
House results : Yellow House does it yet again!

After a late surge The Orchid's Yellow House won the DDS Inter-House Competition yet again! Although Windy's Red House did have the lead for much of the month The Orchid scored heavily with a secret mission in the last few days to snatch victory from the Reds.

The Orchid wished to thank her agent, her manager and God! He being Lord Rotarios of course!


Clones voice disquiet over DDS & Dino moves into New Arit

HCS Commander Captain Clone has told a group of HCS officers at a presentation on Sand World that DDS moves to bring New Arit into the DDS and the Dinos establishing a base there could destabilise the general peace that has existed between the Central Powers for some years now. "New Arit is a strategic point that offers an ideal access route into our empire, can we allow the DDS and Dinos to have bases there?" he is reported to have said.

Captain Clone called for the DDS and Dinos to include the HCS in their plans and for the HCS to also have base facilities in the small territory of the Aritans. "We three powers defeated the Porquatians when they invaded Arit, thus we three powers should maintain our influence there."

He added that space forces in the area would have to be strengthened because of this.

Lord Rotarios to release another bestseller!

Lord Rotarios, without whom our lives would be utterly devoid of meaning, is to release another book before christmas, that is likely to be another massive seller... or else. The book "1001 Glorious Quotations Of Lord Rotarios" collects the magnificent oratory genius of Lord Rotarios into one unmissable volume!

All professionals are expected to purchase this volume, they had better have a good reason for their unprofessionalism if they don't...


Dinos to peacekeep on Oscar?

The situation on Oscar continues to deteriorate on the human side. A recent DDS survey team found rival armed gangs battling on the streets of the capital and a near total collapse of law and order and infrastructure. Because of the Clone element on the planet the UNP have been wary of sending DDS forces in, the HCS have made no secret of the fact they would respond by deploying their own troops.

However a solution may be to bring in a third-party. It is thought that the Dino 11th Legion is preparing to be deployed to the planet to restore law and order and lay the ground work for a UNP effort to restore an elected leadership. Ronald discussed and agreed with the plan during his visit to DDS GHQ recently, so state unnamed sources close to the DDS heirarchy. The 11th Legion has also begun unscheduled training in the Dino urban warfare training site near Yavilanda, observers report a build-up of stores at Upper Yulan airbase and a large number of transport Dinomarks being assembled there.

According to our sources in the Dino Army a detachment of the elite 6th Legion has already headed out to Oscar to survey the situation and find a suitable landing point. The 6th Legion and an SS-D brigade will then support the landing of the 11th Legion which will also include an armoured brigade of the SS. The Dinos have agreed to the mission in return for a 100 year lease and landing rights for a space base on New Arit reports Janes Space Defense Daily.

Its all rumours and speculation now but if the mission is already underway then we should expect confirmation from the Dinos and the DDS soon. The reaction of the HCS is unknown.


Details emerge from the battle with the Tarbotians

Vodaphone, the Director Of Communications, held a media briefing at DDS Media Centre earlier today where he gave out some more details of the recent successful battle against the Tarbotians. Vodaphone said that 11 Tarbotian ships are now known to have been either destroyed or seriously put out of action. The Tarbotians themselves destroyed two of these ships after the crews were removed. The losses included the Tarbotian flag and it is thought the General commanding the fleet was killed.

Two DDS ships were badly damaged, the Lepton is currently being towed to the nearby Dino planet of Xi where repairs will take place so it can later return home under it's own power. Full repairs will probably take a month once it reaches a DDS port. The Holocene was more badly damaged and is being taken to Sanger Alpha 6329, full repairs are expected to take 4-5 months. Three other ships also received notable damage but they should be repaired by the end of next month after they reach port. Sixteen heroic DDS crewmen lost their lives Vodaphone said.

Following the battle the DDS are keeping some ships in the area and are considering a permanent base perhaps at New Arit. However this would first need negotiations with the Dinos and Clones as their territory is also nearby.


