
Interview : SS-Commander Lakes

SS-Commander Lakes is a busy man but he has kindly agreed to give Latest Victory News this exclusive interview.

Latest Victory News : Mr Lakes, do you have any comment to make on the massacre allegation? Especially bearing in mind that you are the current commander of the unit that is alledged to have carried it out : the Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade.

Lakes : I have no comment to make at this moment. It should be said that these events are said to have taken place nearly 50 years before i took over the unit.

LVN : Fair enough, now the Dino state recently adopted the SS Logo : the raised fist surrounded in barbed wire. Why has this taken place?

Lakes : Many people were using it as the state logo anyway so it was decided to just make it official. It should be remembered it belongs to the SS though.

LVN : Can you tell us what the logo symbolises? A raised fist surrounded by barbed wire?

Lakes : It symbolises the brutal suppression of Dino rights by the SS and the hard regime of total law enforcement we ..er.. enforce.

LVN : But isn't the SS supposed to be protecting the people not oppressing them?

Lakes : Ha ha ha, the naivity of youth.

LVN : You have also moved into politics and are the leader of VERITAS = TRUTH, do you think the Dinos will adopt a parliamentary system?

Lakes : For too long the oligarchs have ruled the Dinos, its time for the people to have their say. Assisted by the SS of course... Right thats it, i have some prisoners to rap... i mean interrogate.