
Ronald and Jimmy clash over democracy question

Following the Dino Elders meeting it has been reported by Dino Telegraph that the Co-Emperors Ronald and Jimmy have had an arguement over the future of the Dino Empire and it's governance. One insider said the exchange between the two at a meeting of the Inner Circle (the Cabinet) was so heated G-B-H had to intervene to calm them down.

Ronald is known to favour much greater democracy though both want a wholly elected Elders. Ronald wants to revert to one Emperor who is appointed by an expanded Senate (elected by the Elders). He also wants a new elected layer of elected representatives between the local councils and the Elders. Jimmy wants fewer changes, in fact he just wants an elected Elders but all other aspects to remain as they are.

Another voice for change is SS Commander Lakes who wants complete democracy at all levels including the replacement of the Emperor post by an elected President and Prime Minister. His political party Veritas is to hold a number of rallies across Dino Land at the weekend. A sub-committee of the Elders is to discuss the issues next month.

It has also been revealed that a terrorist group planned to attack the Elders meeting but the cell was arrested by SS forces after being uncovered by Tribune Z-B-H.