
First Seawolf SSK launched

The first new submarine built by the Clones since the reinstatement of their Navy has been launched. SS Seawolf is the lead of a new class of conventionally powered submarines (SSK) which will supplement the only existing submarine in the HCSN SS Tinfish.

Seawolf is based on Tinfish though has been improved using Sirikwanese technology and design. That the first Seawolf has been launched so quickly is due to the fact it was largely built already from pre-fabricated elements and put together in a matter of weeks. Only the hull has been contructed though, sea trials are not expected for a year. The singleton ballistic missile test submarine SS Warhammer, which is based on Seawolf, is also taking shape rapidly.

Seawolf is hoped to enter service before the end of 2110 with Warhammer entering service as a SSK in 2111 though it will begin development of the SeaGale SLBM within a year or two.

Captain Clone admits The Friar was XE!

Captain Clone has admitted that The Friar is/was really Ayatollah Clone XE. He revealed this at his latest media briefing. He said he did not know for years but after the fall of Oojok he said The Friar revealed his secret to him. Captain Clone however said The Friar/XE was still alive and would resume duties later this year.

When asked about the Sword Of Truth insurgency of a few years ago when XE's rebels caused chaos and much bloodshed on Cloneworld Captain Clone said the SOT's "XE" was a fake. "The Sword Of Truth was led by an RP officer who took the opportunity to adopt the identity of XE for his own political ends." he said. Both the SOT and the fake XE have met their demise he added.

The DDS insist they have XE though have yet to show him. He is said to be "busy" with DDS interrogators...

Security tightened at GHQ following capture of spy

Security has been tightened at DDS GHQ following the capture of an agent working for an, as yet, unknown foreign power. It is understood the spy had enlisted to the DDS as a junior officer and had passed sensitive information on the MRM to his contacts. The DDS say details of transphasic technologies were not compromised. Team Redjec captured the spy who as yet has not been broken but Dump is back from his vacation tomorrow...

"I am afraid you will have to strip young lady, my buzzer never lies..."

Commander Redjec told reporters that they are also hot on the tail or rather fin of a much bigger fish. "When the time is right we will reel in Gib-i mean-this unnamed traitor..."


Operation Ensuring Passage

The DDS have officially launched their latest deployment, Operation Ensuring Passage. A 6 month (at least) deployment to the space between the Aritans and Clone Star Empire (South West) which has seen a number of ABBO attacks. The deployment will include an Aritan ship and will also work with Dino units based on Xi, the DDS will be able to use Xi's orbital facilities in an agreement with the Dinos though are expected to mostly use New Arit. As expected the deployment will be led by Caratore and his ship will be the flagship. Two ships have also been despatched from Force Starbot to join the deployment which is now being run down as the 7 Sa Sao threat recedes. Patrols should begin by the end of next week.

F108 Eocene (flag)
D101 Panther
R105 Grenadier
AS12 Gerlam Untim (Aritan Solaris frigate)
F122 Permian
F145 Arafura Sea
A142 Stratotanker


Dinos announce future Dinomark

The Dinos have announced they have begun development work on the replacement for the Dinomark PT as the first line combat vehicle of their fleet. The Future Dinomark is a long way off, the early 2120s have been given as an introduction date for it with design lock down for nearly 10 years time (2118) and prototypes beginning testing in 2120. The Dinos presented a preliminary list of requirements for Future Dinomark :
  • Third generation worm drive with a top speed of 10000c. Traditional propulsion speed is listed as being 1000c.
  • Zero Maintenance System (ZMS) with auto-repair and maintenance. Theoretically the ship will never need to leave service for refits or repair. Upgrades will still require some intervention, see below. The reactor core will also be fuelled for the full service life of the ship.
  • Open System Architecture (OSA). Similar to DDS Open Architecture 3.0 with zero-install and auto configuration/optimisation of new systems.
  • Plasma Transphasic Weapons (PTW). Thought to be similar to DDS ideas for future TPMs (maybe the TPM-4). The missiles are created as needed from a plasma reservoir meaning theoretically unlimited weapon load.
  • Holographically Generated Interior (HGI). The ship's interior will be generated from hard light holography meaning that the ship interior can be instantly modified to suit mission. For example if many prisoners are seized the brig can be instantly increased in size.
  • Neutral Control Interface (NCI). Much ship operation will be controlled by thought. The Dinos are also working on a neutral communications system to allow crew to communicate silently using their thoughts. These technologies will be facilitiated through neutral implant chips (the Dinos being less squeemish about this than the average human).
Not all of the above will necessarily appear in Future Dinomark. PTW and HGI are at the moment purely theory. The Dinos have invited stakeholders to participate in a 6 month Initial Specification Consultation Exercise.

Poll results

57% uncharitably thought the name of the proposed HCS space bomber would be "Doomed". "Centaur" was the second most popular option and may be the favourite with the HCS themselves.

