

The Dinos and the Space Nazis clash! (Nazis P2)

Wayne King-Meiouf : The real New DDS

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The pace of change is breath taking, the latest DDS change being the relocation from Proxima 7 to 5. This however is a rather overdue move which i know the DDS have been considering for some years as the edges of GHQ and Hexian City have grown ever nearer.

Years ago when Rotarios came to power he rebranded the DDS as the New DDS and promised a whole raft of changes. Indeed we did see some though the most notable change appeared to be the tyranny of the Hoods. On the whole the DDS remained pretty much as it had been before, and AP in his remix of the worst excesses of Rotariosism did not change things much either.

But now in a few weeks Firefly has changed the structure of the DDS, bringing in a new Territorial Force, the Internal Security & Special Forces division, reorganising the fleet, will move GHQ and there is likely to be more to come. One of the first things Firefly did ironically was remove the "New" prefix on the DDS name, ironic because the DDS he is rebuilding can pretty much be seen as a "New DDS".

So what next? Well i think we have seen the biggest changes for now, reorganisations that Firefly's lieutenants have been planning for some time. The next changes will wait now until the various DDS reviews on the fleet, non-space forces, special forces and technology report back over the next 12 months. If change is recommended then Firefly has shown that he will carry them out. The New DDS is here to stay!

New GHQ to cost 350 million

The Shiner has told the media that building the new GHQ on an island on Proxima 5 will cost around 350 million zarks. Part of the cost will be offset by a 75 million zark land sale on Solaris as the Land Division part of Territorial Force (the old New DDS Army) will move its HQ to DDS City next year allowing their current location on Solaris to be sold. The Proxima 5 government will not contribute The Shiner said, as they are not rich like their P7 neighbours, though they will upgrade Camacote Spaceport and the adjoining airport next year adding a dedicated DDS terminal.

The Shiner also revealed some more details on what will be built on Helnikan Island. The major sites on the island will be linked by an underground railway, this also implies that an underground bunker will be built under GHQ though The Shiner did not comment on this. The small Rotos Isle which is close by Helnikan will be joined by a line of the railway as well as a bridge. Rotos will host an ISSF base, thought to be where the Marine Prowler Unit will be based.

One of the priorities will be the construction of an airbase, this will house a squadron of TPM-A equipped F-10S as well as being able to receive passenger planes from Camacote. The Shiner revealed that the DDS were currently in negotiations with the Clones for 25 A-85NTK COIN aircraft, this is the "marinized" version of the NT which has modifications to its sensors, filters and emergency equipment to suit operations over water. The DDS will use these to patrol the waters around Helnikan. Extra passenger jets will also be bought though this will wait until next year.

A geological survey of Helnikan will begin next week and construction is hoped to start of the airbase and GHQ in September. The Shiner said that the aim was for command functions to transfer to the new GHQ by the end of the year and for the new GHQ to be fully operational by the end of 2113.
  • Bolitic Emperor Melson and his rival Erinthorn have met on the battle planet of Smolask, though "holding their swords by the blades" which is a Bolitic saying for talk not war (it sounds better in Bolitician : "kela wakaki sa!") Its not thought the talks were that fruitful but as no battles or murders occurred that in Bolitic terms can only be a success.
  • Windy is in talks with Consolidated Spacecraft for a replacement for his destroyed personal ship SS Stoke City


DDS buy island for new GHQ

The DDS have bought the island of Helnikan off the Proxima 5 government (or rather "swapped" it for some land they already owned that the P5 government wanted) for its new GHQ. The island is to the south of the main archipelago on the mostly water covered planet some 300km from the P5 capital Camacote and 40km from the DDS Communications HQ which is on the neighbouring island of Vanta.

Helnikan has been chosen because of its sheltered location and also the fact it is undeveloped so the DDS will have a clean sheet of paper with which to work with. A cable communication link to DDS Communications HQ will be laid over the next few weeks with direct-line laserlinks to other locations as back-up. Helnikan is not a big island, being around 7km from end to end, but will provide perfectly adequate space for the DDS' intended facilities.

Sea Urchin told the media that the DDS would aim to get the new GHQ up and running by the end of the year. Facilities for the command staff and an airbase would be built first with barracks for troops and other facilities following next year. A dedicated dock for ferries and cargo ships would also be built in the island's natural harbour Ren's Bay. Until the new GHQ was operational Sea Urchin said the DDS would continue to use DDS Communications. That means that the old GHQ on Promixa 7 will now be known as DDS City from immediate effect.

The new GHQ would be much more secure than the old GHQ ISSF chief Torus said. "Being an island in itself will help deter casual visitors and we will be putting in place layered security to help deter the more determined intruder."

