Prospective DDS Commander The Orchid has made a speech to the DDS in which she laid out her plans for the DDS should she be successful in the election to replace Windscorpion. She said the DDS would be much more proactive. "We will not wait to be burnt by the flames of danger we will go and snuff them out while they were still sparks." she said.
Existing planned ship building programmes would be maintained but she would also look into increasing the numbers of heavy warships. She said she would commission a design study into a light cruiser that would fill the gap between the Quasar and Panther classes. Allies would also be further integrated into the DDS structure with a roadmap for improvement in the DDS' satellite fleets (Aritans, Voth and Remedians) published that the allies would have to stick to.
"The DDS of the future will be a more cohesive and professional outfit where everyone will know their task and all tasks will be as vital as each other. We will foster a meritocracy where excellence is rewarded and sloth is punished." she said.
She also said plans for the New DDS Army would be accelerated in order for the DDS to be able to field a full armoured rapid reaction division by 2112.
Sea Urchin has meanwhile said that the deadline for other candidates to announce their candidacy will be by the end of the week.
Other Fleet News (30/11/09)
The Dinos have received their 6th SX-98 landing ship. For now no more will be ordered but the Dinos have indicated they would like to double their fleet sometime in the future. Jimmy election as Consul means the Dino defence budget is likely to be reduced for a time. The Dinos have already reined in various programmes with the PT and XT lines down to miminal rate. Around 30 XTs in the reserve fleet are likely to be sold off to private buyers to raise funds.
Following the Xenon disaster Captain Clone and Benito Clone have been thrashing out plans for a major fleet expansion programme. Details of this will be covered in separate articles.
The first PC-1 patrol ship has begun trials. This is the Raegris version of the Pentekonter-E and is equivalent to a mid-range model though with Raegris specific equipment and interiors. 6 will be bought by the Raegris to serve on patrol and governance duties.
The first 2 refurbished and modernised Kalahati Tuuls for the Molab fleet have been completed by a DDS Engineering team located on Molab. 20 ex-Utrek KTs in total will be upgraded to serve as the second-line of the Molab fleet.
New Arit
The Aritans have received their second Extender-E oiler/transport. These ships will allow the Aritans to support their ships away from their own space on patrol and supplement DDS assets.
The Dinos have received their 6th SX-98 landing ship. For now no more will be ordered but the Dinos have indicated they would like to double their fleet sometime in the future. Jimmy election as Consul means the Dino defence budget is likely to be reduced for a time. The Dinos have already reined in various programmes with the PT and XT lines down to miminal rate. Around 30 XTs in the reserve fleet are likely to be sold off to private buyers to raise funds.
Following the Xenon disaster Captain Clone and Benito Clone have been thrashing out plans for a major fleet expansion programme. Details of this will be covered in separate articles.
The first PC-1 patrol ship has begun trials. This is the Raegris version of the Pentekonter-E and is equivalent to a mid-range model though with Raegris specific equipment and interiors. 6 will be bought by the Raegris to serve on patrol and governance duties.
The first 2 refurbished and modernised Kalahati Tuuls for the Molab fleet have been completed by a DDS Engineering team located on Molab. 20 ex-Utrek KTs in total will be upgraded to serve as the second-line of the Molab fleet.
New Arit
The Aritans have received their second Extender-E oiler/transport. These ships will allow the Aritans to support their ships away from their own space on patrol and supplement DDS assets.
Voting begins in Dino election
Voting has begun in the first round of the Dino Consul election. The result will be known before the end of the weekend. There will not be a second round if the winner (expected to be Jimmy) scores over 75% of the vote. This change was bought in to prevent a pointless second round if one candidate dominates.
Unless something seismic happens Jimmy is the next Consul. A recent poll gave him 87% of the vote.
Unless something seismic happens Jimmy is the next Consul. A recent poll gave him 87% of the vote.
HCS go on offensive against Randalf 74 insurgents
A regiment of F-45A fighter bombers was quietly sent to Randalf 74 over the Summer and now have launched a major offensive against human insurgents on the CSE-W planet. The offensive is said to have been planned for some time but it is no doubt the timing is perfect to deflect attention away from the Xenon disaster.
Six insurgent bases came under heavy attack from the fighters with follow-up operations by A-85 COIN aircraft and HCS troops. No aircraft were shot down though two were fired at by SAMs. Over 100 insurgents were either killed or captured. Analysts say the insurgency, which is no longer being backed by the DDS, may now have suffered a terminal blow.
Six insurgent bases came under heavy attack from the fighters with follow-up operations by A-85 COIN aircraft and HCS troops. No aircraft were shot down though two were fired at by SAMs. Over 100 insurgents were either killed or captured. Analysts say the insurgency, which is no longer being backed by the DDS, may now have suffered a terminal blow.
Sea Urchin rules himself out of Commander election
Interim Commander Sea Urchin has ruled himself out of standing in the forthcoming election to decide the new DDS Commander following the retirement of Windscorpion. It is thought he has come to an agreement with The Orchid as to his role in the new DDS administration if The Orchid was to win the election as seems increasingly likely.
Sea Urchin has in fact called on the election to be bought forward to end the uncertainty. The Orchid has not commented on this, she is currently preparing to outlay her manifesto to the DDS. The Windy Massive has meanwhile appealed to a strong rival to stand against her.
Sea Urchin has in fact called on the election to be bought forward to end the uncertainty. The Orchid has not commented on this, she is currently preparing to outlay her manifesto to the DDS. The Windy Massive has meanwhile appealed to a strong rival to stand against her.
Oojok going to take on the Xenon?
Oojok has requested Captain Clone grant him some warships so he can "avenge the fallen". Unfortunately only a small number of ships were allocated by the CSE leader. Oojok's task force departed Cloneworld a couple of days ago with only 4 ships though is likely to be joined by a 5th which is currently on the edge of Xenon space conducting reconnaissance.
What Oojok can do with 5 ships is unknown but he has promised to make the Xenon pay in blood. Some HCS insiders think getting back alive will be an achievement.
What Oojok can do with 5 ships is unknown but he has promised to make the Xenon pay in blood. Some HCS insiders think getting back alive will be an achievement.
Team Redjec is at the forefront of the new DDS revolution
Team Redjec is proud to announce it is pinning it's inconsiderable colours to the mast on the ship that is The Orchid Express as it steams its way through the tunnels and bridges of the DDS to the capital station to make a perfect landing! Yes Captain Redjec Esq is supporting The Orchid in her bid to become the new DDS Commander! A new glorious era of the DDS beckons. An era of professionalism, hard work, austerity and cold showers! The era of softness, comfort, convenience and Quarzism is over because i hate Quarz!
The New New DDS which will stand for personal growth, holistic goal achievement and a full spectrum approach to the myriad problems facing the DDS tomorrow realigned through a systematic and steered action ... er... portfolio. That is what the DDS stands for which is clear is it not? Unlike Quarz's underwear when he is scared by a balloon. I hate Quarz!
I will be at The Orchid's side directing the forces of professionalism. We will clean up the DDS. Leading it to a new era of unparalleled success and technique. We stand for progress, we provide the steer. Quarz is the queer! You see what i did there? I hate him!
Targets will be set to all stakeholders in the future DDS. Targets will have to be achieved or we will be holding a review... I will probably set Quarz a target of not soiling himself every 5 minutes. He will obviously will fail in this as he is a gimp. Ensnared by a vile vaguely female thing. I Redjec am ensnared only by success! Quarz had best soil himself already. When I am in charge... i mean The Orchid is in charge then Quarz is going to pay as i hate him!
The New New DDS which will stand for personal growth, holistic goal achievement and a full spectrum approach to the myriad problems facing the DDS tomorrow realigned through a systematic and steered action ... er... portfolio. That is what the DDS stands for which is clear is it not? Unlike Quarz's underwear when he is scared by a balloon. I hate Quarz!
I will be at The Orchid's side directing the forces of professionalism. We will clean up the DDS. Leading it to a new era of unparalleled success and technique. We stand for progress, we provide the steer. Quarz is the queer! You see what i did there? I hate him!
Targets will be set to all stakeholders in the future DDS. Targets will have to be achieved or we will be holding a review... I will probably set Quarz a target of not soiling himself every 5 minutes. He will obviously will fail in this as he is a gimp. Ensnared by a vile vaguely female thing. I Redjec am ensnared only by success! Quarz had best soil himself already. When I am in charge... i mean The Orchid is in charge then Quarz is going to pay as i hate him!
