
Faction In Focus : New Arit (updated)

The Aritans are a minor race who inhabit a couple of planets on the edge of the Rim Worlds but they have been involved in some of most dangerous situations for galactic peace over the last few years. They are now one of the core DDS allies though the DDS need to support them a great deal.

New Aritans

The Aritans have been spacefaring for a long time now having developed space technology independantly however they used the slower subspace echo propulsion for superluminal travel. This is limited to around 10c so the Aritans took a long time to get anywhere in space. They did start to built an extensive trading network and began to buy hyperspace technology.

Then the Porquatians decided to attack. This aggressive race soon overwhelmed the Aritan defense forces and surrounded the homeworld New Arit (there is no Old Arit, its a joke apparently). The DDS bought in the HCS and Dinos in an alliance to stop the Porquatians. However the battle against the Porquatians almost bought the DDS and HCS to war!

Finally the Porquatians were defeated but New Arit was in a poor state. Months of seige had left the economy devastated and their defense infrastruture was ruined. The DDS bought the Aritans into the DDS and have made it their hub for that region of space. Its a highly strategic position with good access to the western Rim Worlds and the southern flank of the Dino Empire. The Aritans are now useful allies to the DDS, 1000s of Aritans now serve in the DDS and the DDS have rebuilt the Aritan fleet with ex-DDS ships like the Intrepid.

Recently there have been tensions with the rival Telvin 802 system which threatened to bring the DDS into a war on the Aritans side. The Aritans are known for their short tempers though this also has proved useful in warfare on the DDS side. The Aritans are taking the lead in the New DDS Army, the first completed brigade being Aritan.