An upgrade for the Proxima 5 Orbital Dock would also be arranged including upgraded self-defence systems and to extend the existing docking facilities.

A provisional map of Helnikan has been published by DDS Technology showing possible locations for the buildings to be erected on the island. It is thought that large storage silos and other unspecified buildings will also be erected but kept secret.


Firefly agrees to initial design funding for "Protector 35C"

Firefly has agreed funding for initial design and specification work on the third generation Type 35 heavy combat ship. Although nothing has been ordered yet the initial design work is a strong indicator that the DDS will go ahead with a third batch of the ship following on from the Panther 35A and Indy 35B. The DDS are said to want the third generation to bridge the gap between the combat focussed Panther and multi-role Indy, it is possible the third generation will feature a more modular design.

Its rumoured the ships could be known as the Protector 35C though this may be just a temporary name, ship class names often change during development.


August Flourish 2012

The 2012 edition of August Flourish has been announced and will take place in early August. Like last year it will be a chance for DDS and Starbotian forces to train and exercise alongside each other. Two ships from Molab's fleet are also likely to join in for the final exercise which will take place in Molabite space. The rest of the exercises (mostly mock combat exercises) will take place in space between Starbot and Molab (and hence near to Clone territory). The ships that will take part are :

S202 Lancer (flagship)
H107 / I-21 Tiger
H161 Solaris
M104 Teritary
M131 / I-41 Fearless
M162 North Sea
A163 / I-17 Energy Of Starbot
  • The HCSAF have announced a modest upgrade to around 450 baseline A-85NT COIN aircraft. The upgrade includes modifications to the engine to add the improved turbocharger and IR suppression system of the current production version the NT2. It will also have some modifications to the undercarriage to strength it based on work on the navalised NTN version. The aircraft (to be known as NT2A) will also receive software updates.


Rumours confirmed! DDS will move HQ from Proxima 7!

At the moment DDS GHQ isn't. Command functions, the Politburo and general staff of the DDS have relocated to DDS Communications HQ on Proxima 5 while Proxima 7's GHQ's communications sub-system is repaired. It is now likely however that command functions will not return to Proxima 7 even after the repairs are completed early next month. Firefly has confirmed that the DDS will move its HQ to Proxima 5, though the exact location is as yet undecided.

The DDS have been mulling a move from GHQ for a couple of years now. When the DDS first set up the plot on Proxima 7 as their main base it was in countryside a few miles from Hexian City, the Proximan (and UNP) capital. However over the last couple of decades both Hexian City and GHQ have grown dramatically and so there is little space left between where one ends and the other begins. The recent PRB attacks have highlighted the problems with security at GHQ which is a sprawling campus, and also the risk attacks can pose to the millions of people living in Hexian City nearby.

Proxima 5 is a much less populous world, 83% of its surface being water. DDS Communications HQ is typical of the scattering of DDS offices on the planet being located on one of the many islands on the planet and with only a small civilian population nearby. Moving GHQ here would assist with security the ISSF say.

Firefly said that when GHQ moves the existing base on Proxima 7 would be renamed DDS City and would remain the administrative heart of the DDS as well as the main transport and logistical hub. "DDS City will remain our biggest facility as command functions are only a small part of what it does." he said.

Torus said that moving command functions would mean moving around 80 staff to Proxima 5 to support those already there, and permanently relocate the Prowler units dedicated to guarding the DDS Politburo. The infantry brigade which defends GHQ is likely to also be moved. TPM-A armed F-10S have already been relocated.

More details including the location of the new GHQ will be revealed in coming weeks.



Ronald vs the Nazis
Nazis come from outer space and only Ronald can save us (Nazis P1)

Alert status reduced

Head of ISSF Torus has said that the DDS alert status has been reduced to GREEN because of a reduced risk of reprisals by the old regime, very little of which is now extant. A few scattered Hood diehards have been detected and eliminated by SFX who has been tasked with this duty. Most of the remaining Hoods (thought to be around 400) have surrendered and applied to become normal DDS members. Intense psychological evaluations will have to be carried out on the former Hoods first to see if they are suitable.

Decontamination of SS Cicero has been completed and the ship will now be swept for any bugs or devices left behind by the old regime. Firefly hopes to use it for his first trip away from GHQ in mid-August. He will visit Liberation and Starbot and will also stop over at Porquat 640 on the way back.
  • The Eritran Free States have placed an order for 60 F-10SEPE along with 500 TPM-A air-space missiles with the DDS. The value of the order and a delivery date has not been revealed. The fighters will be shared by the EFS members and provide a layer of defence against ships in low orbit.
  • The DDS House System, where personnel were split into 4 houses which competed for merit points has been abolished. It was bought back by AP but never took off with the DDS.
  • Repairs at GHQ to the communication sub-systems which were badly damaged in the coup will take longer than expected according to DDS Communications. Key command functions have already been moved to DDS Communications HQ on Proxima 5 and this will continue to be the temporary base of the DDS Politburo until GHQ's repairs are completed sometime in August. As this temporary base is not as well protected as some DDS facilities a squadron of TPM-A armed F-10S has been relocated from Proxima 7 for the time being.

