
MBH to upgrade military on Pulsin

MBH, newly installed as permanent governor of Pulsin, has declared the military forces on his planet must be increased. "Pulsin is the front line against the Bolitic and the rising tensions need we need to strengthen at the door to barbarism." MBH told reporters before going off on a 2 hour rant about why he was great (reporters were not allowed to leave, heavily armed SS blocked all the exits).

Currently there are 2 army legions on Pulsin and 1 SS legion. Between the forces they have over 40 Dinomarks and around 200 tanks, though many of these are Dinomark XTs and pre-HCS tanks respectively. MBH has managed to procure some 50 fairly new T-55Zs from HCS stocks (no doubt using his influence with the Clones to get a knock-down price). He has also raided the Pulsin branch of the Crippled Ex-Dino Army Servicemen Pension Fund. "Useless shits shouldn't have got themselves shot." he darkly quipped.

Using more normal channels he has requested an extra army legion plus 8 Dinomark PTs with w-drive. The senate will debate the request next week.