanus neck-and-neck in first poll

There is still a long time before the Consul election in November (electioneering will not start in earnest until the end of August when all of the candidates are known) but in the first poll it seems El Diablo the Imperial Order candidate has a fight on his hands. Independent Zanus has a slight lead on 32% while El Diablo is on 31%. Although he is not yet an announced candidate the Liberal ZBH polled 23%.

El Diablo can expect a poll boost when his party machine gets to work however as Zanus has little in the way of political organisation. However the ex-head of the army does have a lot of support in the military. Analysts think it will be a close contest all the way.


Inappropriate Touching
Gibson makes Lakes an offer...

AC-491 Combat Cranefly enters service

The AC-491 Combat Cranefly is notable as it is the first major combat aircraft type to be produced only for Benito's half of the Clone Star Empire. It is a gunship version of the C-491 STOL transport and will be used for COIN operations on Austini 55 and other planets in CSE-E. It will also be fitted out as a UCAV control ship at a later stage.

Over time it is expected there will be further divergance between the armed forces of the two halves of the empire though the core of the HCS is expected to remain the same. A committee that includes HCS officers from both sides co-ordinates the specifications of new types. The forthcoming F-47 LLFX for example for the CSE-E will have a modified avionics fit to the CSE-W example.

Fleet News (14/06/10)

F172 Fearless is the second Freedom 41B frigate to join the fleet. It willjoin the patrol pool for now which has been seriously depleted recently making it difficult for the DDS to fulfil all of it's contracted patrol contracts.

L115 Columbia is the latest Pangaea 62A landing ship and joins a fast growing amphibious force. It's first role will be on transport duties though. A161 Heptane is the latest Extender 73A oiler to join the fleet.

F119 Precambrian and F117 Proterzoic are the latest Isometric ILUs, F123 Devonian has begun it's upgrade.

F-47 LLFX specification revealed

The HCSAF's next fighter project, the F-47 or Light Local Fighter (LLFX), has had it's specification locked down. The F-47 will be designed for secondary planets and theatres in the CSE replacing ageing (and expensive to run) F-40s. The F-47 will be a single-engined, subsonic aircraft designed for ease of maintenance and high availability. It will be agile coupled to a decent avionics fit though it's major role will be light strike and sovereignty policing. Aircraft for CSE-E will have a more extensive avionics fit.

CAC have now been given the go ahead to proceed with building a prototype which is expected to be unveiled sometime next year. The HCSAF have placed a provisional order for 1000 aircraft to be delivered after 2112.

War Update 14/06/10

  • A Bolitic Meltinan scout ship was destroyed in an engagement with Dino forces near Pulsin. It is thought the Bolitic ship was waiting to pick up a special forces detachment as a Bolitic shuttle was later also detected and destroyed coming away from one of Pulsin's moons. An SS-D unit checked out the moon later and found a passive sensor station on the surface. The other moons will also now be checked.
  • Unconfirmed reports state the Dinos are preparing for a major raid into Bolitic space though this may wait depending on whether the Bolitic launch another offensive on Pulsin.


Wayne King-Meiouf : Who is next?

Following on from my epic article on past enemies of the DDS and Dinos i thought it would be worth having a look at some potential future enemies...

The Mantae

What we know of the Mantae is scant, apart from they are hard and are enemies of the Utrek. They have been embroiled in a war with the Utrek for a few years now after invading their territory. At one stage 40% of Utrek space was either occupied or under threat but Bolitic assistance has helped pushed the Mantae out of most Utrek territory. The Mantae are said to be a cruel and ruthless enemy who stop at nothing to achieve success.

Victory by the Utrek is by no means assured, indeed some analysts say the Mantae will eventually grind down the Utrek and conquer them. That would put the Mantae on the borders of the DDS and HCS. I know for a fact the DDS have joined a programme to send a Dino unmanned probe to investigate the Mantae and are seeking as much information on them as they can.

The IKA Federation

Beyond the Raegris is an old enemy of theirs known as the IKA Federation. The Raegris have fought wars against them in the past though the IKA have been quiet for the last few years. The Raegris say the IKA are an advanced race of mercantile adventurers with a decentralised organisation. Individual companies seek profile, often armed to the teeth. If they think attacking the DDS could be profitable then they could come our way one day.