DDS History & Timeline Project

We are proud to announce the latest site in the DDS network, the DDS History & Timeline Project. This replaces the old published timeline and will be a website dedicated to the DDS' rich history and heritage. You can see a timeline of events in the DDS Universe from the earliest mists of time to the latest happenings in 2112 as well as various lists and appendices.

More information will be added over the following months so keep tuned!


Wayne King-Meiouf : The age of change

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Firefly has only been in post for a few days but already the DDS seems to be changing rapidly beyond recognition. Just how could someone who had not planned to be the DDS Commander managed to come up with so many plans for change so quickly?

The answer is of course, he hasn't. Firefly has given his two deputies Knobhead and Sea Urchin free rein to make the changes to the DDS they have wanted for months or even years. Firefly has said he wants a much more democratic approach to the DDS, and to let the true experts lead innovation. Well he is being true to his word.

Many of the changes have been cosmetic of course, it doesn't take long to change the name of a department. Even the fleet changes are mostly administrative and the new ORBAT reflects the DDS' fleet allocation as it actually is without the bureaucratic layer of the old fleet system.

However bigger changes are on the horizon, these though will be based on the various reviews that are ongoing. Firefly is intent on redefining the DDS for the 2110s and beyond. This is truly the age of change.


DDS form Terrestrial Force from Army and Air Force

One of the first things Firefly did was disband the New DDS Army and DDS Air Force and merge the two forces into a unified command. Although this will take some months to complete work is fully under way, what this new force will be called has not been announced until now. To complement DDS Space Force the new force will be called DDS Terrestrial Force.

Its commander Zeppelin said that Terrestrial Force would have 2 key roles, one would be to supply a powerful expeditionary force for deployment by the DDS Amphibious Warfare Squadron. The other would be air defence of DDS bases and to provide back-up to DDS Internal Security & Special Forces (ISSF).

The force structure of the Terrestrial Force was currently under review Zeppelin said and further announcements on this would follow later in the year. Terrestrial Force consists of an Air Division, Land Division, Communications Department and a Command Department.


Shuttle not to be named after AP

One of the Coril 86B shuttles on order, A588 due for delivery next year, was to have been named after the former DDS Commander AP. However because of the crimes AP committed and was responsible for during his reign as commander, including the murder of The Orchid and hundreds of other DDS. The ship will now be named after Knobhead instead.

A ship already in service is A584 Redjec, it was considered to also rename this ship but because of Redjec's key role in overturning the AP regime before he died Firefly has decided Redjec received enough redemption as to not lose this honour.


DDS Politburo have first meeting

The DDS Politburo, set up by Firefly to replace the DDS Ruling Council, has had its first meeting. The meeting was held at the DDS Communications HQ on Proxima 5 because of the disruption at GHQ (which included damage to communication networks when C-Block was destroyed). Some members of the Politburo attended virtually via secure video link.

Firefly said that his new vision for the DDS was one with fairness and democracy. "We must put clear water between ourselves and the AP regime." he said, "The DDS' morality has sunk to new depths, we must restore that morality and restore our reputation."

Windscorpion is understood to have made other members of the Politburo gasp when he revealed what Redjec told him of the old regime's crimes including a false-flag terrorist attack (the second PRB incident) and the destruction of DDS warships for political gain, including the murder of The Orchid it is alleged. Sea Urchin said that an investigation into the crimes of the old regime must be carried out and in the open spirit of the Firefly DDS it was rather apt that this became the first democratically agreed decision by the Politburo.
  • Ice Ranger has been appointed the Deputy to Torus, Head of ISSF. Ice Ranger will take overall charge of the Prowler special forces. 
  • El Diablo has pushed closer to the 51% he needs in November's Consul election to win in the first round (otherwise there would be a run-off against the candidate in second place). The latest poll puts him at 46% ahead of MBH who has also increased his poll rating to 36% but he still trails well behind. Malanson has dropped to 16%.


Firefly to use Cicero

AP's flagship SS Cicero, a Rome 46A patrol ship retrofitted with advanced communication facilities and worm drive, was an early victim of the coup. The reactor radiation shield suffered a catastrophic failure killing the entire crew of Hoods. It now transpires this was due to an info-attack launched by Redjec before he died aboard SS Stoke City.

