
TPM-1 updated; TPM-2 enters final development

The TPM-1 missile has been updated to TPM-1D2 standard underlining the fact the missile will continue to be developed and improved until the end of the decade. The TPM-1 is expected to remain in production until around 2112 with final withdrawal perhaps in 2115. D2 is the first block on the D development branch will be the missile's last. D2 includes the same communications and terminal guidance modules of the TPM-2. More TPM-2 technology is likely to included in the -1 in an attempt to cut unit costs as well as improve performance and compatibility. D2 will begin production next month at the main production facility on Solaris and should replace D1 production at all facilities by the end of the year.

The replacement missile of course for the -1 is the TPM-2, this is due to enter service next year and has reached the final development phase Milestone 4. TPM-2 M4 is "99.9% complete" and will now be tested on the growing number of ships already fitted with TPM-2 launchers. If all goes well production will begin of TPM-2A Block 1A in the new year.

Raegris presents future plans for fleet

The Raegris have built up a powerful if cosmopolitan fleet that includes indigenous, DDS and Tarbotian designs. As a recent media briefing they gave some details of their future plans for their fleet for the next 10 years. The main points were :
  • The DC-1 cruiser fleet (which others will know as the Quasar) will begin an upgrade to DC-1B standard next year. This will be similar to the DDS' own Quasar ILU.
  • The RC-2 cruiser fleet (which was sold and then built by the HCS as their Cosmos class) will soon begin it's upgrade to RC-2B which has been described as a "DDSization" of the fleet as it will include new weapons such as Z Cannon and TPM-2. Together with the DC-1B these cruisers will remain the backbone of the Raegris Defence Fleet. The Raegris are considering reopening the RC-2 production line.
  • The older RC-1 cruiser, now numbering just 3, will remain in service for at least the next 10 years in the training and support roles though will receive TPM-1 as other ships move to TPM-2.
  • The Raegris are commited to a fleet of 10 DF-1 frigates, Raegris built Isometrics and close to Terran Sea D standard. The Raegris did consider increasing their order but decided instead to get smaller patrol assets.
  • 3 PC-1 (Pentekonter-Es) are on order but the Raegris are also looking at a larger ship as their main patrol asset. Although they are uncommited at present it looks like the Rome would be ideal for their purposes.
  • The ageing fleet of RF-1 frigates (copies of Tarbotian Yeoman IIs) will be run down over the next 5 years.
  • Currently the RDF relies on civilian chartered transport ships and has no off-shore refuelling/resupply facilities because historically the RDF was a purely short range defence force. As the RDF now operates further afield and is integrated into the DDS Command Structure they are now looking at procuring their own transports and oilers. As the Raegris are already building Provider-Es and Extender-Es it is likely these will be the types chosen along with a Raegris indigenous design.

Second export Extender delivered; new orders

With the first export Isometrics and Pentekonters now in construction at the vast DDS-Raegris shipyard on Raegris the 2nd Extender-E ordered by Molab has been delivered on time. The Extender/Provider line now shifts to producing 8 Provider-EDMs for the Dinos starting next year. The Vosun-Voth orders are currently in limbo pending the resolution of the war with the Bolitic. Privately though the DDS have written off these large orders (10 each Provider-E and Extender-Es) as even if the VVSE survives the war it's economy is likely to be in no state to actually pay for the ships for a long time.

Molab has ordered a Provider-E however and Sirikwan has increased it's Pentekonter-E order to 8. Sirikwan is also a worry though for the DDS because of their recent tie-up with the HCS though at the moment the Sirikwanese seem eager to stay on the fence.

DDS considering improved Rome, export version

The Rome has proven to be a highly useful and flexible ship in DDS service. The key to this is that it was designed from the off to operate singly for extended periods away from home and so tends to have tools to suit any task, and the combat module system means it can be easily specialised for a role as needed. With 15 out of a planned 22 in service the DDS are now considering increasing the fleet with an improved model, currently known either as Rome II or Rome-100.

The new Rome would be slightly larger and would have greater endurance. It would be further enhanced for it's role as "The DDS" to isolated communities and alien races with improved diplomatic facilities and a larger docking bay to allow 2 SROPS or 1 Coril. Performance could also be increased by around 50c though the improved engine, an evolution of the Hitachi HS-760GX, would be further optimised for low-maintenance and reliability.

The DDS are also looking into an export version of the Rome, it been considered ideal for existing and future Pentekonter-E customers as an affordable and compatible "upgrade path".


Von Kane persuaded to remain in DDS

Windy has held a video conference with Torus and Von Kane as part of his investigation into what happened in the Strawberry Field deployment when a Quasar and Provider were destroyed. Windy is due to arrive on Starbot next week to properly begin the investigation but said he found the preliminary talk useful.

