HCS offer DDS export version of Intruder
The Intruder-E would have a DDS powerplant (with a performance around 500c) along with DDS sensors and weapons. Because of security concerns DDS technology would be fitted at a DDS shipyard after the HCS had built the rest of the ship which would be to a slightly higher standard of finish.
Fleet news round-up (Neptune)
Two more Pentekonter patrol boats have entered service, 3510 Homer and 3511 Euripides. Now over half of the class has been built. 3511 is the first to Mod 2 standard with a number of improvements to internal systems. Finally Coril class shuttle 8102 Susan has been transferred to the Remedian fleet and thus renumbered 8102R.
Character of the week : Kurt Von Kane
Despite all that, and a bizarre sexual fetish for being violently sodomised by his adjuntant with a large strap on dildo (whilst the adjuntant is dressed as a giant chicken and Von Kane wears a swatzika bikini) Von Kane is actually a very capable commander. He has been rewarded for his service in command of a frigate by being given command of a Velocity class destroyer. He leads a small group of ships on special operations, he calls this Der Vulf Pack of course.
DDS announce development of Zip cannon / Panther news
DDS Research's Dr Forbidden said it would revolutionalise warfare just like the Z cannon and trans-phasic missiles before it. But he said it would not replace the TP missiles. "A Zip would only be able to tackle one target at a time wheras we are now building ships like the Panther that can fire up to 8 missiles at once, but of course the Zip will be a mainstay weapon that will not have the drawback of missiles... being a finite resource."
Dr Forbidden also spoke about the Panther destroyer. He said that it would not have 2 Z cannons as Janes DDS Weapons have said. "Z cannons (and one day the Zip cannon that replaces it) require a massive amount of energy. Having 2 cannons on one ships would require a larger reactor battery which of course makes a ship more vulnerable. So the Panther will just have one." He also spoke about the Panther's wing-tip mounted missile launcher batteries. "We are looking to having one battery fire forward and the other aft, giving a 360 degree field of fire. Design lockdown will occur in the fall so some details are still to be decided."
Wave of terrorism hits Cloneworld
- A car bomb at a HCS checkpoint in southern Ailier City killing 3 soldiers
- A SAM shooting down a cargolifter taking off at an airbase in Ailier City, the plane crashed into the maintenance area of the base killing dozens on the ground
- A rocket attack on a barracks in Ailier killing over 50 soldiers
- A rocket attack on a HCS recruitment office in Ailier killing 4 HCS officials
Character Of The Week : Stinkyson
Finally Stinky resigned, the sexual depravity and lowness of the SS being too much even for him. He returned to being a staff officer in the Home Office, working with his friends El Diablo and Razorback. Together they have formed an elite team these last few years. They like to call themselves "the A Team".
Utrek developing new ship?
Second Marconi class enters service
The DDS are now looking at dedicated Elint ships with longer range sensors instead.
HCS up AFV production for the first time in 5 years
The increase is to replace combat losses in the civil war, to complete the replacement of the remaining few hundred Tapir-As in service, and to equip a new Civil Defense Unit created to defend government installations on Cloneworld. This new unit, the CDU, is under the Friar's direct control though is unlikely to be more than a token unit of around a brigade strength.
The new build Tapirs are Tapir-F6s, the HCS are expected to replace production with the improved Tapir-F7 next year which will have a new NBC filtration system.
Character of the week : Delta
In combat Delta proved very useful but the HCS moved away from such experiments and Delta was sidelined, being too valuable to risk in combat. Instead he developed his command training and became and adept general in the HCS. In later years Delta has risen to the rank of Planetary Governor and Field Marshall Million. Now he is the head of HCS-West and the deputy of Captain Clone.
Delta is not exactly a top performer but competant in everything he does. His physical might also means he tends to win arguements by sheer intimidation.
DDS and HCS come to blows over spy ship
Inside HCS space we understand the Aritan freighter was found, damaged but with no serious injuries to crew. When the DDS ship decloaked it was ambushed by 3 Cosmos class cruisers. Outgunned Von Kane was forced to surrender. Later on the DDS were allowed to leave and tow the Aritan ship out of HCS space. The HCS have lodged a complaint with the DDS over spy activities. In return the DDS have protested the HCS attacking an Aritan freighter in unclaimed space.