Krypton & Neon factions of the 7 Sa Sao

The DDS have battled with, and know about, the Argon and Xenon factions but there are 5 others (or 4 if the Rectoids are a 7SS faction - this is unclear). The Krypton are said to be the most powerful of the factions and although some way off DDS space the development of worm-drives will make the distance between them and the DDS much more manageable.

The Krypton are the most xenophobic of the 7SS factions (the other factions tend to hate aliens, the Krypton hate the fact aliens are still breathing) and would likely relish the chance to face the DDS. The Neon are a weaker faction but rely on a high degree of espionage and intelligence. Indeed they are the spies of the whole 7SS who hire the Neon to gain information on a foe, so it is likely Neon agents are already operating in the DDS and Dino territories.


Wayne King-Meiouf : Whatever happened to...

The DDS and Dinos have faced many enemies over the last few years, some have returned for more than one round (such as the Utrek) but others dropped off the radar after their defeat at the hands of our friends. So whatever happened to...

The Tarbot Federation

In an epic war in the late 2090s the Tarbotians came close to conquering the Central Powers and it required a combined effort by the DDS, Dinos, Remedians and Starbotians to defeat the mighty war machine of Dr Slow but it was really only the death of the maniacal Tarbotian leader which defeated the Tarbotians (though the cream of their fleet and most of their leadership had been lost).

In the years which followed the Tarbotians erupted into civil war as the power vacuum at the top drove several planetary governors to try and seize power. The return of Dr Slow from a parallel universe (it is thought due to a space-time incident) ended the war and the Tarbotians have rebuilt. Apart from a brief minor war a couple of years ago and the odd skirmish the Central Powers have not been bothered by the Tarbotians again. The civil war cost the Tarbotians a lot of territory and it is thought Dr Slow has been concentrating on other areas over the last few years. Recently there has been a definite increase in Tarbotian activity though...

The Green

These mysterious para-dimensional aliens caused the Dinos a lot of trouble in the early 2090s with their mind control. The Dino state came close to collapse because of the trouble caused by them. However the Green further evolved their mental powers but this final evolution was a step too far and they disappeared to a higher dimension never to be heard of again.

The Cabal

These renegrade Dinos attempted to take over the Dino state with a vicious cocktail of drugs, paedophilia and abstract art. At the height of their menace Ronald's youngest son Ronaldson was recruited into their evil organisation, fed plenty of drugs and bummed a lot. Former Emperor Juliawaki was found to the evil mastermind behind the Cabal but in a showdown his evil powers proved no match for Ronald's sword.

The shattered Cabal regrouped and tried to detonate nuclear weapons underground to cause earthquakes and shatter the Dino state. They were later defeated. It is thought a foreign power was by now controlling them (suspected to be the Bolitic). The Cabal have now been crushed utterly.

Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao

The 7 Sa Sao are said to consist of 7 independent tribes or factions (it is unclear if their ethnic cousins the Rectoids (see below) are the 7th faction). The Argon are said to one of the most powerful of the 7 Sa Sao and tried to usurp DDS control over space near Starbot. Windy sent a task force in to deal with the Argon though the fight ended rather inconsequentially.

The Argon are currently not enemies of the DDS, nor friends, though recently Windy did speak to Argon commander Toko again. Another notable Argon leader is Kira who is a total nutter to be honest. At the moment it seems the Argon are not interested in continuing their conflict with the DDS.

The Rectoids

One of the DDS' greatest enemies were the Rectoids who caused the DDS and it's allies a lot of trouble in the mid-2100s including destroying the UNP colony New Britannia (don't bother looking for it on the star map, its gone). Windy led a fleet to defeat the powerful Rectoids but it was Megara who committed maybe the greatest mass crime in human history when he modified biogenic weapons to wipe out billions of Rectoids on their homeworld Recta. The Rectoid fleet responded with a mass suicide dive into their now dead homeworld. The Rectoid state collapsed.

Since then there have been brief skirmishes when Rectoid factions have attempted revenge but it is thought the Rectoids are now busy trying to rebuild their state. One day they may come for revenge but it is likely to be a long time in the future.