Windy was also able to talk to Von Kane about his resignation. Von Kane has been persuaded to remain in the DDS but at the rank of Captain. He will resume command of SS Velocity when it's repairs are completed. Torus remains the commander of the 4th Fleet for now but it is likely he will be replaced later on, as he is considered a little too junior for the role, but is likely to remain the deputy commander. The Orchid is likely to take over the fleet (she currently commands the 2nd Fleet), Firefly says he is now ready for full service and so will resume command of the 1st Fleet when it returns from Remedia to GHQ, it's current commander Sea Urchin taking over the 2nd Fleet from The Orchid. For completion Knobhead is in command of the 3rd Fleet at Rathun's World.

DDS agree to talks with Utrek

The DDS have agreed to talks with the Utrek about the future of the DMZ and terms for a lasting peace. Firefly is traveling to meet a representative from the Utrek High Command on the Remedian planet of Mila. As the Utrek promised 5 Kalahati Tuuls have been delivered to the DDS at Loeuss, the ships are a little worn but serviceable. It is thought the ships will be given to the New Aritans following a refit and localisation.

In return, as a gesture of good will, the DDS have relaxed slightly the restrictions on Utrek military operations in the DMZ and the Utrek will be permitted 1 military ship per month to visit each planet in the DMZ. Its not known what the final terms of the DDS will be but it is likely to be a lasting peace treaty, a share in mineral wealth from the DMZ planets, more Kalahati Tuuls and intelligence on the Mantae. Analysts believe the Utrek will find these terms acceptable in return for the lifting of the DMZ with the only haggling being over the DDS percentage.


DDS called to attack Rathun rebels

King Rathun has used the mutual defence pact UNP planets sign with the DDS to force the DDS to use airpower against the rebels now rioting across his planet following the collapse of reform talks. 6 F-10A fighter bombers are based on the planet tasked with air defence over the DDS base near Rathunojaya, the capital. However the DDS all 6 fighters were unavailable due to "maintenance and servicing".

"Its a shame we cannot intervene and slaughter these civilians." A DDS spokesman deadpanned to reporters, "Unfortunately our fighters are all grounded because of some technical hitches." The spokesman did not say what these sudden hitches were though, the aircraft being fine up until yesterday.

King Rathun also asked for orbital bombardment against the northern city of Elatasia which has declared independence from Rathun but the DDS said the ships in orbit were not suitable. One reporter said that a Rome class corvette was in orbit but the spokesman said it did not have the ground attack module.

The DDS are keen not to get involved with Rathun's internal troubles knowing how bad it would look at a time of budget pressure for DDS weapons, paid for by heavily taxed UNP citizens, to be used to kill heavily-taxed UNP citizens...


Renewed violence on Rathun's World after talks collapse

Talks aimed at reforming Rathun's World after the riots and unrest last year have collapsed after months of deadlock and in response rioting has erupted across the planet, ruled as an absolute monarchy by King Rathun, ex-DDS who you may recall left the DDS after making a swift sudden tactical withdrawal during a battle.

As the planet is now an increasingly important part of the DDS network, being the main base for level 2 ship maintenance, the DDS are concerned about the planet falling into anarchy. Especially as King Rathun has proven willing to use UNP protocols to force the DDS forces to intervene on the behalf of his brutal regime which has seen punishment beatings, internment camps and a uniformed fitness and sports organization for teenage girls. The DDS have warned King Rathun to talk to protestors and compromise, however he has refused to dilute his powers even in the slightest.

VVSE Communications Network collapses as Bolitic close in

The Vosun-Voth Star Empire suffered another blow as the Bolitic invasion fleet closes in on the capital Vosun. A team of Bolitic commandos, who is it thought had been on Vosun for some time, launched a suicide attack on Nexus Greater, the communications hub of the empire, causing massive damage. Vosun has now been cut off from the rest of the empire and most communications on Vosun itself have been heavily degraded apart from local radio. A Raegris TV ship in orbit with it's own laserlink into subspace is thought to be the only way out for information from Vosun. The Vosun have demanded that they be allowed to use the link though the Raegris are resisting as this would compromise their neutrality and thus make them a target for the Bolitic fleet which is now only a few days away.

Unrest across the planet is rife, the people already afraid and angered by the Royal Family's flight, mob rule has now resulted because of the information black out. Parts of Vosun are said to be foul doompits of violence, rape, looting, substance abuse and despair. Like Wolverhampton on a Saturday night.


VVSE Royal Family flee as Bolitic approach

Reports that the Vosun-Voth Star Empire Royal Family has secretly fled Vosun, with the Bolitic war fleet now just days away, has thrown the VVSE into chaos with riots across Vosun demanding action against the Bolitic and even surrender. A Raegris reporter on Vosun has said the Vosunites are terrified of the approaching Bolitic especially after an attack by 20 VVSE warships, including some of their latest, failed to make much of a dent in the Bolitic advance.