HCS Intel : The state of the HCS Fleet
Major combatants
Soulaki Battlecruiser
Of course the most powerful ship in the HCS fleet is the Soulaki battlecruiser, a large ship that is in the Pulsar class. The Soulaki actually was the first clean sheet design by the Clones, prior to this they only adapted and updated Utrek and Raegris designs and as such its a great achievement. However the ship has some problems. Clone engine technology lags the DDS badly and the Clones have had to fit 2 of their largest engines to give the Soulaki a decent performance (and even then a top speed just short of 700c is pretty slow compared to where the DDS and Dinos are at these days). The bulk of these engines also makes the Soulaki rather a lumbering beast. Its thrust-mass ratio is much less than DDS ships of a similar size (Pulsar and Quasar) and hence it cannot manover quickly in battle.
Firepower is good though nothing ground breaking these days, the Soulaki's main cannons are inferior to the Z cannon though good auxiliary weapons make the Soulaki overall a decent battlecruiser. In combat though the ship has to be protected by more nimble ships. The Clones have 25 of these and with it's flanks protected its definately the cutting edge of the HCS fleet.
Cosmos cruiser
The Cosmos, now numbering 95 examples (production has just ended we believe), is the backbone of the fleet and to me its the best ship in the HCS. The Cosmos is a Raegris design, the HCS bought 6 of them a long time ago. The HCS have greatly improved the design including the addition of the massive super-energy cannon. A huge belly-mounted weapon that rivals the Z cannon in power.
The Cosmos is a sturdy ship but is slow. Even the latest S class is still limited to 650c. Most of the fleet are limited to 450c. However in a purely defensive situation the Cosmos excels. Its fairly agile for a ship of it's mass and has a decent auxiliary armament. If the HCS could develop engine technology like Neptune and get a Cosmos up to 800+c then it could be one of the best ships out there. As it is, its powerful weaponary and sheer numbers makes the Cosmos the key weapon in their fleet.
Molentic Tuul cruiser
Of course we are very familiar with the Molentic Tuul, a Utrek design that has been updated and improved in production. The Molentic Tuul is basically sound though now looking a bit dated compared to the latest DDS and Dino types. Its a bit slow now (the latest updates put it to 600c which is nothing to be too excited about) and the armament is good but unspectacular. The HCS have 45 of them so its a decent sized fleet.
The MT is an agile ship, it was designed by the Utrek as a true space dogfighter, and like all Utrek designs it is sturdy and easy to maintain. However the MT excels in no areas now, even the more powerful GX class is nothing to write home about. What would you rather be in? An Isometric or a Molentic Tuul?
Second-line combatants
Kalahati Tuul 2 cruiser
The KT2 was a development, jointly with the Remedians, of the Kalahati Tuul. At it's time the KT2 was a competant warship but now its pretty average. Even the updated KT2N can only reach 600c and it's armament is nothing too spectacular. Its role is patrol and general fleet duties however and its good enough for that.
As the first home brew design by the Clones the KT2 contains quite a few design shortcuts and problems. They wouldn't last too long against front-line DDS warships. The KT2 is a bit unweildly and sluggish despite a decent thrust-mass ratio, the engine cannot change thrust very quickly meaning that the KT2 could end up being a sitting duck.
Kalahati Tuul cruiser (B and Super)
The Kalahati Tuul was the type that started it all for the HCS. They bought several off the Utrek and then licence built further examples, later on they improved and developed the design. Original KTs are by now pretty obsolete, however they make decent patrol vessels as long as the potential enemy is not too tough! Some KTs are very slow, not even able to reach 400c. In terms of firepower they are lagging too.
The rebuilt Super Kalahati Tuul is a different story. The HCS have done a great job with these rebuilds, although you'd not really want them in your battle fleets Super KTs are excellent patrol and second-line ships with their speed boosted to 520c and armament significantly updated.
So that is the HCS fleet, some good ships (Soulaki, Cosmos) but much of the fleet is obsolete and overall the HCS are lacking in performance and of course the latest weapon tech such as transphasic missiles.