Cicero has been towed to Solaris OHQ where it is undergoing decontamination and removal of compromised organic materials (i.e. dead Hoods). New DDS Commander Firefly has decided to continue using Cicero as his flagship and it should be ready for his use by mid-August.
  • Firefly has said the "New DDS" name will be dropped and the DDS will be known as... The DDS from now on. A deadline for marketing and display materials for September has been set for the removal of the "new"s. The star logo will be retained however.


DDS Space Fleet reorganised

The Deputy Head of the Space Fleet Von Kane has announced some changes to how the fleet is organised. Traditionally the fleet has been split into three commands (Combat, Patrol and Logistics) and assets from these commands split between the three DDS sectors : DDS North, DDS Centre and DDS South. From now on these sectors will be administrative only with assets instead allocated to home ports and not sectors.

For example an Isometric 41A allocated to Patrol Command may be home ported at Mila in the Remedian Belt but no longer will it be assigned to a "DDS North" fleet. The change is subtle but means the DDS are to do away with the 3 sector fleet commander roles instead fleet commanders will be assigned to a fleet deployment when needed.
  • The July Wave exercise has been cancelled for this year. The deployment was used as a cover for forces used to bring down the old regime but it has been decided to not run the exercise now because of the losses incurred by the New DDS Army in the battle.
  • Director Sea Urchin has said that all current procurement programmes will be honoured. There had been a query if the order for 48 Cherrybee CBH-90 helicopters would continue as the helicopters had been ordered for use by the Hoods. Sea Urchin has said that the helicopters will be useful assets for patrol and general utility.


Dino View : Return of the 6th Legion?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Everyone knows the story by now (or should), the 6th Legion was commanded by Jimmy during the attempted coup by the SS led by Telavason over Emperor Juliawaki and was reduced to just 200 men in the bitter battle before Ronald arrived on the scene to slew Telavason. Following the battle (and Ronald's elevation to Emperor) the 6th Legion became Ronald's honour guard and remained at 200 strong.

The 6th Legion has also been a kind of elite unit, with senior Dinos attaching themselves to the 6th while they accompanied Ronald on various adventures across the galaxy. However over the years its number has gradually declined due to death and retirements and transfers. In 2105 the 6th Legion dropped to 107 members and questions started to arise as to whether the 6th should be disbanded and replaced by a regular legion.

Ronald has begun to recruit new blood to the 6th, its numbers now rising to 131 at the last count. Ronald has been hand picking youngsters for the 6th and it has started to take a more active role in Dino affairs. It is thought Ronald wants to use the 6th as the basis for his space exploration next year and beyond. We could indeed be about to return to the old days when Ronald and the 6th Legion got into scrapes on an almost continual basis.

Firefly unveils revised command structure

The new DDS Commander Firefly has unveiled a revised command structure for the DDS :

As announced yesterday Knobhead and Sea Urchin will be Deputy Commanders alongside their existing roles. Firefly said they will alternate on a monthly basis as to who would take over in the event the Commander was incapacitated or unavailable.

Firefly has dissolved the old DDS Ruling Council and formed what is to known as the Politburo. It will act as the "Senate" of the DDS, discussing and voting on major decisions such as declarations of war and major procurements and reorganisations. The Politburo will consist of Firefly, Windscorpion, Knobhead, Sea Urchin, Caratore, The Shiner, Lord Argox and S101. The DDS representatives from the Raegris and Porquat 640 (currently Ken'Saka and Gorlan Fe respectively) will also be included.

Another change is the dissolving of DDS Security, the old power base of the AP regime. Responsibility for base security and counter-terrorism will be given to a new Internal Security & Special Forces (ISSF) Department which will also include the Prowler units which will be transferred from the army. Torus has been appointed the head of ISSF, a surprise as she was considered an AP loyalist (though did not support the regime during Knobhead's uprising). Firefly said he has interviewed Torus personally and believes Torus was loyal to the office of DDS Commander and not who was in the position and thus is suitable to head ISSF.

Knobhead's Operations Division has been reorganised. Caratore has taken command of the space fleet with Von Kane his deputy. The fleet will no longer be split into 3 area based commands though fuller details will be given later. The New DDS Army and DDS Air Force will be abolished and instead there will be a combined Land & Air Forces (name TBA) which will merge the two. This will be under the command of Zeppelin.

The Shiner has been given City Commander status (i.e. head of GHQ) to go with his existing finance portfolio. Base facilities have been placed inside Sea Urchin's Technology Division (which may be renamed).

Finally Windscorpion has been given the role of "special adviser", and will be part of the Politburo of course. He will remain officially outside the DDS as head of iP Services though in reality he will perform a key role in the direction and operation of the DDS.

