
Quasar, Provider destroyed in friendly fire horror

The Strawberry Field deployment has descended into chaos after a Provider transport attached to the deployment opened fire on the ships and then rammed Quasar cruiser SS Boson, both ships being destroyed. SS Starlifter was the Provider which suddenly opened fire on it's fellow DDS ships, unfortunately it was fitted with the new SUP combat pod and was able to seriously damage SS Velocity and SS Sea Of Oskhotsk.


The Terran Sea frigate had to be evacuated because of serious fires in the reactor array, for a time the fires raged uncontrollable causing the DDS to fear the ship would be lost but damage control teams finally managed to get the fires under control, however radiation leakage has made the ship uninhabitable. SS Velocity suffered notable damage also.

Quasar SS Boson was utterly destroyed when it was rammed by the Provider. The total loss of life has been given at 147. Admiral Von Kane, who was uninjured though his faithful deputy Otto was killed on the bridge of SS Velocity, has resigned from the DDS. The captain of the Boson, who luckily for him was on the Velocity at the time, Torus has taken command of what is left of the deployment. Isometric frigate SS Quarternary, which was on a patrol against external threats and thus uninvolved in the incident, has taken charge of the fleet.

Damage control and medical teams have been despatched from Rathun's World. Windscorpion has demanded a full enquiry.