Combat Ware 3.0 in development
Combat Ware has significantly reduced injuries and casualties in combat situations on DDS ships by providing protection for crews and improved communication. Combat Ware 3.0 is the next version which is expected to enter service early in the next decade. Further improved flak jackets will offer better protection but will also be lighter and will be wearable by crews at all times.
Integrated Force Goggles 4.0 will also form part of the next system, as with the jackets they will be made lighter and integrated into the standard headware worn by crews thus allieviating the need to locate and don the goggles in a rapidly changing combat situation. IFG 4.0 will further improve the clarity of displayed messages, IR vision mode and augmented reality displays.
Combat Ware 3.0 forms part of a major review of Damage Control & Casualty Assessment Team (Dcat) procedures. The DDS are also looking at materials used in the interiors of ships and damage containment systems in order to reduce the amount of debris flying around in battle.
Integrated Force Goggles 4.0 will also form part of the next system, as with the jackets they will be made lighter and integrated into the standard headware worn by crews thus allieviating the need to locate and don the goggles in a rapidly changing combat situation. IFG 4.0 will further improve the clarity of displayed messages, IR vision mode and augmented reality displays.
Combat Ware 3.0 forms part of a major review of Damage Control & Casualty Assessment Team (Dcat) procedures. The DDS are also looking at materials used in the interiors of ships and damage containment systems in order to reduce the amount of debris flying around in battle.
Ferret-G production begins
Early model production of the Ferret-G UCV has begun at the large Ferret production facility on Starbot. 24 Ferret-Gs will be produced in this first phase which will be distributed to the DDS, Dinos and Starbotians for type training and testing. The DDS aim to begin operating the type before the mid-point of next year.
The Dinos, who did not buy Ferret-E, have yet to decide how many Gs they will buy or how they will operate them.
The Dinos, who did not buy Ferret-E, have yet to decide how many Gs they will buy or how they will operate them.
Force West to end by end of year
As expected the DDS are disbanding the Force West deployment based at New Jakarta which was intended as a show of strength to try and deter Clone moves to bring Oscar into the Clone Star Empire. As that now seems to be a fait accompli the DDS will revert to a smaller and permanent presence at their newly improved New Jakarta orbital dock.
A brigade of the New DDS Army will be relocated to New Jakarta at a later date taking advantage of the excellent training facilities already on the planet. The planet may thus become a secondary home port for the DDS' growing fleet of amphibious landing ships.
A brigade of the New DDS Army will be relocated to New Jakarta at a later date taking advantage of the excellent training facilities already on the planet. The planet may thus become a secondary home port for the DDS' growing fleet of amphibious landing ships.
Leaked Oscar vote shows big vote for unification
The official result of the Oscar referendum to decide if the planet joins the Clone Star Empire or not is not due until early December but has been leaked to a newspaper in the former capital of the human half of the planet (though the city is now mostly Clone populated like most of the planet). 86% are reported to have voted for unification.
Anti-unification protestors rioted in the city when news broke of the result resulting in 34 arrests and 6 rapes. The Oscar authorities have refused to comment on the result and have instead asked for patience and calm.
Anti-unification protestors rioted in the city when news broke of the result resulting in 34 arrests and 6 rapes. The Oscar authorities have refused to comment on the result and have instead asked for patience and calm.
DDSAF begin patrols over Proxima 5
With the number of F-10S Shark 2100 fighters in service steadily increasing the DDSAF now has sufficient aircraft to begin combat air patrols (CAP) over the Proxima 5 central continent home to most of the population and a number of DDS facilities. Proxima 7 and Solaris already have CAP maintained with TPM-A armed fighters in the air at all times providing a layer of air defence against incoming missiles from orbital attack and an ability to attack space craft in lower orbits.
A new booster motor is in development for the next version of TPM-A which will be the last until the TPM-2 is used instead which will allow for ships in slightly higher orbits to be attacked especially if fired by F-10S fighters which have a higher ceiling than the older F-10As. Liberation is likely to receive a CAP by 2112.
A new booster motor is in development for the next version of TPM-A which will be the last until the TPM-2 is used instead which will allow for ships in slightly higher orbits to be attacked especially if fired by F-10S fighters which have a higher ceiling than the older F-10As. Liberation is likely to receive a CAP by 2112.
Captain Clone and Benito to hold emergency summit
Captain Clone and Benito Clone, leaders of their respective halves of the Clone Star Empire, will hold an emergency summit at the end of the next week on Petric. They will discuss the Xenon situation and how the fleet can be improved and increased in size.
Captain Clone wants a major increase in the size of the fleet but Benito does not want the budget for the other arms of the HCS to be affected, especially where it impacts on the weapon procurement programmes for his own half of the empire. Benito is likely to end his objection to the emergency fleet building plan in return for some concessions including the siting of CSM on Austini 55 and the diversion of some funds from CSE-W's army budget to CSE-E. That of course will not go down well with Captain Clone's Generals!
Captain Clone wants a major increase in the size of the fleet but Benito does not want the budget for the other arms of the HCS to be affected, especially where it impacts on the weapon procurement programmes for his own half of the empire. Benito is likely to end his objection to the emergency fleet building plan in return for some concessions including the siting of CSM on Austini 55 and the diversion of some funds from CSE-W's army budget to CSE-E. That of course will not go down well with Captain Clone's Generals!
Current deployments (24/11/09)
Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A145 Globemaster
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)
Southern Spirit
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot

F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
(D111 Civet)
(F108 Eocene)
(F163 Sea Of Fertility)
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F122 Permian
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A145 Globemaster
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)
Southern Spirit
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
(D111 Civet)
(F108 Eocene)
(F163 Sea Of Fertility)
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F122 Permian
Wayne King-Meiouf : The DDS Election Game
Windscorpion's decision to retire has sent shock waves through the DDS and also unleashed politics on the organisation. The Orchid was the first (and so far only person) to announce she was going to stand in the forthcoming election to be the DDS Commander. As yet no date has been set for that though next February seems a likely date.
The Orchid is a strong candidate, a respected DDS senior member with well over 10 years service. She is also a follower of Rotariosism though she calls her political philosophy "Developed Individual Rotariosism". She can expect a block vote from the Hoods and other loyalists of the old Rotarios regime. Action Painting (who is likely to be the deputy), LPG and Redjec have already informally put their weight behind The Orchid.
But who will stand against her. The Sea Urchin is the logical main rival since Firefly has stated he will not stand. However Sea Urchin is hindered by the fact he is interim commander. In the cynical world of the DDS if the DDS does well under his rule he will be accused of using the DDS to enhance his election prospects, if things go badly then he will get the blame. Sea Urchin will likely try and make his interim rule as bland and inoffensive as possible. Unfortunately for him a majority of the DDS think he is already bland and inoffensive anyway and not Commander material. It is thought that Windy did not want Sea Urchin to succeed him which is why he knew making the Urchin interim commander would be the final straw in his prospects.
There are not many other potential candidates. Knobhead is a solid fleet commander but does not have much pedigree, he has yet to emerge from the shadows of his former superior Horsehead. Caratore has potential but its too early for him. Von Kane would gain a lot of Windy Massive support but his bizarre Nazi views would put off most. Salamander is an idiot.
It is likely The Orchid will be elected early next year. An Orchid led DDS will be a very interesting beast indeed. Can The Orchid marry a developed form of Rotariosism with the hedonistic individualism of Windyism? Only time will tell.
Professor Wayne King-Meiouf
The Orchid is a strong candidate, a respected DDS senior member with well over 10 years service. She is also a follower of Rotariosism though she calls her political philosophy "Developed Individual Rotariosism". She can expect a block vote from the Hoods and other loyalists of the old Rotarios regime. Action Painting (who is likely to be the deputy), LPG and Redjec have already informally put their weight behind The Orchid.
But who will stand against her. The Sea Urchin is the logical main rival since Firefly has stated he will not stand. However Sea Urchin is hindered by the fact he is interim commander. In the cynical world of the DDS if the DDS does well under his rule he will be accused of using the DDS to enhance his election prospects, if things go badly then he will get the blame. Sea Urchin will likely try and make his interim rule as bland and inoffensive as possible. Unfortunately for him a majority of the DDS think he is already bland and inoffensive anyway and not Commander material. It is thought that Windy did not want Sea Urchin to succeed him which is why he knew making the Urchin interim commander would be the final straw in his prospects.