Interview : Kommandant Kurt Von Kane

Commander Von Kane is a rising star in the New DDS, which stands for uncomfortable underwear, cancelled benefits and a lick of the cat. The ship commander played a vital role in the victory over the Tarbotians, here he talks to Latest Victory News.

Latest Victory News : First of all congratulations on your promotion to Commander.

Kurt Von Kane : Danke mein Herr, but you should say Kommandant Englander.

LVN : Er... quite. You have not been in the DDS for long have you.

KVK : Ja, before I voz in der UNP defense force but they are just a load of arschlochs. Alvayz care about der human rights. Gott in Himmel! In der DDS I have der chance to express my true self. Vunderbar!

LVN : But weren't you kicked out of the UNP for gross misconduct?

KVK : It voz a Bolshevik plot. Those schweines vill pay!

LVN : Indeed. Now it seems you arn't German are you, but are English? From Birmingham? In fact your grandfather was the bloke who strapped a nuclear warhead to his head and tried to blow up the Rotunda?

KVK : Dat ich not true! Lies! Englander propaganda!

LVN : And you watched "Allo Allo" and thought it was a documentary?

KVK : Bolshevik lies und plots! Der Fuhrer vill crush them one day. Heil Rotarios!

LVN : OK, so how do you see your career panning out.

KVK : Vun day I will be der Gruppenfuhrer ein der DDS und have mein own fleet of der U-Boats, then der Englanders will be defeated fur der Fuhrer! Sieg!

LVN : Do you think you are in World War 2 or something?? You are an Isometric commander not a U-Boat captain.

KVK : Ja der great var against der Bolsheviks. Anyvay enough of der interview, I have der vork to do. Der Fuhrer orders und I obey. Auf'weidersein Englander. For you ze var is over!!!

LVN : Er... bye bye!


Character of the week : Spikeson

Spikeson, the Chief Medical Officer of the Dino Empire and latterly the Minister Of Health & Social Issues is one foul-mouthed ****! Spikeson is a character, a hard living and hard loving son of a gun who keeps the gossip columns in the Dino tabloids very busy. Spikeson is one of the old guard, and has been at Ronald's side since the early days of his regime. As the chief medic in the 6th Legion Spikeson was always busy considering the nature of the unit's exploits.

Later on Spikeson was given greater responsibility though his lifestyle has often caused him trouble. Gambling debts saw his suspended for selling secrets. His womanising has also caused him trouble with blackmail attempts. Spikeson's medical skills are stella however and many Dinos owe their lives to him, including Ronald and G-B-H.


UV89 : Into The Unknown

UV89The latest volume of exciting DDS stories is out now! Colour Of The Sadism introduces Kurt Von Kane, and follows the nazi nutcase as he investigates the unstable situation on Oscar.

In Baoen Raiders Z-B-H battles against time to stop a terrorist plot to attack the Dino Elders summit with a radiological bomb. Crickson is even a hero for once. Finally in Split That Firm Up the DDS fleet finally extracts revenge on the Tarbotians.

UV89 is out now at all good book shops and brothels across the galaxy.


Ronald visits the DDS!

Emperor Ronald of the Dino Empire, together with his son ESBG-Commander Smellyson visited the DDS GHQ at Proxima 7 today for talks with Lord Rotarios, oh how we worship your resistors and capacitors! The visit had been kept secret beforehand for security reasons. Lord Rotarios thanked Ronald for his forces' assistance in defeating the Tarbotians, Ronald said that he hoped the DDS and Dinos could continue to be allies and co-operate.

The reason for the meeting is thought to be the issue of landing rights for the two sides' respective fleets. Lord Rotarios is keen for DDS ships to be able to use Dino docking facilities as a number of patrols are now in space near to Dino territory. Lord Rotarios did not comment on the content of the talks but said that they had been constructive.

Afterwards Ronald gave a speech to the Proxima-Dino Friendship Club in Hexian City. In it he outlined his plans for the Dino government. Returning to GHQ before his departure Ronald officially opened the new wing of the DDS Museum. Ronald was the first commander of the DDS older readers may recall.

Lord Rotarios is thought to be planning his own visit to Dino-Land early next year.


