
HCS offer DDS export version of Intruder

A while ago the DDS shocked many by leasing an Intruder class LHA off the HCS. The DDS leased the ship to evaluate the type and to gain knowledge for their own class. Now it looks like the DDS are interested in simply buying more Intruders than design their own. They are already thought to be planning to exercise their option on buying the Intruder and now the HCS shipbuilders CSE in conjuction with Consolidated Spacecraft (a major sub-contractor used by the DDS) have pitched an export version of the Intruder to the DDS.

The Intruder-E would have a DDS powerplant (with a performance around 500c) along with DDS sensors and weapons. Because of security concerns DDS technology would be fitted at a DDS shipyard after the HCS had built the rest of the ship which would be to a slightly higher standard of finish.