There are not many other potential candidates. Knobhead is a solid fleet commander but does not have much pedigree, he has yet to emerge from the shadows of his former superior Horsehead. Caratore has potential but its too early for him. Von Kane would gain a lot of Windy Massive support but his bizarre Nazi views would put off most. Salamander is an idiot.
It is likely The Orchid will be elected early next year. An Orchid led DDS will be a very interesting beast indeed. Can The Orchid marry a developed form of Rotariosism with the hedonistic individualism of Windyism? Only time will tell.
Professor Wayne King-Meiouf
Benito attempts to block emergency HCS orders
Leader of Clone Star Empire - East Benito Clone is trying to block the emergency orders for new warships, mostly because it will cut into the HCS procurement budget for other programmes. "If Captain Clone wants more ships because of his fiasco involving the Xenon then let him pay for them themselves, not from our slice of the HCS budget!"
It is rumoured that diverting funds to the new ship orders may mean a number of other weapon procurement programmes are delayed including 500 new Tapirs for CSE-E. It is likely Benito will demand some concessions in return for allowing the emergency orders to go through. It is well known that he is keen for the second CSM battery after Cloneworld is located on Austini 55 and not another planet in CSE-W as is currently planned.
It is rumoured that diverting funds to the new ship orders may mean a number of other weapon procurement programmes are delayed including 500 new Tapirs for CSE-E. It is likely Benito will demand some concessions in return for allowing the emergency orders to go through. It is well known that he is keen for the second CSM battery after Cloneworld is located on Austini 55 and not another planet in CSE-W as is currently planned.
HCS place urgent orders for new ships
The HCS has placed a 3.8 billion zark emergency order for new warships to replace the recent battle losses and also to increase the size of the fleet. This order has used up much of the HCS' strategic reserve and eats into the next year's procurement budget which means the other services are likely to suffer because of it. Some senior officers of those services have been vocal on this, especially as the fruits of this emergency order are likely to be at least a year away.
The order includes 10 Soulaki SLK-N, a new build version of the Soulaki to the SLK upgrade specification, 15 Cosmos S and 12 Shark destroyers (though 8 were already planned to be ordered). Money will also be earmarked for a new cruiser type to replace the Molentic Tuul in the medium term.
The order includes 10 Soulaki SLK-N, a new build version of the Soulaki to the SLK upgrade specification, 15 Cosmos S and 12 Shark destroyers (though 8 were already planned to be ordered). Money will also be earmarked for a new cruiser type to replace the Molentic Tuul in the medium term.
Captain Clone addresses the people
Following riots in 34 cities across the Clone Star Empire sparked by fears of invasion and attack by the Xenon Captain Clone has addressed the people via a live TV link. He said that the loss of the task force was a "set-back" and would be "avenged" but the empire was not in peril.
"The Xenon tricked us into a defeat, their trickery compounded by the stupidity of the General in charge of the fleet. We will avenge the loss. The Xenon will pay."
Captain Clone's staff have been busy to rubbish General Rodawk who was in charge of the fleet. It has been reported that media outlets have been "leaked" information that Rodawk may have been a paedophile who liked beating underage boys and that he stole the glory of his underlings in previous battles. Rodawk's supporters have criticised Captain Clone's staff for "spreading these lies".
"The Xenon tricked us into a defeat, their trickery compounded by the stupidity of the General in charge of the fleet. We will avenge the loss. The Xenon will pay."
Captain Clone's staff have been busy to rubbish General Rodawk who was in charge of the fleet. It has been reported that media outlets have been "leaked" information that Rodawk may have been a paedophile who liked beating underage boys and that he stole the glory of his underlings in previous battles. Rodawk's supporters have criticised Captain Clone's staff for "spreading these lies".
Panther Combat Tune Up 2109-11
The Panther fleet is to receive an update over the next few weeks during routine maintenance. Panther Combat Tune Up 2109-11 aims to improve the combat performance of the principal DDS warship. The following improvements will be made :
- Z5t cannon lens improved
- Z5t targeting system upgraded with new software release
- TPM launcher will receive some modifications to address some minor issues
- Software updates to sensor suite and damage control system
Democratic rumblings on Dino-Land
As Dino-Land prepares to go to the polls to decide on the next Consul the fact there appears to be a more open election pending for the post of DDS Commander has causes some campaigners to criticise the closed nature of the current (and last year's) Consul elections.
"It is going to be Jimmy who wins." a democracy campaigner who did not wish to be named said, "Just as last year it was Cruggson. We have been given the illusion of choice by putting up the candidate the establishment want against people who have zero chance of winning. Where is the democracy?"
Senator Ronald, who set up the Dino Republican system, retorted "I admit that this year there is not much of a choice but Jimmy is a highly skilled and honourable Dino who will serve the republic well. next year Imperial Order and the Liberal Party will both be standing so there will be a genuine choice next year."
"It is going to be Jimmy who wins." a democracy campaigner who did not wish to be named said, "Just as last year it was Cruggson. We have been given the illusion of choice by putting up the candidate the establishment want against people who have zero chance of winning. Where is the democracy?"
Senator Ronald, who set up the Dino Republican system, retorted "I admit that this year there is not much of a choice but Jimmy is a highly skilled and honourable Dino who will serve the republic well. next year Imperial Order and the Liberal Party will both be standing so there will be a genuine choice next year."
DDS offer to assist HCS
The DDS have said to the Clones that they will help them by patrolling shared borders on their own so to release ships on the HCS side. It is thought the offer, made by Firefly, was rather mischievous though was politely declined by the Clones.
All upgrade programmes (Soulaki SLK, Molentic Tuul M and Cosmos K) have been suspended until further notice with only ships currently in update to have work continued on them. One Cosmos A was about to begin it's upgrade and the workers were literally called off seconds after they had begun work. Four Kalahati Tuuls currently in storage will be reactivated and checked to see if they can resume service to take over patrol routes.
All upgrade programmes (Soulaki SLK, Molentic Tuul M and Cosmos K) have been suspended until further notice with only ships currently in update to have work continued on them. One Cosmos A was about to begin it's upgrade and the workers were literally called off seconds after they had begun work. Four Kalahati Tuuls currently in storage will be reactivated and checked to see if they can resume service to take over patrol routes.
Benito blasts Captain Clone
Benito has blasted his fellow Clone leader Captain Clone saying that his inept leadership had led the Clones into their worst defeat since the Clone Wars. He said that he would not be sending any of his ships to help bolster the fleet of CSE-West. "Captain Clone has put the empire at risk so we need all of our ships here to help defend ourselves."
A number of other senior figures in the CSE have also criticised Captain Clone (though those in the CSE-W have done it anonymously). Oojok has noticeably not supported (or attacked) Captain Clone.
A number of other senior figures in the CSE have also criticised Captain Clone (though those in the CSE-W have done it anonymously). Oojok has noticeably not supported (or attacked) Captain Clone.
Disaster for HCS as fleet destroyed by Xenon
Reports are coming in that an entire HCS fleet has been destroyed by the Xenon. The fleet, said by some to number 28 ships and including some of the best ships* in the HCS including the first MTM, had been sent into Xenon space as a show of strength and to either pressure the Xenon into backing down or force a military solution.
What actually happened is still unclear, it has been reported that the fleet was caught in a supernova but it is unknown why they were so close to a star that was so unstable.
* A HCS update blog is reporting the fleet consisted of 6 Soulaki, 6 Molentic Tuul A, 1 Molentic Tuul M, 11 Cosmos S and 4 Cosmos A.
What actually happened is still unclear, it has been reported that the fleet was caught in a supernova but it is unknown why they were so close to a star that was so unstable.
* A HCS update blog is reporting the fleet consisted of 6 Soulaki, 6 Molentic Tuul A, 1 Molentic Tuul M, 11 Cosmos S and 4 Cosmos A.
The Orchid launches campaign to become DDS Commander
The Orchid, returning from Raegris space, has announced she will stand in the election to succeed Windscorpion next year. This will no doubt annoy Sea Urchin who loathes The Orchid and it was notable he did not appoint her as his deputy when in terms of seniority she was the obvious choice.
