Vosun Voth Star Empire is truly ancient, the Vosun having first attained space flight over 10,000 years ago, eventually they met up with the Voth who lived on another planet many light years away. After a brief conflict the Vosun and Voth formed an alliance and began to explore space. The Vosun Voth developed spacefolding technology to travel faster than light. Speeds are limited to 5c however so the Vosun Voth didn't go anywhere fast. Its thought they did visit Earth some thousands of years ago, a few years ago remains of an alien spaceship was found buried on Earth dating from thousands of years before. Its thought this was a Vosun Voth ship that crashed.

At one stage the Vosun Voth had an empire of over 45 stars but then began the decline as other species went out into the stars and the limited Vosun Voth technology was soon overtaken. Although they reached space early they then rested on their laurels and gave up on science preferring reality TV shows instead. The Vosun also had a highly developed sense of superiority and thus did not wish to import new ideas, eventually this xenophobe attitude also resulted in the Voth becoming second-class citizens in the empire.
Over the centuries their space was eroded. Only recently had the decline been arrested as a new generation of leaders took over and opened the empire to new ideas. Amazingly its only around twenty years since the Vosun Voth first fitted a hyperspace drive to one of their ships.

In the early 2100s the VVSE only consisted of a handful star systems, squeezed between the Raegris, Bolitic and (to their far frontier) the Tarbotians. Their influence in the galaxy was small, their fleet cruelly regarded as "The Antique Space Show" by some wags though some of their technology such as the anti-matter spray cannon was innovative. It was only a matter of time before one of their rivals decided to atack and the Bolitic launched an invasion which quickly overwhelmed the Vosun part of the empire. The DDS and Dinos quickly moved in to protect the Voth part of the empire, the Vothites taking the opportunity to gain independance and form the
Free Voth Republic. They have joined the DDS and are slowly building their own fleet though will rely on the DDS for protection for some time.
The Bolitic annexed several Vosun worlds and turned the rump of the Vosun territory into a virtual client state, the
Vosun Star Empire. Although the Vosun is nominally independant the Bolitic will decide their foreign policy from now on, that includes a return of the Voth to the fold so future conflict could result from this.