Windy : We have XE

Windscorpion has addressed the DDS on the DDS News Channel and informed them that Ayatollah Clone XE (whom he says was disguised as The Friar) has been captured by the DDS. The HCS have launched a protest at this "disgraceful aggression" though it has been noted that the protest has not been that vigorous and indeed the HCS have acknowledged no Clones were seriously injured or killed in the DDS special forces operation.The worst injuries are said to be the odd broken limb or concussion. Interestingly the HCS did not admit The Friar had been taken. They said that he had been wounded in the attack but would make a full recovery.

Windscorpion also addressed the ABBO attack on SS Trident. He said that a strong deployment would be sent to the area that has seen a number of attacks in the next few days and stay for at least 6 months. He said he would be holding talks with Consul Cruggson about how the DDS and Dino forces in the area could best work together. The Aritans are also likely to attach one of their ships to the DDS deployment.


Caratore to head ABBO force?

The DDS are preparing a deployment for the Northern Rim World area of space which is where a DDS oiler was attacked earlier this week, the latest in a spate of ABBO attacks on UNP, Dino and other nation's shipping. Although the composition of the fleet has yet to be revealed the DDS have said that Captain Caratore will be taking command.

This is a surprise to DDS watchers as Caratore is a fairly well known member of the second rank of DDS super soldiers though was not considered a candidate for reaching the top. Giving him command of a deployment is a sign Windscorpion thinks highly of him. Caratore is the captain of the Isometric frigate SS Eocene and before that SS Jurassic which achieved some notoriety during the Utrek war when it successfully raided deep behind Utrek lines.

Current deployments (24/02/09)

In a new regular feature we will list DDS (and allied) ships on deployment other than standard patrol and fleet concentrations.

Western Pheonix

D154 Evolution (flag)
AS02 Youanki
F144 Flores Sea
F133 Baltic Sea
F107 Palaeocene
A112 Liberator Express
A154 Kerocene


Force Voth

D107 Lynx (flag)
F101 Cambrian
F125 Pliocene
F134 Mediterranean Sea
A103 Constellation
A144 Jetstar
AS05 Tulan Lanu

Force Starbot

C107 India (flag)
D101 Panther
F123 Devonian
F146 Bohol Sea
F152 Aral Sea II
A142 Stratotanker
+ Starbotian fleet


Remedian Border Protection Squadron

C125 Positron (flag)
C130 Kaon
D152 Advance
F115 Cainozoic
F139 Banda Sea
F143 Andaman Sea
K103 Augustus
A108 Galaxy
A151 Gasoline
DR182 Lord Verin
DR185 Lord Logan
DR187 Remedia Prime II

Minesweeping squadron :

F109 Oligocene
M101 Thucydides
M105 Pindar
A145 Globemaster
Pride & Anguish
The Friarbunker is invaded and The Friar faces a fate worse than death...


ABBOS attack DDS ship

Extender oiler A148 Tristar, en route to Force Voth from Rathun's World, has been attacked by an ABBO warship near to the Aritan border. The oiler suffered main power failure and shield failure after a brief exchange of fire. ABBOs boarded the ships and there is reported to have been a short firefight aboard the ship in which a crewmember suffered non-life threatening injuries.

The ABBOs downloaded some data from the ship's computer (nothing too sensitive the DDS have said) and then left. It is thought the ABBOs were looking for Dinos. Two hour later an Aritan Solaris frigate arrived and gave assistance to the oiler which will conduct repairs at New Arit.

Sea Urchin, currently in charge of the DDS while Windy is away, said that a fleet deployment would be made to the area over the next few days as a "show of strength". ABBO warships would be fired upon if they made threatening actions he said. The DDS are also rushing the installation of Cannister TPM to Providers and Extenders that will be operating in this area of space.

My 10 point plan to destroy Quarz

Commander Redjec Esq here, by the way i heard a rumour that i am soon to be knighted, of course being modest i could not comment on it. Except to say that it would be well deserved and long overdue. After all my great successes and achievements i am due some acclaim by my peers. Unlike Quarz of course who should be beheaded for his long degenerate career of sadness and failure. I so hate him.

Actually i am going to talk about Quarz. A change i know as i do not usually like to mention him because i hate him. I am challenging the DDS to improve itself by cleansing itself of the massive drag factor that is Quarz. Quarz, what a cretin he is! I am his infinite superior in every single quotient you can think of! There are amoeba on the surface of Mars with more chance of success than Quarz. I hate him!

So i am going to present my 10 point plan to destroy Quarz. A manifesto to restore the DDS to power by jettisoning the Master of Sadness, Quarz of course i mean.

