
Raegris increase DF-1 order; Other improvements

The Raegris have announced a multi-billion zark increase and upgrade for their fleet. Central to the plan is an increase in the number of DF-1 frigates to be operated from 12 to 15. The DF-1 is the Raegris built version of the Isometric and is roughly comparable to a Sea of Tranquillity class. The PC-1 (Pentekonter-E) order has also been increased to 6.

The Raegris will also upgrade their base facilities across their space. Currently most facilities are based in the Raegris Central District (the 5 planets at the core of their space) but new base facilities will be built on Nemoka and Jikustik. All facilities will also have improved static defence emplacements.

Benito to keep Kalahati Tuuls in service

The Kalahati Tuul S fleet is due to be withdrawn between 2112 and 2116 however Benito has now said he will keep the type in service with further rebuilds and updates "well into the 2120s". He has informed the CSE-W Fleet that when their allocation of KT-S is withdrawn he would like them to be transferred.

It is thought Benito wants to keep the KT-S as a cheap way of building his fleet. With updates the KT-S is a capable second-line asset though the general age of the base platform will mean it is more expensive to maintain than newer types like the Shark.


DDS get their hands on Bolitic war zeppelin

The DDS won't say how but they have got their hands on a Bolitic war zeppelin, the classic weapon of the Lords Of War, but some DDS personnel who have also tried it call it "the fastest way to commit suicide".

The war zeppelin is a jet powered but still slow bag of gas, armed with powerful weapons but still only 1 hit away from devastation. 3mm thick plastic armour is what protects the masses of hydrogen gas from weapons fire. Windy is thought to want to trial the zeppelin in the DDS Army, to see how survivable it is in combat. Quarz is being rumoured to be lined up to command the first one.

7 Sa Sao return?

The HCS are reporting sighting a ship with similar EM emissions to that which tried to seize control of their transport a few weeks ago. The ship was spotted in HCS territory between Petric and Randalf 74, quite some way from the previous incident which was in DDS space near Delta 9.

It is thought that these ships belong to the Xenon faction of the 7 Sa Sao though the HCS are just calling the ships "unknown" for now.


Faction In Focus : Vosun Voth Star Empire (updated)

The Vosun Voth Star Empire is truly ancient, the Vosun having first attained space flight over 10,000 years ago, eventually they met up with the Voth who lived on another planet many light years away. After a brief conflict the Vosun and Voth formed an alliance and began to explore space. The Vosun Voth developed spacefolding technology to travel faster than light. Speeds are limited to 5c however so the Vosun Voth didn't go anywhere fast. Its thought they did visit Earth some thousands of years ago, a few years ago remains of an alien spaceship was found buried on Earth dating from thousands of years before. Its thought this was a Vosun Voth ship that crashed.

At one stage the Vosun Voth had an empire of over 45 stars but then began the decline as other species went out into the stars and the limited Vosun Voth technology was soon overtaken. Although they reached space early they then rested on their laurels and gave up on science preferring reality TV shows instead. The Vosun also had a highly developed sense of superiority and thus did not wish to import new ideas, eventually this xenophobe attitude also resulted in the Voth becoming second-class citizens in the empire.

Over the centuries their space was eroded. Only recently had the decline been arrested as a new generation of leaders took over and opened the empire to new ideas. Amazingly its only around twenty years since the Vosun Voth first fitted a hyperspace drive to one of their ships.

In the early 2100s the VVSE only consisted of a handful star systems, squeezed between the Raegris, Bolitic and (to their far frontier) the Tarbotians. Their influence in the galaxy was small, their fleet cruelly regarded as "The Antique Space Show" by some wags though some of their technology such as the anti-matter spray cannon was innovative. It was only a matter of time before one of their rivals decided to atack and the Bolitic launched an invasion which quickly overwhelmed the Vosun part of the empire. The DDS and Dinos quickly moved in to protect the Voth part of the empire, the Vothites taking the opportunity to gain independance and form the Free Voth Republic. They have joined the DDS and are slowly building their own fleet though will rely on the DDS for protection for some time.

The Bolitic annexed several Vosun worlds and turned the rump of the Vosun territory into a virtual client state, the Vosun Star Empire. Although the Vosun is nominally independant the Bolitic will decide their foreign policy from now on, that includes a return of the Voth to the fold so future conflict could result from this.


Current deployments (28/07/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Edge Cutter

F108 Eocene (flag)
D162 Epsilon Eridani
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
L111 Pangaea
A151 Gasoline

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia

Pulsar firing tpms

F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

C122 Photon (flag)
D151 Velocity
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris)
RS-DF1-05 (Raegris)
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

F103 Carboniferous
F161 Sea Of Tranquillity
F126 Mesozoic

Arsenal ships revisited

Some time ago the DDS considered creating a specialised ammunition transport known as the Arsenal class however they later changed their mind and have used Providers instead. Now however the need for more specialised weapon handling is felt again as the DDS ramp up their stockpile of nuclear weapons.

The DDS are to develop the Provider Secure Munitions Module (PSMM) which will be a self-contained secure weapons handling, monitoring and storage system that can be installed in a Provider's main hold in a matter of hours. A number of PSMMs are likely to be built and then distributed around the DDS being available should the need arise.


A Broken Man : Gibson
Trok gives Gibson a suicide mission...

Sirikwan receive first XT

Sirikwan have received the first of 6 Dinomark XTs from the Dinos, these are Sirikwan's own ships and are new build as opposed to the old XTs which were lent to the Sirikwanese by the Dinos earlier for training and integration work.

Sirikwan will be using the ships for local patrol and "co-operation" work. The ships are to XT/118E standard. Sirikwan are also thinking about ordering some underwater capable XTs.

Starbotian fleet upgrade

The legacy Starbotian fleet will receive an upgrade over the next few weeks to better interoperate with the new generation of Starbotian ships built by the DDS (2 Panthers and an Extender to date though more are likely in future). Key ships like I-1A are already fitted with TPM-2 launchers but this will be extended to the entire fleet. All ships will also receive communication and datalink updates to work with DDS ships and weapons like MRM.

The Starbotians are also to create their first Ferret-E squadrons. As yet they have not purchased any of the UCV even though they helped develop the type and actually build it at a purpose built factory on Starbot. 250 Ferret-E/Gs are likely to be bought.

Pulsar 2109 Update B

The Pulsar fleet is to receive it's second update of the year over the next couple of months. Pulsar 2109 Update B will bring further improvements to it's MRM capabilities with the number of missiles it can datalink to simultaneously increased to 8. The Strategic Attack System (SAS) will also be upgraded to SAS-D standard with enhanced ground mapping modes.