The Zones

A species related to the Clones, the Zones were the pirates of the galaxy. Operating out of their planet Zoneworld the Zones were the scourge of the spacelanes. Until they got too ambitious and became allies of the Utrek that is. Their task was to occupy the DDS while the Utrek crushed the Remedians. Unfortunately for the Zones promised help from the Utrek was not forthcoming and the DDS nuked their planet to oblivion.

What is left of the Zone race now lives as part of the Clone Star Empire (mainly on Colom) though there are a number of pirate groups still operating. Their menace is much reduced these days however.

Porquat 640

Plucky Porquat 640 attacked and invaded New Arit in the early 2100s and when the 3 Central Powers told them to resist they decided to stay and fight. Despite facing the DDS, Dinos and HCS Porquat 640 held their own for quite a while (mostly because of the weak state of the DDS and Dinos at the time following the Tarbotian war and the general lack of co-operation between the 3 Central Powers).

When the DDS started taking the Porquatians seriously (the HCS dropped out) then the Porquatians were crushed. Recently Porquat 640 has finally been able to rebuild it's fleet and has recently asked to become a DDS ally. Arit was left virtually destroyed after the war and became the Tier 1 DDS ally it is today.

Aritans successfully demonstrate Kalahati Tuul UCV mothership

The Aritans have demonstrated the use of one of their reconditioned Kalahati Tuuls as a UCV mothership. The Aritans have modified the ship's docking bay and also added an extra UCV hangar underneath the ship which has a pressurised section for maintenance on UCVs. The Aritans say the Kalahati Tuul can carry up to 10 Ferret's in it's hangar plus extra drones carried externally. A UCV control centre has also been built in a former store room near to the hangar.

Three of the ten KTs have been modified so far and the Aritans plan to modify all of them by next year though not all ships will be used for UCVs.

HCS Fleet News (11/06/10)

The first of 3 new build Soulaki SLBK battlecruisers has been delivered to the HCS Space Navy. It is possible the HCS may increase the number built to 5 if the first SLBK performs well in service. In the past the Soulaki has been dogged by minor problems and poor reliability which has soured their impression with the HCS though potentially they are very good warships.

Another Molentic Tuul MTA has been upgraded to MTM standard. The HCS hope the rest of the MTAs can be upgraded fairly swiftly now. The Thresher ST heavy frigate has however been delayed until 2112 at least indicating the HCS may be having second thoughts on the type especially now as the Shark SKH is likely to be in production for a number of years yet.

A Type B transport has been withdrawn from service, it may be sold to Sirikwan.

SS Isometric arrives at Dino-Land for worm-drive

The DDS research ship SS Isometric has arrived at Dino-Land (crewed) for fitting with it's worm-drive. A DDS Engineering team has travelled on the ship and will fit the W1A drive themselves under supervision by the Dinos. Another DDS Engineering team will help the Dinos modify their missile launchers and combat systems for TPM-1 missiles (a much easier task than the worm-drives!)

A DDS Engineering spokesman said that integrating an alien piece of technology would be challenging but not impossible. "We have integrated alien technology such as Raegris 360 CIWS before, Open Architecture as used on DDS ships makes the process of integration easier."

Isometric will return to Solaris (under traditional power) before beginning a series of tests, including computer similations, unmanned worm-drive trips and culimating in some manned tests.


Kingfisher 38B class to be added to fleet

In a surprise move the DDS are to add 5 Kalahati Tuuls to their fleet for a short time period to add to the available patrol asset fleet and release more ships for the combat fleets. The 5 ships which come from more than one source (some are believed to be ex-HCS) are currently being given a refurbishment, localised for the DDS and fitted with TPM and DDS communications gear. They will be made ready for up to 5 years service though it is likely they will be withdrawn at the end of the war and sold on.

The 5 ships will be known as the Kingfisher 38B class (the 38A being the ex-Remedian KTs) and are expected to enter service from the Fall. A DDS spokesman said the ships were old but would be fine for second-line duties.