Firefly addressed the DDS and said that the changes would help bring stability to the DDS and help mend the damage of the AP regime. More announcements on changes to the DDS will follow over the next few days and weeks.
  • Zeppelin has officially disbanded the various Hood brigades that were part of the New DDS Army. The rest of the Army's structure has been left untouched pending a review of forces and how the army and air force will be integrated.
  • The death toll in the bitter battle of GHQ has been revised to 13,489 though this may rise as the rubble (mostly from the tower block that was destroyed) is cleared.


Fleet News (16/07/12)

  • A new Indy 35B has joined the fleet, it is the Starbotian operated H127 Irresistable / I-36.
  • Panther 35A H112 Royal Tiger has been fitted with worm drive.

Wayne King-Meiouf : A new direction

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The shocking events of yesterday have taken everyone by surprise, though the extreme direction of AP's regime over the last few months was perhaps an indication that things might soon come to a head.

The return of Firefly and his elevation to become the latest DDS Commander is an indication of the new direction of the DDS, directed by Windscorpion but firmly behind the throne. Windy has said he will remain separate from the DDS but his influence will surely be felt by many (no sniggering please).

I suspect the DDS (or New New DDS) will be a very different beast, truly professional but without the extremism of AP, pragmatic not dogmatic. I think the key to DDS prosperity and growth will be the extent to which Firefly can be his own man and not Windy's puppet. The next few months will be very interesting.

Firefly and Windscorpion address the DDS

This morning the new DDS Commander Firefly and his brother Windscorpion addressed the DDS and the galaxy's media at a press conference at DDS GHQ, the home of the DDS still smoldering after yesterdays battle.

Firefly confirmed that he had been resurrected by the same method Windy had years before via a parallel universe though did not elaborate. Firefly called on the DDS to remain calm, "The next few days may be tense but we must remain calm and keep vigilant. There may be loyalists to the old regime still at large, i call upon these to stand down or face the consequences." The consequences may be severe as Firefly said SFX had been appointed to head a special Prowler unit dedicated to hunting down remaining Hoods and AP loyalists.

Firefly said that the alert status had been reduced to AMBER and the priority was to get GHQ back up and running as normal. The base had suffered a lot of damage including the destruction of an entire tower block. The total number of casualties from yesterday (including Hoods) has been estimated at over 12,000 but may rise. As to the Hoods Firefly said the organisation was banned from now on and surviving Hoods would be suspended pending vetting. "If they can prove loyalty to the DDS and not to AP's twisted vision then they may be allowed to stay if not then they will be kicked out."

Windy said that he was not rejoining the DDS but his organisation iP Services would become more tightly linked to the DDS. He would have a vote on the new Politburo Firefly was setting up to replace the old DDS Ruling Council. More details on this and other changes to the DDS would be announced later on.
  • One further announcement was made following the press conference (Firefly admitted he forgot). Knobhead and Sea Urchin have been made joint-Deputy DDS Commanders as well as retaining their roles as Director Of Operations and Director Of Technology.


Windy and Knobhead bring down the AP regime

In a day of bloodshed and shocks the regime of AP has ended following an attack on GHQ by forces loyal to Knobhead and Zeppelin. As his regime collapsed around him AP tried to escape but was killed by Windy in a massive explosion.

The attack began earlier today when Rome 46As under Knobhead's command attacked GHQ and destroyed Hood bases on the outskirts. Landing pods then were deployed along with Prowler special forces to land hundreds of New DDS Army soldiers.

AP had earlier ordered the mobilisation of the entire Hood organisation and a lockdown of GHQ with the mainly unarmed DDS personnel there confined to quarters. GHQ quickly became a bitter battleground between the Hoods and Knobhead's troops. AP tried to force Knobhead to surrender by destroying one of the tower blocks at GHQ, hundreds died in this action alone. The battle however had ground down into a stalemate, AP intent on a war of attrition he knew he had the numbers to win.

But then Windy and the Triad, including Firefly who was resurrected the same way Windy was years before, entered the fray. In a brutal assault they broke through the Hood lines. The Hood resolve crumbled. AP tried to escape but was killed by Windy, LPG was killed by SFX. The Hoods themselves were slaughtered in their hundreds.

The death toll over a smouldering DDS GHQ has put in the thousands though the battle has now ended. Many Hoods were killed and those who survived (and are elsewhere in the DDS) have been arrested on Windy's orders. Windy's final act was to declare his brother Firefly as the new DDS Commander. The DDS remains at the highest alert however, Firefly and Windy will hold a media briefing tomorrow.