2 - Give Crystal Ribbon a wash, she hasn't washed since she touched Quarz i hear. That is months ago! Ugh, she must hum. I heard her bra is so dirty its now black when apparently it is white with little pictures of Quarz on it. YUCK!
3 - Send his pathetic little transport ship on a one way mission to the Tarbotians
4 - Confiscate his Hello Kitty collection, the loser
5 - Arrest Crystal Ribbon for disgustingness
6 - Let the Hoods loose on Quarz's ass
7 - Place a nuclear warhead under his pile of Bunty comics
8 - Kidnap Quarz and deliver him naked to Windy
9 - Tie Quarz to a clay pidgon catapult and shout "PULL!"
10 - Strangle Quarz with his own jock strap

Then the world will be a cleaner, safer and altogether better place. And make me DDS Commander too! Of course i lead on the behalf of Team Redjec, there is no I in Team Redjec though there is in I Hate Quarz. Because i do.

First TPM-2 update

The TPM-2 missile, now slowly being introduced across the DDS fleet, has received it's first update since entering service late last year. TPM-2A2 is the new production version and has improvements to the datalink multiplexor and warhead. The TPM-2A2 can accept more detailed tactical information using more heavily encrypted datalinks. The warhead has more penetrative ability.

Around 11 minor issues have also been fixed with the software and the engine has been fitted with modified control equipment. A2 will begin production by the end of the month and should be being produced at all factories by early March.


Fleet news (22/02/09)

Two new types have made their debut, though the first Solaris III class destroyer D161 Solaris (the DDS are undecided as to call it Solaris III or not yet) will not enter service for a few months yet as it will undergo extensive testing.

F161 Sea Of Tranquility has just completed this testing and is the first of the final evolution (unless the DDS change their plans) of the Isometric design to enter service. Sea Of Tranquility (crews are already calling it the SOT) has joined the 1st Fleet though it likely to join the Force Voth later this year.

A120 Lancastrian is also new, the latest Provider transport. The current Provider order has nearly been completed though it is likely the DDS will order more in future. It is thought future Providers beyond the last few on order will be Provider-Es built by the Raegris.


Fate of The Friar unknown

The Clones are refusing to comment on reports Windy has attacked The Friar in his hide-out. Unfortunately no rumours agree on what actually has happened at the Friarbunker in Micom. Some say The Friar was killed. Some say captured.

One blog reported The Friar defeated Windscorpion in hand-to-hand combat, hacking off Windy's head and shitting in his helmet. The blog also reported that Trojan Warlord had a girlfriend once so it's reliability is highly questionable. The DDS are as yet also not commenting.

Sirikwan buy Clone weapons

Sirikwan are quickly getting a reputation as being willing to buy defence equipment from anyone. They have already bought DDS and Dino weapons and have bought Bolitic and Tarbotian warships in the past. And now they have bought a large quantity of second-hand HCS aircraft.

120 A-85 COIN aircraft, 105 A/CH-26 helicopters and 20 CH-36 heavy lift helicopters will be delivered in the deal along with a quantity of ordinance and spares, plus some help for pilot training. The cost of the purchase has not been revealed by the Clones but it is thought it will offset some of the money the Clones owe the Sirikwanese for their help in setting up the Clone submarine industry and the pre-fabricated parts that will make up the first new submarines being built for the HCS Navy.


DDS discuss Panther future

The DDS have been discussing the future development of the Panther destroyer at a meeting of DDS captains and Fleet officials that was made public. The Panther has quickly become the prime combat asset of the DDS and future developments will see it's combat potential further increased.
  • A new electronic subsystem and databus will be fitted to Panther at it's mid-phase 1 refit in a couple of years. This will greatly increase the ability of Panther to receive data from a myriad of sources, process and transmit back to other DDS assets. Panther can already serve up to 128 other DDS assets (such as UCVs, other ships, TPMs et cetera) using it's multiplexed datanodes and the upgrade will increase this to 512.
  • An EW/ECM module will be developed in the next couple of years to allow Panther to add this to it's portfolio. The tactical reconnaissance module will also be upgraded with improved below-ground sensors and data modelling.
  • Engine power will also be increased with the Evolution A of it's current powerplant which will be aimed at increasing it's agility though there will also be a modest increase in superluminal performance.
A general update is also planned in the near term, probably early 2110, with improvements to many systems. The mid-Phase 1 refit will probably happen in 2113 or 4 depending on the schedule for ILU.


Squeeky Bum Time
The DDS are closing in on The Friar...


Breaking news : The Friar's secret hideout under attack!

Breaking news on various Clone news services : the ultra top-secret base that The Friar is hiding at (locations on Google Cloneworld linked from various news outlets) has come under attack from unknown insurgents. A news blackout was swifted raised by the HCS.

Poll results

Surprisingly 80% of those polled would rather spent a Valentines day with Gibson rather than Trok! Personally i'd rather probe my own anus with a soldering iron than be with either! Now with Hannah Montana, now you talking. Ooooh baby!


AH-26X not cancelled

The HCS have responded to reports the next generation helicopter programme, the AH-26X, has been cancelled as a cost saving measure. Some commentators have said the lengthy delays already announced are "cancellation in all but name" but the HCS have said this is not the case and the X has now been pencilled in for 2113.

