
August Flourish 2012

The 2012 edition of August Flourish has been announced and will take place in early August. Like last year it will be a chance for DDS and Starbotian forces to train and exercise alongside each other. Two ships from Molab's fleet are also likely to join in for the final exercise which will take place in Molabite space. The rest of the exercises (mostly mock combat exercises) will take place in space between Starbot and Molab (and hence near to Clone territory). The ships that will take part are :

S202 Lancer (flagship)
H107 / I-21 Tiger
H161 Solaris
M104 Teritary
M131 / I-41 Fearless
M162 North Sea
A163 / I-17 Energy Of Starbot
  • The HCSAF have announced a modest upgrade to around 450 baseline A-85NT COIN aircraft. The upgrade includes modifications to the engine to add the improved turbocharger and IR suppression system of the current production version the NT2. It will also have some modifications to the undercarriage to strength it based on work on the navalised NTN version. The aircraft (to be known as NT2A) will also receive software updates.