The Pulsar's communication system will also be upgraded to better protect against cyber attack and the Pulsar will be the first ship able to fully interoperate with the Ferret-G UCV when it is in atmospheric mode. Each update will take a couple of days.

Raegris skirmish with Bolitic

Two Raegris ships, thought to be 1 RC-1 (Cosmos) and 1 DF-1 (Isometric) frigate, have come under fire from 3 Bolitic Snarl class battlecruisers in free space between Raegris and Bolitic territory. The Raegris ships returned fire though in both cases the fire was not intended to damage but intimidate.

The skirmish continued until the Raegris fired a TPM-1 aimed at a nearby asteroid, totally destroying it. The Bolitic warships then retreated and cloaked. Such incidents are not unknown but have increased in frequency recently.

Helinox, Sear N7 order Isometric-E

Free Eritran worlds Helinox and Sear N7 have teamed up to order 2 Isometric-E105 frigates. Helinox will operate the 2 ships alongside their Pentekonter-Es but Sear N7 will contribute 20% of the cost and the ships will be also tasked with protecting Sear N7 space.

The 2 ships will be known as the Isometric-E1H5 model are will be delivered after 2111. They will have Z5m cannons, QPM compatible missile launchers (though normal missiles will be used for now) and passive sensors. Helinox's 2 Pentekonter-Es (1 is already in service) will receive tactical updates to improve interoperability. Helinox plan to add to their Pentekonter fleet at a later date. One of the "sweeteners" for the deal is thought to be a free fitting of Cannister QPM to Sear N7's forthcoming Extender-Es which will also be bought forward to 2110.

This is the first time Cannister QPM has been mentioned and it is thought the DDS are keen to sell it to their Provider-E and Extender-E customers, seeing it on Sear N7's ships may prompt others to pay for the upgrade.

HCSAF to upgrade fighter force

The HCSAF has announced a 320 million zark upgrade programme for it's fighter fleet prior to the introduction of the F-45C in the next decade (maybe around 2114). Firstly the 200 oldest F-45As will be upgraded to F-45AECP (Enhanced Capabilities Programme) starting in 2110 once F-45A production ceases (HCSAF orders are now fulfilled but production continues for the Navy). The AECP will have improvements to avionics and compatibility with the latest HCS weapons bringing the older aircraft in line with later F-45As.

The F-40S programme is to be expanded to 220 aircraft (around 80 of the rebuilds have been completed to date). From 2111 rebuilds will be to the F-40SP1 (Phase 1) standard which will have further enhancements using more technology from the F-45. The aircraft are also refurbished to take them into the 2120s. By 2125 the HCSAF plan to have a fighter fleet of 2500 aircraft, 2000 will be F-45s with the balance late F-40s and F-40S.

Faction In Focus : The Zones (updated)

The Zones once of Zoneland are cousins of the Clones (which has been proven genetically though no one knows how this happened) but are very different in terms of beliefs and motivations.


The Zones were pirates and mercenaries. Their nation was split into a number of rival factions who compete with each other for booty. There was no unified control of the Zones though there is a Zone Elder but it seems his role was mainly ceremonial. Its thought in times of crisis the top 6 warlords would form a Central Committee.

The Zones were clever in their operations, they tended to avoid annoying the Central Powers if they could help it. This was tied to the fact the Zones have also proven a useful mercenary force in the past meant that they were been left largely alone by the Central Powers.

The Zones were powerful. They spend their booty wisely, being regular customers of the latest military technology especially from the Utrek. This explained the strange appearance of Zone warships. Often they were older designs updated many times and dripping with cutting edge technology. In warfare the Zones were merciless and cruel though not that courageous.

Everything changed when the Zones joined with the Utrek in attacking the DDS. The Zones formed a second front designed at weakening the DDS while the Utrek attacked through the Remedian Belt. The Zones no doubt expected a strong DDS response but no one could have predicted the ruthlessness of the DDS when after destroying the Zone fleet they then saturation nuked Zoneland, rendering it a lifeless irradiated wasteland, like Wolverhampton.

The Clones stepped in to rescue what was left of the Zone nation and lifted millions of Zones off the planet before the radiation spread across the whole planet. In the largest humanitarian operation in history over 20 million Zones were lifted off and relocated on Colom in the Clone Star Empire. It is also estimated some 5 million other Zones are scattered across other worlds or in pirate ships. The population of Zoneland was once measured as 240 million however.

Zones are now being slowly integrated into the HCS with a Zone legion being set-up. Being rather fractious the Zones are not the easiest race for the Clones to accommodate in their empire but worship of Oojok is uniting them as is a hatred of humanity and a desire, one day, for revenge.

Pircasa bought back into the fold

MBH has pardoned Pircasa, the former SS Deputy Commander, who had been exiled for an alleged plot to assassinate MBH (though this is now largely thought to have been a frame-up). Pircasa has many enemies, he was once part of Jimmy's team in the Liberal Party but turned against his former master and accepted the coin of MBH when he leaked information MBH was able to use to secure his election as Consul at Jimmy's expense.

Pircasa has now taken up a new role in MBH's staff on Pulsin. Pircasa, although a disgusting traitor say his enemies is admittedly very intelligent, so obviously with Lakes and Henry on his staff already MBH needs Pircasa to bring a bit more brain power.

Liberation moot becoming "de-militarised"

The government of Liberation (the former Rathun's World) are said to be considering making the planet "de-militarised". In other words DDS ships and forces will not be allowed on or in orbit around the planet. This would be trouble for the DDS as they use Liberation as one of their major bases, it is home to the 3rd Fleet and soon will be HQ of the re-organised DDS South.

SS Stoke City has been sent to bring the President and Minister of the Exterior of Liberation back to Proxima 7 for talks with the DDS.

Third ship hit by mines near Mila

A UNP registered freighter has been the third ship to be hit by a mine in space near Mila, though in this case the mine did not explode and caused no damage to the ship. DDS investigators think the mines come from a field laid by the Utrek in the war which has now drifted into space lanes.

A DDS minesweeping flotilla is now hunting for these mines and it has been reported that 4 have been found and destroyed so far. The DDS have placed restrictions on the space lanes for all but military and essential traffic for the time being.


Bolitic Emperor survives assassination attempt

Bolitic Confederacy Emperor Aliowaki has survived an assassination attempt when slave soldiers of an unknown rival were sent on a suicide mission in a war zeppelin to attack the Emperor's summer residence on Delos 3. Of course a suicide mission in a large slow moving bag of highly inflammable gas can only end one way and that is badly.

Assassination attempts are nothing new to the Bolitic of course, indeed this was the 3rd this year however that is an unusually low number and is probably why Aliowaki is the longest serving Emperor in history. It is thought some Barons are boring of peace and want the Bolitic to declare war on something.

