
The ANALyst : Windy speaks

Dr Carl Vincent has unfortunately suffered a terrible injury in the anal department but Windscorpion steps in this week to address us.

Why hello young men. And young ladies too. We must not forget them as they strive to throw off the shackles of hetrosexuality and learn true joy in violent Sapphic exercises. But it is the young men i wish to address today. How are you all? I suspect you are feeling empty and unfulfilled.

The boring life of enjoyment, laughter and girls is what is killing you inside. You need to take a look at yourselves and see that you need a rigorous structured programme of aggressive physical pursuits under the care of an older man. You will find it challenging and painful. But from that pain comes a joy. A joy beyond all others.

I will be happy to introduce you all to this joy. Each and everyone of you. Form an orderly queue.