
Ground Shock second operation a success

The second major operation of the Ground Shock deployment has been carried out. Aritan and DDS troops were successfully landed on Loeuss in an "opposed" landing (Dino troops taking the role of the enemy). The landing was supported by 3 Rome corvettes fitted with the ground attack module. The 3 Romes have now left the deployment and returned to Solaris.

For the next couple of weeks the focus will be on ground training with the Aritan troops taking part in some training operations on Loeuss while the ships in the deployment are refuelled and resupplied. The third operation will be held on the Remedian planet of Ailiari which has a more hostile atmosphere for amphibious landings though will be the kind of conditions future "real" operations may have to deal with. As well as a landing a rapid withdrawal of landed troops will also be made.

Pangaea class landing ship L112 Gondwana has had some technical problems with it's engine though has managed to continue taking part in the exercises. A team from DDS Engineering is en route with some spare parts.