Unfortunately for those with ideas of giving up the Bolitic have not outlined their objectives, it could be the Bolitic are out for booty and thus will not be interested in any diplomatic moves.


HCS Round-up (26/08/08)

The HCS Space Fleet have begun an upgrade programme of it's fleet of Soulaki battlecruisers. The upgrade will totally replace their communications system with a new full integrated C3 suite allowing the ships to act as command ships in major operations.

The Type B transport fleet was originally going to be replaced in the next decade as they ran out of hours but instead the HCSSN have decided it is cheaper to refurbish the ships to give them another 10-12 years of life. The rebuilding, which will also include upgrades to communications and self-protection systems is due to begin in the next decade.

The HCS Navy's first Olana class destroyer, D01 Olana, has entered service. This entry into service was delayed for a few weeks due to some final teething troubles with the radars. With F01 Ailier still in refit this is the only major surface combatant of the HCSN in service though it's sister ship D02 Micom will join it early in September.

The first Mariner class general support ship has entered service with HCSN Support Services. These general purpose support and transports are based on a civilian design.

The HCS has accepted into service the first of it's new generation MLRS. The RBU-9500 replaces the venerable RBU-8000 series which dates back to the early Clone Wars. The RBU-9500 is a cost effective system using refurbished chassis and engines from withdrawn T-88++ tanks. The artillery rockets have a much more advanced control and guidance system with automated datalink consolidation from up to 32 simultaneous sources possible.

Continuing the artillery theme the HCS have begun developing an improved SP gun, the ATC-107G2. This is a stop-gap however as the main next SP gun will be the co-developed with the Dinos ATC-107GDM. The G2 includes improved datalinking and some modifications to the armour following field use with the original G.

Sea Urchin unveils ZAT

Sea Urchin has launched his new faction for "right minded individuals" as an alternative to what he termed the "extremism" of Windy Massive and the banned Hoods 2.0. This followed a riot by WM at GHQ at the weekend as well as a number of Hood attacks. Sea Urchin said that the DDS needed to pull away from factional violence and join ZAT instead which would be a "third way" - not sexually or ideologically based.

Torus has already said he is keen to promote ZAT among the 4th Fleet personnel though said he hoped Sea Urchin would be clearer as to ZAT's purpose and direction.


Bolitic defeat Vosun-Voth fleet

With around 36 Vosun-Voth Star Empire warships now assembled at YE/900884828295E, a dwarf star near the Vosun system a smaller force of 20 VVSE ships has attacked the Bolitic fleet advancing remorselessly into their empire. A Raegris monitoring station "watched" the battle using long-range scans and sigint readings and reports that the VVSE fleet was comprehensively defeated though did fight bravely and destroyed and damaged a number of Bolitic warships, mostly in the early stage of the attack which was launched by surprise.

It does not bode well for the rest of the VVSE fleet however, although some weapons like the anti-scatter cannons have given the Bolitic some headaches overall VVSE technology in inferior to the Bolitic. Yet again the VVSE have appealed for help, yet again the response from other powers has been silent.


Riot at DDS GHQ; Hoods 2.0 attack

Several hundred members of Windy Massive held a rally at GHQ today to proclaim their love of Windy and to campaign for the right of all young men to be bummed. High spirits got a little too carried away at the rally and there was a riot later on between WM members and DDS security members. Windy later called it "The exuberance of youth, something i am very keen on."

However events turned sour later when Hoods 2.0 staged their first attack for some months and also their largest attack yet which indicates the shadowy (white sheeted fucks) are gaining in strength. Two Hood groups attacked WM and other DDS personnel with 4 men receiving brutal beatings. This Windy was not so keen on, he put pressure on his cousin LPG to come down hard on "the vile corrupt stain of Hoodism".


Fleet news (22/08/08)

K117 Tacitus is the latest Type 46A Rome class corvette to join the fleet and has immediately begun the key Proxima-Solaris patrol. The DDS are a little short of patrol assets at the moment hence the immediate deployment, in fact proving trials were cut short by 2 days.

P132 Kestral is the second Type 47A Fighting Falcon class littoral warfare ship though it is not officially in service yet like P131 because of extended new type trials and operational evaluation. It is expected the ships may be deployed to Loeuss for in the Fall.

Type 71A A118 Crate is the latest Provider to enter service and is the immediate replacement for the lost SS Starlifter. The DDS have yet to order a replacement transport though this is expected soon.

Sirikwan forms strategic partnership with HCS

Sirikwan, a DDS customer of ships, has however turned down the offer of joining the DDS Security Partnership as an associate member. Instead they have formed a strategic partnership with the Clones which will see the HCS establish a refuelling/maintenance depot in the Sirikwan system, tie Sirikwan into the HCS Defence Net and also potentially see Clone built warships serve alongside DDS built ships.

