Rotarios tightened his grip on the New DDS but he remained tantalizingly short of total power because of his failure to deal with Windscorpion. Rotarios' ego drove him to think he could control The Apogee of Man however Windy was waiting for his moment to bring down Rotarios, a man he loathed and despised beyond all others.
The moment came when the Utrek, with their Zone allies, launched an attack on the DDS (Second Utrek War). While the rest of the DDS held the line in Remedian space with Dino help Windy was sent to crush the Zones and knock them out once and for all. Windy's fleet engaged with the Zones and crushed them, the DDS then launched a nuclear strike on Zoneland itself.
Vodaphone followed in the Hoods' own ship to launch a second strike on Zoneland with Cobalt-60 warheads to render Zoneland uninhabitable. This is when Windy made his play. Vodaphone and the Hood ship was destroyed by Windy's flag. Windy then returned to GHQ via New Jakarta where the Hood training camp was destroyed from orbit.
Rotarios and the Hoods were unsure what was going on, there were rumours however that Windy was coming to destroy the New DDS. With the Hoods beginning to panic Rotarios made a challenge to Windy to face him in the Hall of Heroes at GHQ for the final battle. Rotarios vowed to crush Windscorpion and finally complete the New DDS Project.
Windy agreed, but of course Rotarios never had any intention facing Windy alone. He assembled every last Hood remaining at GHQ and stormed the Hall. Windy was waiting for them... in an exo-war suit. Windy mowed down Hoods by the score. The rest fled, to be hunted down and killed by Windy's supporters (though a fair few escaped). As for Rotarios well Windy pounded him into a small dense pile of scrap iron.
The New DDS Project had been aborted. Windy was proclaimed the DDS Commander. The Hoods and the old regime were consigned to the dustbin of history. Or were they...