
A day in the life of Captain Redjec

Captain Redjec DSO MA MBA PhD here, some people have asked me "Hey General Redjec, just what is it you do every day? How can you maintain such law and order in the DDS? How can you provide the moral compass of the DDS? How can you do all this and give Trojan Warlord a kicking? Are you some kind of God?" Well of course i am very modest and could not comment on whether i indeed am some kind of God. Though i probably am. Quarz, whom i hate, is a geek.

So i have decided to describe my day, the typical day in the life of Captain Redjec. This will be posted on the New DDS website (just one aspect of my MASSIVE remit) for future generations of young men who wish for a role model or father figure can refer to so they can attempt to become as professional as myself, General Redjec, and not a laughable icon of sadness like Quarz, who i hate.

I wake, early of course. No later than 10am. As time is money and sleep is for losers. I make do with only 12 hours sleep a day in fact. The first thing i do is consult my e-mails and wake up my lazy staff. I am a very important man. In fact it has been said that the DDS would grind to a halt if i was not there to provide it's heart beat. I said it myself in fact. Breakfast is for losers so i just have a bacon sandwich. Quarz, whom i hate, is probaby still in bed with his giant teddy bear with strap-on, i hate him.

First of all Team Redjec has a meeting to discuss the pertinant issues of the day. Then 5 minutes later its time for me to review some video footage to inspire the troops. Today i watched Image of Bruce Li which is a very fine cinematic treat indeed. Quarz watches the Rug Rats and probably fills his pants. I hate him!

Lunch is for losers so i just grab a plate of spaghetti whilst juggling the various MASSIVE and IMPORTANT parts of my portfolio. The afternoon is spent playing video games to keep my amazing reflexes and skills up to scratch. TR has another meeting before the end of our hard working day at 3pm. It is gratifying that TR looks up to it's leader Field Marshal Redjec for advice and guidance. Quarz, who looks up to him?! No one! As he is the lowest form of life! I hate him!! Quarz is so low down he isn't even on the map! Redjec is the map!

After a hard day of inspirational leadership i retire to my apartment to watch some TV. I am not a heavy watcher of TV. And i only watch soap operas so i can emphasise with the little people who make up the DDS. Plus those soap actresses are so hot! 7 hours later its time for bed and i rest to recharge myself because tomorrow i will be even more important in the DDS. In fact very soon Windscorpion will probably retire and name me his replacement. Tomorrow probably. It won't be Quarz anyway, he is probably indulging in bestial lusts with that thing Crystal Ribbon. I hate him!!!!!!

Oojok Day celebrated on Cloneworld again

Oojok Day, celebrating the anniversary of the arrival of Oojok on Cloneworld many years ago, has been celebrated again after being suppressed during the brief period when the Church of Oojok was banned.To celebrate the lifting of the ban 1000s of loyal Clones flocked to Ailier City and dozens of smaller celebrations across the planet (though not so many across the empire).

In Ailier City extreme zealots were whipped through the streets and rubbed their genitals against broken glass in order to prove their love of Oojok! Ayatollah Clone XE personally led the festivities and dug a ceremonial furrow on a wheat field using his erect penis! Windy is understood to have shown an interest in this.

Afterwards XE addressed the crowds and said, "Fellow Clones, today we celebrate the arrival of The Golden One to our land and his leadership in our deliverance from sorrow and despair. Before Oojok this land was a dark one, a land of ignorance and filth! Now it is a land of light and peace. Clones are the masters of their own destiny again! Humanity now trembles when the Clone roars!

"That is all due to the glory of Oojok. Oojok is the only way for Clones to achieve our destinies. Only in Oojok is there happiness. Only in Oojok is there satisfaction. Only in Oojok is there actualisation. Only in Oojok is there glory! Oojok is most great!"

The crowd then enjoyed a pop concert.

2nd DDS Army brigade declared operational

The 2nd Infantry Brigade (Remedia) has been declared operational by the DDS Army adding 5000 troops to the still embroyonic land force. 2 more brigades (one more Remedian and one Aritan) are hoped to join the army next year. The Remedian brigade is drawn from the Remedian Army but needed a lot of retraining and reorganisation to bring it up to scratch.

Armoured vehicles are still a problem though, the brigade is using a mixture of legacy army vehicles including some ex-HCS AFVs that date from the Clone Wars (when they were captured) plus some vehicles from the Remedian Army, a definitive IFV for the DDS Army has yet to be decided upon.


To Pull On
What is the dark secret behind this deep level mining on Dino-Land?

HCS to deploy Nybble next year?

The Nybble UCV has completed it's latest superluminal test when it reached 250c between Cloneworld and Daggaddon. It was accompanied by a Kalahati Tuul though it is understood the Nybble used it's own guidance and control throughout the trip with a datalink maintained from Cloneworld.

The first unaccompanied test is planned for the next few days. Nybble will travel from Cloneworld to Sandworld, carry out a simulated reconnaissance scan of the planet, and then return to Cloneworld. The HCS are now hoping to have a "Phase 1" Nybble in limited service before the end of next year. This UCV will be unarmed and will be used for scouting missions only. A later version will follow in 2111 or 2112 which will have self-defence armament.

The speed of Nybble is unknown, analysis of the engine known to be used plus guesstimates of the mass by analysts think the UCV can reach 400c though Phase 1 is likely to have an improved engine to boost speed to 500c. More speed bumps are planned for the future too, the Nybble platform is said to be very strong and stress tested for speeds in excess of 900c.