"It is time for change. The DDS has prospered in recent years but needs a new direction to better meet the challenges of the next decade. The Orchid is likely to continue the policies of Rotarios of whom she was a supporter, this would give her the backing of the likes of Action Painting, Redjec and The Hoods. The powerful Windy Massive bloc however will be key to the election and she is unlikely to get their support. However a rival candidate who does not scoop up all of their support could mean the WM vote is split and this could leave The Orchid in pole position.
No one else has yet announced they will stand.
"It is time for change. The DDS has prospered in recent years but needs a new direction to better meet the challenges of the next decade. The Orchid is likely to continue the policies of Rotarios of whom she was a supporter, this would give her the backing of the likes of Action Painting, Redjec and The Hoods. The powerful Windy Massive bloc however will be key to the election and she is unlikely to get their support. However a rival candidate who does not scoop up all of their support could mean the WM vote is split and this could leave The Orchid in pole position.
No one else has yet announced they will stand.
Galactic leaders react to Windy resignation
Windy's shock resignation has reverberated around the galaxy. Consul Cruggson of the Dino Republic said he congratulated Windy for his achievements and hoped to continue Dino co-operation with his successor. Senator Ronald said he was surprised by the decision and said he looked forward to going bowling with Windy.
Emperor Oojok of the Clone Star Empire said that the resignation was a surprise but did not comment further. Ayatollah Clone XE hailed the "collapse of the degenerate regime of the anti-Oojok".
Starbotian leader S101 said "hewmons were chaotic and unpredictable" and then went on a 5 hour long fascistic rant about why machines are superior to biological life forms.
Emperor Oojok of the Clone Star Empire said that the resignation was a surprise but did not comment further. Ayatollah Clone XE hailed the "collapse of the degenerate regime of the anti-Oojok".
Starbotian leader S101 said "hewmons were chaotic and unpredictable" and then went on a 5 hour long fascistic rant about why machines are superior to biological life forms.
Sea Urchin gives speech to DDS
Interim Commander Sea Urchin earlier gave this speech to the DDS :
"Fellow DDSers i know we are all in shock this morning. Yesterday Windscorpion decided he had had enough and resigned with immediate effect. I know that is a shock to all of us but the DDS still exists and indeed Windscorpion himself still exists. No one has died. Life carries on.
"I am asking you the DDS to stand fast, hold firm and get on with your jobs. The DDS has a bright future. The fleet is stronger than ever before with ships at the cutting edge and further advances in technology on the way. A powerful and flexible new army is also being developed. The DDS has a network of allies they can rely on and a strategic infrastructure that forms the backbone of the DDS.
"The next few months may have some difficulties but i am confident the professionalism of the DDS will win through. I am not anticipating any major changes in DDS policy on my watch. An election for the post of DDS Commander will be held next year at the earliest convenience."
Sea Urchin also announced that Firefly would take up the role of City Commander of the DDS (in other words be in charge of GHQ), Action Painting would take up command of the 1st Fleet. No Deputy Commander has yet been announced.
"Fellow DDSers i know we are all in shock this morning. Yesterday Windscorpion decided he had had enough and resigned with immediate effect. I know that is a shock to all of us but the DDS still exists and indeed Windscorpion himself still exists. No one has died. Life carries on.
"I am asking you the DDS to stand fast, hold firm and get on with your jobs. The DDS has a bright future. The fleet is stronger than ever before with ships at the cutting edge and further advances in technology on the way. A powerful and flexible new army is also being developed. The DDS has a network of allies they can rely on and a strategic infrastructure that forms the backbone of the DDS.
"The next few months may have some difficulties but i am confident the professionalism of the DDS will win through. I am not anticipating any major changes in DDS policy on my watch. An election for the post of DDS Commander will be held next year at the earliest convenience."
Sea Urchin also announced that Firefly would take up the role of City Commander of the DDS (in other words be in charge of GHQ), Action Painting would take up command of the 1st Fleet. No Deputy Commander has yet been announced.
Windy resigns as DDS Commander!
Windscorpion has shocked the Central Committee of the DDS and the DDS itself by announcing his resignation! Windy said he had had enough of "saving the galaxy" and thought it was time he stood down and got on with other things in his life. Windy named Sea Urchin the interim DDS Commander and then left GHQ taking a Coril shuttle up to SS Stoke City.
What Windy will do now is unknown. What Sea Urchin will do now is also unknown. Elections may be held next year though at the moment there is little appetite for an election campaign. One problem is a dearth of potential commanders. Sea Urchin and The Orchid are the only likely candidates, Firefly has already ruled himself out.
What Windy will do now is unknown. What Sea Urchin will do now is also unknown. Elections may be held next year though at the moment there is little appetite for an election campaign. One problem is a dearth of potential commanders. Sea Urchin and The Orchid are the only likely candidates, Firefly has already ruled himself out.
Object Blue A project concludes
Object Blue A, a project involving the research ship X111 Isometric operating as an unmanned ship, has successfully concluded following a seventh and final unmanned superluminal test. In the test Isometric travelled up to 400c accompanied by X901 Cleon for 20 hours on a pre-planned trip. It then was presented with a simulated "emergency" situation and successfully changed course. The DDS have not said what the emergency was but it may have been a comet in Isometric's path.
Isometric has now returned to Solaris for a refit and an upgrade of the unmanned systems. It will be carrying out some other research duties for the first part of 2110 before beginning the second stage of superluminal unmanned tests Object Blue B. These tests will involve mock combat though at this stage Isometric will only be able to try and evade enemy ships not fight back.
Analysts say these tests prove that the DDS have caught the Clones up dramatically and although the HCS will field a superluminal UCV in service first (Nybble) the DDS will be able to follow suit fairly soon if they wish. At the moment though there are no firm plans for a production superluminal UCV.
Isometric has now returned to Solaris for a refit and an upgrade of the unmanned systems. It will be carrying out some other research duties for the first part of 2110 before beginning the second stage of superluminal unmanned tests Object Blue B. These tests will involve mock combat though at this stage Isometric will only be able to try and evade enemy ships not fight back.
Analysts say these tests prove that the DDS have caught the Clones up dramatically and although the HCS will field a superluminal UCV in service first (Nybble) the DDS will be able to follow suit fairly soon if they wish. At the moment though there are no firm plans for a production superluminal UCV.
Tethys Ocean begins testing
The first Tethys Ocean 65A amphibious support carrier has begun trials ahead of it's expected entry into service early next year. The Tethys Ocean is a SUP design and has extensive docking facilities able to handle Feeders, Corils and Falcons to support amphibious operations.
The ships (3 are planned) will also act as casualty receiving stations. Triage and emergency treatment will be carried out on casualties before they are sent on to hospital ships or other establishments.
The ships (3 are planned) will also act as casualty receiving stations. Triage and emergency treatment will be carried out on casualties before they are sent on to hospital ships or other establishments.
DDS open new nuclear weapons plant
The DDS have opened a new nuclear weapons plant on Solaris which will replace the existing facility on Proxima 7 which has had various problems due to ageing equipment. The new plant is larger and can ramp up production to 500% of the current rate though in normal usage will maintain the same production rate as at present.
A second plant will be built on Remedia Prime as part of DDS efforts to disperse their strategic assets and to duplicate vital industrial facilities. The second plant will be smaller and used mainly as a research and development base for warhead design though will also be able to provide a second source of warheads in the event of a war. This second plant is due to completed in 2112.
A second plant will be built on Remedia Prime as part of DDS efforts to disperse their strategic assets and to duplicate vital industrial facilities. The second plant will be smaller and used mainly as a research and development base for warhead design though will also be able to provide a second source of warheads in the event of a war. This second plant is due to completed in 2112.
Quarz to command war zeppelin
Windy has appointed Quarz in charge of a new development unit in the New DDS Army. Quarz will be in charge of a Bolitic war zeppelin which the DDS obtained earlier in the year (thought to be from a Bolitic House Windy has a personal relationship with). The war zeppelin will be used in some exercises to evaluate the type as a possible future DDS weapon.
Windy said that Quarz will assess the large slow bag of hydrogen gas as it operates above men with guns. "3mm thick plastic armour should prove sufficient, but Quarz will find out if its not." Windy said.
Windy said that Quarz will assess the large slow bag of hydrogen gas as it operates above men with guns. "3mm thick plastic armour should prove sufficient, but Quarz will find out if its not." Windy said.