The stop gap AH-26WEC (and WNG for the Navy) is being produced from next year and will include the new engines developed for the X along with new cockpit displays, improved EO sensors and doubled bandwidth for video downlinks. The X also has a new rotor, new fuselage with advanced new materials, new data architecture and a more stealthy shape. Development is continuing the HCS has said.

Isometric begins UCV development work

The research ship SS Isometric has begun a series of trials with a first generation superluminal unmanned technology known as Object Blue A. This is a set of technology to allow a ship the size of the Isometric to operate without a crew and includes control and monitoring systems, automated repair systems and automated security systems.

Isometric prototype

Isometric will conduct a series of faster than light journeys without a crew, accompanied by the Starsystem frigate T101 Beta Centauri which has been seconded to DDS Research for these trials. A DDS Research team led by Dr Forbidden will monitor SS Isometric and step in if anything irregular happens.

Isometric's UCV tests will one day lead to a new generation of unmanned warships. The DDS have already developed plans for such things in the past like the Stoat and Panther-UCV.


UV138 Violence Is The Answer

  • The Sinking Feeling - The false rumours that The Friar is XE is a cause for concern with The Friar...
  • Ronald - MBH - It is the battle of the egos as Ronald makes MBH an offer he cannot refuse....
  • Whatever! - ABBOs attacking freighters, time to call for the A Team baby!
  • Sexual Predator - Trok comes back into Gibson's life and somewhere else on his anatomy....
  • I Like To Make Tea - Smellyson's elite unit is put to the test but MBH seeks to make things even more interesting....
  • Flickering - The mission to get The Friar begins and has already gone wrong... or has it?
Get ready for the new book next month UV139 Sin Will Be Punished

HCS to build space bomber

Inspired (or maybe terrified) by the DDS' recent innovations in space to ground attack the HCS Space Navy have issued a requirement for a "warship optimised for space to ground attack". The ship would be equipped with missiles and dedicated imaging and targeting systems (presumably similar to SAS).

Currently the HCS use existing warships for this role though only the Kalahati Tuuls have the missile launchers able to fire the HCS' attack missile. Later classes like Cosmos can only fire the smaller space combat missile. As the Kalahati Tuul fleet is due to be run down over the next few years the HCS have decided to build a dedicated bomber fleet rather than retrofit existing ships.

Cruggson arrives on Xi to direct operations against the ABBOs

Consul Cruggson has arrived on the border planet of Xi, which is the closest to ABBO space in the Dino Republic, to set up a temporary HQ to direct observation and maybe combat operations against the resurgent ABBOs. The forces on the planet, which usually only has 1 legion and limited numbers of Dinomarks, have also been re-inforced with the 10th legion plus part of the specialist 6th legion being deployed along with the 2nd Space Squadron including one of the Dinomark RS.

A number of patrols have been sent to observe ABBO activity which is continuing in the region. An Aritan freighter was shadowed by an ABBO ship a few days ago for several hours though was not contacted or attacked.

HCS put on alert as rumours fly of approaching Windy

The HCS has been put on Yellow 2 Alert (the next step down from Red Alert) following reports of Windy's flagship being spotted near to the edge of Clone space. Cloneworld's army units have been put on alert and all ships in the Cloneworld system powered up. Air patrols over the "secret" hideout of The Friar have also been begun. Though the security of his base has probably been compromised as it is now the most popular location to view on Google Cloneword.

The Friar has not commented on the news of Windy and the alert status of the HCS though one source said it is "squeeky bum" time and several high ranking officers have either cancelled their appointments to see him or have mysteriously fallen ill and had to leave the hideout.


MRM to enter service in Summer

The DDS have held 3 more successful tests of it's Medium Range Missile or MRM. MRM R4-021, 22 and 23 successfully hit their targets in a series of test firings made by a Pulsar class cruiser. 022 was the first full 5 light year range mission and had no fewer than 7 mid-course updates from various DDS ships placed along the test run. 023 was the first successful test of the production warhead for space attack being based on the TPM-2 warhead but with 3 times the yield.

Further tests will be held in March including one with the production conventional ground attack warhead. All instances of SAS across the fleet will have MRM support rolled out in their next software upgrades over the Spring. A nuclear warhead is understood to be also planned though not yet built.

The DDS are aiming for MRM to enter service in June or July with a limited shipment entering production in May. Revision 1, the first main production version with an uprated engine and any tweaks required, will follow later in the year.


MBH to upgrade military on Pulsin

MBH, newly installed as permanent governor of Pulsin, has declared the military forces on his planet must be increased. "Pulsin is the front line against the Bolitic and the rising tensions need we need to strengthen at the door to barbarism." MBH told reporters before going off on a 2 hour rant about why he was great (reporters were not allowed to leave, heavily armed SS blocked all the exits).

Currently there are 2 army legions on Pulsin and 1 SS legion. Between the forces they have over 40 Dinomarks and around 200 tanks, though many of these are Dinomark XTs and pre-HCS tanks respectively. MBH has managed to procure some 50 fairly new T-55Zs from HCS stocks (no doubt using his influence with the Clones to get a knock-down price). He has also raided the Pulsin branch of the Crippled Ex-Dino Army Servicemen Pension Fund. "Useless shits shouldn't have got themselves shot." he darkly quipped.