HCSAF announces raft of new orders / upgrades

The HCS Air Force, for so long the brunt of HCS funding cuts has finally received a boost in it's budget as the Clone economy enjoys it's first positive growth for a decade. The military budget was increased overall by 2.5% this year (compared to a cut of 35% over the last 7 years) and the HCSAF has benefited the most as it's share of the money was also increased as major space and land projects paid off. The HCSAF budget for 2105-2106 is up 21% in real terms over last year. The HCSAF have quickly decided how they are going to spend the money!

Production of the F-45 Falcon multirole fighter is to be extended from 1100 to 1500 with the new build being of the F-45B model with enhanced avionics and powerplant. 600 of the latest version of the mainstay attack aircraft the A-84F Interdictor are also to be built. The F has a new wing, ECM suite and survivability design improvements. The HCSAF also announced the start of the F-46 project for an air superiority fighter to replace the inadequate F-42 Forthright. The F-46 will be based on the F-45 and could enter service by 2110.

The COIN fleet will also receive an investment, 750 A-85 Brownings will be upgraded to the noctural operations NA-85Q Nighthawk model which includes engine quieting and night-attack equipment. Most of the HCSAF's airlift fleet will receive upgrades to their ECM self-protection.

Construction of 7 new airbases on Cloneworld, 3 on Randalf 74 and 1 on Aquaworld was also agreed, these will replace existing older bases. The HCSAF will also begin upgrading their shortrange radar network on Cloneworld.


DDS encounter the Tarbotians

LVN has learned that the 1st Space Fleet under the command of Windscorpion has encountered the Tarbotians and dealt the enemy a "bloody nose". The fleet had been sent out a couple of months ago in response to the cowardly attack and destruction of the SS Hydra. The fleet sent was the most powerful assembled for years including 4 cruisers and 5 frigates and a detachment from the Dinos.

Windscorpion has reported that 6 Tarbotian warships were destroyed and a number of others damaged. The Quasar cruiser Lepton and the Isometric frigate Holocene were badly damaged with some loss of life, and some other ships received more minor damage. No ships were lost. Lord Rotarios, hail to thee!, said the victory was a shining example of the value of professionalism!

Some ships will remain in the area but Windscorpion will be returning to Proxima 7 with the bulk of the fleet. More details will be no doubt forthcoming at a media briefing later this week.

Character of the week : Ayatollah Akiwati

Ayatollah Akiwati is the spiritual leader of the clones, thus making him one of the most powerful clones in the Oojok Star Empire. Akiwati rose to power after the death of Ayatollah Clone XE at the hands of Windscorpion. His rise was very rapid, until then he was a little known cleric in the northern isles but he won the contest to become spiritual leader by being able to urinate the furthest. Many have noted on the similarity of his character to XE's...

These are difficult times for the Church Of Oojok, it's influence is waning after a number of scandals and coming off the worst in political infighting with the army. The clones in general are also becoming more secular in their view as the empire no longer is in expansion. Akiwati is still a great orator however and is still able to whip up the masses into fanatical fervour! Unfortunately for Akiwati the need to do that these days is few and far between...

DDS House news update

Trojan Warlord here, the co-ordinator of the DDS House System, back with another update of what is happening in the 4 DDS Houses...

Windy's Red House is busy with the Tarbotians of course and have earnt 100 points for defeating the Tarbotians, Yellow and Green houses also received 20 points each as they were also a part of the operation. Windy said he was having "an orgasm of pleasure" for receiving such a prize. Oo-er...

Horsehead's Blue House have been a bit quiet, Knobhead won 15 points for another successful anti-pirate sweep though most of Blue House has been down with the flu...

The champion house Yellow House, commanded by The Orchid of course, is as usual winning big points for being professional! Quarz won 10 points for completing the distributed crewing programme. The Orchid herself won 35 points for a training mission for the Remedians. Her house will also win 45 points when they train the Raegris in the use of ther Quasar cruisers they have just bought.

Sea Urchin's Green House is bogged down in Porquat 640, they won 20 points for defeating an insurgent cell but were docked 5 points when another cell blew up the Il'Raise toilet factory in Porquat City.

