
Democratic rumblings on Dino-Land

As Dino-Land prepares to go to the polls to decide on the next Consul the fact there appears to be a more open election pending for the post of DDS Commander has causes some campaigners to criticise the closed nature of the current (and last year's) Consul elections.

"It is going to be Jimmy who wins." a democracy campaigner who did not wish to be named said, "Just as last year it was Cruggson. We have been given the illusion of choice by putting up the candidate the establishment want against people who have zero chance of winning. Where is the democracy?"

Senator Ronald, who set up the Dino Republican system, retorted "I admit that this year there is not much of a choice but Jimmy is a highly skilled and honourable Dino who will serve the republic well. next year Imperial Order and the Liberal Party will both be standing so there will be a genuine choice next year."