Using more normal channels he has requested an extra army legion plus 8 Dinomark PTs with w-drive. The senate will debate the request next week.
The mission to get The Friar begins and has already gone wrong... or has it?


Rome Fleet Standardisation Update (RFSU) begins

Rome Fleet Standardisation Update (RFSU) has begun, this will standardise the Rome fleet which consists of 2 batches, the earlier Rome A not being quite as advanced as the B. The earlier ships will gain TPM-2, 5036 combat suites (all Romes will receive the 5036-A2), Combat Ware 2.0 and an Info-Warfare Centre (IWC). Older ships will take 3 weeks each to update with the newer ships (which have less to change) about half that. All updates will be carried out as the ships receive their scheduled refits.


Because of this RFSU will not be completed until well into next year though it is expected all of the older Romes will be completed by the end of this year.

Ferret update, Sirikwan deliveries begin

The Ferret-E UCV has been updated to MQ-5A2 standard which includes improved datalinks with a higher level of encryption, improved AI, modifications to the power unit and engine which increase endurance by some 7% (though the actual endurance in time is kept secret by the DDS) and improved EO sensors for reconnaissance mode.

Ferret-E USV

Sirikwan has also received the first batch of 10 UCVs of their order for 100 made last year. The MQ-5AS is to the same standard as the Aritan MQ-5AA and so lacks some of the most advanced DDS systems. It does have the improved powerunit of the A2 however.

The next generation Ferret-G has also been updated, the latest pre-production builds have been delievered to the Dinos and DDS for evaluation. It is thought Ferret-G could enter service next year.

DDS complete Oscar pull out as OTA crumbles

The DDS has completed the withdrawal of it's personnel from Oscar who were assisting the Oscar Terran Army (OTA). The pull out has been completed amid a crumbling front line and signs the OTA are on the verge of surrender to the Clone Army of Oscar (CAO). It is reported the OTA and CAO have held talks about an OTA surrender.

The OTA have asked the DDS to stay and help but not very strenuously as if knowing that even with the support of "advisers" the war is not winnable. War material from the HCS continues to flow to the CAO who now have a whole 24 plane squadron of F-40s, around 30 A-85s and more than 4 times the armour the OTA can muster.

Fighting is continuing along a bitter front line thought analysts think the CAO are holding back considerably pending the surrender talks. If the talks fail it is reckoned the CAO will launch an all-out attack which could put CAO troops in the OTA capital in days.


Flagship replaced on Western Pheonix deployment

Pulsar class cruiser C102 Australasia has had to leave the Western Pheonix deployment following a mine strike which damaged the cruiser's main engine and injured 3 crew. The mine, thought to have been a Vosun-Voth example that drifted free of known fields hit the cruiser during war games in Voth space. A close in sensor failure meant that the Pulsar did not detect the mine until it was very close and the impact from the CIWS destroying the mine caused damage to the ship.

Australasia has returned to Voth for emergency repairs before continuing onto Solaris to have a new engine fitted. It is being accompanied by the oiler A149 Octane which was due to return to the DDS anyway as it was replaced by A154 Kerocene.

Velocity destroyer D154 Evolution is now the flagship of the deployment.


Gale-III Development Build 18 launch

With the Gale-III ICBM being the basis of the CSM space missile the DDS are giving much more attention than they would usually give to the Gale-III development. Build 18 is understood to have successfully been tested from the launch site in Micom, following on from the last test back in November.

Unlike Build 17 which was probably the first CSM test Build 18 looks to have been an ICBM test with the missile landing at a test site in the West Clone Republic. It is thought Build 20 will be the next CSM test however Build 18 is thought to have tested some aerodynamic changes to increase the efficency of the missile and reduce it's wake disturbance, a key part of assisting in the stealth aspects of CSM. It is also thought the missile was the first with the final build of the new engines to be used on Gale-III/SeaGale/CSM with reduced IR signature.

Poll results

In our latest poll 66% believed the DDS should not develop a new cruiser to replace the Pulsar that is being withdrawn in a few years. Please vote in our next poll!

DDS to develop sub-TPM missile for export market

Following the decision to retain the restriction on transphasic technologies to DDS allies the DDS have decided to develop a sub-TPM missile for export customers. The missile will be quad-phase which is a forerunner technology to the TPM. As the Dinos and Zones have already developed this kind of technology it is considered nowhere near as sensitive.

The DDS are understood to have used an existing quad-phase warhead as developed by the Raegris but with an upgraded guidance and datalink system, the booster is also the same as used in the TPM-1, the missile QPM, being the same dimension so can be fired from standard missile launchers as fitted to export DDS ships.

Although nowhere near as powerful as the TPM the QPM is still a formidable weapon and it is hoped the missile can clinch the big export order pending with Molab as well as be sold to other customers.