Project Completed
Windscorpion destroys the New DDS Project (Endgame P6)


The Darkest Days
The civil war at GHQ begins (Endgame P5)


F-47 unveiled to press

The HCSAF's newest fighter, the F-47, has been officially unveiled to the media. The light fighter, designed to replace F-40s on the more minor worlds in the Clone Star Empire, is currently undergoing HCSAF operational testing and evaluation ahead of an entry into service in a few months. Up until now the HCSAF have kept it under wraps but now feel its time to show the type.

The F-47 is fairly unusual in that it is a subsonic basic fighter however for its role it will likely be perfect, and is much cheaper to maintain and operate than the ageing F-40s it will replace. Even taking into account the new build costs the HCSAF estimate the F-47 will pay for itself within 5 years of replacing a legacy plane.
  • DDS Commander AP has ordered a full lock-down of DDS GHQ and a curfew for none-Hood and DDS Security. Knobhead is understood to have taken a position in high orbit over Proxima 7 with his task force which includes several amphibious landing ships.


Knobhead challenges AP

For the duration of the emergency this website, although part of the DDS, has decided to adopt a neutral tone and will report both sides evenly.

Director of Operations Knobhead has been unmasked by AP as leading a conspiracy against the DDS Commander and is seeking to replace AP and the Hoods. Knobhead is leading a sizable proportion of the New DDS Army under the command of Zeppelin to DDS GHQ. Sea Urchin is also thought to be involved with the conspiracy.

Knobhead addressed the DDS (before being cut off) and said that the time had come to bring down the AP regime which he called "degenerate and criminal". Knobhead said AP, LPG and the Hoods would be placed under arrest. Sea Urchin would be named a temporary caretaker commander and an election for a new commander would be held. Knobhead added that he would not stand in the election.

AP however has called Knobhead an "usurper". On the DDS TV channel he called upon the DDS and Hoods to "bring down the traitors". "They must be crushed like the bugs they are!" AP said, "Seek out the usurpers and we will bring them to justice!"
  • AP has raised the alert status to RED indicating a battle between DDS forces loyal to AP and those allied to Knobhead is expected.
  • There are unconfirmed reports SS Cicero has suffered an accident, contact with the ship (which is in the Proximan system) has been lost by DDS Engineering.



Wheels Within Wheels
AP confronts the plotters (Endgame P4)

Senior Comms : A Call To Arms

Hibiscus, Senior Communications Officer

Dark forces are circling the DDS and are threatening to derail the New DDS Project. This cannot be allowed to happen, years of work and progress must not be snuffed out by the denizens of sloth and decay.

The New DDS Project has rebuilt the DDS on the foundations of work, professionalism and virtue. It has swept aside the sloth and distractions of fun, beer, girls and money. These are false happiness vectors and must be opposed! The New DDS Project stands for personal growth, true happiness through self-denial and frugality and holistic self-actualisation. I call upon the DDS in your social working clusters to help facilitate a raft of action vectors to this external threat of anti-change management so we can rightsize a full-spectrum response.

At the end of the day the DDS : men, women and Hoods can be reunited through their purity of professionalism. The external agents of anti-change management may try and derail the New DDS Project but we will stand firm! It is time for us to fight for professionalism! Rise up and eject the enemies of professionalism! Sanctimonia of voluntas!

Redjec reported to be dead

Deputy & City Commander Redjec is reported to have died in the explosion that destroyed SS Stoke City. Why he was on Windy's ship is unsure but it has been confirmed by iP Services that he was among those aboard the ship when it exploded with the loss of all hands.

Redjec was on extended compassionate leave after the death of his wife so LPG has already been carrying out his duties for him. There is no word yet as to who will take over Redjec's roles permanently. No one in the senior DDS leadership was available for comment.
  • The HCSAF is currently struggling with having to recapitalise much of its training fleet at the same time as the T-75 basic trainer and T-1 jet trainer both reach the end of their lives. The T-76 is currently in series production to replace the 75 and new build T-1Ms are under construction to replace the oldest jet trainers. However the T-1 fleet is aging fast and the HCSAF can't afford to produce new trainers fast enough. Instead the HCSAF have unveiled a plan to rebuild life-expired T-1s as the T-1MR. Under this programme the old planes are rebuilt and zero-houred and have the same updated avionic fit as a new M. The engine is reconditioned though not replaced as the legacy T-1 has a different internal layout to the M and can't use the new engine. The MR will also retain the original aerodynamics and will not be compatible with current HCSAF weapons for weapon training (though the M fleet is sufficient for that role). Rebuilding an old aircraft to MR is said to cost 57% as much as a new M, the first MR is expected later this year.
  • In further HCSAF training news it has been announced that refurbished former transport C-485s will be used for the new multi-engine trainer. 10 aircraft will be refurbished and fitted for the new role from next year as the T-80 Vulture. The planes will retain full transport carrying capabilities so will be available for that role too in emergencies.