Jimmy unopposed by "big guns"

Nominations for the Consul election in November have closed and as expected the Liberal Party's candidate Jimmy is the only serious candidate in this last election to be uncontested by both big parties. Jimmy is likely to pull in 90% plus of the vote unless something truly dramatic happens.

7 others are standing, from what is politely termed the "fringes" of Dino politics but include a representative of the Ankylosaurid Assertion Party which believes in the enslavement of all Dino species apart from the Ankylosaurids of course.

DDS Army set up Maritime Support Regiment

The DDS Army now has a navy (of sorts). The Maritime Support Regiment will operate in riverine and littoral areas in support of land units. 42 small craft and 8 hovercraft have been purchased for the new force which will take at it's core troops from the General DDS who already operate in "wet" areas.

A DDS Army spokeswoman said the MSR would operate mainly in patrol and security operations in water areas near DDS installations (some DDS bases on Proxima 5 in particular are near to the coast or rivers) but there would also be at least 1 Prowler unit trained in marine operations.

DDS South to be boosted

DDS South, the group of planets between Liberation and Starbot, was for a long time the backwater of DDS interest but nowadays with the 7 Sa Sao and ABBO threats it is the likely front line for future DDS operations. Windy has announced that DDS South will be strengthened and also re-organised.

The sector will be split into DDS South (Liberation and Saeou 6) and DDS Starbot (Starbot, Malau, Delta 9). DDS South will be the home of a DDS fleet (the 3rd) and a patrol pool allocation. DDS Starbot will be based around an expansion of the Starbotian fleet and DDS ships operated by Starbtian crews. Permanent DDS Army garrissons will be based on Liberation and Delta 9 (Starbot has it's own army).

A 190 million zark contract to improve communications between the planets in the sector and GHQ and also to set up a new listening post on Liberation has just been signed. A 140 million zark contract to improve orbital defences around Starbot and Liberation as well as set up basic self-defence around the other planets is also likely to be signed soon.


Fleet news (23/07/09)

D163 Sirius II is the latest Solaris 37C destroyer to join the fleet. It has been earmarked as flagship for a future deployment but until then has joined the 1st Fleet at Proxima 7.

A 4th Fulcrum 85A special forces transport has been procured from an unknown source. A604 Vanguard is understood to need some attention before it can join the fleet in a few months but nothing too serious. A 5th hull was also built in a much more damaged state and will be used for spares.

Finally A225 Severn is the latest River 75B transport to join the transport pool.

Faction In Focus : Automated Bio-mechanical Battle Organisms (ABBOs) - updated

The ABBOs (Automated Bio-mechanical Battle Organisms) have proved to be the Dinos greatest foes over the last few decades. Their origins are shrouded in mystery but its thought that they were the robot servants of a now unknown alien race. For some reason the aliens died out leaving their robots behind. Over the millennia the robots slowly developed a cold intelligence and began to built a mechanical society. ABBOs include organic matter in their brains though are machines in every way. Their society was controlled by a hierarchy of linked computers with one aim : conquest and destruction. However now the computers have been replaced by Rotarios 2.0 (see below).

When the Dinos first come across the ABBOs several decades ago they immediately faced a far more technologically advanced enemy and were almost overwhelmed. One limitation with the ABBOs though is their rate of improvement was steady but slow. Their technology has not improved in sudden bursts by inspiration and genius like the Dinos and DDS, thus the ABBOs have now fallen behind the Dinos on the technology curve and are unlikely to catch up.

The ABBOs were almost wiped out by the Rectoids when the Rectoids hacked into the central control computers. Billions of ABBOs flew into stars before the ABBOs (with Dino help) developed an improved control system to negate the Rectoid interference. The ABBOs were left in a highly weakened state.

Using the help of the Mutre Bee Rotarios 2.0 took over the ABBOs and destroyed the old network of mainframes. He has begun a major upgrade of the ABBO fleet with a new battlecruiser design and also improved AI routines for ABBO drones with more initiative and adaptability built into them (plus of course total loyalty to Rotarios). How Rotarios will use his new army is unknown but they will be a major threat.

RQ-1 UCAV-RX unveiled

The HCSAF have unveiled their latest UCAV, the RQ-1 which is the result of their UCAV-RX project. The RQ-1 is a highly stealthy reconnaissance drone capable of Mach 2.3 which will fill a definite gap in strategic reconnaissance in the HCSAF since the retirement of the RS-80 Spyder in the 2090s.

The RQ-1 will begin flight testing next year with a planned entry into service some time in the next decade. The HCSN have recently joined the project and are looking into the feasibility of a carrier borne version though will likely buy some of the type for shore based units anyway.

The HCSAF have been asked to see if the design could be adapted into a first strike bomber. A parallel UCAV-AX project was cancelled a couple of years ago as a cost issue.


Toko Feels It
Windy comes face to face with Toko of the 7 Sa Sao for a little tete-a-tentacle.

New Arit buys surplus HCS equipment

New Arit has just signed a 180 million zark contract for aircraft and ground weapons from the Clones, all from the HCS Reserve. 145 A-85 COIN aircraft and 150 O-43 utility planes are the aerial component, the rest of the order will be for spares for it's already purchased T-88/89 tanks and various AFVs like the Aardvark which it bought off the Dinos when they decided to standardise on the T-55Z and Tapir. At the time the Clones were a bit annoyed with their weapons ending up in DDS hands indirectly but now are just grateful for the money.

Around 250 field cars and trucks will also be bought as well as a variety of other assorted equipment. Arit will also looking into hire 2 Type A transports for it's space fleet for 18-24 months, the ships will be operated by civilian Clone crews. The first mission will be to transport the HCS weapons to Arit!

Gale-III Development Build 23 fails

Surprising HCS watchers the Build 23 test of the Gale-III programme was held on Cloneworld yesterday, no further launches were expected until the Fall. This test was thought to be concentrating on the "stealthy" aspects of the CSM launcher which will use the Gale-III launch platform however the missile suffered a failure and had to be destroyed. HCS watchers think the new IR suppression measures on the rocket may have caused the motor to overheat and burn out the control system.

Although the launch failed a lot of valuable telemetry was gathered it was reported.

DDS ship hit by mine near Mila

Last week a RCPP ship was hit by a mine left behind by the Utrek near Mila, this week its the turn of the DDS! Marconi class EW ship E103 Braun was hit after leaving Mila for some unspecified "training" operations near the Utrek border. It is thought the training involved special forces though this has not been confirmed (and likely will never be).

The ship suffered a hull breach but only minor injuries have been reported. The ship has returned to Mila for repairs. Mine sweeping patrols by ships in the Edge Cutter deployment are due to begin at the weekend after the deployment was relocated to this part of Remedian space earlier in the week.