I Like To Make Tea
Smellyson's elite unit is put to the test but MBH seeks to make things even more interesting...


Snow joke for Team Redjec

Its snow joke for Team Redjec, see "snow joke" "no joke" and it has been snowing. It is polite to laugh. Anyway i am Commander Redjec Esq of Team Redjec, i have heard a rumour that i may soon be knighted. And made DDS Commander. Very soon. I am due many honours as i am the top professional in the DDS unlike Quarz, whom i hate, who is the bottom professional.

What is Quarz, whom i hate, good for? Producing shit! That is all. I remember the lowest point of my life when i was near a full latrine storage tank on my ship when it ruptured and i was buried in tons of Quarz's shit. It took weeks of very painful industrial scrubbing to get rid of the stench. Gods i hate Quarz!

However since then my life has been on a definate upwards spiral, achieving heights never before seen in my family. Daddy, Hank Redjec was quite famous i admit. He was the guy who tried to destroy the Empire State Building by strapping a mini-nuke to his head and charging into the building. Unfortunately the bomb only detonated in a minor sub-atomic fizzle killing Hank Redjec and an 87 year old security guard. But he made the papers, page 27, column C of the NY Times. First edition only.

Maybe in some small way he paved the way for me, to become the icon that i am now. What is Quarz but an icon of filth. I so hate him!

Anyway onto other matters and other losers. Gibson, what a piece of work! A Dino addicted to anal sex is what i heard. He has had more cock than Kellogs. We are watching him as we suspect his involvement in something underhand, possibly with the Utrek. I would so like to uncover him as a spy. The things i would do to punish him! And if i could punish Quarz as well at the same time then so much better. I hate Quarz you see.

Improved version of TPM-A, TPM-G enter service

An improved version of the air-launched version of TPM-1, the TPM-A3, has entered service with the DDS. This is still using the TPM-1 as it's base but is now using a customised version of the TPM-1D4 (the current production version). The DDS have been working on an air launched version of the TPM-2, the TPM-A-2X, but have decided to stay with -1 for now to help bring down the stockpiles. All -A3s will be re-used TPM-1 rounds. The DDSAF say they will switch to using the TPM-2 in the "next decade".

As for the -A3 is has all the enhancements of the latest missile with improved datalinking and terminal seeking systems. The -A3 also has a modified rocket booster with improved safety features.

Also announced is the first TPM-G battery which has been sited at DDS GHQ. The TPM-G is a ground launched version of the missile. It is using a slightly modified TPM-A as it's base with a much larger booster stage. TPM-G will be able to strike objects in LEO as well as targets in the atmosphere and form yet another layer of defense. The first battery is being trialled this year and further batteries may be built across the DDS and UNP if successful.


Building a better SROPS

The 50th SROPS (Short-Range Operations Patrol Ship) has been delivered to the DDS (for some reason the Heron name has never caught on). The DDS have ceased production pending a re-design. To recap the SROPS is a sub-luminal small multi-role craft for local patrol and boarding work. It has proven highly useful to the DDS but has a number of shortcomings. These will be addressed in a future SROPS model, currently known as the Type 76X or SROPS X.

The next generation SROPS has to be the same size as the existing model (as the DDS have expensively modified the docking bays of most of their fleet to suit ships of the SROPS dimensions!) One shortcoming is a lack of superluminal performance. Fitting a faster than light (FTL) drive is possible to a ship of the SROPS size but would increase it's size noticably (or take up so much of the internal space as to make any combat capability useless).

The solution the DDS have come up with is to produce a number of FTL add-ons to the SROPS X. These UCVs are currently known as SROPS Hyperspace Arrays (SHAs) and are hyperdrive engines which would be connected to the SROPS X where needed to give it FTL capabilities. An exoskelton is wrapped around the SROPS X to give it the structural strength without penalising it when in normal mode.

The normal engines of the SROPS X will also be uprated (though will be the same size taking advantage of advances in miniaturization) to give it an enhanced agility as the SROPS X is likely to be encountering small enemy ships.

Atmospheric performance will also be enhanced. SROPS X has a limited ability in atmospheres and this will be greatly enhanced by improved aerodynamic surfaces and a new flight control system.

The tactical system is also being totally overhauled to give the SROPS X much improved datalinking abilities, improved laser weapons and the capability to carry a Cannister TPM round. The SROPS X will be able to act as a control ship for a Ferret-E UCV detachment.

The SROPS X is expected sometime next year and will be a great improvement over the existing SROPS. Existing SROPS will probably be rebuilt to this new standard at a later date.


Panther in scanning incident may have been using new tactical reconnaissance module

The HCS have protested against the DDS for violating their space when a Panther destroyer scanned the surface of Cloneworld. The event occurred a couple of days ago, the DDS have declined to comment.

