
Quiz : Could you be a Hood?

The Hoods are the moral vanguard of the New DDS, bringing to you future security solutions. Could you join the elite that is the professional heroes of The Hoods? Try this quiz and find out!

1) When do you know if a non-professional is on-message?
a) when they remain calm and do not sweat?
b) when they give a clear and consise response to an inquiry?
c) NEVER! a non-professional never is on-message! all they ever say are foul bestial lies and sloth!

2) Whats the best way to spend a saturday night?
a) with your mates in the pub?
b) at the cinema with a girl?
c) alone in your room burying yourself with endless study whilst you send 1000v through your own genitals as pain is truth?

3) We should obey LORD ROTARIOS because...
a) he is the DDS commander?
b) we'll get in trouble if we don't
c) because LORD ROTARIOS is our facilitator of professionalism and our beacon in a sea of sloth

4) If we catch someone being off-message we should...
a) tell them the error of their ways
b) lock them up
c) death is too good for them! they must die!

5) Windscorpion is...
a) a good commander but can be a bad team-player
b) the apogee of man
c) a bad influence, he is the Satan Of Sloth

6) If you have some spare time you should...
a) see if you can find some other duties
b) relax and watch some daytime TV
c) be brutally whipped by a fellow Hood, obviously you have descended into the horror of sloth and have become an agent of non-professionalism! we are a team and must act like it, remember there is no I in professionalism!

Answers :
mostly As - you are an average Joe in the DDS, you must strive harder to achieve holistic self-actualisation
mostly Bs - obviously you are in Windy Massive and thus are an agent of sloth
mostly Cs - you are welcome to join the Hoods! self-flagellation at 8.