Sirikwan will also provide technical assistance to the HCS especially in the form of naval and submarine technology which is where they are galactic leaders. Work will begin on the HCS base later in the year, as per the terms of the agreement up to 8 warships may be stationed there though the HCS said they will only have 4 ships, probably Cosmos, based there to start with.

The HCS are also known to be pursuing alliances with other lesser powers to increase their sphere of influence. Something the DDS have been doing aggressively for the last few years. The Sirikwan alliance is thought to have been brokered by MBH, the Dinos are also forgeing closer links with the Sirikwanese, who are ethnic Dinos. An order for Dinomark XTs is expected. The Sirikwanese say their existing orders for DDS ships remain and they are still allies of the DDS though there may be concerns now of DDS technology falling into HCS hands.


Windy holds talks with Dinos

Whilst travelling to Starbot Windy has held a video conference with Consul Ronald and Senator Jimmy of the Dino Republic. It is understood they discussed the Bolitic situation with respect to their invasion of the Vosun-Voth Star Empire but neither side has the stomach for intervening. They also discussed the 7 Sa Sao.

Windy says he suspects they were behind the destruction of 2 ships recently because the captain of the Provider transport that turned rogue earlier reported he had been subject to a brutal anal probe, something Quarz has already claimed the 7SS subjected him to. The Dinos have agreed to strengthen their existing detachment on Starbot (the Dinos have had a port on Starbot for decades) with a squadron of Dinomarks and also increase their forces at their Loeuss base in the Remedian Belt to allow the DDS to deploy more of their ships to Starbot.


Bolitic make steady progress against Vosun Voth

Raegris intelligence is reporting that the Bolitic invasion fleet is remorselessly progressing through Vosun Voth space. The VVSE is assembling as many ships as possible for a stand near the dwarf star of YE/900884828295E (UNP catalogue number) which is just 2 light years from the Vosun system. Current losses are listed at 38 VVSE ships to date, only 3 Bolitic ships have been reported lost though some more are damaged.

Meanwhile there are unconfirmed reports a second Bolitic fleet (this one much smaller, perhaps only 9 ships) is attacking Telun 60 in the far edge of that portion of the VVSE. The VVSE is split into 2 separate concentrations, there is no evidence yet that the smaller portion based around the planet of Voth is under attack.


Windy heads for Starbot

Leaving Sea Urchin in charge of the 1st Fleet, now taking up a position near Ailiari (it will move onto Algol 7 later in the week) Windy has switched his flag to D101 Panther (below) and headed to Starbot where he will take personal charge of the investigation into what happened to the Strawberry Field deployment.


The journey is a long one though, from one end of the DDS to the other so even the Panther will take 2 weeks to get to Starbot. The Strawberry Field deployment has meanwhile reached Starbot. Torus has been confirmed as permanent 4th Fleet commander and has been given command of SS Quarternary as his new ship. The existing captain of that ship will be given a new Panther.

Bolitic attack Vosun-Voth Star Empire!

The powerful Bolitic fleet that headed into Remedian space was not out to attack the DDS but the Vosun Voth Star Empire instead. The Bolitic have the ability to detect and employ natural wormholes to travel and one of these is located in an asteroid field near Ailiari. When the Bolitic fleet headed for this field Windy, commanding the closing in 1st Fleet, thought they were just taking a more strategic position. However to the DDS' surprise the Bolitic fleet suddenly entered a wormhole and dissappeared.

At first Windy thought the other end of the wormhole might be near DDS major planets such as Proxima 7 but as time went on no DDS station reported Bolitic ships, the Dinos and Starbotians also reported nothing. Then news came through that the Bolitic had reappeared deep in the Vosun Voth Star Empire and immediately headed for the capital planet of Vosun.

A hastily assembled VVSE fleet was encountered and destroyed some hours later, being too technologically inferior and outnumbered to delay the Bolitic much. Now the Bolitic are remorselessly heading deeper and deeper into VVSE space.

The VVSE have appealed for help but Windy has ruled out the DDS assisting.

UV132 : Steers Or Queers

  • Encounter With 7 Sa Sao - A DDS captain is unpleasantly probed...
  • Car Rental - Lakes has to see some action...
  • Rising Danger - The DDS spy on the Bolitic...
  • Hunt For The Ron - Crugg and GBH remember when Ronald was kidnapped...
  • Darkness Within - The DDS suffer a catastrophe...
Stay tuned for UV133 TTG Is Life next month!


Bolitic alter course, Dinos to assist

The Bolitic war fleet heading into Remedian space has altered course slightly, it is now heading for an asteroid field near to Ailiari. Windy has said that this is a more strategic position. The DDS is expected to arrive in the area tomorrow and will attack the Bolitic immediately even though the Bolitic fleet contains at least 25 Snarl battlecruisers (see below).

