
Ronald celebrates 60th anniversary of first contact mission

In his first major public appearance since stepping down as Consul (and thus becoming a regular guy) Senator Ronald has led celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the beginning of Operation Tel'yahor Nuagg (Long Contact). This was the daring mission from Dino-Land to Earth to initiate first contact with the Hewmons. Ronald (then known as Takola) led the expedition which took some 9 months to reach the Sol system (it takes around 12 days to go between the two planets nowadays). The Ronald led expedition then spent several months monitoring Earth before initiating contact on January 1st 2051.

It was a very different time, human activity in space was in it's infancy with Proxima 7 still a barely populated outpost. First contact changed the histories of both the Dinos and Hewmons, Ronald returned to Dino-Land a hero and soon took over from the corrupt boy-buggering drug addict Juliawaki (otherwise he was great) to begin his first glorious reign as Dino Emperor. Dino technical assistance also greatly helped Hewmon space engines and soon the Hewmons were able to develop engines that could take them to their colonies in weeks instead of months and years. The UNP was set up several years later when colonies began to become independant of Earth.

In return Hewmon culture had an unexpected effect on the Dinos including their names. Dougson's early translation machine made a real hash of trying to convert Dinoese names into English. Takola was translated into Ronald for example which Ronald at the time did not enjoy that much thinking that Ro-Nald made him sound like a toilet disinfectant. However these names stuck.