It now appears though that the scanning was not merely to scare The Friar but was the first usage of the Panther's tactical reconnaissance module. In this case then the optimised powerful scanners may well have been able to penetrate even a deep underground bunker. The Panther Tactical Reconnaissance Module (PTRM) was originally going to be ready for the start of Panther operations last year however was delayed due to budget pressures. The PTRM was also regarded at first as a bit of a sop to critics who said the Panther couldn't be a true 4th generation DDS warship if it didn't have a combat modular system however the DDS later insisted PTRM did exist and had a vital combat role.

The PTRM is a manned reconnaissance module with specialist space and space-ground sensors along with post-processing computer facilities, digital imaging and reconstruction facilities. It is thought the scanners can penetrate deep into underground and protected bunkers and ue holographic technology to produce a remarkably detailed reconstruction of what the scanners detect.

The holographic representation of the bunker is likely to be already being used by Windy and his Prowler team in a virtual 3D training programme!


DDS ship scans The Friar's "secret hideout"

An unnamed DDS ship, thought to be a Panther destroyer, has been detected in orbit around Cloneworld scanning the surface of the planet. To be precise scanning the location of The Friar's "secret hideout". The ship was challenged by 2 Cosmos cruisers and cloaked, it is thought to have left Clone space.

It is thought that the scanning was merely part of the psychological warfare against The Friar as there is little space based scans could tell about a deep level shelter. No doubt the latrines in the shelter were put to the test!

Windy blocks TPM sale to Molab

Windscorpion has personally intervened in the mooted sale of TPM technology to Molab. He said that TPM could only be sold to members of the DDS in Tier 1 or 2 relationships. Molab are not members of the DDS.

This may put in jeapody a future sale to Molab though Windy said he was prepared to pay the price. In reality Windy knows that Molab are likely to keep buying DDS ships anyway as even without TPM technology the DDS ships are, quite simply, the best available!


Fleet news (04/02/09)

R107 Archer is the latest Missileer class carrier to join the fleet. It is the first Missileer 21B, a refined standard which will be used for the rest of the production build. Missileer 21B has a variety of enhancements ranging from an uprated engine to better weapons and an IWC. Full details of the changes can be read here.

K121 Horace is the last Rome class corvette to be built and has joined the fleet though at the moment it has been allocated to the Departmental Fleet to help develop some technologies for the follow-on Berlin class.

Two Pentekonter class OPVs have left the fleet, P105 Xerxes and P114 Cleon. These have been selected for conversion to minesweeper (Pentekonter 44M) later in the year. For now they will be undergoing a refit and will also join the Departmental Fleet as X105 and X114 respectively for the next few months for unspecified development work (though thought to include some work on the Berlin class).

The first Coril 79B shuttle has joined the fleet, A571 Opticon is the first of the reverse engineered copies of the venerable Tarbotian design. The legacy Coril fleet is said to have really limited time left so the DDS are hoping to get production ramped up soon. A number of other forces have also expressed an interest in the type.

Molab to request TPM as part of big arms deal?

Molab, already one of the best export customers of the DDS, are in negotiations with the DDS for a second wave of arms however there is one item on their shopping list that might cause the DDS some problems : the transphasic missile. Up until now the DDS have only sold TPMs to their tier 1 and 2 allies : the Remedians, Raegris, Sirikwan, Arit and Voth who are basically part of the overall DDS armed forces. A sale to Molab would be the first outside of this protected system and would have the danger of TPM technology falling into the wrong (as in enemy) hands.

Even TPM-1 technology in Utrek or HCS hands would be very dangerous for the DDS and TPM-1 can defeat DDS shielding. However the carrot of a multi-billion arms deal means that the DDS are considering procedures for safeguarding their technology.

It is thought they will sell Molab TPM-1 with some strict conditions about security and access. A DDS liaison office on Molab will administer the missiles and monitor the security. All missiles would be tagged and their location monitored at all times. The missiles would have tampering countermeasures and sensitive technology would be only maintainable by DDS personnel. Code rights would also be restricted. A DDS spokeswoman said these measures would safeguard the technology but would not restrict the usage of the missiles to Molab in any way. "Indeed maintenance by trained DDS personnel would ensure a high availability and regular updates." she added.

Molab have not commented on the proposed measures yet and the reaction of the HCS to a DDS establishment on their eastern border is unknown (though the Molab loathe Clones and if they thought this would annoy the Clones they might even consider this a deal clincher!) Molab are thought to also want a Velocity-E, an extra Isometric-EMM and Ferret-E.


HCS Navy update

The third Olana class destroyer D03 West Clone Republic has been accepted into service with the HCS Navy at a ceremony at the port of Velmost which is in the... West Clone Republic. The final Triona class OPV P11 Islet of Ouintan was also accepted at the same ceremony.

Work is now beginning on the first Triona II OPV due for next year which will have the same weapon and sensor fit as the Triona but in a larger hull. The HCSN overloaded the Triona which can struggle for seakeeping in marginal conditions.