Current deployments (29/09/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
(R101 Missileer)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A146 Argus
(A145 Globemaster)
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A150 Refinery


(A152 Kerocene)
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

K101 Cicero
K106 Brutus
K112 Seneca


HCSAF finally disband final suicide squadrons

A feature of the 1st Clone War were the mass attacks by suicide planes like the A-22 but this kind of offensive weapon fell out of favour once HCS technology had advanced to the stage where they could compete on a level playing field with DDS air weapons (and now have surpassed the DDS easily). While the 1000s of suicide aircraft were withdrawn (several hundred A-22s became O-43 general purpose "hacks" though these are being phased out now) a number of squadrons remained. In the event of a war the pilots would be given aircraft from storage such as older A-85s and O-43s to resume the suicide attack role.

Over time these squadrons have been disbanded and this week the final 2 squadrons have been stood down thus ending a peculiar chapter in the history of the HCS.

Gale-III Development Build 24

Build 24 of the Gale-III ICBM has been successfully launched. Following the failure of Build 23 all eyes were on this one but the missile successfully reached it's target in the Northern Ocean. Build 24 (and 23) include the IR suppression technology to increase the stealthiness of the carrier rocket. This is more relavant for CSM.

As for CSM the Nuclear Space Vehicle (NSV), which is the space stage of the CSM system has successfully carried out a number of tests. NSV has now been returned to the factory for fitting with a superluminal capable engine and hyperspace field generator. Superluminal tests will be carried out next year. The first test launching an NSV into space off a Gale-III will be carried out this year analysts believe (probably Build 25), though the NSV to be launched is likely to be a dummy payload.

NDAA begins third phase of flight testing

The NDAA light strike fighter has begun the third phase of flight testing, this is with the complete avionics suite and will include weapon testing and integration tests with DDS networks and other weapon systems. An improved build of the turbofan has also been fitted. Flight testing will continue until the end of the year with the final pre-production version due next Spring.

Production examples are planned to enter service before the end of 2110 though full operational status will not be until well into 2111.

Other Fleet News (28/09/09)


Prospective Consul for next year Jimmy is likely to press for a reduced defence budget which will mean PT production paused and XT production reduced to a minimal rate. The next versions of both ships, including the PT/4, are also likely to be delayed a few years.

The Dinos are getting more involved with the export market though having already scored some successes with the XT, many of these are second-hand however. A dedicated XT-export model is being considered.


Construction has begun of the first Type AA super-heavy transport. To save money the first Type AA will use two old Type As though future AAs will be newly built. Trials have been scheduled to begin by next Summer with the first new build AA planned for early 2111.


The two Relan class multi-purpose ships are to be upgraded by the DDS Upgrades Division (thought to be free to the Sirikwanese to repay their participation in various DDS operations). The ships will be fitted with Canister TPM, improved communication systems and it's docking bay made compatible with DDS ships like the Fulcrum and SROPS. The upgrades will be carried out later this year.

New Arit

New Arit have received the first of 3 Coril-Es they have on order. The shuttle has been designated as the new VIP transport for the Aritan President.


Dinos and Clones look to develop electromagnetic guns for tanks

The Dinos and Clones who have been working closely on tanks and other armoured vehicles such as the T-55ZDM have formed a joint project group to look into the feasibility of using electromagnetic rail guns for a tank's main armament. The advantages of this would be the projectiles could be smaller (as they wouldn't need any propellant) and could reach higher speeds with range and penetration implications.

The problem up until now has been that EM guns require masses of power however the Dinos have been working on very compact power generators that generate large amounts of energy for some of their other weapons and it is felt that these may be applicable to the project.

Such a gun if possible could form part of the T-89FSU replacement planned by the HCS, the T-89X, and the follow-on to the ZDM the T-55ZDX.


Permanent Marker
Ice Ranger and his Prowler team encounter the Tarbot...

Tarbotian activity raises DDS eyebrows

Over the last few months Tarbotian ships have been detected in the Rim Worlds no less than 9 times. There has also been found evidence of Tarbotian activity on several planetoids and asteroids. Three unmanned surveilance stations have been detected by the DDS (and "accidentally" destroyed).

Although a Tarbotian attack is considered unlikely at the moment (intelligence points to the Tarbotians currently concentrating on other enemies elsewhere along their borders in space unknown to the DDS) it could be early ground work is being laid for a greater future Tarbotian presence in this area. The DDS are to hold talks with the Aritans and Dinos soon about this and may increase their patrols in the area. The Clones have also been invited to these talks.

Major earthquake rocks Dino-Land

A large earthquake in the Central District of Dino-Land has destroyed dozens of buildings including a major military base. Early casualty reports are in the dozens but this is expected to rise. The area of the earthquake is very geologically docile so the quake is puzzling Dino geologists.

Consul Cruggson has called a state of emergency and is travelling to the region. The region does not have a large population which could limit the total death toll.

Ground Shock second operation a success

The second major operation of the Ground Shock deployment has been carried out. Aritan and DDS troops were successfully landed on Loeuss in an "opposed" landing (Dino troops taking the role of the enemy). The landing was supported by 3 Rome corvettes fitted with the ground attack module. The 3 Romes have now left the deployment and returned to Solaris.

For the next couple of weeks the focus will be on ground training with the Aritan troops taking part in some training operations on Loeuss while the ships in the deployment are refuelled and resupplied. The third operation will be held on the Remedian planet of Ailiari which has a more hostile atmosphere for amphibious landings though will be the kind of conditions future "real" operations may have to deal with. As well as a landing a rapid withdrawal of landed troops will also be made.