Snarl Bolitic cruiser

The Dinos meanwhile have sent 5 Dinomarks from their base on Loeuss but these are not expected until after the battle has started. Windy is understood to be annoyed that no allies will be there to assist in the battle, the Remedians declining to join in.

More details of Strawberry Field incident

The death toll in the horror friendly fire incident that saw a Quasar rammed by a Provider (destroying both) and a Terran Sea badly damaged has risen to 151. It will rise still further a spokesperson said because some of the damage control crew who managed to prevent SS Sea Of Oskhotsk from being destroyed suffered fatal doses of radiation.

Admiral Von Kane resigned following the incident, Windy has refused to accept his resignation however has removed him from command of the 4th Fleet. Torus has been made temporary head of the fleet. He has yet to be assigned a new ship to replace SS Boson which was destroyed.

The deployment has now arrived at Starbot. SS Velocity, which suffered severe damage, will go to Solaris for fill repairs. A tug has been dispatched from Proxima 7 to retrieve the Terran Sea frigate which it will need to be decontaminated before the repairs, which will take a long time, can begin. The ship is not expected back in service until late next year.

An investigation team is looking into an incident some weeks ago where the SS Starlifter encountered an unknown alien ship and the captain claimed he had been probed by aliens, possibly the 7 Sa Sao. At the time it was ignored as the captain was known for his love of the bottle.


1st Fleet alert as Bolitic fleet spotted

Before Windy can properly react to the fiasco that has resulted in the loss of 2 ships near Starbot he has had to join the 1st Fleet and head to Ailiari in the Remedian Belt. Earlier today a force of some 74 Bolitic warships was spotted by a long-range patrol in unclaimed space heading towards Ailiari. Intelligence suggests this indeed is an attack force with the aim of striking into the heart of Remedian space.

The Bolitic are estimated to be in firing range of Ailiari in 3 days, the DDS fleet should arrive a few hours beforehand.

Quasar, Provider destroyed in friendly fire horror

The Strawberry Field deployment has descended into chaos after a Provider transport attached to the deployment opened fire on the ships and then rammed Quasar cruiser SS Boson, both ships being destroyed. SS Starlifter was the Provider which suddenly opened fire on it's fellow DDS ships, unfortunately it was fitted with the new SUP combat pod and was able to seriously damage SS Velocity and SS Sea Of Oskhotsk.


The Terran Sea frigate had to be evacuated because of serious fires in the reactor array, for a time the fires raged uncontrollable causing the DDS to fear the ship would be lost but damage control teams finally managed to get the fires under control, however radiation leakage has made the ship uninhabitable. SS Velocity suffered notable damage also.

Quasar SS Boson was utterly destroyed when it was rammed by the Provider. The total loss of life has been given at 147. Admiral Von Kane, who was uninjured though his faithful deputy Otto was killed on the bridge of SS Velocity, has resigned from the DDS. The captain of the Boson, who luckily for him was on the Velocity at the time, Torus has taken command of what is left of the deployment. Isometric frigate SS Quarternary, which was on a patrol against external threats and thus uninvolved in the incident, has taken charge of the fleet.

Damage control and medical teams have been despatched from Rathun's World. Windscorpion has demanded a full enquiry.


OTA launch offensive against Oscar Clones

The Oscar Terran Army (OTA) has launched an offensive against Clone Army of Oscar (CAO) forces in the Yindale salient near the Terran town of Los Calamos. The new OTA 1st Heavy Brigade (though really just regiment strength) has been equipped with 26 ex-DDS Avenger III tanks (pretty ancient to be honest, some even served in the Clone Wars on Randalf 74) supplemented with 4 captured T-55Zs plus a number of APCs and artillery.

The CAO 3rd Division has borne the brunt of the fighting though the initial OTA advances have been beaten back with the help of air power. 8 A-85s launched a series of attacks on the OTA forces though 5 of the COIN aircraft were shot down. The CAO is re-inforcing it's line with the 6th Division. The signs are the Terrans may end their offensive and dig in having seized a number of strategic positions.

Both sides are being strengthed by their "sponsors". A shipment of 45 T-55Z tanks plus Tapir APCs has arrived for the CAO while more artillery and MANPAD SAMs have been delivered to the OTA by the DDS.

DDS taking Utrek offer seriously?

The peace offer from the Utrek that arrived out of the blue has yet to be officially answered or even acknowledged by the DDS though sources close to GHQ say that the DDS are delighted by the breakthrough and are seriously considering a treaty with the Utrek. Why? Because the DDS is currently faced with a number of other serious threats. The Bolitic Confederacy look set to attack the DDS at some stage, the Clone Empire is gaining confidence after it's civil wars and unheaval especially with respect to the situation on Oscar, and finally there is the 7 Sa Sao who may be the greatest threat of all.

