
Firm evidence of Bolitic-Utrek co-operation?

Recent reports of notable speed boosts for some Bolitic Snarl battlecruisers (which have been clocked at 500c) has been cited as an example of technical assistance being given to the Bolitic Confederacy by the Utrek. However until now actual concrete evidence of any co-operation has been scant. A few days ago the Raegris presented a dossier to the DDS and Dinos in which they listed 17 concrete examples of Bolitic-Utrek co-operation.

These included photos of Utrek scientists taken by Raegris spies on Castarian, the Bolitic capital. DDS intelligence say they can identify some of the Utrek photographed and indeed they are scientists working for the Utrek military. One is known to be a specialist in propulsion technology. Another example was sigint of a Bolitic weapon test with a new range of energy frequencies for Bolitic weapons being detected, frequencies common to Utrek weapons. A Reptoli Tuul has also been spotted in orbit around Castarian, an unconfirmed report says it has been loaned to the Bolitic Emperor. As for the Emperor a Utrek underground resistance group has confirmed that Aliowaki was a recent visitor to Urlik Utrekia, the capital of the Utrek Federation.

Co-operation is not just one-way the Raegris report. The Utrek are understood to be trialing Bolitic style cyberweapons in their long war with the Mantae.