Pangaea class landing ship L112 Gondwana has had some technical problems with it's engine though has managed to continue taking part in the exercises. A team from DDS Engineering is en route with some spare parts.

More minesweeping to be done in Remedian space

A minesweeping flotilla will be sent to Remedian space next week for a sweep of space near Mila and other areas of the front line during the DDS-Utrek war. Previous efforts have concentrated on major shipping lanes but this second phase of work will encompass lessor routes and regions near to mining colonies.

The mine risk still exists in that area of space. A Dino commercial transport had a near miss with a Utrek mine last month. The mine luckily did not detonate after it decloaked and attacked the transport. If it had detonated it is likely it would have destroyed the ship.


Missile fired at HCSN warship

HCS Navy destroyer D02 Micom has come under attack by an anti-ship missile fired by pirates off the north coast of Ailier. The missile, which has not been identified yet, lost it's lock after Micom deployed counter measures and landed harmlessly in the sea, harmlessly except for a few fish maybe.

The HCSN have warned before that the pirates have been using their ill-gotten gains to buy advanced weaponry from other worlds though this is the first time a missile has been uses. Because of it's failure it is speculated the missile may be an old HCS missile. HCS intelligence investigators are looking into withdrawn stocks. It has been known for some time that some weapons have gone missing over the years.


HCSAF receives first VC-460

The HCSAF has received it's first VC-460 Executive VIP transport, the first aircraft it has received based on the CCA 460 airliner. The 460 is, at it's most basic, a two-engined version of the 440 (which as the C-440 is the backbone of the HCSAF transport fleet) though it also has a number of refinements including a new wing and greater use of composites to reduce the weight of the aircraft. These improvements will later be rolled into a future version of the 440.

The HCSAF will receive 45 C-460s in both VIP and normal combi passenger/cargo configurations. It will replace the ageing C-360 and VC-370 fleets as well as some older C-440s.

Marconi fleet to receive special forces upgrade

Following evaluation of E101 Marconi the rest of the Marconi 81A class will be receiving a similiar special forces and general combat capability update. The changes Marconi received included an enlarged docking bay able to accept both SROPS and Fulcrums/Corils, extra troop accommodation, basic casualty handling, 360 CIWS and TPM-2 capable missile launchers. E101 Marconi itself has just received further updates to it's sensor system and communications systems.

The updates will be carried out over the next few months during normal refits. E103 Braun has just begun it's update. A sigint/elint update for the fleet is also planned for next year. A decision to start building the planned 6th Marconi has yet to be committed to however and may now slip into 2112.

Calls for improved DDS catering

A few hundred young men have protested at DDS GHQ against the poor quality of food available in DDS canteens. Although mostly peaceful there were a few scuffles with security and a couple of rapes.

"Everything is sausage!" a protestor said, a WM spokesman retorted that "We in Windy Massive want to see a hot sausage inside all of our young men every morning. We are looking into other meals too however such as toad in the hole and chocolate fudge."

Windy is known to be a vegetarian, except on Fridays.

Starbotians conduct combat exercise

The Starbotians have conducted a major combat exercise near to Aldebra, partly to help integrate their new DDS built ships with their legacy fleet and also to demonstrate to any "watching eyes" (in other words the Argon 7 Sa Sao) the Starbotians have a force to be reckoned with. The ships that took part were :

I-1A Iona
I-20 Cougar
I-6 Ixion
I-16 Starbotian Spirit

An even mix of legacy and DDS platforms. Several Ferret-E UCVs also took part taking on the role of "enemy" ships. The Starbotians will link with the DDS for a major joint operation later this year or early next year.


Sirikwan stays in Force Voth

Sirikwan has decided to stay in Force Voth after the DDS promised their ship would not be exposed on it's own in the face of Bolitic aggression. The Sirikwanese had thought about pulling out of the deployment after SKS Undian was left alone and was attacked by a Bolitic warship.

Opposition politician Tandorak, who led calls for the withdrawal, is thought to have changed his mind when Windy said he would send his personal ship SS Stoke City to pick him up for a "chat".

Current deployments (22/09/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
K101 Cicero
K106 Brutus
K112 Seneca

P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ


Z5 Increment 1

Although the Z6 cannon is expected to enter service next year the Z5 cannon is likely to remain on a majority of the fleet for a few years. The DDS have announced an improvement programme for the cannon which will be rolled out in a number of "increments". Increment 1 will be rolled out during the rest of the year and will be carried out on ships as they receive scheduled refits.

Z5 Increment 1 includes software improvements to the energy management system and an improved software beam optimiser. This will improve the quality of the beam and the rate of fire. Accuracy will also be improved by better filtering and enhancement of target data using a new targeting front end. The improvements will be applicable to the whole family of Z5 cannons including the Z5m, Z5g and Z5t.

Jimmy moots reducing Dino defence budget

Prospective Consul election candidate (and very likely winner) Jimmy has set out his stall for the type of policies he wishes to pursue when he is Consul (though of course he will be sharing with existing Consul Cruggson and whomever replaces Cruggson the year after. Jimmy says that the vast military expenditure the Dinos have undertook over the last 10 years needs to be reined back.

"We need to be investing in schools, social care and infrastructure." he told supporters at a Liberal Party rally in Yavilanda. He said that PT production would be paused for a number of years, XT production reduced to miminal and the Dino presence on Loeuss cut back. Two legions would also be cut.

