
Ronald wants fundamental changes in the Dino Empire

Emperor Ronald made a keynote address at the annual meeting of the Dino Elders where he called for fundamental changes in the governance of the Dino Empire. The meeting of the Elders is held once a year and consists of the several hundred Dinos with the most influence in the state, this body is also that which elects Emperors.

"I considered stepping down a short while ago." Ronald said to the Elders, "But I looked around at the candidates to replace me and, with no disrespect to them as they were all fine, they are the same names I saw five years ago. No new blood is coming through, we need to change the way we govern the Empire to allow the young and talented a greater chance to shine."

Ronald called for a a special focus group to consider the options and the Elders agreed to set one up later in the year. It is thought Ronald favours reverting back to a single Emperor drawn from an extended group of Senators, maybe up to 12. Co-Emperor Jimmy was unavailable for comment.