
OTA launch offensive against Oscar Clones

The Oscar Terran Army (OTA) has launched an offensive against Clone Army of Oscar (CAO) forces in the Yindale salient near the Terran town of Los Calamos. The new OTA 1st Heavy Brigade (though really just regiment strength) has been equipped with 26 ex-DDS Avenger III tanks (pretty ancient to be honest, some even served in the Clone Wars on Randalf 74) supplemented with 4 captured T-55Zs plus a number of APCs and artillery.

The CAO 3rd Division has borne the brunt of the fighting though the initial OTA advances have been beaten back with the help of air power. 8 A-85s launched a series of attacks on the OTA forces though 5 of the COIN aircraft were shot down. The CAO is re-inforcing it's line with the 6th Division. The signs are the Terrans may end their offensive and dig in having seized a number of strategic positions.

Both sides are being strengthed by their "sponsors". A shipment of 45 T-55Z tanks plus Tapir APCs has arrived for the CAO while more artillery and MANPAD SAMs have been delivered to the OTA by the DDS.