War Update 10/06/10

  • The Bolitic launched a counter-offensive on Dino positions on Pulsin yesterday, trying to retake territory recently lost to the Dinos. The Bolitic offensive quickly ground to a halt in poor weather. Two K-18s were shot down by Bolitic ground fire, a Bolitic war zeppelin was also destroyed.
  • A DDS Coril shuttle, thought to be a Coril 86A special forces ship, was damaged by a Bolitic Meltinan just inside the Bolitic border near Castarian. The Coril managed to damage the Meltinan in return with it's Canister TPM and was able to limp to a nearby DDS fleet position.


Engaged In Combat
The war against the Bolitic and ABBOs hots up.

Ronald blasts "dithering Consuls"

In an extraordinary public attack Ronald has attacked the two Consuls Cruggson and Jimmy for dithering over the conduct of the war with the Bolitic. In a media briefing he said the Dinos needed to be bold and seize the initiative.

"Its clear the Bolitic have lost more ships than they bargained for by this stage so we should be attacking them. Taking the war to them! Attack! Attack! Woof! Woof!"

Ronald then proceeded to bark for several minutes (something he often does these days when he gets excited).

Consul Jimmy sarcastically said in reply that Ronald gave his usual supportive and inspiring speech.

DDS and Dinos sign technology transfer deal

The DDS and Dinos have signed a technology transfer deal which has been endorsed by the Dino Senate and DDS ruling council. Key to the deal is the exchange of hardware and technical information on the Dino worm-drive for the DDS TPM as well as other transfers between the two sides. A large document has been published detailing all of the "small print" including a ban on sales and technology spread to third parties for 20 years.

The full details of the transfer are as follows, the Dinos will give to the DDS :
  • 6 working W1A worm drives plus full technical details and specification and help on setting up production line and integration into DDS systems. As with the TPM the DDS will not be allowed to give or sell worm drive technology to third parties for 20 years, including DDS allies like the Raegris.
  • Energy drain technology
  • Technical updates for the Falcon 47A to bring them to the latest XT standard
  • Improve defensive systems against Bolitic info-weapons
  • Technical details of the nuclear attack missile the Dinos use
In return the DDS will give to the Dinos :
  • TPM-1D schematics and technical information, help in setting up a production line. 350 TPM-1 missiles this year with an option of 200 next year if production is still not set up. The Dinos will not be able to sell or transfer TPM technology for 20 years.
  • Passive sensor technology
  • Vosun-Voth anti-matter weapons
  • 2 SX-98 landing ships
It is known that a Panther 35A is already enroute to Dino-Land with TPM information, a technical team and 25 missile loads. It will return with the first 3 worm drives and technical details.

Bolitic ask for more Reptoli Tuuls

Intelligence sources in the Utrek Federation have said the Bolitic have asked the Utrek to sell them more Reptoli Tuul warships. The Bolitic have asked for 5 more of the ships which equip the Emperor's Chosen Men elite unit. The DDS have warned the Utrek not to sell them any ships however saying that it would harm future relations between the two powers.

Whether the Utrek will sell the ships is down more to the state of the Utrek fleet more than anything else. The Utrek's long war with the Mantae is now considered over (though the Mantae have not been defeated militarily) and the Utrek fleet is said to be in pretty poor state after the long attritional war. The Utrek may decide keeping 5 RTs for themselves will be better than any Bolitic coin.

DDS customers commit to orders

Following the cancelation of a multi-billion zark order for DDS warships by Artensis 60 there was the fear other customers may also cancel their orders. Molab was quick to commit to their outstanding orders (including for the Isometric-M and Pentekonter-EMM). Sirikwan and Sear N7 have also said they are willing to wait. Porquat 640 have not commented on it but as they are keen to improve relations with the DDS it is unlikely they will cancel their orders.

Putri 500 is said to be unhappy about having to wait for it's ships. It will receive the Velocity-E it ordered as the ship is already on final trials prior to delivery in a month or so, the DDS will be keen to keep them on-side so may offer some sweeteners.

Za'Enyu and Castaris have both said they are re-evaluating their orders. It is thought Castaris will remain loyal though Za'Enyu have recently been approached by the HCS.