Privately the DDS will be relieved if they can gain a lasting peace with the Utrek as it will allow them to reduce their forces patrolling the DMZ and Remedian space. Forces which are desperately needed elsewhere. However against that the DDS will be sure to draw up conditions that protect against Utrek betrayal. A reply from the DDS is expected at the weekend.


Utrek wish to talk

The Utrek have surprised the DDS by saying they wish to negotiate a lasting peace between themselves and the UNP, DDS and Dinos. The Utrek, in a laserlight transmission sent to DDS GHQ, said they wished to have face to face talks with the DDS soon. They said they were willing to agree to a lasting treaty and co-operation in return for the disbanding of the DMZ.

That is key, the Utrek are hurting after their humiliating defeat at the hands of the DDS and Dinos and their grinding war of attrition with the Mantae. The planets in the DMZ contain highly useful minerals and resources the Utrek could well do with, at the moment extracting and transporting these minerals off the planets is very difficult because of the DMZ restrictions.

As a guesture of goodwill the Utrek said they would give 5 Kalahati Tuuls to the Remedian Police if the DDS agreed to talks. The DDS have yet to respond.


DDS issue warning to Bolitic Confederacy

Following the illegal incursion of Remedian space by a Bolitic fleet earlier today the DDS have sent a strongly worded message to the Bolitic Confederacy via their embassy on Cloneworld. The Bolitic were told to cease their "aggressive actions" or the DDS would "take action".

The DDS said that the Remedian Belt was part of the DDS and it's territory would be defended as "vigorously" as any UNP space. The DDS warned the Bolitic would be foolish to push the DDS into taking military action and would be punished.

DDS prepare for new series of exercises

Following joint exercises with the Starbotians the ships of the Strawberry Field deployment under the command of Von Kane have travelled to space near Aldebra, the colony disputed between the UNP and 7 Sa Sao, for a new series of exercises.

The DDS have been wary for signs of the 7 Sa Sao but apart from one unconfirmed sensor reading a few days ago there has been nothing unusual.

Starsystem training frigate T103 Piscis Australis has left the deployment and returned to Solaris though another training ship will join the deployment later in the month.

Bolitic fleet spotted near Raedial 319

A 12 strong fleet of Bolitic ships has been spotted violating Remedian space near the planet of Raedial 319. The ships were discovered by a Remedian police Kalahati Tuul 2 which fled the scene. Two DDS warships from Remedia Prime were despatched but by the time they arrived 7 hours later the Bolitic had gone and were detected by long range sensors crossing the Remedian border back into unclaimed space.

The Bolitic force did not attack anyone and it is thought they may have been testing DDS reaction times.


Cruggson made Imperial Order leader after Smellyson declines

A while ago Ronald shocked the universe by naming Smellyson his successor and saying he would go into the next Consul election. However following some soul searching the CSS Commander has declined the chance to rule the Dino Republic alongside MBH saying that he preferred his active role in charge of the elite Consul Security Section.

Instead Ronald has plumped for Cruggson and made him leader of Imperial Order and the candidate for the Consul election. El Diablo was the next candidate and Ronald said it was close between his two comrades.


Benito after Reptoli Tuul?

Benito Clone, despite rumours he is planning to annex Utrek territory (quite unlikely most analysts agree), has requested a quote for procuring 20 Reptoli Tuuls for his space fleet. The move has been sanctioned by the HCS Space Fleet Command. As yet the Utrek have not replied though signs are they are seriously thinking about it. The Utrek are, to be frank, perilously short of cash because of their disastrous war against the DDS, the economic hit from the DMZ and the draining conflict with the Mantae.

Reptoli Tuul


HCS Round-up (08/08/08)

The first T-55ZDM has been delivered to the HCS, the first of an initial batch of 100 with 400 more to follow. The first tank, the second production example built (the first will be sent to the Dinos), was delivered to the 10th Panzer Regiment based at Ailier City and will be joined by 11 others later this month. Other tanks will be delivered to other regiments on Cloneworld, Randalf 74 and Austini 55.

A new version of the AR-105 assault rifle has been developed for HCS special forces (i.e. the Red Lizard) though differences in the AR-105SF have yet to be announced. As for Red Lizard funding has been cleared for creating 2 new battalions to add to the 14 currently in service.

However the HCS is also cutting some units, a cavalry and 4 infantry regiments are to be disbanded as part of a HCS drive to save 150 million zarks in order to fund an extra panzer division.

The useful but ageing A-19B has been reduced to 40 aircraft after 1 squadron of 10 were stood down and the aircraft put into storage (though are likely to be cannibalized). 2110 has been mentioned as the final operational date for the strike bomber though they may survive a little longer due to delays in developing a replacement.


Starsystem EAU begins as 9th ship joins fleet

The 9th Starsystem training frigate T109 Richard Nixon (ex-Aritan though before that DDS of course) has joined the training fleet and also has received an update as part of it's refurbishment and re-localisation. Starsystem Enhanced Abilities Update (EAU) recognises the fact the Starsystem fleet has frequently deputised in patrol missions due to ship shortages expecially during major conflicts.

