
AP crowned the new DDS Commander

Not that it was in any doubt but AP has romped home in a field of one to be crowned the DDS Commander, a role he had been performing with great success in an acting role since the death of The Orchid. Under AP's inspired leadership the DDS have won the war against the ABBOs and is now uniquely placed to be at the heart of the DDS and UNP regeneration.

There was a great spontaneous celebration by DDS personnel at GHQ, though a few needed to be encouraged by the Hoods to celebrate the crowning of the DDS' new leader.

"The hard work starts here!" AP told a delirious crowd, "I am going to redefine the New DDS Project! I am going to provide a steer away from the unprofessional hell of friendship, beer and girls to the wholesome joy of endless hard toil, self-denial and holistic self-actualisation!"