
Fleet news (04/02/09)

R107 Archer is the latest Missileer class carrier to join the fleet. It is the first Missileer 21B, a refined standard which will be used for the rest of the production build. Missileer 21B has a variety of enhancements ranging from an uprated engine to better weapons and an IWC. Full details of the changes can be read here.

K121 Horace is the last Rome class corvette to be built and has joined the fleet though at the moment it has been allocated to the Departmental Fleet to help develop some technologies for the follow-on Berlin class.

Two Pentekonter class OPVs have left the fleet, P105 Xerxes and P114 Cleon. These have been selected for conversion to minesweeper (Pentekonter 44M) later in the year. For now they will be undergoing a refit and will also join the Departmental Fleet as X105 and X114 respectively for the next few months for unspecified development work (though thought to include some work on the Berlin class).

The first Coril 79B shuttle has joined the fleet, A571 Opticon is the first of the reverse engineered copies of the venerable Tarbotian design. The legacy Coril fleet is said to have really limited time left so the DDS are hoping to get production ramped up soon. A number of other forces have also expressed an interest in the type.