Everyone knows the story by now (or should), the 6th Legion was commanded by Jimmy during the attempted coup by the SS led by Telavason over Emperor Juliawaki and was reduced to just 200 men in the bitter battle before Ronald arrived on the scene to slew Telavason. Following the battle (and Ronald's elevation to Emperor) the 6th Legion became Ronald's honour guard and remained at 200 strong.
The 6th Legion has also been a kind of elite unit, with senior Dinos attaching themselves to the 6th while they accompanied Ronald on various adventures across the galaxy. However over the years its number has gradually declined due to death and retirements and transfers. In 2105 the 6th Legion dropped to 107 members and questions started to arise as to whether the 6th should be disbanded and replaced by a regular legion.
Ronald has begun to recruit new blood to the 6th, its numbers now rising to 131 at the last count. Ronald has been hand picking youngsters for the 6th and it has started to take a more active role in Dino affairs. It is thought Ronald wants to use the 6th as the basis for his space exploration next year and beyond. We could indeed be about to return to the old days when Ronald and the 6th Legion got into scrapes on an almost continual basis.