Windy says TPM technology will not be traded

Although the Dino Senate have not officially agreed to offer w-drive technology in return for transphasic technology at the heart of the DDS' weapon systems Windscorpion has already said that "TPM is not for sale or trade". Some time ago he also quickly came down on discussions to sell TPM technology to Molab in a restricted and heavily monitored deal. Windy considers TPM technology the difference between the DDS and other powers and wants the technology lead to be maintained at all cost.

It is probable that the Dinos feel the same about their worm drive technology. The DDS are still looking at around 2120 for their own implementation and by then the Dinos will be on their second or third generation.


Dinos want TPM and will offer worm drive in return?

The Dino Senate has reportedly discussed future weapons for their armed forces and concluded that they are falling behind the DDS at an increasing rate. Consul Cruggson has suggested offering the DDS an exchange of TPM technologies (missile and beam weapons) in return for worm-drive. Senator Ronald was against the idea saying that w-drive was too much a key advantage to lose however Senator El Diablo said having TPM would really enhance the Dino armed forces especially against an enemy like the ABBOs.

No decision was made though will likely be discussed again at a future session. Its not known what the DDS reponse would be to such an offer.

Sea Of Tranquillity Update 2109 A

Although only 2 are in service (with 1 now on it's post-build trials) the Sea Of Tranquility 43D frigate class is to receive an update known as Sea Of Tranquillity Update 2109 A. The vast majority of the changes are tweaks and fixes of the new type, many fixing problems found on the type on F161 Sea Of Tranquillity's first deployment with Force Voth which has just ended. None of the problems are serious but range from bugs in the tactical computer system to ergonomic problems with the toilets.

The ships will also be fitted with 360 CIWS 2.0. The 2 existing ships will receive the update over the next month or so, F163 Sea Of Fertility will have the changes made before it enters service which will delay this until next month.

Current deployments (21/07/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Edge Cutter

F108 Eocene (flag)
D162 Epsilon Eridani
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
L111 Pangaea
A151 Gasoline

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho


P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F126 Mesozoic
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

C122 Photon (flag)
D151 Velocity
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris)
RS-DF1-05 (Raegris)
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

A141 Extender
F103 Carboniferous
F161 Sea Of Tranquillity


T-55ZDM2 enters service / Dino Snowcat

A new version of the Dino/Clone developed tank the T-55ZDM has entered service with the Dino Army and the HCS will also start receiving some soon. The T-55ZDM2 has further improvements to the new turret with some modifications to internal layout and improved armour. The tank's data node has also been given a higher bandwidth and improved encryption.

The Dinos have begun funding yet another co-development with the HCS following on from the T-55ZDM and TRV-5HD. TRV-34CDM Snowcat 2100 is a new version of the snow & ice optimised APC and will equip the Dino Army on places like Jeloka and the HCS are also likely to buy it to recapitise their fleet of Snowcats which are now getting rather old.

Windy meets 7 Sa Sao?

There are unconfirmed reports that Windy, who has taken a small task force to the edge of 7 Sa Sao space has conducted informal talks with a major figure in the Argon faction. It is thought that Windy wanted information on the Xenon who are thought to be behind attacks and activity in HCS space near to DDS South.

Knowledge on the 7 Sa Sao is scant to say the least, but is is thought that the 7 tribes act in competition not collaboration with each other. Windy's task force is now returning to Starbot though his ship, SS Carboniferous, is heading directly back to Proxima 7. Windy is thought to be wanting to take personal command of the forthcoming Ground Shock exercise.

Prowler units to be doubled

To date 6 Prowler units have been created by the DDS and the new special forces units have proved their worth on several black ops already (which of course can't be spoken about but you can read the stories). The DDS have decided to fund 6 more units and will look to expanding the fleet of special forces transports.

Currently there are 3 Fulcrums and 4 Corils dedicated to Prowler operations, more ships will be needed when the new units come on-line over the next couple of years. A 4th Fulcrum is understood to have been purchased from a third-party (the Fulcrum is a Utrek ship) though this has not been officially announced.

Ferret-G carries out TPM-A "interception"

A pre-production test version of the exo/inter-atmospheric UCV the Ferret-G has carried out a highly ambitious test with flying colours. In the test a Starsystem frigate fired a dummy missile at a ground target on Proxima 7. A Ferret-G was then released from the frigate, chased the missile into the atmosphere of the planet and then shot down the dummy missile with a TPM-A. The drone then returned to the Starsystem.

The DDS are highly delighted with this successful test as they plan to use Ferret-G as one of the layers of defence over key installations like GHQ as well as other combat missions. Ferret-G will start production next year and slowly replace the several hundred Ferret-Es in service. The DDS are likely to rebuild the Es as Gs but have not yet spoken about their plans for this.


Panther hits 1100c

D101 Panther has reached a speed of 1101.3c on trials making it the fastest known conventionally propelled space craft (breaking the record of 1097.1c which it held already). Panther has recently completed a "tune-up refit" which includes a number of software updates and a new engine management computer to get the ship up to it's design dash speed.

It is thought the rest of the Panther fleet will receive these updates by the end of the Summer, at the moment the highest speeds Panthers have been able to reach in service is 1085c for a few seconds. DDS engineers say the Panther in theory can reach 1167c though may hold off trying to attempt this speed for a bit because of the dangers involved.


UNP want 3rd DDS hospital ship

The UNP want the DDS to procure a 3rd Nightingale 88A hospital ship. Two have been procured to date under joint DDS/UNP ownership with the UNP providing 65% of the funding for building and 43% of running costs. It is thought the UNP may pay up to 50% of the 3rd ship if the DDS decide to build it but it would still cost the DDS around 270 million zarks.

It is thought likely the DDS will go ahead if the UNP increase their funding of running costs to 50%. The 2 ships are busy supporting humanitarian and relief operations across the UNP. A decision is expected later in the year but may not be in time for the 2110/2111 ship building plan.
Milking The Cows
Redjec is tasked with destroying the Hoods...

HCSN deploy carrier battle group... kinda

The HCSN has deployed it's 1st Carrier Battle Group (CVBG1) for the first time on Cloneworld. Of course as the first new aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld is not in service yet it was not a true deployment. Mariner class combat support ship CNS Voyager Point stood in for the carrier and will operate 8 SH-26 helicopters on it's deck (which covers half the ship, the Mariner class also has decent C3 capabilities). Two Olana class destroyers are there to escort the "carrier". Oiler CNS Power Torch and the submarine CNS Tinfish complete the battle group.

CVBG1's deployment has taken it to the troubled island chains near Oswalin off Ailier's eastern coast which is known to be the home of a number of pirate groups. A batallion of marines have been taken aboard Voyager Point and these will conduct anti-piracy operations supported by the helicopters, Long Watch USVs and other assets.