Raegris want to join Corkscrew programme

The Raegris have asked the DDS if they can join the Corkscrew programme though have stop short of saying for definite that they will buy the sloop which is due to enter service with the DDS in a few years. The Raegris say they would like to be able to access technical information on the Corkscrew so they can evaluate if it fits in with their fleet plans.

If the Raegris do buy the sloop then they could replace the PC-1 Pentekonter-Es the Raegris are now introducing for patrol and local defence duties. The PC-1s would be sold on if this happened.

Sea Of Tranquillity speed boosted

Following trials with an unspecified ship the Sea Of Tranquillity 43D class of frigates have been cleared to now travel at 1025c (dash) / 870c (cruise). The engine on the ships was more powerful than those on the 43C but up until now speed has been restricted until the DDS were sure the superstructure was stong enough for the higher stresses.

The DDS plan to re-engine the fleet with a further evolution of the Meson TL-04 engine in the next couple of years though the type is said to be "third on the list" behind the Panther and Quasar for fitting with worm-drive.


Starsystem Combat Update 2110

Reflecting the fact the Starsystem training frigate fleet is likely to be busy backing up the combat fleet over the next few months at least the planned update to the fleet's training systems has been expanded to improve combat performance too. Starsystem Combat Update 2110 will be carried out on the fleet over the next month during existing the maintenance schedules. The update includes :
  • Latest cyber security updates
  • Improved communications sub-system with extra bandwidth and support for latest datalinks
  • Improved user interface on primary systems
  • Latest Z5m cannon update
  • Various other software updates
The two ships put on the reserve list have been restored to full service. As these two ships are less up to date than the rest of the fleets it is likely these two will be the ones used on actual training missions while the rest perform patrols, reconnaissance et cetera.

NDAA given go-ahead for production

The DDS have cut short it's final tests of the NDAA (Next DDS Attack Aircraft) and declared it ready for full production. A new factory on Proxima 5 will now begin to gear up for production to start in a couple of months. The DDS aim to get the first new planes in service by the end of the year with deliveries by the mid-Fall.

The DDS said all test results were positive so there was no need in wasting time though an unnamed DDSAF official said that the DDS were taking a risk in rushing the new type.

Artensis 60 cancel DDS orders, plump for HCS warships

Artensis 60 placed a huge order for Isometric-E, Pentekonter-E and Extender-E warships last year for deliveries from 2112. However the war has caused all ship deliveries to export customers to be delayed and Artensis were told they may have to wait until 2114 for their ships. Artensis, already a buyer of HCS air and land weapons recently, have instead decided to cancel their 6 billion zark order and will buy HCS warships.

Artensis have ordered 10 Shark-E frigates, 7 Type A transports, 3 Type C transports and 3 Type J oilers in a deal thought to be similiar in value to the DDS order. Delivery dates have yet to be set but are said to be much earlier than the DDS dates. This is a worrying sign for the DDS who could see more cancellations if the war continues though their top customer Molab has recently said it would remain a DDS customer.

Artensis' order for Dinomark XTs remains unaffected.

Borca refocusses Bolitic effort on Dinos

Emperor Borca is understood to have told the Barons involved in the attack on the Raegris that he will not send any ships to reinforce their shattered fleets. The Bolitic Confederacy will now concentrate on the Dinos only though he did admit that the Raegris diversion had been useful in diverting DDS and Raegris attention from helping the Dinos. This of course leaves the Vosun high and dry as their fleet has been smashed for no apparent gain. There has already been unrest across Vosun which had to be brutally put down by the Vosun Imperial Guard.

Borca wants the foothold on Pulsin solidified and it is understood a third wave of troops is currently waiting near Castarian for a new attack on Pulsin.

War Update 08/06/10

  • A Bolitic Meltinan scout ship has been destroyed by the Dinos near to Pulsin. It is thought the ship's cloak failed allowing a nearby patrol to catch it and destroy it. No damage was caused to the Dino ships. This is the 100th confirmed loss of a Bolitic warship since the war began.
  • A Solaris and 2 Kalahati Tuuls of the Aritan fleet have returned to dock for preparation to join the DDS fleet thought to be going to attack the ABBOs through the Rim Worlds
  • DDS special forces have found and destroyed an ABBO communications relay station in the Rim Worlds according to reports.

