
Ronald visits the DDS!

Emperor Ronald of the Dino Empire, together with his son ESBG-Commander Smellyson visited the DDS GHQ at Proxima 7 today for talks with Lord Rotarios, oh how we worship your resistors and capacitors! The visit had been kept secret beforehand for security reasons. Lord Rotarios thanked Ronald for his forces' assistance in defeating the Tarbotians, Ronald said that he hoped the DDS and Dinos could continue to be allies and co-operate.

The reason for the meeting is thought to be the issue of landing rights for the two sides' respective fleets. Lord Rotarios is keen for DDS ships to be able to use Dino docking facilities as a number of patrols are now in space near to Dino territory. Lord Rotarios did not comment on the content of the talks but said that they had been constructive.

Afterwards Ronald gave a speech to the Proxima-Dino Friendship Club in Hexian City. In it he outlined his plans for the Dino government. Returning to GHQ before his departure Ronald officially opened the new wing of the DDS Museum. Ronald was the first commander of the DDS older readers may recall.

Lord Rotarios is thought to be planning his own visit to Dino-Land early next year.