
Dinomark begins overhaul ahead of epic mission

The Dino flagship (and Ronald's personal ship Dinomark) has begun a 6 week overhaul and update ahead of its year long exploration mission next year. The venerable (though so many times updated and rebuilt over the decades there is little left of the original) ship will have the latest tactical updates, plus modifications to its communications equipment. The DDS have agreed to allow the Dinos to use their communication relays in Raegris space in return for intelligence Dinomark gleans on the IKA Federation and Repicans.

Ronald has not yet decided on his crew but it will comprise a mix of 6th Legion veterans plus some new blood.
  • El Diablo goes into the final few weeks of the Consul election holding firm on 53% which would give him an outright win over MBH who is on 31%. However El Diablo knows it is still tight and voters can and often do switch at the last moment, he has begun a final round of campaign visits across the Dino Republic.