Porquatians deny they are to join the war

The Porquatian government has come out with a statement denying it will join the war, saying it will maintain it's neutrality. The DDS have also said there are no such talks however they did say a DDS and Porquatian meeting was held a few days ago to discuss various undisclosed matters.

A military alliance would be controversial on both sides. It is less than 10 years since the old Porquatian fleet was destroyed by the DDS and the other central powers and only a few years since the lifting of military sanctions and restrictions on rearmament. The Aritans are still rebuilding the damage caused to their planet by the Porquatian invasion.


DDS in talks with Porquat 640 about joining the war?

There are unconfirmed reports that the DDS are in discussion with Porquat 640 about them joining the war as a DDS ally. Porquat 640 is near to the Rim Worlds and it is known they have often been caught in the crossfire in ABBO wars in the past. If they could be added to the DDS' war effort then they would be a powerful ally with a decent fleet of powerful warships and an undeniable military pedigree.

This will not make the Aritans happy though, memories of the Porquatian conquest of New Arit are still fresh in their minds even if the old military regime which ran Porquat 640 in the past was destroyed by the DDS, Dinos and HCS in the short war that followed. Porquat 640 is already a customer of DDS ships (though have received none of them yet) but its not known what their price may be to join the fight.

Maritime Support Regiment declared operational

The Maritime Support Regiment of the New DDS Army has been declared fully operational. Although part of the Central Battlegroup it's role will be in coastal and river areas at strategic points across the UNP. Its first patrols will be near to the Hexian nuclear power station just along the coast near DDS GHQ and a river delta near DDS Engineering's HQ on Solaris.

A Prowler unit specialising in naval operations is still some way away a DDS spokesman said but would be added in due course.

SS Isometric being readied for worm drive?

Although the technology transfer talks are still ongoing it is thought highly likely the DDS will get their hands on Dino worm-drive (in return for the Dinos getting transphasic weapon technology). The trials ship SS Isometric is understood to have finished it's current round of testing of unmanned operation equipment early leading the media to speculate that the first DDS ship to receive a worm drive will be Isometric.

As Isometric can be operated remotely it would be the ideal platform for initial testing which could be carried out on the ship in unmanned mode until the worm drive is man rated. It is thought that the first "production" ships to receive worm drives will be the Panther 35A destroyers.

Merlin destroyed by Bolitic

Falcon 47A patrol ship P134 Merlin has been destroyed in Dino space. The Falcon was returning to Dino-Land for some work on some unspecified "technical issues" (the Falcon being a Dinomark XT of course) when it was ambushed by 3 Snarls. The Bolitic probably thought Merlin was a Dino ship but they are probably not that choosey.

The Orchid said the technical issues were not the reason Merlin was destroyed. "Defensive systems were all operating fine but if a small ship like a Falcon is trapped by 3 Snarls there is only really going to be one outcome." It is thought however that Merlin was not carrying any TPMs to prevent any secrets being compromised. This policy may now be revised.

War Update 07/06/10

  • A Dinomark XT has been written off following a crash landing on Pulsin. The XT was directing a K-18 attack on Bolitic positions when it was hit by ground fire. 6 K-18s were also destroyed.
  • The DDS say a decision on technology transfer between themselves and the Dinos will be officially announced later in the week.


DMS cleared for service

The DDS Minesweeping System (DMS) has been cleared for operational use. This will eventually replace the HCS designed SPECNES system as fitted to the DDS minesweeping fleet though there are no dates yet for when the systems will be replaced.

The ABBOs do not use mines thus there has been little need for the minesweeping force yet. Indeed the Pentekonter-Ms have been mostly employed on patrol duties in order to release other ships for combat operations.

Raegris seek to rebuild their fleet

The Raegris fleet has suffered terribly in the war so far with a lot of ships destroyed and much of the rest of their fleet damaged. One unconfirmed report states that the Raegris only have 4 ships currently in working order!

The Raegris have announced two ship orders to help rebuild their fleet. The first is a contract for 10 RC-2C Yel'Tema cruisers. The Raegris have 8 of these ships currently (which people will better know as the licence built HCS Cosmos design). The 10 new ships will be to the updated RC-2B standard but with extra close-in auxiliary weapons. The DF-1 order has been increased to 11 ships which will see an eventual DF-1 fleet of 20 ships (barring any more losses).