Thats all folks!


New ships enter service

Lord Rotarios, hail to his copper wiring!, officially named the latest two ships to enter service with the New DDS Space Navy, which stands for drinking urine, flogging and walking the plank. The two ships are of the Extender class fleet oiler and transport being 7203 Liftmaster and 7204 Jetstar. Lord Rotarios said, "These new ships are efficient and operated with heightened professionalism! The New DDS is about purpose not waste."

The forthcoming Pentekonter class patrol ship was also officially unveiled. The ship will now be equipped with a Type 1C transphasic missile launcher (with 12 rounds), an ion cannon and 5 RV-4 missile launchers. Construction of the first of the class 3501 Thucydides has begun and should enter service next spring.

The Extender class oiler Posted by Picasa

The new Pentekonter class patrol ship, construction of which is about to start Posted by Picasa


DDS heroes reveal their movie picks!

Recently Proxima Film Fun magazine asked various famous DDS members what their favourite movies of all time were. The results were quite interesting. Former commander The Shiner chose Wall Street rather unsurprisingly. Firefly unveiled a unknown romantic side when he picked Gone With The Wind 7 : This Time Its Personal!

Horsehead, unsurprisingly, plumped for violence in the form of Dirty Harry. He said Harry was his role model. Lord Rotarios, hail his polished head!, said he did not watch films as a rule but he did once see Carry On Abroad and thought it was agreeable. His acolytes Vodaphone and Action Painting chose E.T. and Star Wars, showing a shared love for science-fiction.

Biggest surprise was Windscorpion who chose Caddyshack 2...

Events this week : Ship namings / Pentekonter

On the 12th of August Lord Rotarios shall be officially naming the latest two ships to enter the New DDS Fleet that stands for keelhauling, hard tack and hello sailor! At Solaris Ship Yard the 2 Extender class transport/oilers 7203 Liftmaster and 7204 Jetstar will be named and unveiled.

The design for the Pentekonter class patrol ship will also be officially unveiled and a ceremony to mark the start of the construction of the first example 3501 Thucydides will follow on from the naming ceremony. The first ship is expected to be enter service around May 2106.

Ronald and Jimmy clash over democracy question

Following the Dino Elders meeting it has been reported by Dino Telegraph that the Co-Emperors Ronald and Jimmy have had an arguement over the future of the Dino Empire and it's governance. One insider said the exchange between the two at a meeting of the Inner Circle (the Cabinet) was so heated G-B-H had to intervene to calm them down.

Ronald is known to favour much greater democracy though both want a wholly elected Elders. Ronald wants to revert to one Emperor who is appointed by an expanded Senate (elected by the Elders). He also wants a new elected layer of elected representatives between the local councils and the Elders. Jimmy wants fewer changes, in fact he just wants an elected Elders but all other aspects to remain as they are.

Another voice for change is SS Commander Lakes who wants complete democracy at all levels including the replacement of the Emperor post by an elected President and Prime Minister. His political party Veritas is to hold a number of rallies across Dino Land at the weekend. A sub-committee of the Elders is to discuss the issues next month.

It has also been revealed that a terrorist group planned to attack the Elders meeting but the cell was arrested by SS forces after being uncovered by Tribune Z-B-H.


Sale of Quasars finalised, other fleet news

At a ceremony at DDS GHQ the Raegrian defense minister Yu'Ilasan signed the formal contract for 6 Quasar space cruisers. The 6.7 billion zark deal will bring in much needed funds as well as provide the Raegris with a very powerful fleet of warships. With immediate effect Quasars 1202 to 1207 have been withdrawn from service. They will undergo a light refitting at Solaris Space Dock and modifications for Raegrian service (changing the language, labels, specialist toilet facilities) before entering service with the Raegris fleet around the end of the year.