DDS go to Clones for helicopters

Happy with the quality of the transport aircraft they have bought from the Clones the DDS have gone there again to fill another gap in their air force : helicopters. 185 second-hand C/MH-26 Halogens are to be bought from the HCSAF reserve. The Clones will refurbish the helicopters which are old but still usable and the DDS will localise and update them themselves.

The helicopters to be bought are mostly the transport version of the evergreen Halogen though some MH-26s which have the capability to carry weapons will be bought as well. If the deal is ratified by the HCS (and it likely will, they will want the money - estimated at 300 million zarks) then the first Halogens could arrive at the DDS before the end of the year.

The DDS said they may also buy new Halogens, likely based on the current H-26W+ standard if they are happy with the second-hand examples. This purchase may indicate the New Transport Helicopter (NTH) project is not going very well.

Peace between New Arit and Telvin 802 for now

Talks between New Arit and Telvin 802 have ended on the Dino planet of Xi with little real progress made though the two sides have at least said they will not resort to armed conflict... for now. Telvin have requested a non-DDS peace keeping force at the border between the space of the two minor nations. The Dinos have agreed to send 6 Dinomarks to maintain a patrol in that space until the end of the year.

New Arit are maintaining their military readiness but say they will take part in DDS operations again. A Kalahati Tuul destroyer has been sent to join the DDS Patrol Pool for routine patrol circuits in the Rim Worlds Sector.

RCPP ship hit by mine

Remedian Customs Police Patrol (RCPP) destroyer DR187 Remedia Prime II has been hit by a Utrek mine while on a patrol near Mila. The Kalahati Tuul 2N suffered serious damage to it's bow and it is reported 3 crew were killed. A DDS ship at Mila has gone to assist.

The Edge Cutter deployment in Remedian space (though near Loeuss on the other side of their space) has been sent to the Mila area as the deployment includes a minesweeping flotilla. A spokesman said the deployment were training with simulated mines, now they can hunt the real thing instead.

Z6 cannon to debut next year

After a number of years successful service the Z5 cannon series is to be replaced by the Z6 next year. The Z6 has been called a "Generation 2.5" weapon as it will keep the weapon competitive until the introduction of the transphase Zip cannon in the next decade. It is known that the Zip cannon is behind schedule which is likely to be the reason for developing this "stop-gap".

The Z6 is fully multi-mode from the start and will be available in turreted and fixed versions. The key improvements over the Z5 include greater rate of fire, reduced maintenance requirements and integration into EA-X energy absorbent technology. This new defence system absorbs the energy from enemy beam weapons and the plan for EA-X 2.0 is for that energy to be recycled for use by a ship's own weapons. Z6 will be ready to use this though it likely to be a few years before this capability can be used.

No plan has yet been given for the introduction of the Z6 but it is likely to be fitted into Isometric ILU and late Panther and Solaris III builds next year to start with as these will already be in construction. Upgrading existing installations will take place at later dates.


First DDS C-440s operational / New order

The first Clone built C-440 transports bought by the DDSAF have been declared operational and will begin transport operations on Proxima 7. The DDS have around 10 of the 42 C-440s on order, though some are still on Cloneworld. Only 3 are currently operational but the DDS hope to raise that to 8 by the end of the year and also have the STOL C-491 transport also operational.

The DDS have also concluded a deal with CCA, the Cloneworld commercial aircraft builder (the C-440 and C-491 are built by the state owned CAC), for 20 C-485 transports with deliveries due to begin in 2111.

Windy orders paramilitary wing of Windy Massive to disband

Windscorpion has told the DDS (via video link) that factional violence is to stop. He has informed Windy Massive that their paramilitary wing is to disband and Windy massive will instead become a friendship and sports organisation for confused young men who require direction in life.

He has also ordered the Hoods be put out of action. Redjec's ISS has been tasked with this.


Clones move legion to Petric

Petric is a rather insignificant part of Captain Clone's half of the Clone Star Empire but now it is the front line in apparent HCS efforts to add Haylei to the empire. Officially the Clones want to get their hands on Haylei's vast untapped mineral wealth through commercial means though these are proving hard to achieve.

Captain Clone has ordered the 15th Legion to Petric along with 6 Intruder LPDs, 2 Red Lizard battalions and other hardware. It may be the Clones wish to try and "persuade" the Hayleans to be friends... or else.


DMS trials successful

Trials of the DDS minesweeping system (which actually stands for DMS) aboard an unnamed Pentekonter-M minesweeper (understood to be one of the ships in Force Voth) have been largely successful with just a few glitches mainly in the interface with Pave Yellow and other ships with the existing Clone built technology SPECNES. Several software updates by a DDS Research team on-site have rectified some of these problems.

A new hardware build of DMS is in it's final stages which will hopefully solve the remaining glitches and, it is claimed, "enhance capabilities beyond SPECNES". This will be shipped out to Force Voth in a few weeks time. The DDS do not plan to replace SPECNES immediately once DMS is ready for service but will gradually replace SPECNES during Pentekonter-M major refits.

UV143 : Iron Fist

  • The Future Is Ours - Redjec seeks to save the future of the DDS...
  • Dance Of Death - A HCS transport is mysteriously hijacked...
  • Wild Down South - A Dino patrol runs into trouble against the ABBOs...
  • JLB8 - Can Comer get his shattered ship to safety...
  • Betrayal In The Skies - A HCS transport is shot down... by a HCS fighter...
  • In The Shadow Of Buffness - A day in the life of Firefly...

Current deployments (14/07/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Edge Cutter

F108 Eocene (flag)
D162 Epsilon Eridani
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
L111 Pangaea
A151 Gasoline

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F161 Sea Of Tranquillity

Terran Sea

F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)


F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F103 Carboniferous (Windy flag)
F126 Mesozoic
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

C122 Photon (flag)
D151 Velocity
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris)
RS-DF1-05 (Raegris)
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

A141 Extender


Rathun's World officially becomes Liberation

The name change of Rathun's World to Liberation was ratified by the UNP a few months ago and has now been finally made official with space maps to be updated over the next few weeks. The zeal for renewal and change however has also seen a strong movement on the planet wish to remove the DDS presence from the planet and reduce the contribution to DDS funds.

Union leader Lelanda Mendlebutt has been invited to have talks with the DDS on these issues. SS Stoke City has been sent to pick him up.

Extender Update 2109 A

The hard-working Extender oiler fleet is to receive an update during the rest of the year, though as the fleet is heavily employed it is likely to be the end of the year before all ships can receive Extender Update 2109 A which will take around 2 weeks to complete.