Isometric fleet to be upgraded
The ships will also receive more wireless system connectivity, though the ship will not receive Open Architecture 2.0 as this will require an extensive rebuilding (and is going to be part of the ILU). Its expected ISE will include some degree of FIDO however.
Character of the week : Delicate Flower
Delicate Flower is an utter nerd, who spends his saturday nights poring over technical reports and magazines. He actually is a tactical and technical genius who has saved the day several times, unfortunately all everyone remembers about him is his extreme weirdness and sexual obsession for Quarz, whom he desperately wants to sodomise many times. Delicate Flower has an obsession on Quarz that doesn't border on insanity, it invades all over to unsanity. He wishes he could be a toilet bowl so Quarz could poo on him. He also has many secret cameras in Quarz's room so he can film his object of desire (including 24 in the shower so he can capture every angle of Quarz's "manly" body). Suffice to say Quarz spends most of his time trying to avoid this attention.
Extra Panthers & other fleet news
Construction of the first ship has not even begun but already the DDS have increased the size of their Panther class destroyer. Originally 12 of the "D-X" Panther class was planned, then 14, then 16 but now 20! The DDS have also said that the second 10 ships will be of a Block 2 specification.
The DDS have also ordered another Velocity class destroyer. 2207 Enhancement is not likely to arrive in service until the end of the decade however as construction of each class member takes nearly a year and the small production line can only produce one ship at a time. 2204 Progress, the first Velocity VS is due for next year.
Another Provider class transport has been ordered for the DDS, this the 15th example could be the last Provider to be built as SUP production switches more to specialised types like the Arsenal AE and Marconi IX. Cuba class transport 7101 Cuba has been withdrawn. The ship needed refuelling and as it is due to be sold along with it's sister ship in a few months the DDS did not consider it economic.
The second Marconi class EW ship 7352 Morse has entered trials. When it enters service in a few weeks the remaining Moscow class EW ship in DDS service 7302 Gorky will go and join it's sister ship in the Remedian fleet.
Windscorpion's vacation
Windscorpion is currently on vacation, this year he has returned to Earth to his old stomping ground of England. Windy has been inspecting the state of the young men he has found and is not impressed. He has decided to take some young men for some personal vigorous training. Around 45 have been taken to his chambers. The DDS would not comment on reports of screaming and pleading for mercy.
Afterwards Windy visited Mesopotamia, still wracked with war after a century. Windy enjoyed himself with some combat missions against insurgents whom he had hung from lampposts by their genitals... using fishing line. Windy commented it almost bought a tear to his eyes. Almost.
Windy will also be visiting the USA and apparently will be going to Disneyland.
The ANALyst : Windy speaks
Dr Carl Vincent has unfortunately suffered a terrible injury in the anal department but Windscorpion steps in this week to address us.
Why hello young men. And young ladies too. We must not forget them as they strive to throw off the shackles of hetrosexuality and learn true joy in violent Sapphic exercises. But it is the young men i wish to address today. How are you all? I suspect you are feeling empty and unfulfilled.
The boring life of enjoyment, laughter and girls is what is killing you inside. You need to take a look at yourselves and see that you need a rigorous structured programme of aggressive physical pursuits under the care of an older man. You will find it challenging and painful. But from that pain comes a joy. A joy beyond all others.
I will be happy to introduce you all to this joy. Each and everyone of you. Form an orderly queue.
Oojok loyalists defy the power of the Triumvirate
Several regiments of the 16th Legion of the HCS, currently based in Micom on Cloneworld, have refused to acknowledge the authority of the Triumvirite. General Yeki has called on Captain Clone to be arrested, Benito executed and The Friar to be fired out of a large cannon. He said Oojok should return to his rightful place.
Cloneworld is "neutral territory" under the civilian control of The Friar and the military control of a couple of Field Marshals, once each from the HCS and EYE factions. Field Marshal Million Velocrat has despatched the 32nd and 40th Legions to Micom and called upon the rebels to surrender.
There has been a notable lack of opposition to the new regime though a blogger has noted that several high-ranking members of the RP and clergy have never been captured, among those being Warkloz and Logan the head of the RP Cloisters Brigade, along with many RP troops.
