
CAC to sell-off non-combat aircraft lines

The Cloneworld state owned aircraft manufacturer CAC has been in the process of refocussing behind combat aircraft and selling off its commercial and utility lines for a few years. The final lines have now been sold to Clone Commercial Aircraft for 1.1 billion zarks. CCA will take over the production lines for the C-440/460 and C-426 from 2113.

As part of the deal CAC will receive 10% of royalty sales (to commercial and export markets) for 10 years. They will also hand over all existing design work and data for the next generations of the various types. Although CCA are going to have to take out a big loan to afford the purchase the C-440 is a cash cow being one of the "Holy Trinity" of aviation types (along with the A-85 and H-26) which will likely remain in production for as long as the HCS exists. The type is also a good export seller to customers including the DDS.

The Clone government say much of the money received from the sale will be put back into the HCSAF budget though this is likely to merely offset budget cuts elsewhere.