HCS Fleet News (11/07/12)

  • 2 Shark SKBs have joined the fleet as have 2 Freighter TYAs.
  • An Omiten TYJ has been withdrawn. Two new generation oilers have been added to the existing outstanding order, these will be based on the Freighter TY7A platform expected from next year.

First 2 F-10SEP delivered to DDSAF

The first 2 F-10SEP fighters have been delivered to the DDSAF's operational evaluation service ahead of deliveries to combat squadrons later in the year. The SEP is considered the "2.5 generation" of the F-10 and includes an improved wing to enhance agility and fuel economy, uprated engines, improved IR stealth and enhancements to the avionics.

Only 20 SEP are on order for the DDS, though Haylei have also got 50 of the modified SEPH on order. It is expected the DDS will increase their order once Haylei receive their aircraft. Rebuilds of the oldest F-10S to SEP standard may be a possibility though the DDSAF have yet to announce any plans.


Windy's ship destroyed

Windy's personal "special duties" ship, a Fellowship 75A transport called SS Stoke City, has exploded over Proxima 7. Windy and the Triad were not aboard the ship though it is thought Inspector Black Hat died in the explosion. The reason for the explosion is unknown though some reports suggest other ships in orbit detected a nuclear detonation beforehand which indicates either an accident or terrorism.

DDS Commander AP has raised the DDS alert status to ORANGE as a precaution. Windy is said to be returning to Proxima 7 from an unspecified mission away and was unavailable for comment.
  • Director Of Technology Sea Urchin has been suspended until further notice by the DDS. No reason has been given.


CAC develop KC-460 and upgrade

CAC have developed a tanker version of the C-460 transport for the HCSAF as part of an upgrade to the C-460. The new C-460B is based on the 460-2 airliner and has uprated engines, increased range and improved avionics. The order for the type has been increased to 50, including 20 KC-460s. The increase is at the expense of the C-440 order which has been reduced to 110 (though the type is on a rolling-production contract like the A-85 and H-26).
  • A second Pentekonter-E line has begun production, in an effort to reduce the growing backlog of orders for the type. The old Rome 46A jig was repurposed for the work (though was the original Pentekonter jig in any case). It will build an unspecified number of ships until being shut down and prepared for the Corkscrew 51A late next year.


UV180 : Cowshed

  • Over The Line - Windy confronts Rathun (Rock P3) 
  • First Contact - Ronald describes first contact between the Dinos and Hew-mons (Origins P1) 
  • Knock-Out! - Ronald's reward turns sour (Origins P2) 
  • The End Of Reality - Telavason usurps the Emperor (Origins P3) 
  • Pure + Simple - Ronald confronts the usurper (Origins P4) 
  • Biggest - Who is being bought back? (Endgame P1) 
  • Brightest - Windscorpion meets Redjec, a meeting between man and gerbil (Endgame P2)


Redjec begs for his life (Endgame P3)


DDS confirm crew loss of SS Velocity

The DDS have confirmed rumours that the crew of the Solaris 37C HCS SS Velocity were lost when the radiation shield around the reactor array suffered a complete failure. The entire crew died within seconds as vast quantities of radiation were released. An automatic reactor shutdown did occur but by then the crew were dead.

The ship was retrieved by DDS Engineering and then towed to Liberation for decontamination and analysis. Although this incident occurred around a month ago the DDS have only just reported it (though families of the dead crew were informed earlier). As a precaution the entire Solaris fleet was taken out of service to examine the reactor shielding but the ships were returned to service soon after because telemetry analysis from Velocity indicates crew error was the cause of the failure. Procedures have been revised for the DDS fleet in general and a software patch to help prevent such an error resulting in a catastrophe will be released within the next few days.

SS Velocity is expected to return to service in August. The DDS are now looking at secondary radiation shielding to kick in to help prevent such an incident reoccurring even if the primary shield fails again.



Windscorpion meets Redjec, a meeting between man and gerbil (Endgame P2)

Further Dino Republic changes agreed

A supplementary bill sponsored by MBH (and presented by Ronald) has also been agreed by the Dino Senate, thought to be part of the deal to let Ronald's bill go through unopposed by MBH's faction. The most important part of MBH's bill is the ability to demote a Senator if they have been away from the Senate for a full year. After a year the Senator's status can be put under scrutiny and if it is thought the Senator would not return to duty soon then they can be removed from the Senate. Ronald would not be affected by this as he is a Senator for life no matter if he never attends a session again. If GBH is away for a year accompanying Ronald on his voyage then his post could come under question though he would only be removed if it was felt he wouldn't return within a reasonable space of time.