Smuggling probed at Sanger Alpha 6329

The illegal possession and sale of valuable minerals mined at the DDS mining colony on Sanger Alpha 6329 has come to light and Team Redjec has sent in it's top investigator Inspector Black Hat to ..er.. investigate. Sanger Alpha 6329 is fairly close to the core DDS worlds of Proxima 7, Solaris and Terra but is rather marginal for supporting life. However it does have rich deposits of rare minerals some of which are vital for DDS systems.

A recent raid on some men suspected of illegal activities also discovered a quantity of a rare mineral. Testing indicated it came from Sanger Alpha which is impossible through DDS sources. it is now thought that there is a smuggling ring operating which is removing these minerals illegally for sale on the black market. Black Hat's investigations are  continuing.


Chicks With Dicks
The brutal Black Hat comes to investigate corruption at a mining base...


Molab ask DDS to design "MCM Frigate"

Molab, who are currently evaluating the DMS equipped Pentekonter-M, are said to be close to placing an order for 5 Pentekonter-EMs with 1 more as an option. However one issue is what ship will direct MCM operations. The DDS are thought to intend for there to be a Rome-EM at some stage fitted with Pave Yellow 2.0 however the export Rome project is not really going anywhere.

Molab have asked the DDS to develop a "MCM Frigate" based on the Isometric-E55. This would be a dedicated MCM director with a secondary general patrol mode. The DDS are likely to offer a further cut-down E55 (probably without passive sensors) and Pave Yellow 2.0. If Molab like this specification they may order 1 to go with the Pentekonter-EMs.

DDS/UNP plan next generation data network

No matter how fast you make a data network or how much bandwidth you provide sooner or later it will be full. The DDS Network was last upgraded in the early 2100s and while currently easily sufficient it is estimated by 2120 the network will be overloaded with the amount of data the DDS will be needing to pass around estimated to increase by 190% by then (and that is a conservative estimate).

The DDS, and UNP, have therefore outlined plans for a new data network in the 2120s, which will be preceded by an upgrade to the main trunks of the network in the next decade. Improved message switching and encyption will also be built into the upgrades. The plans come with a hefty price tag, the interim upgrade is estimated at costing 1.4 billion zarks and a new network over 4.5 billion zarks but the DDS say data is vital and will only become more so as new technologies like DAC and OA 3.0 spread across the DDS plus the number of UCVs increase.


Thrust Up The Rear
ZBH's B-Team are given a new mission.

The return of Redjec

Captain Redjec here, commander of Team Redjec, which of course means I am very important. However I am a very modest man as you may have guessed. When Windscorpion wanted me to take the lead in the future direction of the DDS I at first did not want to hog the limelight and no doubt be at the centre of future development of the DDS. It was a hard decision but finally I came down hard on the side of anti-sloth! That is why I Redjec am commander of Team Redjec and why... just to take another DDS personality purely at random Quarz is not. I hate him by the way.

I am going to clear away the laziness and sloth, and the DDS is infested with it. Lets take a purely random example: Quarz. Whom I know vaguely, and hate, is a disgusting discharge of a man. If you can call him that! Man I mean. "Man" signifies masculinity, strength, purpose... does Quarz have any of those qualities? Well I hate to criticise him of course but NO! He is a nothing! A boil on the anus of humanity! And he lies with The Beast, a.k.a. Crystal Ribbon. I thought bestiality was illegal? Then why does he have sex with that thing? How grim his life his, how utterly inferior it is to mine!

I Redjec am living a selfless life of discipline, self-denial and quiet meditation. I have even given away my Iron Maiden CDs! Quarz keeps his foul music collection of course. Maybe he dances to ABBA with The Beast! Thats why i hate him. Well its one of the billions of reasons.


Sirikwan to pull out of Force Voth?

Following the attack on SKS Undian by a suspected Bolitic warship the other day there have been calls on Sirikwan for Undian to be withdrawn from Force Voth. Some elements in the Sirikwan government known to be against integration with the DDS are using the attack as evidence that getting involved with DDS affairs will put Sirikwanese in the firing line.

Opposition politician Tandorak said "The Bolitic have never attacked us before but now we align ourselves to the hew-mons we are on their target list! Sirikwan should pull out of the DDS and stay safe in our traditional neutrality!" Windy has offered Tandorak and his other supporters talks on these issues. SS Stoke City has been despatched to bring them to the DDS.

CNS Cloneworld launches first aircraft

The first HCS Navy aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld has reached a major milestone, the first launching of an aircraft from it's deck using a catapult. The F-40N was launched from the carrier which was moored just off the coast. The aircraft then made a landing at a nearby land base. The first carrier landing will be carried out in a number of days it is reported.

CNS Cloneworld will begin phase 2 of it's sea trials next month once final installation of it's ICT system is completed. These trials will include aircraft operations and integration into HCSN operations. The carrier is on schedule for an entry into service by next Summer.

K-18D completes phase 1 flight trials

The K-18D, the Dino built close support aircraft for the DDSAF, has completed phase 1 of it's flighrt trials. A "full-spec" production standard model is now expected next month from the Dinos and this will carry out phase 2 trials which will include full weapon trials and early ground crew integration trials.

If all goes to plan then the first production K-18Ds could start arriving next Spring with "by the end of 2110" given as the date for operational status of the first group.

