
Dinos announce future Dinomark

The Dinos have announced they have begun development work on the replacement for the Dinomark PT as the first line combat vehicle of their fleet. The Future Dinomark is a long way off, the early 2120s have been given as an introduction date for it with design lock down for nearly 10 years time (2118) and prototypes beginning testing in 2120. The Dinos presented a preliminary list of requirements for Future Dinomark :
  • Third generation worm drive with a top speed of 10000c. Traditional propulsion speed is listed as being 1000c.
  • Zero Maintenance System (ZMS) with auto-repair and maintenance. Theoretically the ship will never need to leave service for refits or repair. Upgrades will still require some intervention, see below. The reactor core will also be fuelled for the full service life of the ship.
  • Open System Architecture (OSA). Similar to DDS Open Architecture 3.0 with zero-install and auto configuration/optimisation of new systems.
  • Plasma Transphasic Weapons (PTW). Thought to be similar to DDS ideas for future TPMs (maybe the TPM-4). The missiles are created as needed from a plasma reservoir meaning theoretically unlimited weapon load.
  • Holographically Generated Interior (HGI). The ship's interior will be generated from hard light holography meaning that the ship interior can be instantly modified to suit mission. For example if many prisoners are seized the brig can be instantly increased in size.
  • Neutral Control Interface (NCI). Much ship operation will be controlled by thought. The Dinos are also working on a neutral communications system to allow crew to communicate silently using their thoughts. These technologies will be facilitiated through neutral implant chips (the Dinos being less squeemish about this than the average human).
Not all of the above will necessarily appear in Future Dinomark. PTW and HGI are at the moment purely theory. The Dinos have invited stakeholders to participate in a 6 month Initial Specification Consultation Exercise.