Oscar vote goes without (much of) a hitch
On the 15th of November a referendum was held on Oscar to decide if the planet should apply to join the Clone Star Empire or not. Heavy security was mounted across the planet to guard against a terrorist attack but there were only 2 reported incidents and 1 injury when a mortar bomb was fired at a polling station. It missed and instead landed in a chicken farm. No Clones or Humans were killed though 158 chickens perished.
The HCS and CAO have denied they were heavy-handed with security and intimidated those against the unification. However it is probably not a coincidence that protests against unification were banned for "security reasons" but those for were allowed to take place.
The result of the vote will be announced in December.
The HCS and CAO have denied they were heavy-handed with security and intimidated those against the unification. However it is probably not a coincidence that protests against unification were banned for "security reasons" but those for were allowed to take place.
The result of the vote will be announced in December.
Windy recalls Central Committee
Windy has issued a call to the Central Committee of the DDS to assemble ASAP to hear a special announcement he plans to make. The call was issued earlier in the week and most of the cream of the DDS is now assembling at GHQ, the turn out will be very high with only The Orchid, who is visiting the Raegris, unable to attend.
No one knows what Windy's announcement will be about. Rumours that he may come out as a hetrosexual have been denied.
No one knows what Windy's announcement will be about. Rumours that he may come out as a hetrosexual have been denied.
HCS preparing for battle with Xenon?
HCS bloggers are reporting that the HCS, who have a powerful fleet now at the edge of the space of the Xenon sect of the 7 Sa Sao, have received intelligence as to the secret location of the Xenon homeworld and are now preparing to attack.
A fleet of nearly 30 ships, including no less than 6 Soulaki battlecruisers, has been assembled and Captain Clone has given the order for them to advance into Xenon space and attack the Xenon homeworld. The Clones say they do not want to conquer the Xenon but they cannot accept the repeated attacks in their territory. It is likely the Clones are hoping the Xenon will stand down and accept a non-interference treaty but the Clones are prepared to do battle if necessary.
A fleet of nearly 30 ships, including no less than 6 Soulaki battlecruisers, has been assembled and Captain Clone has given the order for them to advance into Xenon space and attack the Xenon homeworld. The Clones say they do not want to conquer the Xenon but they cannot accept the repeated attacks in their territory. It is likely the Clones are hoping the Xenon will stand down and accept a non-interference treaty but the Clones are prepared to do battle if necessary.
Current deployments (17/11/09)
Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
(F106 Tertiary)
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan, Solaris II frigate)
Southern Spirit
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot

F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
(F106 Tertiary)
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan, Solaris II frigate)
Southern Spirit
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
DDS to buy 3 underwater capable Dinomark XTs
The DDS already have a growing fleet of Fighting Falcon 47A ships based on the Dinomark XT. Now they are to buy 3 of the underwater capable model to equip their special forces. The Pelican 47W will be based on the XT/118w model but will have a similar equipment and layout to the Falcon.
A delivery date has yet to be set but the DDS are keen to get them as soon as possible. With the Corils and Fulcrums it will complete the special forces transport fleet and bring a whole new capability to the DDS.
A delivery date has yet to be set but the DDS are keen to get them as soon as possible. With the Corils and Fulcrums it will complete the special forces transport fleet and bring a whole new capability to the DDS.
Sirikwan receives first HCS aircraft
Earlier in the year Sirikwan bought some surplus HCSAF aircraft. The first aircraft have now been received and Sirikwan is now working up to bringing these weapons into service sometime next year. 30 A-85 COIN aircraft and 45 A/CH-26 attack and transport helicopters have been received. Sirikwan pilots began training on these new types on Cloneworld in the Summer.
The A-85s have been upgraded with the same EO imaging sensors as fitted to the latest A-85NT though do not have the same databus architecture so the full capabilities of the sensors cannot yet be employed. It is thought Sirikwan will, at a later date, replace these second-hand older A-85s with brand new ones if they prove successful.
The A-85s have been upgraded with the same EO imaging sensors as fitted to the latest A-85NT though do not have the same databus architecture so the full capabilities of the sensors cannot yet be employed. It is thought Sirikwan will, at a later date, replace these second-hand older A-85s with brand new ones if they prove successful.
Xenon playing cat-and-mouse with HCS
Although the HCS have kept it secret a powerful fleet is known to have been sent towards Xenon space to confront the Xenon. However one problem is Xenon space is a mystery to the Clones (and indeed everyone else) and the Clones are finding it impossible to locate the centre of the Xenon sect of the 7 Sa Sao and their fleet.
The DDS are thought to have passed on some details of the Argon sect to the Clones and the Dinos given them some details of a scouting mission carried out some years ago but the information is scant. Only a few inhabited worlds have been found so far with small colonist populations plus the occaisional encounter with a Xenon ship.
Captain Clone has ordered the fleet to halt due to fears it may be heading into a trap and that the Xenon are luring them into an ambush. Scouting missions are being sent in various directions to try and find the Xenon homeworld. One ship has already been in a combat with a Xenon ship, it destroyed the Xenon though sustained heavy damage itself and had to return to the rest of the fleet.
The DDS are thought to have passed on some details of the Argon sect to the Clones and the Dinos given them some details of a scouting mission carried out some years ago but the information is scant. Only a few inhabited worlds have been found so far with small colonist populations plus the occaisional encounter with a Xenon ship.
Captain Clone has ordered the fleet to halt due to fears it may be heading into a trap and that the Xenon are luring them into an ambush. Scouting missions are being sent in various directions to try and find the Xenon homeworld. One ship has already been in a combat with a Xenon ship, it destroyed the Xenon though sustained heavy damage itself and had to return to the rest of the fleet.
TPM-1 production ends
Production of the TPM-1 missile has finally ended following the last batch of TPM-1D5s on order. Conversions of older TPM-1s to upgrade them and also convert them into Canister TPM, air-launched TPM-A and ground-launched TPM-G will continue for a number of years yet.
Ending new build TPM-1s means that the engineering and research teams have now been released. Early work has begun on the TPM-3X with an expected entry into service "before the end of the next decade". TPM-2 has 2 upgrades planned, a minor upgrade for early next year and a more major TPM-2B update perhaps in 2111.
Ending new build TPM-1s means that the engineering and research teams have now been released. Early work has begun on the TPM-3X with an expected entry into service "before the end of the next decade". TPM-2 has 2 upgrades planned, a minor upgrade for early next year and a more major TPM-2B update perhaps in 2111.
Yeng place order for HCS equipment
Neutral planet Yeng has placed a 1.5 billion zark order with the Clones for a variety of military equipment for it's army and airforce. Yeng does not have a space navy except for some unarmed government operated communications ships however at this stage Yeng say they are not looking into purchasing any combat ships.
What Yeng is buying however is some surplus HCSAF aircraft which will all be refurbished. 100 F-40s and 160 A-85s have been bought plus an unspecified amount of ordinance. 12 new C-440s have also been ordered. Pilot training will be carried out on Cloneworld by the HCSAF.
Yeng's army is to receive 350 T-88++ tanks, 700 TRV-5 Tapirs and 40 ATC-107C artillery guns plus small arms and other equipment. All are from the HCS reserve. The HCS will establish a liaison base on Yeng to assist with technical operations for Yeng with it's new equipment and provide some initial training. It is thought Yeng will buy more weapons at a later stage, maybe once they have accepted some of the above into service.
These weapons are likely to have to be new, after several big sales over the last few years the once vast stockpiles of stored AFVs and other equipment has now been run down to a minimum the HCS wish to retain for operational reasons.
What Yeng is buying however is some surplus HCSAF aircraft which will all be refurbished. 100 F-40s and 160 A-85s have been bought plus an unspecified amount of ordinance. 12 new C-440s have also been ordered. Pilot training will be carried out on Cloneworld by the HCSAF.
Yeng's army is to receive 350 T-88++ tanks, 700 TRV-5 Tapirs and 40 ATC-107C artillery guns plus small arms and other equipment. All are from the HCS reserve. The HCS will establish a liaison base on Yeng to assist with technical operations for Yeng with it's new equipment and provide some initial training. It is thought Yeng will buy more weapons at a later stage, maybe once they have accepted some of the above into service.
These weapons are likely to have to be new, after several big sales over the last few years the once vast stockpiles of stored AFVs and other equipment has now been run down to a minimum the HCS wish to retain for operational reasons.
UV148 : Industrial Despair
To mark the 20th anniversary of the DDS we present this special book which concludes the genital shattering 2121 saga. Stay tuned for normal service next month.