The Raegris are also looking into adopting the Solaris-III/Velocity-E design for themselves. They are already building the ship for the DDS and export orders but no order has been placed yet.
Last Gasp
The Raegris and Bolitic fleets battle.

Windy says DDS will take initiative

Though Windscorpion did not specify what the DDS fleet under his command which has just left port will be doing he did say the "Total Might" deployment will be taking the "initiative".

"We will be taking the initiative in this war, the ABBOs have come to us and tried to defeat us so maybe its time they had a taste of their own medicine."

He also confirmed that the deployment is making for New Arit first where it will be joined by 3 Aritan warships thought to be a Solaris scout ship and 2 Kalahati Tuuls equipped with Ferret-E drones.


Mystery of DDS "departmental" ships

Two ships have just been listed on the DDS register as part of their Departmental Fleet but there are suspicions that their real role is not training and trials. The first ship is one of two ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls which are said to be going to be used for research and development trials. However insiders have said that X152 X-Ray is really being used by DDS special forces though the DDS are denying this.

The second ship is ex-Bolitic. It is a Helwin class cruiser which the Bolitic exported to a customer some years ago, was obtained by the Molab (the original owner has not been disclosed) and has now been sold to the DDS as a training ship for "aggressor" training. There is speculation however that the sole Alpha Centauri 93X class ship is also to be used on "black ops".

DDS continue Helwin loan with Sirikwanese

Last year the DDS loaned two of Sirikwan's Helwin class patrol ships to help the DDS train against Bolitic built warships. In return the DDS loaned Sirikwan it's surplus Pentekonter X902 Xerxes. The loan period has been extended until the end of the year although the DDS have not been involved in fighting the Bolitic forces much.

It has been reported by an unconfirmed source that the DDS have bought their own Helwin too off an Eritran nation (perhaps Molab, though they are said to have got it themselves off someone else). The ship may be refurbished and used as a training ship.

Operation Total Might

A very powerful fleet has just left Proxima 7 under the command of Windscorpion. The fleet which includes a Pulsar attack wing is likely to be bound for ABBO space though the DDS are not reporting on the deployment's mission just that it is going to undertake "various missions".

F103 Carboniferous (flagship)
C101 North America
C102 Australasia
C105 Central America
D101 Panther
D106 Lion
D162 Epsilon Eridani
F139 Banda Sea
F140 Celebes Sea
A109 Flying Boxcar
A146 Argus

The inclusion of a Solaris 37C destroyer and a Provider 71A transport is also an indication this is a strategic attack mission. It is thought the Solaris have been fitted with multi-aspect sensors to assist in the attack mission and Providers tend to only accompany deployments like this to carry nuclear weapons.

Operation Raegris Relief

Operation Raegris Relief, a detachment of ships to help defend Raegris space while they are getting their own fleet back together, has left Solaris and is due to reach Raegris in 2 weeks. The deployment is notable because it is the first combat deployment of an Olympus 23A class carrier. R151 Olympus Mons will act as the deployment's flagship and is also carrying a squadron of Ferret UCVs. The deployment is raising a few eyebrows because some of the ships, like the reserve minesweeper Cleon and the training frigate Pyris are second-line ships but the DDS said all ships in the deployment are capable warships armed with TPMs.

There can be no denying though that the DDS' fleet resources are a bit strained at the moment. A second deployment is due to leave Proxima 7 soon bound (it is thought) for ABBO space and the DDS need to maintain strong forces in it's own territory for defence too.

R151 Olympus Mons (flagship)
D153 Progress
F102 Silurian
X901 Cleon
T102 Pyris
A150 Refinery

Dinos raid Bolitic staging post

The Dinos have released details of a raid earlier this week on a Bolitic staging post and refuelling point near to Remnatar in the south of the Bolitic Confederacy. An elite force of Dinomark PTs commanded by Senator El Diablo attacked the staging post and destroyed a Helwin, 2 Redhulls and 4 Meltinans plus some transports. The staging post as well was badly damaged and later destroyed by the Bolitic.