Director Of Operations Action Painting, who oversaw the signing ceremony, said that there would be other sales of surplus ships soon. 4 of the remaining 5 Intrepid II destroyers were likely to be sold before the end of the year, probably to the Remedians. That was also the most likely destination of the 2 Moscow class EW/Elint ships that would be replaced by the new Marconi class early next year. Action Painting said this sale was still being negotiated but would probably yield around 750 million zarks. He also said that the last remaining Intrepid II would be kept in DDS service as a training/heritage ship.

Characters Of The Week : The Hoods

The shadowy Hoods are the fascist vanguard of the Rotarios regime, some call them vile thugs, others twisted fanatics and some call them "white sheeted f**ks". They are the white robe wearing secret police of the New DDS, the enforcers of the New Law Of Professionalism. Originally they were a mysterious band of thugs who gave out beatings to DDS personnel in the labyrinth of corridors at DDS GHQ. No one knew who was behind them and any efforts to stop them failed.

The main reason for that was that they were in the pay of Vodaphone and Action Painting and they destabilised the regime of The Shiner to allow Lord Rotarios to become commander. The early Hoods are thought to have been criminals and rent-a-thugs but after Rotarios came to power he replaced these with a new generation of fanatics.

The Hoods live a brutally strict and disciplined existance at the DDS, spending their days in pursuit of professional perfection. They enjoy pain and self-denial. The only thing they enjoy more than being beaten by their peers is beating sinners and unprofessional heretics. Under Rotarios' command they have maintained a brutal crackdown on human rights in the DDS.


Jimmy addresses the issue of democracy

Co-Emperor Jimmy gave his keynote to end the Dino Elders meeting where he addressed some of the themes Ronald made at the start of the meeting on wednesday. Jimmy said it was time to introduce more democracy to the Empire. "We made the SS elect their leader and some might say, if the SS can do it then the Empire itself should do it." he told the Elders.

Currently there is very little democracy above a local level in the Empire, the Elders are largely appointed, just 80 out of 300 are elected. The Emperors are elected by those Elders, other top posts are appointed by the Emperors. Jimmy said he would like to see a wholly elected Elders. "We have to be careful not to run before we can walk, there is no history of political parties in the Empire thus to rush into full democracy immediately would be dangerous."

SS Commander Lakes, at a fringe meeting of the Elders later disagreed with his leader however. "I set up the Veritas party for my election and it is ready to become one of the parties vying for power in this Empire. Its not exactly rocket science, we can travel between the stars and create our own wormholes. I hardly think creating a political culture is beyond us!"


Do you want to join the DDS? Well you can't.

Do you want to join the New DDS, which stands for icy showers, being locked in a cupboard and long runs over the moors? Well of course, any somewhat unbalanced individual would wish to join the elite... but there is a problem. The DDS don't accept anyone, infact they won't accept you. Because you are uncool.

Nevermind, on this exciting page you can generate a DDS name for yourself so you can fantasise about it at the very least. Tip : we find Bounty is more absorbant than most paper towels.

Ronald wants fundamental changes in the Dino Empire

Emperor Ronald made a keynote address at the annual meeting of the Dino Elders where he called for fundamental changes in the governance of the Dino Empire. The meeting of the Elders is held once a year and consists of the several hundred Dinos with the most influence in the state, this body is also that which elects Emperors.

"I considered stepping down a short while ago." Ronald said to the Elders, "But I looked around at the candidates to replace me and, with no disrespect to them as they were all fine, they are the same names I saw five years ago. No new blood is coming through, we need to change the way we govern the Empire to allow the young and talented a greater chance to shine."

Ronald called for a a special focus group to consider the options and the Elders agreed to set one up later in the year. It is thought Ronald favours reverting back to a single Emperor drawn from an extended group of Senators, maybe up to 12. Co-Emperor Jimmy was unavailable for comment.


Dr Forbidden announces Terran Sea Block 2 details

Dr Forbidden, the head of DDS Research, has outlined details of the Terran Sea Block 2 in a briefing to DDS Captains. The 3200 Class Terran Sea is the current frigate in construction and to date 6 have been built with 2 currently under construction. The next ship to the laid down (3209 Yellow Sea) will be the first of the Block 2 design and will include a number of improvements.