Rome attack force joins Ground Shock

Three Rome corvettes fitted with the ground attack module have joined the Ground Shock deployment ready for the next operation which will be an "opposed" landing with the Romes providing fire support. The Pulsar cruiser attached to the deployment will also simulate a missile attack on the "defenders" which will be provided by Dino forces stationed on Loeuss.

The three Romes are K101 Cicero, K106 Brutus and K112 Seneca. Following their part in the deployment they will return to GHQ and resume patrol duties. The patrol force is slightly stretched at the moment which is why the Romes have only just joined the deployment (and will leave it by the end of next week) indeed Pentekonter-M X902 Xerxes (albiet not fitted for minesweeping duties yet, it has been used by the Departmental Fleet) has just taken up a patrol circuit to fill a gap.


Sirikwanese ship attacked by Bolitic

SKS Undian, a Sirikwanese Reliwan class frigate (a modified Tarbotian Vormix class ship) and part of Force Voth, has been attacked near Apassara near the Voth/Bolitic border. The identity of the ship that attacked Undian is unknown but it is likely to be the Bolitic. Undian lost main power but luckily was able to maintain shields as the auxiliary power held. Two Sirikwanese sailors received serious injuries.

Two DDS ships from Apassara were quickly on the scene and chased off the attacking ship. Undian usually does not operate on it's own but it had in this case as SS South China Sea, which was accompanying it on a patrol, had to return to Apassara because of an ill crewman who needed medical attention on the planet. It is thought the Bolitic had been waiting for their chance to target the "weak link" in Force Voth. Undian has now been repaired.

Missileer update nears completion as DDS plan for future improvements

Missileer carriers not on deployment have now completed Missileer Update 2109 A which includes Ferret-G support. The two ships on deployment will receive their updates when they complete their deployments so it should be within the next couple of months.

The DDS have also been talking about how they plan to improve the Missileer in future to further cement it's role as a mothership and centre of DDS deployments. Accommodation will be greatly enhanced next year and the docking bay will be totally redesigned and extended. There will also be further improvements to the communication systems.

Current deployments (15/09/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea


F101 Cambrian
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho


Fleet news (14/09/09)

R109 Rifleman is the latest Missileer 21B to join the fleet and the penultimate ship of it's type to be built (though the DDS are known to be considering 2 more in the next financial year). Rifleman has a number of changes to it's UCV handling system and will be at first used for some Ferret-G trials before joining the fleet for normal duties later in the year.

Isometric 41A frigate F105 Jurassic has become the latest completed ILU. Interestingly it's place on the production jig has been taken by F116 Cryptozoic which is one of the 3 Pave Yellow equipped ships used to direct minesweeping operations. The DDS is taking the opportunity of a lull in MCM operations to get one of it's precious MCM directors upgraded.

A226 Elbe is the latest River 75B transport to join the fleet. 4 more are on provisional order though it will likely be the next FY before they are confirmed.

A509 Rupert is the last Feeder 78A VIP shuttle to be built. Originally the DDS planned to buy more than 9 but are reported to be not that happy with the type due to it's average availability. Finally A579 Firefly and A580 Salamander are the latest Coril 79B shuttles to be built. The Feeder and Corils are likely to be class renumbered in the 8x series soon.

The 4 Coril 79A special forces transports are likely to be re-engineed with the same CFM powerplant as used in the 79B when they receive their next refits.

UV145 : Grade A Beef

  • Ritual Slaughter - Trojan Warlord is given a suicide mission....
  • A Violent Man - Trojan Warlord has to enter the shadowy world of the Hoods 2.0....
  • Aces High! - Trok prepares to send the TPM data to the JO and reach the zenith of his powers...
  • Battle For The Truth - What is Gibson's final fate?...
  • Ragged Staff - Redjec is ordered to break up the vile couple of Quarz and The Beast....
  • A Day In The Life Of Crickson - Watch as Crickson desperately tries to remain a micro-celeb....

First landing a "success" in Operation Ground Shock

The first amphibious landing by DDS forces on Loeuss as part of their Ground Shock deployment has been carried out and described as a success by the DDS though independant observors have said it was not trouble free. Communication issues remain between the DDS and Aritan ground forces and there was some rivalry between Aritan and Remedian soldiers which results in a number of brawls and rapes.

One landing pod from an Intruder landing ship crashed on landing damaging it's landing struts and causing some injuries to the soldiers aboard though none are life threatening. Another landing will be carried out next week, this time with Dino troops providing "opposition".


Ferrets take up P7 / Solaris orbital patrols

Ferret-E UCVs armed with TPM-2s have begun orbital patrols at Proxima 7 and Solaris. This allows the manned warship allocation to both of these strategic points in the DDS to be reduced thus releasing more assets for other areas. Some UNP politicians have voiced concerns that the drones cannot replaced armed ships but the DDS have disagreed saying that a squadron of Ferrets can react faster than a single warship. The DDS also said that both planets also have an airborne and land-based TPM defence system too.

Patrols will begin around Proxima 5, Terra, Liberation and Sanger Alpha 6329 before the end of the year. Windy has said that if any UNP politicians wish to discuss this further he will talk to them on his ship SS Stoke City.

HCS preparing for offensive against Xenon?

Captain Clone has sent 12 warships to Petric and Benito 8 ships to join up with the 23 ships of various types already there. This is the most powerful HCS space fleet assembled for some time and it is rumoured that it may be sent to fight the Xenon. Captain Clone and Benito are understood to have held a lengthy conference on Paragon with their respective staffs and decided on a coherent strategy to combat Xenon.