EAU is a package of improvements to the frigates to help them in that role and also improve their self-defence. The update includes :
  • Laser cannons replaced with improved model coupled to enhanced power coupling
  • Attachment for Z5m cannon though in normal service will not carry it
  • Missile launcher made TPM-2 ready
  • Tactical suite upgraded with improved software
  • Damage containment systems upgraded
  • Passive sensor suite fitted and active sensors updated
The other 8 ships will receive the EAU when they receive their next refits over the rest of the year. A more substancial update to extend the fatigue life is still planned for the early part of the next decade.


More on future HCS space plans

A continuation of analysis into the leaked report on future HCS space warfare.

Shark Block 2 (a DDS designation) is likely to have a new engine though details in the leaked report are vague on this, however other intelligence indicates a new engine in the same weight class as the engine currently used in the Shark is in development though producing "at least 15% more thrust". Reliability is also a focus of development, the engine currently used in the Shark failing on a number of occasions.

The multi-phase weapons currently in development by the HCS will be fitted to Shark Block 2 (and other ships after refits). These are the "milestone 1" of the roadmap to produce trans-phasic weapons the DDS currently enjoy. Though development will be a long one to get to that stage. Multi-phase weapons are much cruder though still more effective than current HCS weapon technology. Open source intelligence on DDS shield technology indicates that they should be able to withstand these first generation weapons though full trans-phase will be a different story. Interestingly the HCS are going for beam weapons along missile from the start, the DDS only coming to trans-phase beam weapons in the near future (Zip cannon).

The report also mentions amphibious warfare, an area where the HCS are well ahead of their rivals at least for now. The Intruder assault carrier is a successful type and should remain in service well into the 2120s. For now the HCS are not looking into a replacement. The Tiamon carrier is a different story though. A larger type is expected to be developed in the 2120s. This will also form the basis for a future "support carrier" thought to be similiar to the Missileer at least in carrier and operations mode. This will support planned HCS USVs like the Nybble and other projected space drones. The report mentions building a similiar USV to the DDS/Dino Ferret-E though no details are known. Though the Ferret itself was inspired by an older HCS USV no longer in service so it could be they end up with a similiar machine. No time scale is given for this though.

Finally the report mentions the successful transport arm of the HCS Space Navy and the future Type Z bulk transport is expected in the early 2110s. The Type A/J is expected to remain in sustainable rate production for decades to come though work is expected on an improved general purpose transport to replace the Type B. The Type C was supposed to do this but the HCSSN do not like the type that much. Interestingly the report says it would be advisable to adopt a common hull form for transport and other roles like the support carrier. The report mentions the success of the DDS SUP platform and says the HCS should explore doing the same.

Leaked report indicates future HCS space plans

A confidential report by the HCS Space Navy has been leaked online and has revealed some future plans for the service. The SN will soon complete their Soulaki fleet though there are no plans to extend the order. The Soulaki will form a core battle fleet of 30 ships which should form the backbone of that fleet until the 2120s. The Soulaki is likely to survive until 2130 with a new battlecruiser type expected to replace it sometime in the 2120s. The plans for that future type are very vague however.

Cosmos will complete production in the early 2110s though the oldest will already be approaching the end of their fatigue lives (the oldest are over 10 years old now, the design life is said to be 15). A rebuild programme will take place once new construction ends (so using the same production jigs) which is expected to give the ships another 10 years of life (taking them to about 2125). The SN expect to replace the Cosmos entirely with a new "standard combatant" in that decade.

This is known as Standard Combatant 2120 and will be "similiar to the Shark in size" but have "firepower and performance greatly exceeding that of a current Soulaki". The Clones have no wormhole drive plans and little likelihood in getting the technology until it is commercially available (likely to be no earlier than the 2130s) and have recently slowed their propulsion development and instead are putting their money and development time into weapons and defensive systems. The Clones are now working on multi-phasic weapons and say they should have weapons at least equivalent to DDS TPM-1s by 2115.

Shark figures large in future plans as it will replace the Kalahati Tuul family. The SN plan a "second generation" model to begin production by 2111 and should be the standard type for the second half of production. It will have improved propulsion as well as first generation multi-phasic weapons "both missile and beam".

More details will follow.

YourDDS launched to boost popularity with UNP

Recently the UNP have begun to resent paying so much money to the DDS for protection from devastation by evil aliens. The DDS have launched YourDDS, a series of measures to boost the popularity of the DDS with UNP citizens and governments. YourDDS will operate on many levels and will include :
  • Windscorpion's Young Men's Guidance Scheme - directing troubled young men at a vulnerable stage in their life. Guiding from the temptations of vice and sloth to the true happiness of endless grinding toil, self-denial and harsh ruthless discipline.
  • A new website where the DDS will describe exactly how they are spending UNP taxpayer's money on expensive ways of killing people.
  • Regular tours of DDS facilities to members of the public.
  • DDS warships will be adopted by major UNP cities, details of the ship's work will be published in the city's major news outlets including number of aliens killed this month.


