
DDS and HCS come to blows over spy ship

DDS and HCS warships have come to blows in HCS space near to Paragon. A DDS Velocity class destroyer commanded by Von Kane was in the area looking for a missing Aritan freighter which was rumoured to be collecting intelligence for the DDS (though this has been denied by the DDS). A trail of debris led into HCS space indicating the Aritan ship had been damaged. Von Kane decided to enter HCS space under cloak.

Inside HCS space we understand the Aritan freighter was found, damaged but with no serious injuries to crew. When the DDS ship decloaked it was ambushed by 3 Cosmos class cruisers. Outgunned Von Kane was forced to surrender. Later on the DDS were allowed to leave and tow the Aritan ship out of HCS space. The HCS have lodged a complaint with the DDS over spy activities. In return the DDS have protested the HCS attacking an Aritan freighter in unclaimed space.