It is rumoured that the Clones intend to hit the Xenon faction hard in the hope that this ends the skirmishes. There is no word yet as to when the fleet will set off if at all.


A Day In The Life Of Crickson
Watch as Crickson desperately tries to remain a micro-celeb...


Work on first Velocity-E begins / Coril-E

The Raegris have begun construction of the first (and at the moment) only Velocity-E which has been ordered by Putri 500. Delivery is scheduled for next year. The DDS are disappointed that there have not been any more orders to date though are hoping that Putri 500 may order another at a later date. Molab have also looked into the type.

The first Coril-E has been completed and is due to be delivered to New Arit in a couple of months.

Utrek replace JO with new military intelligence agency

Out of the wreckage of the JO the Utrek military have seized control of all intelligence and espionage activities and expanded their existing military intelligence agency. The Utrek military said that from now on intelligence operations would run in conjunction with political and military objectives and not in competition as happened in the past with the JO.

As for the JO all personnel have been released including some prisoners the JO had taken just before the collapse.

Faction In Focus : New Arit (updated)

The Aritans are a minor race who inhabit a couple of planets on the edge of the Rim Worlds but they have been involved in some of most dangerous situations for galactic peace over the last few years. They are now one of the core DDS allies though the DDS need to support them a great deal.

New Aritans

The Aritans have been spacefaring for a long time now having developed space technology independantly however they used the slower subspace echo propulsion for superluminal travel. This is limited to around 10c so the Aritans took a long time to get anywhere in space. They did start to built an extensive trading network and began to buy hyperspace technology.

Then the Porquatians decided to attack. This aggressive race soon overwhelmed the Aritan defense forces and surrounded the homeworld New Arit (there is no Old Arit, its a joke apparently). The DDS bought in the HCS and Dinos in an alliance to stop the Porquatians. However the battle against the Porquatians almost bought the DDS and HCS to war!

Finally the Porquatians were defeated but New Arit was in a poor state. Months of seige had left the economy devastated and their defense infrastruture was ruined. The DDS bought the Aritans into the DDS and have made it their hub for that region of space. Its a highly strategic position with good access to the western Rim Worlds and the southern flank of the Dino Empire. The Aritans are now useful allies to the DDS, 1000s of Aritans now serve in the DDS and the DDS have rebuilt the Aritan fleet with ex-DDS ships like the Intrepid.

Recently there have been tensions with the rival Telvin 802 system which threatened to bring the DDS into a war on the Aritans side. The Aritans are known for their short tempers though this also has proved useful in warfare on the DDS side. The Aritans are taking the lead in the New DDS Army, the first completed brigade being Aritan.

HCSAF to revamp helicopter arm

The HCSAF has announced a 350 million zark programme to recapitalise and revamp it's helicopter force which has rather stagnated over the last few years. The AH-26X is still "delayed" though (a.k.a. dead) but there will be 100 new build C/AH-26WNG on top of the 50 already on order plus refurbishment for around 270 older C/AH-26s.

The heavy-lift CH-36 Helium will also be refurbished as many of these are now reaching the ends of their fatigue lives. 20 million zarks has also been allocated for initial development of a replacement due for 2120 at the latest. The AH-50 Dragonfly will be receiving a systems upgrade including enhanced sensors and a new radar. Finally 50 of the AH-75 Hornet anti-helicopter helicopter fleet are to be modified to give them a more general combat role.


Starbot funds extra warships

Starbot already operates a Panther and an Extender to augment their fleet. These ships are listed as being in the DDS but are Starbotian crewed and their first priority is Starbotian defence however that of course is part of DDS defence too. Starbot has announced it will buy a third Panther (it has one on order). This will extend the Panther order by one to 15.

Starbot will also buy a third Extender and one Provider. It is also looking into Coril shuttles but there was no firm decision on that yet.

F-45C rolled out

The most important defence project for the HCS is now the F-45C/K which will define HCS air power well into the 2120s. The second generation F-45 is due to enter service in 2114 with the first flight planned for next year. Today the first prototype was rolled out for the media and will begin pre-flight testing before the end of the year.

The F-45C (and the F-45K which will form the backbone of Naval airpower) although is officially the second version of the F-45 is in reality a totally new aircraft which just happens to look a lot like the F-45A! It has been totally redesigned from scratch incorporating new technologies and will form the basis of future HCSAF plans for information rich battlespheres. The F-45C/K is also designed to be "optionally piloted", it will be able to operate as a UCAV with the flick of a switch. It will also have a hybrid cockpit with real-time overlay of tactical information with augmented vision on the pilot's helmet visor.


Redjec returns!

Captain Redjec Esq here. Or am I a Commander? I cant tell, my rank changes so often these days, always upwards of course, that i can hardly remember. As you may now i suffered injuries after an unprovoked attack recently but i am on the mend, i will soon be able to walk properly again. Thanks to the many millions of get well soon cards, you lot are a saucy and ironic lot of course. I do advise you lot to be careful though, someone else who got a card saying they hoped i died in agony after being raped with a rusty spike might not realise it was a joke, unlike myself! Quarz of course, whom i hate, would fill his pants.

There have been many false rumours about my condition but i think they have been spread around by The Beast a.k.a. Crystal Ribbon who is the "lover" of Quarz whom i hate. Can you imagine a more disgusting and sick couple than that? I can't! And i need my medication now anyway. I leave you with a photo that i believe displays Quarz, whom i hate, and CR unmasked...


