
HCSN deploy carrier battle group... kinda

The HCSN has deployed it's 1st Carrier Battle Group (CVBG1) for the first time on Cloneworld. Of course as the first new aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld is not in service yet it was not a true deployment. Mariner class combat support ship CNS Voyager Point stood in for the carrier and will operate 8 SH-26 helicopters on it's deck (which covers half the ship, the Mariner class also has decent C3 capabilities). Two Olana class destroyers are there to escort the "carrier". Oiler CNS Power Torch and the submarine CNS Tinfish complete the battle group.

CVBG1's deployment has taken it to the troubled island chains near Oswalin off Ailier's eastern coast which is known to be the home of a number of pirate groups. A batallion of marines have been taken aboard Voyager Point and these will conduct anti-piracy operations supported by the helicopters, Long Watch USVs and other assets.