
Pave Yellow put into Rome module / MCM re-organisation

The DDS' spare Pave Yellow mine warfare control suite (the other 3 of which are fitted aboard Isometric frigates which are designated as MCM director ships) has been modified to fit inside a Rome mission pod. The system had to be rearranged and some parts of it rebuilt to fit inside the pod but trials will now begin with a Rome corvette.

The DDS want to use the Rome for their next generation system Pave Yellow 2.o which will work with their indigenous mine warfare system the DMS which will replace the Clone built SPECNES over the next few years. This will release the 3 Isometrics fitted with Pave Yellow to the general fleet pool. Because of their specialised role the 3 ships tend not to be allocated to other duties as they are needed to direct minesweeping units.

As for the minesweeping force the DDS have completed the re-organisation of it's 12 ships into 3 3-ship flotillas with 1 ship as an on-standby floating reserve and 2 ships in reduced readiness reserve. One flotilla will be in refit at any 1 time with 1 of the other flotillas allocated to the central DDS area, the remaining flotilla will be allocated to where ever it is needed as a current flotilla is with Force Voth for example.