- The Dark Future - Windy discovers the carnage that has led to the downfall of the DDS...
- Bare Essentials - Windy comes under attack from a surprising foe...
- Violence With Prejudice - Windy is given a mission... and a way to get home...
- All Action - Windy enters the Lion's Den... or even the Bolitic's Den...
- Violent Penetration - The battle fleets square up... the battle for the galaxy is on!...
- And A Titan Shall Slay Him - Can Windy and co. get back home?...
And A Titan Shall Slay Him
2121 Part 7 : Can Windy and co. get back home?
Alternatively read the 2121 Saga in order :
2121 Part 7 : Can Windy and co. get back home?
Alternatively read the 2121 Saga in order :
- Straight-One Part 1
- The Dark Future Part 2
- Bare Essentials Part 3
- Violence With Prejudice Part 4
- All Action Part 5
- Violent Penetration Part 6
- And A Titan Shall Slay Him Part 7
Fleet news (13/11/09)
F163 Sea Of Fertility is the latest SOT 43D frigate to join the fleet. It's completion means the Isometric jig will now be used for full scale Isometric ILU work until the upgrade programme is complete. The final three SOT will not be built until after the completion of the ILU which can now be carried out on 3 ships at a time.
As for the ILU F116 Cryptozoic has completed it's update and is the first Pave Yellow Isometric to be upgraded. As part of it's upgrade it has been fitted with Pave Yellow 1.1 which has support for the DMS minesweeping system. F108 Eocene has begun it's ILU. Another ship will join it when modifications to the jig have been completed. F107 Palaeocene is already in ILU.
D112 Tiger is the latest Panther 35A to be completed but is one of the ships bought by Starbot. Following testing it will join the Starbotian fleet.
As for the ILU F116 Cryptozoic has completed it's update and is the first Pave Yellow Isometric to be upgraded. As part of it's upgrade it has been fitted with Pave Yellow 1.1 which has support for the DMS minesweeping system. F108 Eocene has begun it's ILU. Another ship will join it when modifications to the jig have been completed. F107 Palaeocene is already in ILU.
D112 Tiger is the latest Panther 35A to be completed but is one of the ships bought by Starbot. Following testing it will join the Starbotian fleet.
Interview : Investigator Black Hat
US : Investigator Black Hat, of Team Redjec we welcome-
BH : Team Redject? I am not of the team of that vile slug. Internal Affairs if you please.
US : Yes we have heard you dislike Commander Redjec.
BH : Not at all, i hardly know the person. Commander (ha! He is the DDS bike, he might as well tie a mattress to his front and have done with it!) Redject is a disgusting pus-filled boil but i am sure he is good at something. Probably masturbating over pictures of animals while lying in his own filth.
US : It seems to us you have a problem with him?
BH : With who? Oh the dog rapist? Not at all. Can we move on?
US : We hear that you will shortly be interrogating prisoners aboard Windy's personal ship SS Stoke City soon.
BH : Prisoners? No they are guests. I shall be asking them some questions.
US : Do you use torture in your "questions"?
BH : Only if i feel like a bit of fun... but seriously physical abuse of torture is usually the last resort and is, what i call the "beginner's level" of interrogation. Anyone can beat a helpless prisoner but it takes skill to penetrate the mind of a prisoner, to discover their deepest fears and shames and ruthlessly exploit those to destroy all the prisoner holds dear. To bring down their whole world around them, to crush their hopes. A true pain. Physical pain fades, mental pain lasts forever if done properly. And that is my job...
BH : Team Redject? I am not of the team of that vile slug. Internal Affairs if you please.
US : Yes we have heard you dislike Commander Redjec.
BH : Not at all, i hardly know the person. Commander (ha! He is the DDS bike, he might as well tie a mattress to his front and have done with it!) Redject is a disgusting pus-filled boil but i am sure he is good at something. Probably masturbating over pictures of animals while lying in his own filth.
US : It seems to us you have a problem with him?
BH : With who? Oh the dog rapist? Not at all. Can we move on?
US : We hear that you will shortly be interrogating prisoners aboard Windy's personal ship SS Stoke City soon.
BH : Prisoners? No they are guests. I shall be asking them some questions.
US : Do you use torture in your "questions"?
BH : Only if i feel like a bit of fun... but seriously physical abuse of torture is usually the last resort and is, what i call the "beginner's level" of interrogation. Anyone can beat a helpless prisoner but it takes skill to penetrate the mind of a prisoner, to discover their deepest fears and shames and ruthlessly exploit those to destroy all the prisoner holds dear. To bring down their whole world around them, to crush their hopes. A true pain. Physical pain fades, mental pain lasts forever if done properly. And that is my job...
New Jakarta joins UNP
New Jakarta's fast track into the UNP has been completed and the colony has become the latest planet in the UNP. It has already been an important DDS base for a couple of years especially since the moves to bring Oscar into the CSE.
New Jakarta will be linked into the UNP network sometime next year though a temporary network set up by the DDS is already in place. 209 million zarks have been earmarked from the UNP for civic infrastructure construction. The population has trebled in a few years though mostly due to evacuated humans from Oscar.
New Jakarta will be linked into the UNP network sometime next year though a temporary network set up by the DDS is already in place. 209 million zarks have been earmarked from the UNP for civic infrastructure construction. The population has trebled in a few years though mostly due to evacuated humans from Oscar.
Halogen production to be paused, more Helium
The HCSAF are currently restructuring their helicopter fleet and following on from the earlier announcement about the Dragonfly and Hornet production of the A/C-26 Halogen is to be paused for a number of years for HCSAF use (though will continue for HCSN and export orders). Nearly 9000 are in service and pausing production will allow the oldest to be withdrawn and reduce the fleet to a planned strength of 8000 by 2113.
The twin-rotor CH-36 Helium will resume production however with 50 on order to replace the oldest in service. Overall fleet strength will reduce from 282 to 270.
The twin-rotor CH-36 Helium will resume production however with 50 on order to replace the oldest in service. Overall fleet strength will reduce from 282 to 270.
DDS to rejig and expand "Training Command" as "Development Services"
The DDS is to reorganise Training Command under the new name of Development Services. This is part of an expansion for the division and the inclusion of new training programmes and departments. Core to Development Services will remain the 4 Academies (which will soon be 5 when the new Academy on Remedia Prime opens in 2111) but will also include a new Technical School on Solaris for technical training and engineering staff personal development.
The DDS Communications School has been bought into Development Services along with 2 newly formed DDS Army Schools to be set up on Proxima 5 and Liberation. Firefly, currently in charge of the DDS while Windscorpion takes some time off, said that as the DDS expanded then of course the number of personnel required would increase. Development Services would also up-skill existing personnel.
The DDS Communications School has been bought into Development Services along with 2 newly formed DDS Army Schools to be set up on Proxima 5 and Liberation. Firefly, currently in charge of the DDS while Windscorpion takes some time off, said that as the DDS expanded then of course the number of personnel required would increase. Development Services would also up-skill existing personnel.
Aritans consider looming fleet replacement problems
The Aritans have recently begun a Fleet Replacement Committee to look into the future shape of their fleet. One problem New Arit definitely has to wrestle with is the fact their 3 main combat types, the Intrepid II, Solaris II and Kalahati Tuul are all due to come to the end of their operational lives in the late 2110s and early 2120s.
To replace all 3 types at the same time will be very expensive for the Aritans who are likely to always have limited funds. The Aritans are likely to look to life extend it's Intrepid II fleet to keep them going into the late 2120s and then replace the Solaris and KT with a new type at the end of the next decade. As to what this replacement ship could be is unknown though the Dinomark XT has been suggested though this may be too small to replace all of the roles required, though the Aritans will have Pentekonter-Es and a couple of Isometric-Es by then anyway.
To replace all 3 types at the same time will be very expensive for the Aritans who are likely to always have limited funds. The Aritans are likely to look to life extend it's Intrepid II fleet to keep them going into the late 2120s and then replace the Solaris and KT with a new type at the end of the next decade. As to what this replacement ship could be is unknown though the Dinomark XT has been suggested though this may be too small to replace all of the roles required, though the Aritans will have Pentekonter-Es and a couple of Isometric-Es by then anyway.
