
DDS buy island for new GHQ

The DDS have bought the island of Helnikan off the Proxima 5 government (or rather "swapped" it for some land they already owned that the P5 government wanted) for its new GHQ. The island is to the south of the main archipelago on the mostly water covered planet some 300km from the P5 capital Camacote and 40km from the DDS Communications HQ which is on the neighbouring island of Vanta.

Helnikan has been chosen because of its sheltered location and also the fact it is undeveloped so the DDS will have a clean sheet of paper with which to work with. A cable communication link to DDS Communications HQ will be laid over the next few weeks with direct-line laserlinks to other locations as back-up. Helnikan is not a big island, being around 7km from end to end, but will provide perfectly adequate space for the DDS' intended facilities.

Sea Urchin told the media that the DDS would aim to get the new GHQ up and running by the end of the year. Facilities for the command staff and an airbase would be built first with barracks for troops and other facilities following next year. A dedicated dock for ferries and cargo ships would also be built in the island's natural harbour Ren's Bay. Until the new GHQ was operational Sea Urchin said the DDS would continue to use DDS Communications. That means that the old GHQ on Promixa 7 will now be known as DDS City from immediate effect.

The new GHQ would be much more secure than the old GHQ ISSF chief Torus said. "Being an island in itself will help deter casual visitors and we will be putting in place layered security to help deter the more determined intruder."

An upgrade for the Proxima 5 Orbital Dock would also be arranged including upgraded self-defence systems and to extend the existing docking facilities.

A provisional map of Helnikan has been published by DDS Technology showing possible locations for the buildings to be erected on the island. It is thought that large storage silos and other unspecified buildings will also be erected but kept secret.