Another change is loosening the restriction on only Consuls being able to present bills to the Senate. From next year Senators can do this too if they have their bill co-sponsored by 2 other Senators.

The final change is a freeze on the size of the Senate which will consist of a Consul and 11 Senators from next year. Over the years it has slowly increased in size but MBH says the Senate should remain at its current size for the foreseeable future.
  • The DDS' new in-house land weapons company SMA has published some details of the forthcoming standard DDS tank, the T-62Y. Based on the existing T-62-20 the Y will have an improved communications system with built-in data encryption, its gun will also be modified in order for it to be able to fire a new generation ATGW (name currently unknown but the DDS are testing it). Testing of the T-62Y will begin before the end of the year. As a stop-gap the DDS have agreed a 9 million zark contract with the Dinos to upgrade their fleet of T-55Zs (which will remain in service until 2120 at least). The upgrade includes improvements from the ZDM programme.


Changes to Dino Republic ratified

Consul Ronald's bill of changes to the constitution of the Dino Republic have been fully ratified, though the election for the next Consul has already begun assuming the change to a single Consul ruling for 2 years went ahead. That was just one of a raft of measures which Ronald says will take Dino democracy to the next level. The full list of changes are :
  • Dual Consul system to be replaced by a single Consul ruling for 2 years.
  • Consul powers reduced somewhat, now will only be able to veto a bill that does not have unanimous support by the Senate.
  • Consuls cannot stand again for election for 4 years after the end of their term in office (so whomever wins the 2112 election would not be able to stand again until the 2118 election).
  • Senators can be substituted for up to a calendar year. (This has been bought in to allow GBH to accompany Ronald on his planned exploration mission next year. Only Senators with a minister role can be substituted, Ronald who will only be the Head of the Senate will not be able to be substituted neither would Balgason the SS Commander).
  • A new Ministry of Communication will be formed, a Minister post will be appointed to a Senator (likely to be Zanus when he stands down as Consul in a few months).
  • The Ministry of Cultural Affairs will be renamed the Ministry of Culture & Education (with immediate effect).
  • The role of Senate Executive Officer will be abolished (again with immediate effect), this was largely a ceremonial role in any case and its duties will be taken over by the Head of the Senate. 
  • Jimmy appointed Deputy Head of Senate, a new post which takes effect from the start of next year. This post will be in name only unless the Head of Senate is away or indisposed (Ronald will be away for most of next year) and will take over those mainly ceremonial duties.


Other Fleet News (01/07/12)

  • The Dinos have completed a Dinomark PT for themselves and a Dinomark XT each for Sirikwan and Yeng.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed a Snarl and 2 Meltinans.
  • Putri 500 have received an Extender-E oiler and 2 Coril-E shuttles.
  • Sirikwan have received an Extender-E.

Melson and Erinthorn to meet

Back in February Baron Erinthorn formed the League of the Crystal Sword made up of a number of Bolitic houses not based on Castarian and demanded semi-independence from the Emperor. Erinthorn said the League would remain loyal to the empire and would join in the defence of the realm but wished Melson to not interfere in their affairs.

Melson's response (apart from the usual expletive strewn rhetoric on Bolitic TV) is unknown. Unlike similar incidents in the Bolitic Confederacy's violent past such a challenge has not yet led to civil war but that may be mostly due to the weak state of the Bolitic military at the moment. However now Melson and Erinthorn are to meet on Smolask next month "with hands open" which is a Bolitic term for talk not war.
  • New Arit have postponed the sale of their surviving Pentekonter-E for now. Sirikwan is interested in buying the ship to add to their own fleet (Molab has also shown an interest) but the Aritans have now decided to keep the ship until 2114 when it will be replaced by the first of the new Shark SKH-EA frigates on order from the Clones. The reason is mostly because the Pentekonter-E is the Aritan flagship and the other ships currently in the Aritan fleet (Kalahati Tuuls and Dinomark XTs) are not considered suitable to serve in that role.


DDS celebrate 25 years

The celebrations were toned down somewhat, and the two planned guests of honour (Ronald and Windscorpion) could not turn up but the DDS still celebrated 25 years since its founding with a ceremony at GHQ and a flypast in orbit by a number of DDS warships led by the oldest warship in service SS Beta Centauri.

Also taking part was one of the preserved Pulsar cruisers SS Central America. To everyones surprise the ship traveled past Orbital HQ under its own power. The ship has been restored for sub-light travel in the Proximan system on events like this though its power is provided by a mobile nuclear battery as the original reactor array was decommissioned.

DDS Commander AP said that the next 25 years of the DDS would see ever greater professionalism and personal growth.