
Internal Security Section is go

General Redjec here, sorry i mean Commander. Being a General is surely mere weeks away for me as i explode through the ranks of the DDS, my unparalleled talent being finally recognised and not like Quarz, whom i hate, stuck in a dull dead-end job being awaken by underlings masturbating into your face.

That is what happens to Quarz of course not me, as i Redjec am hetrosexual. I am so het i make High Hefner look like Liberace. Look in the dictionary for "hetrosexual" and it will say "Redjec". Actually it won't but it will, next edition probably. Look under "loser" and it will say "Quarz", as i hate him.

The new internal security section i have been tasked to create and run is now fully operational and it has been called Internal Security Section or ISS. Personally i wanted to call it "Kick Quarz's Balls Brigade" or KQB2 but Firefly vetoed that. Which is a shame as i hate Quarz you see. ISS is responsible for the internal security of the DDS, making sure geeks don't litter, don't jaywalk or sell TPM secrets to the Clones. That kind of thing.

One thing i need to sort out is the rivalry between WM and Hoods 2.0, Firefly has told me that factional violence must stop. I have had dealings with the Hoods before but i shall have to tell them to refrain from violence from now on. Unless the violence is to be ramming baseball bats up Quarz's ass. They can still do that as i hate Quarz!