Solaris III will give new purpose to Velocity

The first example of the third generation Velocity destroyer, and the first to be built by the Raegris, the Solaris III class has now entered testing. As with all new tests it will undergo a longer testing than usual but can be expected to enter service around Easter. A DDS briefing to officers today revealed that the Solaris III is more than just the Velocity Mark 3.

The Solaris III will have new roles in the DDS with the Velocity finally, and at long last some say, given a true purpose in the DDS. The DDS intend to use the Solaris III as command ships for smaller deployments, which links up to one it's main selling points (in the vise of the Velocity-E export destroyer) as an affordable flagship and command ship for smaller fleets and remote deployments. Thus Solaris III will have the best C3 facilities in the fleet bar the Quasar cruisers (and SS Carboniferous).

However it will have another role which will be assisted by the C3 equipment which will aid it's autonomus abilities, that will be as a hunter-killer. The Solaris III will have excellent passive sensors and long-acting cloaking device and will be optimised for shadowing enemy fleets and pouncing when the order is given or an opportunity arises, as in the old days of submarine warfare. The DDS hope that the Solaris III will one day strike fear into the hearts of potential enemies and be a highly valuable part of it's portfolio.

Stinkyson takes over the SS, ZBH joins senate

Stinkyson has been appointed SS Commander following a senate vote and also made a senator. Lakes officially left his post and has travelled to Pulsin to take over the army on Pulsin. His deputy Henry has apparently been appointed SS chief on the planet, much to the horror of pretty much everyone else.

ZBH has taken the vacant senate post vacated by Sleeze following a senate vote. ZBH is a member of the Liberal Party and thus gives them 3 positions in the senate. He has taken over Sleeze's job as Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry.

Consul Cruggson welcomed the two new members to the senate. He is leaving to visit Xi on the southern edge of the Dino Republic to discuss the ABBO situation with army chiefs on the planet.

Poll results

In our latest poll 60% thought MBH was a future Chief Toilet Attendant, the rest thought he would be a rent boy. No one thought he would be the future Emperor of the Galaxy, obviously he didn't see the poll for himself. Please vote in our latest poll on whether to replace the Pulsar or not.

Aritan ships to receive upgrades

The Aritans have agreed an 85 million zark (the cost being subsidised by the DDS and UNP, the real total is about 130 million) upgrade programme for it's fleet of 5 Solaris II frigates and preparation work for it's 8 Intrepid II destroyers which will be receiving cascaded technology from the DDS Isometric fleet as it receives it's ILU.

The Solaris upgrade will include replacing the main and auxiliary computers and main databus with new systems with a higher performance and clockspeed. The communications array will also be upgraded and become compatible with DDS datalinks and the latest protocols, firewalling and other security measures to protect against cyberattack will also be fitted.

The Intrepids will be upgraded as a block when enough cascaded equipment is available (which therefore implies when at least 8 Isometrics have passed their ILU, which will probably not take place until the end of the year at the earliest) however the ships will, at next refit, be prepared for the new technology. They will receive an upgraded electrical system as well as software updates to the computer and tactical systems. They will gain compatibility with TPM-2 though will not receive the upgraded launchers until their other updates. As with the Solaris fleet the Intrepids will receive security enhancements to protect against cyberattack.


Sexual Predator
Trok comes back into Gibson's life and somewhere else on his anatomy...

Caution : adult themes to story so if you a kiddie or sensitive go and read about Hannah Montana instead, Redjec has all the bookmarks.


Raegris order extra ships

The Raegris have ordered an extra 2 DF-1 frigates, their licence built version of the Terran Sea. They received their seventh ship yesterday and have now placed orders for a further 5 giving an eventual fleet of 12. The order was originally mooted last November but had to wait for a Raegris election before being finalised (the existing government which supports strong DDS links was returned to power). The two extra DF-1s will receive Z5i, iSAS and TPM-2. The other 10 ships will be upgraded when they receive major refits.

The Raegris have also asked if they can join the MRM development programme and wish to equip their ex-Quasar DC-1 and RC-2 cruisers with the missile.

The Raegris have also ordered 5 Extender-E oilers. They are already building the Extender-E for DDS export customers. It may be the Raegris cannot build their own until after 2111 because of the order backlog.

Sirikwan receive development F-10SK

Last year Sirikwan placed an order for 16 F-10SK with TPM-As for air defence and anti-satellite duties, they purchased these and also helped fund a similar order for Voth. The first F-10SK has been delivered to Sirikwan for flight development. The aircraft was due to be delivered to the DDSAF but was diverted to the Sirikwanese and localised at the Sirikwan Aerodyne Company.

The aircraft will help to fine tune the changes to software needed to operate in Sirikwan atmospheres. A similar aircraft, the first F-10SV, will be delivered to Voth next month for the same development work, though more is needed there as the Voth atmosphere is denser.

The Sirikwanese have also placed an order for 120 TPM-AK (modified to work with Sirikwan datalink and radio protocols as well as DDS) and 60 GTPM-AK training rounds. They hope to be able to begin air patrols by the end of the 2110.