DDS skirmish with Zones
Two DDS warships have had an encounter with three Zone warships near to Oscar. The two Pentekonter OPVs (3504 Pericles and 3507 Sappho) were on a training mission when they were attacked by two Zone ships, a third joined the attack soon afterwards.
Recent tactical updates, previously unannounced but we understand retrofitted to the Pentekonter fleet following early combat experience, proved very effective and the Zones suffered one lost ship, the other two fled. Both DDS ships sustained minor damage with six reported injuries to crewmen but not serious.
Two Terran Sea frigates have been despatched to the area.
Interview : SS-Commander Lakes
SS-Commander Lakes is a busy man but he has kindly agreed to give Latest Victory News this exclusive interview.
Latest Victory News : Mr Lakes, do you have any comment to make on the massacre allegation? Especially bearing in mind that you are the current commander of the unit that is alledged to have carried it out : the Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade.
Lakes : I have no comment to make at this moment. It should be said that these events are said to have taken place nearly 50 years before i took over the unit.
LVN : Fair enough, now the Dino state recently adopted the SS Logo : the raised fist surrounded in barbed wire. Why has this taken place?
Lakes : Many people were using it as the state logo anyway so it was decided to just make it official. It should be remembered it belongs to the SS though.
LVN : Can you tell us what the logo symbolises? A raised fist surrounded by barbed wire?
Lakes : It symbolises the brutal suppression of Dino rights by the SS and the hard regime of total law enforcement we ..er.. enforce.
LVN : But isn't the SS supposed to be protecting the people not oppressing them?
Lakes : Ha ha ha, the naivity of youth.
LVN : You have also moved into politics and are the leader of VERITAS = TRUTH, do you think the Dinos will adopt a parliamentary system?
Lakes : For too long the oligarchs have ruled the Dinos, its time for the people to have their say. Assisted by the SS of course... Right thats it, i have some prisoners to rap... i mean interrogate.
Conspiracy magazine hits back
A mere hour after Ronald's media briefing where he said the massacre claims were rubbish the owner of Conspiracy Nation, in a radio interview, said the massacre did take place and that the government were suppressing the truth.
Owner, editor and chief reporter Goodson said that the SS men in his article did exist and that the SS had changed the register to hide them. He said that there should be an independant enquiry into the affair. "The SS cannot be expected to investigate themselves. If the Emperor has committed a foul crime then he must be punished!"
Ronald denies massacre claims
Emperor Ronald, at a media briefing on Pulsin, has strongly denied the claims by Conspiracy Nation that he ordered a massacre of a native tribe by the SS nearly 50 years ago. Ronald said that the claim was rubbish and obviously the product of a diseased mind.
He was supported by the Home Secretary El Diablo who said that they had no evidence of such an operation ever taking place. The "SS" sources used by the magazine had been investigated and no record of them ever being in the SS had been found.
Character Of The Week : Henry
Henry is Lakes' henchman, and possibly the most evil and violent Dino in history. Of course he is in the SS but some say the SS are even ashamed of him. Henry has been in the SS for a number of years and was quickly shuffled to an obscure garrison. He proved useless at interrogation, his prisoners always dying too quickly because of his love of using power tools on flesh.
When M-B-H needed an enforcer he chose Henry because he was ultraviolent, but most importantly rather stupid. Henry obeys orders to destroy not because of loyalty but because he likes it. In Lakes' service he has proved not to be that useful as all he wants to do is kill.
In his private life Henry lives alone except for a realdoll, which he likes to violently penetrate. To him every Dino in the SS above the rank of Centurion is gay. He is a Centurion of course.
UV101 : The Larger Lady

We are also following some new recruits in Home On Leave Mr Krusty Krusty takes some time out from his brutal training to visit home but is it his home still? In End Of Oojok the new Triumvirate begins the process of de-Oojokification of the HCS. In Happy Girl Group Ronald remembers an old commander. Finally in Beautiful Gay Goodson publishes his conspiracy magazine, did Ronald order the massacre of a native tribe?
UV101 is available at all girl's boarding school tuck shops. Next month get ready for UV102 Wanted For Oppression.