ANALysis : Redjec has been put in his place

The recent humiliation (among other things he has suffered) of Redjec indicates that Windscorpion has decided his recent favourite needs to be reminded of his place in the order of things. It is known that Redjec was assaulted and raped by an obscure rating. Investigations into Rating Andelan by DDS bloggers have drawn a blank, this indicates that Andelan does not really exist and was a plant by Windy.

Andelan is likely to be a Windy Massive operative who was tasked with manoeuvring Redjec into a position where he could be punished (such as face down over a desk with his trousers down). Redjec has recently risen in the ranks and has been selected by Windy for promotion but now he has been given a reminder that in the DDS Windy is the master.

DDS looking into cheap patrol ship for allies

The DDS has begun a new project called Allies Patrol System (APS) which will be a cheap yet capable and extendable patrol asset aimed at DDS allies and the export market. The DDS has identified that their allies like the Aritans have a lot of ships which will be coming to the ends of their useful lives over the next 10-15 years so there is a need for a cheap new design to replace them.

It is likely the Pentekonter 44A, already in service with a number of allies, will be the starting point of the APS design study though the finished article may be very different. The DDS are aiming at 2118 for a possible entry in service of the new type. The Aritans will be heavily involved in the project.

Redjec hospitalised

Commander Redjec has been hospitalised with what is said to be severe damage to his anus. He was found broken and bleeding in the gutter outside Team Redjec headquarters. A few hours later someone finally bothered to take him to hospital where he underwent emergency anal reconstruction surgery. The Onion has taken control of TR for the meantime.

Lurid footage of someone looking like Redjec being buggered was later released on the internet. The DDS network crashed for 2 hours while 1000s of people tried to download the video.

DDS acquire more Kalahati Tuuls

The DDS have acquired 12 more ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls. Not all are in working order and they will likely be used as a source of spares but at least 8 are operatable though will require refurbishment. It is thought the ships were transferred in return for some concessions with respect to a mining moon at the Utrek-Remedia border and some intelligence on the Bolitic and ABBOs. Two are to enter service with the DDS as trials and development ships for DDS Research. DDS Research have been using 2 seconded Pentekonter-Ms but these will be returned to the minesweeping fleet next year.

The two KTs will be known as the Kalahati Tuul 96X class and are likely to enter service by the end of the year once they have been localised and refurbished. As for the other KTs New Arit and Sirikwan are likely to receive them to bolster their fleets. Refurbished and with TPM support and DDS sensors they will be very useful secondary assets.

Current deployments (08/09/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic


D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho


Final new build TPM-1 released

TPM-1D5 will go down in history as the final version of the famous missile to be built from new. The missile will continue to be developed for a couple of years yet but these later versions will be rebuilds of existing missiles. The final 350 new missiles to be built before the end of the year will be to D5 standard and 100 D4As will also be upgraded afterwards.

D5 includes the new countermeasure system from the TPM-2 (and also used in the QPM-1). There are also a number of software updates.

Air and ground launched TPM-1 are unchanged.

Allies to take bigger role in day-to-day patrols?

The DDS are considering giving more help to the Aritans, Sirikwanese and other allies to take a bigger role in patrolling DDS space. The DDS would like their allies to take the lion's share of routine patrolling thus leaving the DDS to concentrate on fleet operations.

The DDS may provide more ships to their allies and upgrade them with the allies "repaying" the DDS by performing the patrol circuits. The Aritans already undertake 2 patrol circuits for the DDS and may take on 2 more when their Kalahati Tuul fleet reaches full operational status.

HCS on Petric attacked

Petric is the Clone Star Empire planet nearest the scenes of troubles with the Xenon faction of the 7 Sa Sao. It recently has been seeing a major military build-up by the Clones with a HCS legion plus other forces moves there. Now these forces have come under attack.

A small space vessel of unknown origin though similar in configuration to the Xenon ships already encountered appeared in Petric orbit after evading HCS defences. It then attacked the HCS base on Petric, firing 17 powerful energy bolts into the camp from orbit before being destroyed by a HCS space ship. 128 HCS soldiers are reported to have been killed on the planet. No life signs were found in alien ship indicating it was a drone.

Second Long Patrol attacked by ABBOs

The second Long Patrol led by Tribune Comer has ended in destruction and failure like the first after it was attacked by the ABBOs. Luckily for Comer again 2 SS Dinomarks just happened to be in the area and so were able to save him.

One NG was destroyed in the ABBO attack, another one (Comer's flagship) was been deemed uneconomic for repairs and has been delisted to be used for spares. Comer this time did not suffer any serious injuries though eye witnesses say he seems to be walking rather gingerly for some reason.


Ragged Staff
Redjec is ordered to break up the vile couple of Quarz and The Beast...


DAC debuts

Isometric frigate SS Jurassic has returned to service following it's ILU and is the first ship in the DDS fleet fitted with DAC or Distributed Adaptive Computing. DAC allows damaged systems to be automatically isolated and the lost functionality compensated by other systems.

DAC is likely to be fitted to the Panther fleet when they receive their mid-Phase 1 updates in a couple of years and other ships in the fleets later on.

Ailier returns to fleet

The sole HCS Navy frigate CNS Ailier has returned to the fleet following it's refit and update. Ailier was the last survivor of the old Navy and until the arrival of the Olana destroyers was the only large surface warship available. 16 Ailier II frigates based on the design will be built, the first is expected to be launched early next year.

