
TPM-1 updated; TPM-2 enters final development

The TPM-1 missile has been updated to TPM-1D2 standard underlining the fact the missile will continue to be developed and improved until the end of the decade. The TPM-1 is expected to remain in production until around 2112 with final withdrawal perhaps in 2115. D2 is the first block on the D development branch will be the missile's last. D2 includes the same communications and terminal guidance modules of the TPM-2. More TPM-2 technology is likely to included in the -1 in an attempt to cut unit costs as well as improve performance and compatibility. D2 will begin production next month at the main production facility on Solaris and should replace D1 production at all facilities by the end of the year.

The replacement missile of course for the -1 is the TPM-2, this is due to enter service next year and has reached the final development phase Milestone 4. TPM-2 M4 is "99.9% complete" and will now be tested on the growing number of ships already fitted with TPM-2 launchers. If all goes well production will begin of TPM-2A Block 1A in the new year.