Earlier in the year the Extenders received tactical updates as part of the SUP fleet update, the Extender update however concentrates on the primary reason for the ships to exist and that is supporting on-going operations and deployed ships. Refueling and resupplying will be improved by a new integrated logistics computer and upgraded supply systems. Inventory management and cargo security will also be improved by a number of system updates and enhancements such as internal forcefields, improved CCTV (not just in the male toilets as usually is the case on DDS ships) and automated sentry systems.

Randalf 74 insurgency explodes

With the insurgency on Oscar continuing, another HCS aircraft was shot down yesterday an A-85 COIN bomber, the insurgency on Randalf 74 has rumbled on at a low intensity but this has suddenly raised above the radar. Some think the insurgents on R74 have been inspired by their Oscar counterparts.

A HCS barracks was shelled by a mortar to start the attacks, two soldiers were wounded. Later the same day 2 Tapir IFVs were damaged by IEDs placed in the road along their patrol route, 3 soldiers were killed. A HCS officer was also shot by a sniper in a provincial city. It has also been reported a HCSAF F-45 was shot at by a hand-held SAM but the missile was evaded.

Captain Clone has told his commanders on Randalf 74 and Oscar to crush the insurgents.


TPM-1 production to end this year / Canister-TPM Revolver

70% of TPM production is now of the TPM-2 model and that will soon be 100% as the DDS have decided to end production of the older TPM-1 missile by the end of this year. A lot of DDS and allied ships are still TPM-1 only but the DDS think the rate of upgrading ships to TPM-2 plus the stockpile of over 2000 TPM-1 missiles means this should not be a serious problem unless there is a major war in the next few weeks which is thought unlikely.

Development of TPM-1 will continue for a couple of years though to keep stocks up-to-date and certified with current DDS protocols.

One new TPM-1 development is the Canister-TPM Revolver (CTR) which has been developed by a third-party company for the DDS. Working like the cylinder on a revolver handgun CTR contains 6 TPM-1s in it's cylinder allowing for much greater firepower for auxiliary ships (and of course helping to reduce the TPM-1 stockpile faster!) CTR is currently being tested on a Provider transport and may enter service next year.

Isometric-E line-up refreshed

The DDS have refreshed their Isometric-E product range with 3 new models all with improved systems and capabilities.
  • At the high-end the new Isometric-E205 has an improved databus, 360 CIWS and IWC plus other improvements to tactical systems and sensors
  • The mid-range Isometric-E105 (which is the best model available to general customers) now has passive sensors and 5036-A combat suite support plus improved communications
  • The low-end Isometric-E55 has passive sensors and other updates
  • All three models have improved battle damage management and support for Combat Ware 2.0
The DDS say they are hoping to score another export order for the Isometric-E soon.


Internal Security Section is go

General Redjec here, sorry i mean Commander. Being a General is surely mere weeks away for me as i explode through the ranks of the DDS, my unparalleled talent being finally recognised and not like Quarz, whom i hate, stuck in a dull dead-end job being awaken by underlings masturbating into your face.

That is what happens to Quarz of course not me, as i Redjec am hetrosexual. I am so het i make High Hefner look like Liberace. Look in the dictionary for "hetrosexual" and it will say "Redjec". Actually it won't but it will, next edition probably. Look under "loser" and it will say "Quarz", as i hate him.

The new internal security section i have been tasked to create and run is now fully operational and it has been called Internal Security Section or ISS. Personally i wanted to call it "Kick Quarz's Balls Brigade" or KQB2 but Firefly vetoed that. Which is a shame as i hate Quarz you see. ISS is responsible for the internal security of the DDS, making sure geeks don't litter, don't jaywalk or sell TPM secrets to the Clones. That kind of thing.

One thing i need to sort out is the rivalry between WM and Hoods 2.0, Firefly has told me that factional violence must stop. I have had dealings with the Hoods before but i shall have to tell them to refrain from violence from now on. Unless the violence is to be ramming baseball bats up Quarz's ass. They can still do that as i hate Quarz!

Pave Yellow put into Rome module / MCM re-organisation

The DDS' spare Pave Yellow mine warfare control suite (the other 3 of which are fitted aboard Isometric frigates which are designated as MCM director ships) has been modified to fit inside a Rome mission pod. The system had to be rearranged and some parts of it rebuilt to fit inside the pod but trials will now begin with a Rome corvette.

The DDS want to use the Rome for their next generation system Pave Yellow 2.o which will work with their indigenous mine warfare system the DMS which will replace the Clone built SPECNES over the next few years. This will release the 3 Isometrics fitted with Pave Yellow to the general fleet pool. Because of their specialised role the 3 ships tend not to be allocated to other duties as they are needed to direct minesweeping units.

As for the minesweeping force the DDS have completed the re-organisation of it's 12 ships into 3 3-ship flotillas with 1 ship as an on-standby floating reserve and 2 ships in reduced readiness reserve. One flotilla will be in refit at any 1 time with 1 of the other flotillas allocated to the central DDS area, the remaining flotilla will be allocated to where ever it is needed as a current flotilla is with Force Voth for example.

Helinox place order for DDS ships

Free Eritran world Helinox recently received it's first Pentekonter-E and yesterday signed a 850 million zark order for more ships on top of the Pentekonters and Extenders on order. An extra Pentekonter has been ordered on top of the 2 already signed for, the Extender-E order has been increased by 1 with the first delivery of the oilers due for next year. 5 Coril-E shuttles have also been ordered.

All three Pentekonters will also be upgraded to a higher specification with passive sensors and an improved databus among other improvements. The ship already delivered will be upgraded by a visiting DDS team later in the year and the two others built to the improved standard. It is thought part of the cost of the order has been offset by the Helinox leasing a small moon in their system to the DDS for use as a listening post. Helinox's location makes it ideal for watching the 7 Sa Sao (and Benito's half of the CSE).


Pentekonter leaves DDS service

The final 4 patrol Pentekonter 44A patrol boats have left service after they completed their remaining patrol circuits. Two each will be given to the Sirikwanese and Vothites. 12 minesweeper Pentekonter 44Ms remain in DDS service of course though not all are currently equipped with minesweeping equipment.

The two Pentekonters given to the Aritans a few months ago have just entered service with the DDS ally. The two Sirikwanese ships are likely to enter service by early next year. The Vothite ships may take longer as Voth has no current space fleet though personnel are currently being trained in the DDS Space Academy.