HCSAF to withdraw Hornet, buy more Dragonfly
The HCSAF has announced it will withdraw it's fleet of AH-75 Hornet attack helicopters. A withdrawal date of 2112 had already been pencilled in but this has now been confirmed and withdrawals of the 63 strong fleet will begin in earnest next year. The HCSAF may try and sell the type on as they have a few years left in them.
30 more AH-50 Dragonfly anti-tank helicopters have been ordered which will take the total fleet up to about 300.
30 more AH-50 Dragonfly anti-tank helicopters have been ordered which will take the total fleet up to about 300.
Prowler units withdraw from Oscar
Although not officially there it was common knowledge that DDS special forces known as Prowler units have been operating on Oscar to support human insurgency operations against the CAO and HCS. Now however it is thought that Prowler units have withdrawn from Oscar along with several dozen human insurgents.
There are two reasons for this, one is the upcoming vote on Oscar joining the Clone Star Empire which is expected to be positive for unification and second is that is insurgency was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain with much of the human population having left Oscar already for relocation on nearby New Jakarta and large HCS forces arriving.
With the Prowlers now left it is expected the HCS may withdraw some units from Oscar after the vote has taken place. Space forces have already been lessened in an attempt to defuse tensions with the DDS.
There are two reasons for this, one is the upcoming vote on Oscar joining the Clone Star Empire which is expected to be positive for unification and second is that is insurgency was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain with much of the human population having left Oscar already for relocation on nearby New Jakarta and large HCS forces arriving.
With the Prowlers now left it is expected the HCS may withdraw some units from Oscar after the vote has taken place. Space forces have already been lessened in an attempt to defuse tensions with the DDS.
Current deployments (10/11/09)
Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F101 Cambrian

A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan, Solaris II frigate)
Southern Spirit
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
F136 Barents Sea
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F101 Cambrian
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan, Solaris II frigate)
Southern Spirit
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
F136 Barents Sea
Terran Sea 43B/C Update 2109
The Terran Sea 43B & C fleets (the 13 Barents Sea and the 8 Arafura Sea frigates) are to receive an update over the next few weeks. The main change will be a new reactor fuel mixer as used on the SOT 43D frigates this improves performance and efficiency. The ships will now have their cruise speeds raised to 850c and 30 minute sprint to 1010c in line with the 43D after the update.
A number of other systems will also receive updates and fixes including the latest version of the TPM-2 launcher with improved rate of fire.
A number of other systems will also receive updates and fixes including the latest version of the TPM-2 launcher with improved rate of fire.
DDS losing interest in Oscar?
News that Oscar would soon vote on whether it should join the Clone Star Empire prompted the DDS to bolster it's forces at nearby New Jakarta and form Force West. However the feeling now eminating from the DDS is that Oscar joining the CSE is pretty much a done deal. Thus the forces at New Jakarta are now longer considered to try and deter unification but handle any CSE incursion.
As relations with the Clones are reasonable at the moment and the prospect of war with them highly unlikely (neither side really wants the 4th Clone War any time soon) it could be Force West is disbanded sooner than expected. A permanent patrol deployment will be based at New Jakarta however.
As relations with the Clones are reasonable at the moment and the prospect of war with them highly unlikely (neither side really wants the 4th Clone War any time soon) it could be Force West is disbanded sooner than expected. A permanent patrol deployment will be based at New Jakarta however.
Operation Southern Spirit
The final deployment of the year will begin tomorrow and last into early December. Southern Spirit was originally due to be held in Remedian space but was moved to the Rim Worlds following the recent Tarbotian activity there. The deployment will be replaced by a semi-permanent deployment of forces to Charlotte afterwards. Raegris and Dino ships will take part in the deployment which will mostly include ship combat training. The DDS ships taking part will be :
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender
DDS look to own tank design
After reports surfaced that the DDS were looking at the HCS/Dino T-55ZDM tank for the New DDS Army it now appears that the DDS will instead develop their own tank. It is thought that many elements in the DDS thought that they should not be buying offensive weapons made by the Clones and the Clones themselves have a similar view.
Its not known if the DDS will use the Avenger V, the last attempt at a tank the DDS made (and was a bit of a failure to be honest), as a basis of the new tank or go for a clean sheet of paper.
Its not known if the DDS will use the Avenger V, the last attempt at a tank the DDS made (and was a bit of a failure to be honest), as a basis of the new tank or go for a clean sheet of paper.
Oscar vote on November 15th
The Oscar government has announced the referrendum to decide whether Oscar will join the Clone Star Empire or not will be held on November 15th with the result known by December. It is widely anticipated that the vote will be "yes" though the DDS have warned the Clones not to incorporate Oscar into the CSE.
A DDS spokesman said it was unlikely the referrendum would take place unless the Clones were pretty sure they would win. Security has been further tightened on Oscar ahead of the vote though insurgents have been quiet over recent months.
A DDS spokesman said it was unlikely the referrendum would take place unless the Clones were pretty sure they would win. Security has been further tightened on Oscar ahead of the vote though insurgents have been quiet over recent months.
Seawolf begins sea trials
SS Seawolf lead ship in the new Seawolf class submarine has begun it's sea trials ahead of a planned entry into service in 2110. Three more Seawolf submarines and the singleton Warhammer ballistic missile trials submarine are also nearing completion and will begin their trials early next year.
Seawolf is based on the existing Tinfish SSK though has been extensively updated and is larger. It will be equipped with torpedos and the SS-NS-3 cruise missile. Warhammer will have 3 SLBM tubes for SeaGale.
Seawolf is based on the existing Tinfish SSK though has been extensively updated and is larger. It will be equipped with torpedos and the SS-NS-3 cruise missile. Warhammer will have 3 SLBM tubes for SeaGale.
DDS to buy T-55ZDM?
Although the Aritans already have their own tanks (a mix of T-55Zs/T-88++s/T-89As) the DDS are looking into standardising on their own tank type for non-Aritan elements in the New DDS Army. Unfortunately no Terran manufacturer currently makes a suitable type and the DDS may look to buying the T-55ZDM which is a Clone/Dino joint-effort.
As the ZDM is the standard Dino tank it would offer interoperability benefits though there would be a political and cultural barrier to using HCS equipment (and for the Clones themselves in selling it to the DDS). It is known that a DDS official visited Cloneworld last month and inquired as to the possibility in buying the type. The Clones have yet to reply.
As the ZDM is the standard Dino tank it would offer interoperability benefits though there would be a political and cultural barrier to using HCS equipment (and for the Clones themselves in selling it to the DDS). It is known that a DDS official visited Cloneworld last month and inquired as to the possibility in buying the type. The Clones have yet to reply.
CNS Cloneworld conducts full aircraft handling test
The first new HCSN aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld is currently undergoing Phase 2 of it's proving trials with the full equipment fit. It has just conducted (as part of that) a full aircraft handling test to simulate actual operational use.
Aircraft launching and landings have already been carried out but in this test 3 F-40Ns were operated simulatenously with 7 take-offs and landings taking place in a hectic 45 minute period. There were a few minor problems with communications reported but no major mishaps. "Nothing crashed." a HCS spokesman said.
Another test will take place next week with multiple F-40Ns and, this time, helicopter operations too.
Aircraft launching and landings have already been carried out but in this test 3 F-40Ns were operated simulatenously with 7 take-offs and landings taking place in a hectic 45 minute period. There were a few minor problems with communications reported but no major mishaps. "Nothing crashed." a HCS spokesman said.
Another test will take place next week with multiple F-40Ns and, this time, helicopter operations too.
HCSAF-E orders specialist gunships
When the HCS split into two halves it was anticipated that over time the two halves would begin to diverge in terms of equipment (though there is a committee that aims to avoid that). We have seen that HCS-E will retain the Kalahati Tuul into the 2120s but now the air force of HCS-E has ordered a type not yet used by HCS-W.
The AC-491 Combat Cranefly will be an armed version of the Cranefly STOL transport for use in anti-insurgency operations. It will be fitted with a number of weapons and sensors for COIN and work in conjunction with other manned and unmanned COIN assets. CAC will reopen the Cranefly line for the AC-491, a prototype is currently being built from an old transport example.
Reopening the line may enable the HCS to recapitise their fleet. The Cranefly is a very useful type though the last was built 13 years ago so the fleet is ageing.
The AC-491 Combat Cranefly will be an armed version of the Cranefly STOL transport for use in anti-insurgency operations. It will be fitted with a number of weapons and sensors for COIN and work in conjunction with other manned and unmanned COIN assets. CAC will reopen the Cranefly line for the AC-491, a prototype is currently being built from an old transport example.
