
Interview : Investigator Black Hat

US : Investigator Black Hat, of Team Redjec we welcome-

BH : Team Redject? I am not of the team of that vile slug. Internal Affairs if you please.

US : Yes we have heard you dislike Commander Redjec.

BH : Not at all, i hardly know the person. Commander (ha! He is the DDS bike, he might as well tie a mattress to his front and have done with it!) Redject is a disgusting pus-filled boil but i am sure he is good at something. Probably masturbating over pictures of animals while lying in his own filth.

US : It seems to us you have a problem with him?

BH : With who? Oh the dog rapist? Not at all. Can we move on?

US : We hear that you will shortly be interrogating prisoners aboard Windy's personal ship SS Stoke City soon.

BH : Prisoners? No they are guests. I shall be asking them some questions.

US : Do you use torture in your "questions"?

BH : Only if i feel like a bit of fun... but seriously physical abuse of torture is usually the last resort and is, what i call the "beginner's level" of interrogation. Anyone can beat a helpless prisoner but it takes skill to penetrate the mind of a prisoner, to discover their deepest fears and shames and ruthlessly exploit those to destroy all the prisoner holds dear. To bring down their whole world around them, to crush their hopes. A true pain. Physical pain fades, mental pain lasts forever if done properly. And that is my job...