
Renewed violence on Rathun's World after talks collapse

Talks aimed at reforming Rathun's World after the riots and unrest last year have collapsed after months of deadlock and in response rioting has erupted across the planet, ruled as an absolute monarchy by King Rathun, ex-DDS who you may recall left the DDS after making a swift sudden tactical withdrawal during a battle.

As the planet is now an increasingly important part of the DDS network, being the main base for level 2 ship maintenance, the DDS are concerned about the planet falling into anarchy. Especially as King Rathun has proven willing to use UNP protocols to force the DDS forces to intervene on the behalf of his brutal regime which has seen punishment beatings, internment camps and a uniformed fitness and sports organization for teenage girls. The DDS have warned King Rathun to talk to protestors and compromise, however he has refused to dilute his powers even in the slightest.