Reopening the line may enable the HCS to recapitise their fleet. The Cranefly is a very useful type though the last was built 13 years ago so the fleet is ageing.
Dinomark MX cleared for production
The Dinomark MX, the new transport version of the XT, has completed it's testing and has been cleared for production and an entry into service early next year. The prototype will be retained by the engineering and evaluation department of the Dino Army for awhile longer to help them work out training and maitenance manuals. It is expected the prototype will enter service as ship #3 or 4 next year.
The MX is a mid-sized transport filling the gap between smaller ships like the XT and the large transports like the Provider-EDA which arn't able to operate in atmospheres. Crudely it has been described as "4 XTs tied together" and in terms of dimensions that is not far from the mark.
The MX is a mid-sized transport filling the gap between smaller ships like the XT and the large transports like the Provider-EDA which arn't able to operate in atmospheres. Crudely it has been described as "4 XTs tied together" and in terms of dimensions that is not far from the mark.
Windy takes hiatus to "consider the strategic position"
Windy has handed over control of the DDS for "a short period, a week or two" to Firefly. He has gone to an undisclosed location for a chance to "consider the strategic position". Windy is known to be concerned over the myriad threats the DDS faces and is thought to think the DDS are taking some threats too seriously and others not as much as they warrent.
It is likely Windy is going to come up with a new strategic direction for the DDS.
It is likely Windy is going to come up with a new strategic direction for the DDS.
UV147 : The World's Most Evil Men
- Investigation Philes - Black Hat investigates a terrorist attack...
- Aftermath Crisis - El Diablo and co hunt for the fish!
- You Can't Handle The Tooth - Who is really behind the earthquake plot?
- Call For Help - The HCS mission to the Xenon runs into problems...
- Straight One - Windy encounters the Rectoids but where does he end up?
- A Final Hope (Dashed) - TTG 5.0...
The Dark Future
2121 Part 2 : Windy discovers the carnage that has led to the downfall of the DDS...
2121 Part 2 : Windy discovers the carnage that has led to the downfall of the DDS...
HCS purchase new generation Snowcat
The HCS have exercised their option to purchase 350 TRV-34CDM Snowcat 2100 snow & ice optimised IFVs. The CDM was Dino funded (though there were little changes over the original Snowcat) and has been bought by the Dinos for operation in ice condition such as on Jeloka. The HCS need to recapitise their fleet which is now ageing badly having been originally built over 20 years ago. The first prototypes are due to begin testing early next year on Lomar and Jeloka.
The new Snowcat has a number of detail and equipment improvements over the original as well as a new engine based on the engine used in the TRV-5HD Tapir.
The new Snowcat has a number of detail and equipment improvements over the original as well as a new engine based on the engine used in the TRV-5HD Tapir.
CSE-E will retain Kalahati Tuul S
Benito has said that his portion of the HCS Space Navy will now definately retain the Kalahati Tuul S cruiser beyond it's planned withdrawal date of 2116. Withdrawals are due to begin in 2112 but in an agreement with Captain Clone's half of the empire withdrawn KT-S will not be scrapped but transferred to CSE-E.
These ships will be refurbished and upgraded to keep them in service for around another 10 years. It is thought Benito will keep the majority of the 36 strong fleet in service though some of the oldest will be withdrawn to provide spares. One source suggests 25-28 will be kept.
These ships will be refurbished and upgraded to keep them in service for around another 10 years. It is thought Benito will keep the majority of the 36 strong fleet in service though some of the oldest will be withdrawn to provide spares. One source suggests 25-28 will be kept.
Aritan ship joins Force Voth
An Aritan Solaris II class frigate, AS14 Helunam,has joined the Force Voth deployment. The DDS is trying to get more allied involvement so it can reduce it's own force there. The DDS are hoping that the Aritan and Sirikwanese ships now present can take over from one of the Terran Sea or Isometric frigates so it can be released back to GHQ.
The DDS is known to be preparing Force Charlotte which will be a semi-permanent detachment to protect and patrol the Rim Worlds which recently were visited by the Tarbotians. Force Charlotte is likely to be based on the Southern Spirit exercise due to begin in the area in a week.
The DDS is known to be preparing Force Charlotte which will be a semi-permanent detachment to protect and patrol the Rim Worlds which recently were visited by the Tarbotians. Force Charlotte is likely to be based on the Southern Spirit exercise due to begin in the area in a week.
Current deployments (03/11/09)
Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan, Solaris II frigate)
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
R102 Lancer
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II
Force Voth
R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan, Solaris II frigate)
Force West
R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ
R102 Lancer
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II
HCSAF to move tanker to C-460?
Much of the HCSAF's tanker fleet of KC-440s are based on older models of the standard HCSAF transport aircraft and the first will be coming up to retirement soon. Although some new KC-440s have been built over the last couple of years the HCSAF may move to the newer C-460 for future tanker builds.
The C-460 is based on the 440 but is two-engined instead of four and has a more advanced wing and avionics. A KC-460 will have a longer range than existing KC-440s and running costs will be much lower. CAC is currently modifying one of the prototype C-460s into a tanker configuration for evaluation.
The C-460 is based on the 440 but is two-engined instead of four and has a more advanced wing and avionics. A KC-460 will have a longer range than existing KC-440s and running costs will be much lower. CAC is currently modifying one of the prototype C-460s into a tanker configuration for evaluation.
Prowler and DDS Army to get budget boost
The New DDS Army and Prowler special forces corps have received a 5% budget increase on top of their existing funding until the end of the financial year. The extra money will fund an extra Prowler unit, communication upgrades for it's fleet of Coril 86A and Fulcrum 85A transports and extra support staff.
The New DDS Army will form a 7th Facilities Batallion, these units form a back-up to the main brigades and perform base guarding duties. An artillery brigade will be funded, the source of the guns and rocket systems is as yet unknown but it may be Terran sourced. The T-88 and T-55Z tanks operated by the Aritans will also receive GPS upgrades.
The New DDS Army will form a 7th Facilities Batallion, these units form a back-up to the main brigades and perform base guarding duties. An artillery brigade will be funded, the source of the guns and rocket systems is as yet unknown but it may be Terran sourced. The T-88 and T-55Z tanks operated by the Aritans will also receive GPS upgrades.
Firm evidence of Bolitic-Utrek co-operation?
Recent reports of notable speed boosts for some Bolitic Snarl battlecruisers (which have been clocked at 500c) has been cited as an example of technical assistance being given to the Bolitic Confederacy by the Utrek. However until now actual concrete evidence of any co-operation has been scant. A few days ago the Raegris presented a dossier to the DDS and Dinos in which they listed 17 concrete examples of Bolitic-Utrek co-operation.
These included photos of Utrek scientists taken by Raegris spies on Castarian, the Bolitic capital. DDS intelligence say they can identify some of the Utrek photographed and indeed they are scientists working for the Utrek military. One is known to be a specialist in propulsion technology. Another example was sigint of a Bolitic weapon test with a new range of energy frequencies for Bolitic weapons being detected, frequencies common to Utrek weapons. A Reptoli Tuul has also been spotted in orbit around Castarian, an unconfirmed report says it has been loaned to the Bolitic Emperor. As for the Emperor a Utrek underground resistance group has confirmed that Aliowaki was a recent visitor to Urlik Utrekia, the capital of the Utrek Federation.
Co-operation is not just one-way the Raegris report. The Utrek are understood to be trialing Bolitic style cyberweapons in their long war with the Mantae.
These included photos of Utrek scientists taken by Raegris spies on Castarian, the Bolitic capital. DDS intelligence say they can identify some of the Utrek photographed and indeed they are scientists working for the Utrek military. One is known to be a specialist in propulsion technology. Another example was sigint of a Bolitic weapon test with a new range of energy frequencies for Bolitic weapons being detected, frequencies common to Utrek weapons. A Reptoli Tuul has also been spotted in orbit around Castarian, an unconfirmed report says it has been loaned to the Bolitic Emperor. As for the Emperor a Utrek underground resistance group has confirmed that Aliowaki was a recent visitor to Urlik Utrekia, the capital of the Utrek Federation.
Co-operation is not just one-way the Raegris report. The Utrek are understood to be trialing Bolitic style cyberweapons in their long war with the Mantae.
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