Major upsurge in insurgency on Oscar

After some quiet weeks the insurgency on Oscar has suddenly exploded with a series of devastating attacks launched on the CAO (Clone Army of Oscar) and HCS "guest" forces on the planet. Over the last few days the following attacks have been reported by Oscar and HCS media:
  • A C-440 operated by the CAO (loaned from the HCSAF) was shot down by a SAM near Renira Air Base. The aircraft was carrying 47 CAO troops and crew, all died in the crash.
  • Two HCS lorries carrying a mixture of HCS and CAO troops were destroyed by IEDs near the capital. 16 troops were killed.
  • A HCS signal relay station near Olive Grove was struck by RPGs killing 4 HCS troops.
  • A A-85 COIN aircraft operated by the CAO was shot down by gunfire near Talant Forge, the crew managed to eject.
  • Bombs planted on an oil tanker were exploded when the tanker was driven into a HCS base near Olive Grove. 68 HCS troops and base staff have been reported killed.
In return HCS and CAO forces, including Zone troops, have been sweeping known rebel strongholds. 6 human rebels have been reported killed, 4 were captured and they are now being entertained by the gentleman of the Clone Secret Services (CSS).

SROPS 76X update

The DDS are currently working on the next generation of it's SROPS shuttle/combat pod, the SROPS 76X (it will likely be 76B in service). The next SROPS will have a superluminal capability thanks to a strap-on FTL engine and exo-skeleton the SROPS Hyperspace Array (SHA). The SHA is in effect a FTL UCV and draws on work currently being done by the DDS into drones that can travel faster than light (the so-called Ferret-X).

Although SROPS X may arrive next year SHA will take longer to appear (estimated at 2111) because of the complexity of FTL UCVs (something both the DDS and HCS are currently wrestling with) however it will have a number of very useful capability improvements including Canister TPM support which was recently tested on the SROPS prototype which is currently testing new technology for it's replacement.

Terran Sea Enhanced Capability Update 2109 finally completed

Starting way back in January the Terran Sea Enhanced Capability Update 2109 has finally be completed. The upgrade programme has taken so long because ships were upgraded when they entered their yearly scheduled main refit. Indeed the DDS did originally think the upgrade might take until the early Autumn.

The upgrade acts across the Terran Sea B and C classes and includes TPM-2, IWC, Z5i, iSAS-15K, 5036-A and other small improvements. The entire fleet has also just received a software update.
In The Shadow Of Buffness
A day in the life of Firefly...


Talks between New Arit and Telvin 802 begin

Amid naked hostility between the two sides which descended into fighting and rape outside the venue talks have begun between New Arit and Telvin 802 on the Dino planet of Xi. The talks are being chaired by joint chairs from the UNP and Dinos and hope to resolve the differences between the two sides which threaten to descend into war.

The main problem will be how to resolve decades of aggression and hatred between the two sides. One DDS wag suggested anonymously that maybe both New Arit and Telvin 802 be nuked by the DDS however it is thought unlikely his suggestion will be taken up.

Operation Edge Cutter

Operation Edge Cutter has been announced, it will commence next week and run until mid-August. This is the replacement for the postponed Ground Shock exercise which will now take place afterwards. The exercise will take place in Remedian space near to Loeuss and will include Raegris ships. The Dinos, who have a base on Loeuss, have been invited to take part but as yet have not replied. Mine warfare will be part of the training. The DDS fleet and the exercise will be commanded by Caratore.

Controversial new destroyer Epsilon Eridani will make it's operational debut on the exercise as will Pangaea which, although an amphibious warfare ship, will be acting as a general transport for the operation to give the crew some operational experience. The Raegris ships that will take part are not yet known.

F108 Eocene (flag)
D162 Epsilon Eridani
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
L111 Pangaea
A151 Gasoline


HCS skirmish with suspected 7SS ship

Two HCS warships have come into contact with a ship similar to that which was encountered by the DDS and is thought to belong to the Xenon faction of the 7 Sa Sao. The two Kalahati Tuuls gave chase to the ship after it approached Randalf 74 and scanned one of the moons of R74 which contains a long-range sensor station but the ship cloaked after increasing speed beyond the KTs maximum.

Telemetry and sensor analysis indicates the ship was very similar to the suspected Xenon ship.

Current deployments (08/07/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia

Pulsar firing tpms

F161 Sea Of Tranquillity
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F103 Carboniferous (Windy flag)


F126 Mesozoic
A141 Extender
(A158 Starbotian Spirit)
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

C122 Photon (flag)
D151 Velocity
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris)
RS-DF1-05 (Raegris)
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ


Betrayal In The Skies
When a HCS transport is mysteriously shot down a specialist team is called in...


Haylei attracting attention

The independent world of Haylei lies between the two halves of the Clone Star Empire. For years it has relied on being obscure and largely worthless to avoid being added to the HCS (though it is known the Clones have looked at it from time to time). However vast deposits of precious minerals have recently been found on the planet which may scupper that.

At the moment the Clones are hoping to get access to the mineral wealth by commerce instead of by conquest. A CSE team has recently visited Haylei hoping to set up a joint mining company. Haylei needs an outside investor to have the money and know-how to set up the mining operation but once in place the wealth of Haylei in no fewer than 7 rare and precious minerals is estimated in the trillions of zarks.

Olympus ordered

Hot on the heels of the Fleet Development Review the Type 23A support carrier has officially been ordered and also named, the Olympus 23A class. The lead ship will be called Olympus Mons and subsequent ships will also be named after mountains or volcanos. Full details of the Olympus 23A class will be given later in the year.

The Olympus-E will also be launched at the same time. Experts close to the DDS Exports Team say they will probably get at least 5 export orders immediately.

Fleet Development Review

The Fleet Development Review has been released by Firefly after an intense week of analysis and debate by top DDS officials. Windscorpion gave his approval to the review yesterday. Firefly said the review would remould the fleet development ready for the changing future strategic situation. The first ship building plan was also released along with the review, this details what exactly will be funded and built (or started) during the financial year (though this plan does not cover a full year but covers up until April 2110 when there will be the new plan for 2110/1).

Some details of the review had already been leaked or guessed such as the cancellation of Berlin but there were some surprises.
  • New build Quasar 15B to not go ahead but funding for new battlecruiser initial feasibility development granted
  • Final 2 Missileer 21A cancelled (R111 and R112)
  • 4 Type 23A support carriers to be ordered
  • Panther 35A build to end on 14, 6 Panther 35B with fuselage plugs to be ordered
  • Berlin 46B cancelled, development instead to be used for Future Frigate FFX planned for late 2110s
  • 5 extra Rome 46As to be built
  • 4 extra Fighting Falcon 47As ordered making an eventual fleet of 18
  • 2 extra Oceania 63A amphibious support ships ordered (Starbotian funded)
As for the Ship Building Plan 2109/10 (Truncated):
  • 1/0 Missileer 21A
  • 1/0 Panther 35A
  • 2/0 Solaris III 37C
  • 1/0 Sea Of Tranquillity 43D
  • 4/0 Fighting Falcon 47A
  • 1/0 Pangaea 62A
  • 1/0 Oceania 63A
  • 1/0 Provider 71A
  • 3/0 Extender 73A
  • 3/0 River 75B
First figure is completed units, second is units left to be built.