Following the successful introduction of wireless control technology with the Block 1, the Block 2 will greatly increase the amount of wireless control and remove the remaining cable back-ups. The engine will also be updated to the TL-04i which will increase performance though the Doctor did not specify by how much. Short range sensors will also be enhanced and a new EW/Elint module will be added. The first Block 2 ship will arrive by the end of the year. Dr Forbidden said all Block 1 ships would be updated to Block 2 standard within 1 year of the end of the construction programme.

Dr Forbidden also announced the next interim improvement to the Pulsar. The Pulsar MULE2B programme is due to take place early next year and will take around a week for each ship. The main change includes a redesigned engine core that will add 20-25c to top speed and a new ECM subsystem.

Interview : Action Painting the DDS Director of Operations

Director Of Operations Action Painting kindly gave LVN a brief interview yesterday, here is the edited transcript.

Latest Victory News : Thank you for your time sir, can you briefly describe your role in the DDS?

Action Painting : As Director Of Ops I oversee all combat and security operations and basically run GHQ and other DDS bases.

LVN : You are also the head of the Hoods?

AP : Indeed, I am the commander of the Hood Purity Brigade, they are a key part of DDS Security

LVN : Is security a big issue in the DDS?

AP : In any large organisation it is an issue but in the New DDS, which stands for personal targets, self-denial and smaller rooms, we have been successful in cracking down on un-professional behaviour such as charisma, friendship and enjoyment.

LVN : There was a problem with grafitti, posters of Lord Rotarios were defaced.

AP : CCTV and informers have helped us arrest the ringleaders of these... persons and they have been downsized. There are still a few at large but God will punish them.

LVN : Moving onto combat operations, how easy is it to deal with the egos of the 4 super warriors such as Windscorpion and Sea Urchin.

AP : Easy, I have purity of professionalism on my side. I just ignore their whinings anyway. Now if you will excuse me I have some unprofessional elements to punish...

Lakes announces changes to the SS

New SS Commander Lakes has announced some changes to the formation of the 2 SS Legions and has laid the groundwork for a 3rd SS Legion. The biggest change is the transfer of his personal unit, the bestial Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade from the 2nd to 1st Legions. A new infantry brigade is also being formed to strengthen the 2nd Legion. Lakes also announced a 200 million upgrade programme for the SS' T-88++, T-55Z and TRV-7 armoured vehicles including improved armour and communications.

The line-up of the SS' armed units is now as follows :

1st SS Legion

1st SS Armoured Brigade (Black Death Brigade)
3rd SS Armoured Brigade (Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade)
1st SS Infantry (Mechanized) Brigade (Two-Headed Vulture Brigade)
2nd SS Infantry (Mechanized) Brigade (Arrow Of God Brigade)
5th SS Infantry Brigade (Soldiers Of God Brigade)
SS Artillery Brigade (Firestorm Brigade)
SS Flamethrower Unit

2nd SS Legion

2nd SS Armoured Brigade (Iron Fist Brigade)
3rd SS Infantry (Mechanized) Brigade (Army Of God Brigade)
4th SS Infantry Brigade (Vicious Rebel Brigade)
SS Military Police Brigade (Doom Brigade)


Character Of The Week : Zanus

Zanus is one of the old warriors who has been with Ronald for decades yet he has fallen as far as it is to go yet managed to make a full comeback. The word that best describes Zanus is competant, hes not a star or a dud, hes a journeyman in Ronald's legions. Years of honest toil got him to deputy commander of the 6th Legion at the time of One-Horn yet as he could not see himself rise any higher normally he pitched in with One-Horn's conspiracy.

However despite paying a part in One-Horn's coup Zanus persuaded the deranged one from executing the high-up prisoners he had such as El Diablo. This saved Zanus from the chop when One-Horn fell to the Anointed One (Ronald), Zanus was instead discharged from the army. Zanus made his comeback after helping Ronald capture M-B-H and was restored to the army.

After serving a period of probation Zanus has been promoted to command the 6th Legion. Zanus, since his fall from grace, has become much more humble and pious. He is a loyal member of the team, just don't expect any headlines.