Fleet news (05/08/08)

Type 12A Pulsar cruiser C107 India has become the latest Pulsar MULE3 to be completed and has rejoined the fleet. Because of the current strategic situation and the fact all available Pulsars are on missions the next MULE3 conversion has been delayed.

Type 15A Quasar cruiser C129 Charm Quark has also completed it's update, to ILU. C131 Pion has left service to begin it's update. The DDS hope to complete the Quasar ILU by the end of the year.

Type 21A Missileer carrier R104 Musketeer has joined the fleet. This ship has a number of changes from the first 3 Missileers in terms of handling Ferret-E USVs and also the main sensor array has been updated with a new model. This was to have been put in the Missileers from the start but the array development was slower than expected. The first 3 ships will be retrofitted with the array when they receive a refit over the next 12 months.

Work has begun on the first Type 43D Sea Of Tranquility frigate, the 5th and possibly final version of the venerable Isometric family. At a ceremony held at Solaris a celebration dinner was held on the prototype X111 Isometric (below) with guests given a tour of F101 Cambrian, the first Isometric proper.

Isometric prototype

Finally Type 93X research ship X101 Neptune has been put on reserve. Following it's use against the Bolitic recently the ship used up much of it's remaining fatigue life and now serious cracks have been found on the main structure. The ship will be retained until 2110 but it is likely to then be withdrawn unless funding is found to give the Neptune a major overhaul though as it's a singleton class it is unlikely.


ANALysis : Whatever happened to the Zones?

Over a year ago the DDS totally destroyed Zoneland, killing billions in a mass nuclear attack, causing the planet's ecosphere to collapse and forcing millions of survivors to flee. Now 18 million Zones live in tent cities on the remote Clone planet of Colom and it is estimated 2.3 million others are spread across the galaxy. The question on everyone's lips last year was : what would the Zones do as a reprisal?

Security was tight across the entire UNP for months afterwards with fears of Zone terrorists launching an NBC attack in revenge... but nothing happened. Even Zone piracy did not explode into a new ultra violent wave against Terran ships. Indeed there have been 16 cases of Terran ships being seized by Zone pirates but the human crews have not been massacred (though beaten, but that happened anyway).

On Colom early frustration and anger did boil over when human HCS were accidentally sent to a Zone camp. The humans were lynched (eventually) and dozens died afterwards in riots. But since the word of Oojok has been introduced to the Zones the camps are calm. So why haven't the Zones sought revenge?

Celebrity psychologist Dr Penis* says the sheer magnitude of the trauma may have simply overwhelmed any feelings of revenge and anger. The scale of the destruction cowed the Zones and they were so busy simply trying to survive to enact revenge. Many pirate Zones are already outsiders he added and some may have perversely even enjoyed Zoneland's devastation.

However Dr Penis added a note of caution. As the Zones on Colom settled into their new life then feelings of revenge may yet be unearthed and if Zones do enter the HCS as is planned then there is the potential for conflict in future.

* Dr Penis has just released his autobiography "Why I'm Great" and will be appearing in the next Celebrity Big Brother, Celebrity Masterchef and anything else his agent can wrangle.

DDS skirmish with Bolitic ship

A DDS ship, an unnamed member of the Rome class, has encountered a Bolitic battlecruiser whilst on a patrol from Ailiari to Proxima 7 (and thus parallel to the Bolitic Confederacy for some of it's circuit). The Bolitic were encountered near the white dwarf of Feeney A0962E82 in non-claimed space between the Remedian and UNP territories.

The DDS locked down all communications as a precaution though the Bolitic did attempt to hack into their systems. The new beefed up firewalls are reported to have held up well. The Bolitic then fired their energy cannons before cloaking and making away. The Rome, which was undamaged, conducted a brief search for the Bolitic before continuing it's patrol.

Strawberry Field begins

Operation Strawberry Field has begun with a 2 day exercise by DDS ships near Starbot. Later in the week 3 ships from the Starbot fleet will join up and take part in a series of exercises. The training deployment is expected to last until the end of the month when Windscorpion is due to arrive and the young men will perform for him.

Admiral Von Kane, head of the 4th Fleet and in charge of the operation said that the training of his forces would be enhanced and interoperability with the Starbotians would be greatly developed. He did not say, but is also true, that the deployment would be a useful show of strength with the 7 Sa Sao operating in the area.

As for Aldebra the 7 Sa Sao have yet to show the colonists what the "consequences" are for not leaving after they issued a warning in June.