As per standard Bolitic practice a Snarl battlecruiser was lying in wait, cloaked, just in case the post was attacked and this soon joined the battle. It was badly damaged and forced to withdraw though did destroy one PT and badly damage another which had to be abandoned and destroyed by the Dinos. Although the Dinos did numerically come out on top it could be argued the victory of El Diablo was somewhat Pyrrhic as the 2 PTs were both top of the line ships with worm-drives and the lost Bolitic ships second-line.


Prawn Sacrifice
Both SFX and El Diablo get some action.


DDS to send relief force to Raegris

The Orchid has congratulated the Raegris for their victory over the Bolitic and also given her commiserations to the families of the Raegris and DDS who died in the battle. She also said that the DDS would send a relief force to help maintain the Raegran borders until they can get their own fleet back up and running (most of their ships are damaged, some seriously).

The Raegris themselves say that they will stop at nothing to defend their homeland from aggression. New ships would be ordered soon to replace those lost the Raegris have said, they are also interested in buying ships similar to the Velocity-N/Solaris which they are building anyway for export and the DDS.

Raegris and Bolitic fleets do battle

The Raegris and Bolitic have waged a major space battle on the edge of Raegris Central District. Around 45 Bolitic ships (plus 3 Vosun ships) met the Raegris fleet in battle, who also had a DDS Quasar in attendance. This ship, C131 Pion, was one of the ships lost in the battle when it was rammed by a Redhull thought to be out of control.

The Raegris took a terrible beating with 4 of their ships destroyed and most of the others damaged to some extent but they managed to hold their line and then, when the Bolitic flagship was destroyed, turned the tide and forced the Bolitic to flee. 14 Bolitic warships were destroyed: a Snarl, 3 Helwin, 1 Redhull and 9 Meltinan. A Vosun warship was also destroyed when it was catapulted into a Raegris DC-1, destroying both ships, by a Bolitic tractor beam. This is not likely to endear the Bolitic to the Vosun (though there isn't really that much the Vosun can do about it).

The Raegris lost a DC-1 cruiser (as mentioned above), 2 DF-1 frigates and an old RC-1 reserve cruiser. The cost to the Raegris has been high but they have managed to hold off a Bolitic invasion and it is likely now the Bolitic will withdraw and concentrate on the Dinos.


Dinos considering Next Generation NG

The Dinos are said to be considering a "Next Generation Next Generation" Dinomark (alluding to what NG actually stands for) NG. With the existing NG fleet being whittled down at an alarming rate the Dinos are in need of a specialist deep space patrol ship and a redesigned NG could be just what they need.

The Dinos have already worked on new NGs in the past and an existing design may be dusted off and updated. Sources indicate the new NG would have aerodynamic refinements (including a new trapezoidal wing), a new engine, worm drive and much better internal design. Consul Cruggson is set to make a decision on whether to go ahead with the new NG in the next few days.

Other Fleet News (01/06/10)

The Dinos

The Dinos have added some much needed ships to their fleet as production rates ramp up. 3 Dinomark PTs and 4 Dinomark XTs have joined the fleet plus 2 further XTs have been re-militarised and transferred back to the military from the weather reconnaissance service. One more Dinomark MX has also been delivered though others on order are now on hold. 


The Raegris have also received a much needed fleet boost. A PC-1 (Pentekonter-E) has joined their fleet and immediately joined the forces awaiting the Bolitic.

Bolitic Confederacy

The Dinos (with DDS help) have revised Bolitic fleet strengths following intelligence at the shipyards at Castarian. They estimate 2 new Snarls have joined the fleet and 4 more Meltinans.

War Update 01/06/10

  • A Dinomark NG has been destroyed when it was caught on the ground at a forward air strip on Pulsin by Bolitic attack drones. 16 drones were destroyed but the NG was totally destroyed, 2 XTs were also damaged but are repairable. Solax has had the head of air defence in the region punished.
  • Solaris has been attacked by an ABBO patrol which managed to evade 3 patrols. No orbital facilities were damaged as the ABBOs were scared off by Ferret UCVs. The Orchid has ordered extra patrols.