Dinos loan DDS SX-98

The Dinos have loaned the DDS one of their SX-98 landing ships. The ship will operate with a Dino crew with DDS observers for the next 3 weeks performing a number of simulated landing operations. The DDS hope to gain knowledge of the type's potential before they receive their own examples next year.

Special FX's Prowler unit will be the DDS ground forces used in the tests, the SX-98 will operate a Fulcrum and a Coril special forces transport as well as operate alongside a DDS Intruder.


Fleet Development Review to report in a couple of days

Firefly has announced that his team has completed the Fleet Development Review and will publish it in a couple of days following review from senior DDS officers. Windscorpion is understood to be very happy with the report though so not much will change.

DDS bloggers are predicting the Berlin corvettes may be cancelled as the DDS adjusts it's procurement plans to better suit the current and future predicted geo-political situation.

Final spec K-18Ds enter testing

Two more pre-production K-18Ds have been delivered to the DDS from the Dinos. These aircraft have the full avionics and system specification and are compatible with DDS ordinance and datalinks. If their testing over the next few months is successful then production will begin of this specification early next year.

The NDAA (Next DDS Attack Aircraft) has also been rolled out within the last few days following modifications to give it an early build of the attack system and sensor suite production aircraft will carry. It will begin Phase 3 testing in a couple of months if ground testing proceeds without any problems.

Fleet news (03/07/09)

Two more Fighting Falcon class ships have joined the fleet, P138 Barn Owl and P139 Kite. These are a slightly higher specification compared to earlier Falcons as the Dinos have moved to an improved specification for their XTs. The tactical system has been improved with a better pattern matching sub-processor and the IR sensors upgraded.

L113 Laurentia is the latest Pangaea class amphibious warfare ship and the first since the problems between the DDS and HCS were ironed out. Finally A158 Starbotian Spirit is the latest Extender oiler. The ship was bought by the Starbotians and will be allocated to their fleet permanently (though will be available to support DDS ships too).


HCS strengthen forces in wake of 7SS attack

The HCS are strengthening their space and ground forces in the edge of their empire closest to 7 Sa Sao space in the wake of the suspected 7SS attack on a Type A transport. An extra squadron of warships has been sent from Cloneworld to Randalf 74, Benito has also sent more ships to the HCS mooring at Rendrial 4.

Rendrial and Petric are also to get their ground forces improved with Red Lizard and an armoured brigade soon to be deployed to each. Patrols in the region of the space are to be stepped up.

Improved air defence for HCS

The HCS have announced they will fully upgrade their air defence capability based around the SA-6A missile which was co-developed with the HCS Navy (where it is the SA-N-6A). Around 2000 TAA-4 Stoat AA tanks will be upgraded to TAA-4NG standard which includes the new missile (replacing the obsolete SA-4) and improved radar and data-linking. The tanks, many of which are rather old though based on the reliable T-55Z chassis, will also receive a refurbishment.

The TER-1 and WER-1 radar vans (one is tracked and one is wheeled) will be also receiving upgrades to the radar systems and communications multiplexes. Datalinking interoperability with HCSAF and HCSN assets will also be improved.


Ground Shock postponed until September

The DDS have postponed their amphibious warfare exercise Ground Shock until September, in the hope no doubt that the Arit-Telvin conflict has been sorted out by then and the Aritans can take part in the operation. They have a rather key role as at the moment the only truly operational brigade of the New DDS Army is the Aritan brigade!

The DDS are instead planning for a more general training exercise to take part later this month. The Raegris are understood to be keen for a joint training exercise to include mine warfare countermeasures.

T-88++ no longer in front-line HCS service / T-89FSU2

It is an end of an era for the HCS as the last T-88++ left front-line service with the HCS. At one time, at the height of the Clone Wars there were over 200,000 of the tanks in service. Now there are less than 10,000 and all now in reserve and training units. The recent increase in T-89FSU and T-55ZDM production helped replace the remaining few hundred in front-line HCS units.

The T-88++ will remain in HCS service for some time yet though, the T-88A has only recently left HCS service and there are still nearly 1000 T-88+s in various reserve units.

The HCS have also announced an improvement to it's principle tank. The T-89FSU2 has further improvements to it's protection with changes geared to better protect the crews from IEDs.

F-10SEP begins flight testing

The next major version of the DDS' F-10S fighter has begun flight testing before a planned entry into service next year. The F-10SEP (standing for Enhanced Performance) will take over from the SIM in production by Q3 2110 if all goes to plan, or sometime in Q2 if there are no glaring problems.

The SEP has a modified wing to enhanced agility and fuel economy, various avionic improvements, an improved databus, stealth improvements especially in terms of IR signature and a modest improvement in the engines.

Navy's A-19Bs operational

20 of the 40 A-19B Borehole attack aircraft transferred from the HCSAF to the HCSN last year have now been declared operational by the Clone Navy. The A-19Bs were due to be withdrawn as a cost saving by the air force though had around 10 years service life left, the Navy stepped in to ask for the type to fill a gap in it's long range anti-shipping and attack role until the arrival of the F-45K and carrier operations in the next decade.

The 20 aircraft received a light refurbishment (more or less a deep clean sources say) and a couple of avionics modifications to better suit over water operations. The fleet will receive a more extensive refurbishment and upgrade starting from next year. This will include better integration into the HCSN data network and the capability to fire the latest HCSN munitions. The aircraft will also be cleared to operate until around 2121.

Dinos to host talks between New Arit and Telvin 802

Xi in the Dino Republic will be the venue for talks between the Aritans and Telvins to try and avoid war between the teo old enemies. Telvin have insisted that they be given safe passage to Xi (as to get there would entail either going through Aritan space or making a very wide detour) by the Dinos who have despatched 2 ships from their base on Sirikwan.

The DDS are to take the Aritan delegation to Xi, it is understood a Starsystem will bring them to Xi but SS Stoke City may be used to return them to their homeland. Talks will begin next week.

Long patrol badly mauled by ABBOs

Tribune Comer's Long Patrol to investigate the ABBOs has been badly mauled by the ABBOs after they came into contact with a new and very powerful ABBO battlecruiser. Two NGs were destroyed in the battle and subsequent actions, two other NGs sustained damage. In the case of Comer's ship DM42 the damage was extensive and the ship will likely be written off and used for spares.

An SS patrol managed to save Comer's ship and are bringing him in. It is said Comer has sustained various injuries including a broken arm. Some reports say he has an injured bottom too.