CNS Ailier has been fitted with C3 equipment and will act as the fleet flagship and command ship until the carrier CNS Cloneworld enters service next year. It has also been fitted with an improved weapons and sensor suite.


Dinos fund at least 1 more version of T-55ZDM / Export success

With the T-55ZDM2 now entering service the Dinos have agreed to fund a further version of the tank which is also used by the HCS. It is likely that the ZDM3 will be a further refinement of the design though a new engine is in development but this may be used in a later version.

Putri 500 has ordered 250 of the tanks in the first export order for the joint Dino-Clone company set up to market the tank. The localised T-55ZDM-P is likely to be also joined with Tapirs and artillery as Putri plans to totally recapitalise their ground forces.

Molab "very interested" in Pentekonter-EM

Molab has requested data on the DDS Minesweeping System (DMS) which will be used on it's export minesweeper the Pentekonter-EM. Sources close to Molab say they are interested in forming an Eritran minesweeping force which will be funded by Molab, Sear N7 and other Eritran states with joint crewing (though Molab is likely to pay the lion's share and provide most of the crew).

The Pentekonter-M fitted with DMS is currently en route to Molab for a demonstration and more evaluation. The order could be for as many as 6 EMs. DMS is expected to be cleared for service next year. There is yet to be any word as to what Molab will use for the Pave Yellow 2.0 system to direct minesweeping operations though they may have it fitted to one or more of their Isometric-EMMs.

DDS loan Dino SX-98

The DDS have taken one of the Dino's SX-98 landing ships on loan for a month. The DDS will receive their own examples, known as the Oceania 63A class, next year but have been wanting to get some early training in. The ship will operate with a Dino crew but with a team of DDS observers.

The ship is now heading to join the Ground Shock deployment where it will take part in some amphibious exercises before returning to Proxima 7 later in the month for other training exercises.

Whatever happened to the Rectoids?

In the mid-part of this decade the greatest enemy of the Central Powers was the Rectoids. They hit the DDS hard in their war even destroying an entire planet, also virtually wiping out the ABBOs. Windy destroyed their empire with the help of Megara. Then what?

The DDS have recently conducted a discreet survey of Rectoid space and have also gathered much useful intelligence from the likes of the Molab who are nearer to their space (though still some way off). The DDS report that the Rectoid civilisation has totally changed. The old military regime of course was crushed when the home world Recta was destroyed by bio-genic weapons. The new Rectoids is a decentralised collection of planets with several peer factions based around the major planets (which is similiar to their genetic cousins the 7 Sa Sao).

The Rectoids do not seem to be interested in rebuilding their fleet and gaining revenge. A new less militaristic civilisation based on the family appears to have developed though the DDS will keep them under surveillance.


HCS to invest heavily in drones

Captain Clone has instructed the HCS to invest much more heavily in unmanned combat systems. The HCS already have a number of systems in service of course such as the Long Watch naval surveillance drone but Captain Clone wants drones to be integrated into all parts of the military. He outlined a key project for each of the 4 arms of the HCS but said these would only be the start.

For the HCS he spoke of the Black Dragon battlefield aerial drone which will be deployed from next year. The small drone will give real-time imagery to troops on the ground via augmented vision goggles and to a commander in a UAV Control Vehicle, which will be specially modified Tapirs. These will launch the Black Dragon and be the node for all data and integration with other sources.

The HCSAF is hoping to begin flight testing next year of the RQ-1 which will be a supersonic stealthy reconnaissance drone. A strike version known as UCAV-AX is also possible if the RQ-1 is successful although at the moment has the official status of "cancelled".

The Space Navy of course are developing the Nybble, a superluminal unmanned space ship. Trials with the first prototype have been largely successful and Nybble is still on track for an entry into service of next year (though analysts think it will slip into 2111).

The HCS Navy are the heaviest users of unmanned vehicles at present with the Long Watch and also the MQZ-1 reconnaissance airship. They are also working on a fully submersible unmanned vehicle (Long Watch can only go just below the surface) known as Deep Seek for reconnaissance and survey operations. Deep Seek could enter service in a few years though some of it's technology is dependant on the HCSN submarine programme so there could be delays.

Captain Clone also hinted that the HCS is looking into unmanned land vehicles and also an equivalent to the DDS LLAD long-range attack drone.

Mixed results for Level 4 Cloak

The DDS have concluded the initial trials of the first so-called Level 4 cloak aboard a Rome corvette loaned to DDS Research. The delayed trials took place during late August and if successful could herald a new generation of cloaking devices that could render neutrino soaking and other detection methods obsolete.

Unfortunately it does not quite work. During the trials intensified neutrino pulses could still reveal the location of the ship. The crew were also subject to extended bouts of nausea which resulted in mass projectile vomiting and explosive anal discharge. Dr Forbidden thinks that tweaks to the cloaking field could solve these problems, Windy has suggested Team Redjec have the Level 4 cloak fitted to their ship for "very long and intensive trials".


Gibson leaves DDS

Gibson has left his post as DDS Liaison Officer and returned to Dino-Land where he will take up a new appointment with the Dino Army. He did not give any details about his job except that it would be "nice and safe and boring!"

Pircasa will be the new Liaison Officer, the former member of MBH's staff has been looking for a job since he left the SS earlier this year. He was offered a post in MBH's government and it is suspected he will be secretly working for the Chosen One. Pircasa of course is infamous for selling out Jimmy and helping MBH win the Consul election instead.

Current deployments (01/09/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma


F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
F110 Miocene
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho