The Terran Space Defence Service (TSDS) has finally been disbanded after nearly 70 years though for the last few decades it's role has largely been taken by the DDS. The TSDS was set up in 2041 when the UN bought together the 3 existing space forces on Terra (the USAF Space Combat Command, Royal Space Force and People's Liberation Space Army) to form a multi-national space defence force to defend Terra.
In the early 2040s the TSDS bought it's first major combat ships the huge Titan class battlecruisers. By the standards of today they were huge and lumbering beasts, only capable of around 10c with a crew of 400, armed with nuclear missiles and primitive chemical lasers. Three of the five Titans built were lost, and the later Charon and Phoebus class battlecruisers also suffered a notable loss rate though all losses were due to accidents not enemy action. This was the time before defence shields and CIWS, careful mapping and early warning of objects. An object the size of a pebble could destroy a ship if it hit it at FTL speed. Calculating a safe journey at FTL took days of computation and deep scans, a process done in seconds now.
The TSDS also had a number of sub-light orbital policing craft and it was these it retained as the large cruisers were withdrawn and the DDS took over interstellar duties. This policing role will now be taken over by a UNP Space Police Agency with DDS support.