
T-88++ no longer in front-line HCS service / T-89FSU2

It is an end of an era for the HCS as the last T-88++ left front-line service with the HCS. At one time, at the height of the Clone Wars there were over 200,000 of the tanks in service. Now there are less than 10,000 and all now in reserve and training units. The recent increase in T-89FSU and T-55ZDM production helped replace the remaining few hundred in front-line HCS units.

The T-88++ will remain in HCS service for some time yet though, the T-88A has only recently left HCS service and there are still nearly 1000 T-88+s in various reserve units.

The HCS have also announced an improvement to it's principle tank. The T-89FSU2 has further improvements to it's protection with changes geared to better protect the crews from IEDs.