
Dino View : Interview with MBH

Senator MBH, one of the key architects of the DTA, was kind enough to grant our Dino correspondent Dralson the following interview.

Dralson : Senator, thank you for taking the time to speak to me. With the breakneck speed with which the DTA is evolving finding time on your schedule must be a very difficult activity.

MBH : Indeed though it is a project that will be ongoing for decades to come. Actually Ronald and I think it will be at least 5 years before the DTA is operating as anything other than the Dinos and their friends.

DR : What exactly are your plans for the DTA? Some have said this is Ronald's DDS 2.0.

MB : That is quite misleading. Ronald started the DDS to combat the Clones and that was the DDS' prime purpose. He even planned to disband the DDS once the Clones were defeated. of course after Ronald was usurped then the DDS have evolved into something else. The DTA is an alliance of the Dinos and like-minded nations for mutual defence and commercial benefit.

DR : Apart from Sirikwan the DTA members you have bought in have been so-far rather weak. Is this a problem?

MB : The DTA should be seen as a medium-term investment. OK we have to prop up the Aritans, Voth and Yengites for now but with our investment and help they will become much stronger and will pull their weight in the DTA before too long.

DR : Part of that investment is the 1 billion zarks to the Aritans. Consul Jimmy has said the Dinos are frittering away whats left of its cash stockpile on unreliable allies.

MB : Well Jimmy is a critic of the DTA but he is wrong about us frittering away our money. The DDS always kept the Aritans on a drip feed, we have decided to trust them with a proper investment instead of the occaisional cast off. In any case at least half of that money will be to buy Dinomark XTs and MXs so it will be recycled in our own economy.

DR : Jimmy's comments were the first real opposition to the DTA, and rather mild in any case. Are you surprised that the formation of the DTA has gone through so smoothly?

MB : No because Ronald and I want it and are driving it. I don't wish to sound conceited as you know i am very modest usually but Ronny and I call the shots in the Dino Republic in reality.

DR : To me the biggest surprise of the DTA has been the alliance between yourself and Ronald, a very short time ago you were at each other's throats and now seem best friends. What has happened?

MB : We still hate each other but we also respect each other. Ronald knows that only I can be considered his equal in the Dino Republic. Lets face it, much of the rest of the governing class consists of mediocre journeymen like Jimmy or yes-men like Gibson (who often says yes i understand). Apart from maybe Cruggson there isn't a lot else in the Senate who could lead the Dinos with vision and courage as myself and Ronald can. The DTA will strengthen the Dinos over the longer run and maybe enable a new generation to one day take over but for now we call the shots and we want the DTA. So it will happen.